Baldur’s Gate 3: All Playable Races, Subraces, and Their Abilities - AMK Station (2024)

Choosing a race for your character is a crucial first step in Baldur’s Gate 3, as there are numerous selections to choose from and various subraces that provide distinctive abilities. Additionally, there are a plethora of customizable appearance options available.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, players have the opportunity to deeply personalize their characters. They are not limited to just selecting classes and subclasses, as the character creator also offers a range of races and subraces to choose from. These options greatly influence the play style and overall experience within the game.

Despite the overwhelming number of options in Baldur’s Gate 3, choosing the right race for your character can be a challenging task. To assist you in this decision, we have compiled a comprehensive breakdown of each race and their distinctive abilities.

Therefore, these are all the races and subraces available for selection in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Guide to Races, Abilities, and Best Classes in Baldur’s Gate 3


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  • Racial Feature: Fey Ancestry, Superior Darkvision, Proficiency in Rapier, Shortsword, and Hand Crossbow, Dancing Lights Cantrip, Proficiency in Perception, Faerie Fire spell (Level 3), Darkness (Level 5)
  • Subrace: Lolth-Sworn Drow, Seldarine Drow

The Drow, divided into two distinct groups, are highly sought after in the world of Dungeons & Dragons. The first group, known as Lolth-Sword Drow, typically dwell in the Underdark, while the second group, the Seldarine Drow, can be found on the surface. However, caution must be exercised when choosing this race, as they are often associated with wickedness.

The top classes recommended for the Drow.

The Drow is an ideal pairing for The Rogue due to the initial Perception proficiency, additional weapon proficiencies, and spells received while leveling up. These elements greatly enhance your build. One spell in particular, Faerie Fire, is a perfect match as it guarantees all attacks will be Sneak Attacks if it successfully affects the target.

Similarly, the Drow would benefit greatly from the extra proficiencies of a Warlock, just like the Rogue. With the added bonuses of Darkvision and Fey Ancestry, the Warlock’s advantage against being Charmed makes them a formidable force.


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  • Racial Feature: Draconic Ancestry and Breath Attack
  • Subrace: Black, Blue, Brass, Bronze, Copper, Gold, Green, Red, Silver, White
  • Subrace Features: Black (Acid Breath and Resistance to Acid)
  • Subrace Features: Blue (Lightning Breath and Resistance to Lightning)
  • Subrace Features: Brass (Fire Breath and Resistance to Fire)
  • Subrace Features: Bronze (Lightning Breath and Resistance to Lightning)
  • Subrace Features: Copper (Acid Breath and Resistance to Acid)
  • Subrace Features: Gold (Fire Breath and Resistance to Fire)
  • Subrace Features: Green (Poison Breath and Resistance to Poison)
  • Subrace Features: Red (Fire Breath and Resistance to Fire)
  • Subrace Features: Silver (Frost Breath and Resistance to Frost)
  • Subrace Features: White (Frost Breath and Resistance to Frost)

While they may be a recent addition to the Forgotten Realms, the Dragonborn possess a fraction of the strength of Bahamut and Tiamat, despite not having the wings and tails of the legendary wyrms from the D&D multiverse. This includes their powerful breath weapon and resistance to their chosen element.

Top classes for Dragonborn

The Sorcerer is a great class for Dragonborn, especially if you specialize in a specific element. The innate resistance to one element can be very beneficial when using it frequently, making it less intimidating to cast spells with area-of-effect damage near you. This allows you to withstand some of the damage and continue casting spells without fear.

The Dragonborn can benefit greatly from choosing the Cleric or Rogue class, thanks to their Breath Attack which provides a strong AoE option in the early stages of the game. Opting for a Brass or Red Dragonborn character may be the most advantageous in the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, where many objects are highly flammable.

Dwarf Species

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  • Racial Feature: Darkvision, Dwarven Resilience, Proficiency in Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, and Warhammer
  • Subrace: Gold Dwarf, Shield Dwarf, Duergar
  • Subrace Feature – Gold Dwarf: Dwarven Toughness
  • Subrace Feature – Shield Dwarf: Light and Medium Armor Proficiency
  • Subrace Feature – Duergar: Superior Darkvision and Duergar Resilience

The dwarves of the Forgotten Realms share many similarities with their Middle-earth counterparts. They live in subterranean halls, using their expertise in mining and crafting to create the most superior weapons and armor in the realm. However, there is one notable difference – the Duergar. These dwarves reside in the treacherous Underdark and frequently engage in battles with the monstrous creatures that lurk in its depths.

Top classes for Dwarves

The Dwarf is a highly suitable choice for the front-line classes such as Barbarians, Fighters, Rangers, and Paladins due to its strong physical build. Whether they are a Gold Dwarf with extra hit points or a Duergar with improved Saving Throws, these added benefits greatly benefit these classes in battle.

Furthermore, the Shield Dwarf excels as a Sorcerer or Wizard. This is due to the added Armor Proficiency, allowing for the use of superior equipment at lower levels, eliminating the need to wait a significant amount of time for better magical robes.

Character Profile: Elf

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  • Racial Feature: Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Proficiency in Longsword, Shortsword, Longbow, and Shortbow, Proficiency in Perception,
  • Subrace: High-Elf, Wood-Elf
  • Subrace Feature – High Elf: Wizard Cantrip
  • Subrace Feature – Wood Elf: Proficiency in Stealth, Fleet of Foot

In the realm of Forgotten Realms, the elves are one of the most ancient races. They dwell in vast forests and aged cities, possessing fae blood and great longevity. The elves are skilled in magic, utilizing their arcane abilities to safeguard their territories against malevolent forces.

The most suitable classes for an Elf.

The most suitable classes for High Elves are the Sorcerer, Wizard, or Warlock, as having an extra Cantrip can prove to be highly beneficial. Additionally, providing a Ranger or Rogue with Fire Bolt can be advantageous, as it allows for the ignition of objects at the beginning of a battle.

The Wood Elf’s gifts are valuable to a variety of classes, including those who rely on speed like the Barbarian, Monk, or Rogue with Fleet Foot. Even heavily armored classes, such as a Paladin with the Oath of the Ancients, can benefit from the Wood Elf’s abilities on the battlefield.


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  • Racial Feature: Githyanki Psionics: Mage Hand Conjuration Cantrip, Astral Knowledge, Proficiency in Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shortsword, Longsword, and Greatsword, Enhance Leap (Level 3), Misty Step (Level 5)

The Githyanki are not indigenous to the Forgotten Realms, as their origins lie in the Astral Plane. They were once enslaved by the Mind Flayers, but they eventually rose up against their oppressors and now pursue them throughout the multiverse.

Top courses for Githyanki

Despite their frog-like appearance, the Githyanki are still a great option for the Bard thanks to their additional armor, weapon, and skill proficiencies, as well as bonus spells. They may not look the part, but they can certainly hit the high notes.

The Githyanki is a strong contender for the Fighter or Paladin class, in addition to the Bard. As you progress in levels, the movement spells can compensate for the weight of heavy armor.


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  • Racial Feature: Gnome Cunning
  • Subrace: Deep Gnome, Forest Gnome, Rock Gnome
  • Subrace Feature – Deep Gnome: Superior Darkvision, Stone Camouflage
  • Subrace Feature – Forest Gnome: Darkivision, Speak with Animals
  • Subrace Feature – Rock Gnome: Darkvision, Artificer’s Lore

Despite their reputation for being inventive and fond of parties, gnomes can be found in every corner of the Forgotten Realms. However, the Deep Gnomes, also known as Svirfneblin, reside in the Underdark and are known for their gloomier demeanor, a result of their constant battles against the predators that dwell underground.

The most suitable classes for Gnome.

The most suitable classes for the Deep Gnome are either Ranger or Rogue, as Stone Camouflage grants them Advantage on Stealth checks, a valuable advantage for both of these classes.

The optimal choices for a Forest Gnome class are either Druid or Ranger, due to the added benefit of the Speak with Animals spell, which eliminates the need to expend additional resources for this ability.

The most suitable class for the Rock Gnome would be the Wizard, as their Artificer’s Lore allows them to excel in History skill checks.

Race Information: Halfling

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  • Racial Feature: Lucky, Brave
  • Subrace: Lightfoot Halfling, Strongfoot Halfling
  • Subrace Feature – Lightfoot Halfling: Naturally Stealthy
  • Subrace Feature – Stoutheart Halfling: Strongheart Resilience

Despite being a separate race, the Hobbits carve out small settlements throughout the Forgotten Realms where they prefer to keep to themselves and steer clear of the conflicts of the larger races. However, there are some who venture out on their own adventures, which may involve mysterious rings, elusive shadow riders, sentient trees, and, perhaps most daunting of all, legal disputes.

Top courses for Halfling

Additionally, the classes that are highly recommended for both subraces include Bard, Ranger, and Rogue. The benefits of having Advantage on Stealth checks and Poison resilience greatly benefit these classes, as they often take on the crucial role of scout within the party.

Half-Elf Traits

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  • Racial Feature: Fey Ancestry, Darkvision, Proficiency with Spear, Pike, Halberd, Glaive, Light Armor, and Shield
  • Subrace: Half Drow Elf, Half Wood Elf, Half High Elf
  • Subrace Feature – Half Drow Elf: Dancing Lights Cantrip
  • Subrace Feature – Half Wood Elf: Proficiency with Stealth and Fleet of Foot
  • Subrace Feature – Half High Elf: Wizard Cantrip

Ever since humanity and elves established a good relationship, half-elves have existed. They are generally accepted in both societies, but some choose to embark on their own path and become adventurers, journeying between the territories of their two lineages.

The top classes for Half-Elf.

The classes that are effective for the different types of elves are also suitable for their half-elf counterparts. The only distinction is the inclusion of a few extra weapon options, which are likely to be unused.


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  • Racial Feature: Human Versatility, Proficiency with Spear, Pike, Halberd, Glaive, Light Armor, and Shield

Despite their relatively short lifespan, humans make up the largest population in the Forgotten Realms and can be found in every corner of the world. Their determination and drive have propelled many to become renowned heroes, playing crucial roles in defending against the forces of darkness.

Top-rated courses for Human.

Despite having some dire abilities, humans are consistently ranked as the worst race choice in Baldur’s Gate 3. It is perplexing that they were not given the bonus Feat option from D&D 5E, which could have potentially made them a more favorable choice.

If your preference is to play as a human, then your best option would likely be the Sorcerer or Wizard, as they offer additional armor and skill proficiencies that can be beneficial.


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  • Racial Feature: Darkvision, Relentless Endurance, Menacing, Savage Attacks

For the longest time in the Forgotten Realms, Orcs were in conflict with nearly every other race. However, as relationships have improved over the past century, Orc settlements have been formed and connections have been forged with other races. As a result, Half-Orcs have emerged, possessing the strength of their Gruumsh-born ancestors.

Top Recommended Classes for Half-Orcs

As a Half-Orc, your ideal class would be Barbarian or the Champion subclass for the Fighter. You excel in dealing high amounts of damage and maximizing your critical hits, which is further enhanced by your Savage Attacks feature. Additionally, the ability to withstand tough battles is guaranteed through your Relentless Endurance trait.


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  • Racial Feature: Darkvision and Hellish Resistance
  • Subrace: Asmodeus Tiefling, Mephistopheles Tiefling, Zariel Tiefling
  • Subrace Feature – Asmodeus Tiefling: Produce Flame Cantrip, Hellish Rebuke (Level 3), Darkness (Level 5)
  • Subrace Feature – Mephistopheles Tiefling: Mage Hand Cantrip, Burning Hands (Level 3), Flame Blade (Level 3)
  • Subrace Feature – Zariel Tiefling: Thaumaturgy Cantrip, Searing Smite (Level 3), Branding Smite (Level 5)

Despite being born from the union of humans and fiends, Tieflings are not inherently evil. While they possess the blood of demons and devils, their fiendish features and supernatural abilities often make it difficult for them to blend in with society. As a result, many Tieflings choose to embark on the path of an adventurer.

The optimal classes for Tiefling characters are as follows:

The optimum class choices for Asmodeus Tieflings and Mephistopheles Tieflings are Bard, Cleric, Druid, and Warlock. These classes offer valuable damaging and debuff spells that become increasingly advantageous as you progress in levels.

The Zariel Tiefling excels in classes such as Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, or Ranger. With powerful smiting abilities, this race is highly suited for melee combat and is considered one of the top choices for such playstyles in the game.

If you’re considering your next character for Baldur’s Gate 3, why not refer to our Baldur’s Gate 3 class tier list to discover the maximum level cap and learn about multiclassing options.

Baldur’s Gate 3: All Playable Races, Subraces, and Their Abilities - AMK Station (2024)


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