chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (2024)

what i learned

chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (1) Recipe: chinese pork rib soup

Today is a special day. It’s my birthday. But that’s not why the day is special. It’s because two of my good friends share the same birthday with me… and Amy’s twin brother – so make that three!

colorful understory

chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (2)

I received in my email yesterday the best birthday message ever:

Greetings from the future, where it’s already your birthday. The dawning of your birthday in the antipodes was ushered in with the beating of drums, ceremonial dance and breakfast sashimi. Australia has been given a public holiday to mark the occasion, but it is strongly suggested that we either take to the grassy slopes of a nearby park for some mock telemark skiing, or join with other groups at the harbour foreshore for the Grand Crab Boil. At dusk, many Australians will gather with friends, lay down mats facing towards Nederland, Colorado and chant JEN, JEN, JEN…whilst prostrating themselves.

Then we will probably watch some TV.

I did make some carrot cake cupcakes, not for my bday, but because I had bought ten pounds of carrots. Unfortunately the recipe only required two carrots. We took them to our neighbors this evening.

what is carrot cake without cream cheese frosting and a little crystallized ginger on top?

chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (3)

These days I don’t want gifts, cakes, or parties for my birthday. I just want to be well enough to get outside and enjoy it. The past year ranked up there as far as suckage goes, but it wasn’t life altering – it just blew. People say that cancer changed their lives – that it forced them to re-evaluate their priorities. After the diagnosis, surgeries, chemo, radiation, side-effects… I’ve learned something about myself: I learned that my life’s priorities before my diagnosis were bang on. I knew then what was important to me and those same things are just as important to me now. It shouldn’t take death to make us recognize and acknowledge what matters in life. As far as I’m concerned, you only get one shot – so you damn well better make it count.

different perspective

chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (4)

waiting for the snow

chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (5)

I think I learned far more about others than about myself, and not all of it was good. But there were folks who really helped carry me through the last 12 months with small gestures that, for me, meant the difference between loving life and going to that dark place. I consider myself fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life.

small beauties

chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (6)

So there wasn’t anything special going on today except that I needed to eat noodles per the Chinese tradition. You eat long, unbroken noodles on your birthday for long life. Funnily, I forgot to eat noodles on my birthday last year and look at what happened! ha ha ha! Oh, I guess it isn’t all that funny…

get ye some pork

chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (7)

I decided to make some braised pork ribs based on a recipe I got from my ILs a long time ago. The original recipe was called 12345 Ribs. It’s super easy to make. I tried to see if there was a Chinese name for the recipe, but couldn’t find the equivalent. So I gave my parents a call.

flash boiled

chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (8)

When I read the ingredients to my parents my dad immediately said, “Never use vinegar!” and the recipe was henceforth altered. After Dad finished giving me his version of the recipe, he declared that the discussion was no longer productive and went to go do something else. Mom then gave me her version of the recipe and told me it was okay to make it a soup rather than a flashy gourmet dish (Dad’s MO, don’t you know). I think I cook more like my mom than my dad, but Dad as Chef is highly entertaining.

sauté green onions and ginger

chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (9)

You are supposed to use pork ribs, but I got these country style ribs which are really from the shoulder (blade cut). If you want recognizable ribs, you should get ribs cut crosswise in 2-inch slabs and then cut them into 2-inch cubes. For what I was making, any dark meat cut with bone in works. Dad said to briefly boil the pork so the scum and bone bits would release in the water. I drained and rinsed the pork off and then sautéed the meat with ginger and green onions for a few minutes.

add the pork

chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (10)

star anise gives a little kick

chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (11)

I deviated from Dad’s recipe and dumped everything into a saucepan along with sugar, soy sauce, star anise, cooking sherry (I would have used Shao Xing cooking sherry except my DAD used it all up when he was visiting!), and water. I added enough liquid to cover the pork.

chock full of goodies

chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (12)

The contents were brought to a boil and then reduced to a simmer and covered. I let it simmer for 2 hours. I’m wondering if this is crock potable? I consider the pork done when it is falling-off-the-bone tender. Dad told me to reduce the liquid to a thick sauce, but I wanted soup for my noodles. Mom said to ignore Dad. I consulted with Grandma tonight and she too said I was allowed to ignore Dad :)

almost ready

chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (13)

I took the extra step of stripping the bones and fat from the pork meat as well as straining the broth and putting it in the freezer for an hour or so in order to remove the disc of solid fat from the top. The noodle soup is easily assembled. I boiled the noodles in water and drained them when they were done, placing them in serving bowls. Then I heated some of the broth with the pork meat until it came to a boil. I tossed in some spinach and then ladled the soup over the noodles.

to long life or something like that

chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (14)

Chinese Pork Rib Soup
[print recipe]

1 pound pork spareribs, cut into 2×2 inch cubes
2 tbsp vegetable oil
6-8 green onions, cut into 3-inch pieces
2 tbsp ginger, sliced
1 cup soy sauce
3 tbsp Shao Xing cooking sherry
3 tbsp sugar
2-3 whole star anise

Boil a pot of water. Add the pork to the water and let return to a boil. Cook for a few minutes or until pork scum surfaces. Remove from heat and drain the pork. Rinse the pieces clean. Heat oil in a saucepan and sauté the green onions and ginger until fragrant. Add the pork and sauté for a few minutes, browning the sides of the pork. Add the soy sauce, sherry, sugar, star anise, and enough water to cover the pork. Bring the contents to a boil and then reduce to a simmer. Cover the saucepan and let simmer for 2 hours or until meat is falling off the bone. For a soup, the broth should be ready (if it’s too salty, add some water). For a thick sauce, remove the cover and let the broth reduce. [Jen’s Dad says to then place it in a baking dish and bake it (he doesn’t say what temperature, so I’ll guess 350) to further reduce the sauce and intensify the flavor.]

September 23rd, 2008: 11:14 pm
filed under chinese, dinner, meat, recipes, savory

  • Kitt says:
    September 23rd, 2008 at 11:35 pm

    I think I wished you a happy birthday before, so I’ll just consider it Jentember and wish you a happy birthmonth! And here’s to a most excellent and healthy year ahead. Pig out!

  • Rosa says:
    September 23rd, 2008 at 11:47 pm

    Happy Birthday! A wonderful month to have one’s birthday…

    Those cupcakes look fantastic and ever so dainty! I could eat a bowl of that soup anytime (right now as a matter of fact ;-P!)!



  • Manggy says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 12:18 am

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Yes, I’m screaming :)
    As far as I’m concerned, you only get one shot – so you damn well better make it count.
    Words to live by. Now you better make damn well sure you don’t bite into a single one of those noodles! (Ooh, how do you like me all domineering? Ha ha ha.) I want you to stick around for as long as possible :)

  • Maja says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 12:36 am

    Happy birthday and may your new year be healthy, filled with Jeremy-love, tele-skiing, Kaweah-fun and great food! :)

  • Jamie in Las Vegas says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 12:53 am


    Best wishes for a very special birthday… although it’ll be over by the time you read this. I wish you nothing but the best in life, love and health.

    Jamie in Vegas

  • Meeta says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 1:02 am

    Happy Birthday dear Jen! It’s been such a pleasure “knowing” you through your blog. You are a tough cookie and a inspiration to all. Like I you I believe that we only have one go at this little play we call life – so make sure you use it to the max. Most of the times when one is really in need you realize who your fiends are and who aren’t. I am glad you have the right attitude!

    Wishing you a great and healthy year ahead!

  • Collette says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 1:14 am

    Happy Birthday! I hope it was everything you wanted it to be and more. Wishing you a fabulous healthy, peaceful year full of tele-skiing!

  • Nicisme says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 2:04 am

    Happy Birthday to you Jen!
    Hope you have a better year and get to do a ton of skiing.

  • joanne at frutto della passione says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 3:19 am

    Wishing you a very happy birthday from Milan!

  • Sarah says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 4:03 am

    Happy Birthday! September birthdays are the best…mine is Friday. Enjoy your day and hopefully this year will kick last years ass! :)

  • Woolly says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 4:50 am

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! hope it’s a good one!

  • Lisa@The Cutting Edge of Ordinary says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 4:51 am

    Happy Day! I’m glad you ate your noodles this year. May this upcoming year bring you everything you wish for!

    All the best,

  • barbara says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 5:12 am

    Happy birthday Jen. Hope you had a wonderful day.

  • Louise says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 5:21 am

    Happy Birthday!! Wishing you good health and happiness.

  • zoe / puku says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 5:51 am

    LOL. I was wondering what all those people were doing with skis down at Coogee this morning! I will race down again now and see if there’s any lobster left!!

    Happy Jen Holiday, wish I could have one of those carrot cakelettes, and I agree cream cheese is mandatory! :) and, ooooh, I am dying for those noodles right now! slurp!

  • Mollie says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 6:26 am

    That REALLY looks amazingly good and very comforting as I read it on a cool fall morning! I bet it would be a good breakfast…

    HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY my friend! :)

  • Happy Cook says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 7:08 am

    Happy birthday and the soup looks so delicious.

  • Aran says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 7:09 am

    happy birthday jen! your photos are out of this world… the pop out of the screen. my goodness this is a fabulous blog!

  • johanna says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 7:16 am

    alles gute zum geburtstag! i’d never have thought that boiled meat can be photographed so beautifully… kudos!
    hope you have a great birthday…

  • Jenn from Richmond says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 7:54 am

    Hi Jen!! Happy, happy birthday! I hope this year is a great one for you!

  • Hannah says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 8:03 am

    Happy birthday! :)

  • laura says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 8:17 am

    Happy Birthday!

    (I’ve only been reading for a few months, so forgive me if you used them before, but I like your cupcake wrappers :)

  • Kathy says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 8:19 am

    Happy Birthday with many more to come!

  • Patricia Scarpin says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 8:42 am

    Hey, gorgeous, happy birthday!

  • Gretchen Noelle says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 8:48 am

    Hope you have a very special feel-well kind of birthday!

  • Anita says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 8:48 am

    Happy birthday dear Jen!
    I love your attitude and outlook on life – it’s what makes your blog so much fun to read! Hope your day is wonderful and best wishes for the next year – I’m sure it will be delicious!

  • Nicole says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 9:16 am

    Happy Belated Birthday!!! I wish you a year full of happiness, good friends, and good food!!

  • Andromeda says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 9:45 am

    you know what is weird? i am totally attracted to your site, and it’s not because of the food. the pictures are incredible, and i love your tone. i knew there was something extra cool about you, i just didn’t have a clue until i came to your blog today. now i find out we have the SAME birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Libra Sister! i hope your day rocked. i also send birthday wishes of a wonderful year to come (and good skiing in the winter ahead).

    (i did a birthday blog post too!)

  • Manisha says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 9:46 am

    I’m late but I am so glad your day was good!

  • Susan at Sticky,Gooey,Creamy,Chewy says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 10:01 am

    Happy Birthday, Jen! Many, many happy returns to you! What a year this has been! While I wish that none of it had happened to you in the first place, I’m still so proud of your courage and thankful that you made it through. I always tell my daughter that each birthday is like a new beginning. I hope and pray that this day marks the beginning of the rest of your healthy, happy and prosperous life!

    Your soup looks like just the perfect thing to knock this nasty cold out of me! I had to laugh at your exchange with your parents. My mom and dad were just like that!

  • becky says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 10:09 am

    I have lurked here for sometime. Your blog inspires me in many ways and I just wanted to say Happy Birthday.

  • jennywenny says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 12:07 pm

    Happy Birthday, I’m glad you were already on the right track before your bad year. Looks like a day spent with a lovely black lab looking at the autumn leaves is just perfect. And those carrot cakes look yummy, I always do the same and buy a ton of carrots when I’m making them!

  • kathryn says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 12:26 pm

    Happy, happy day, Jen!
    Gratulerer med dagen!
    I hope this year holds all that you have hoped for and fulfills you in ways you never imagined!
    Hugs from Norway…

  • Snackgrab: Asian persuasion | BayBigr says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 1:02 pm

    […] For long life, eat long, unbroken noodles on your birthday. It’s a Chinese tradition, and those long noodles go well with some pork ribs in this soup recipe from use real butter. […]

  • Margie says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 1:45 pm

    Happy Birthday to you! I am drooling over this recipe. Pork, the other white meat, and also, the item that transcends the ordinary when given a bit of bite. This sounds like a fantastic dinner. I admit, I will have to go in search of cooking sherry and the star anise. Both of these items are lacking in my cupboard, but look at what I’ll be discovering!
    Enjoy a most beautiful day and thanks for sharing it with us. :)

  • YDavis says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 2:13 pm

    Happy belated birthday!

  • Bri says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 3:16 pm

    Happy Birthday Jen (albeit a day late)! Wishing for you the best possible coming year! The soup looks amazing, by the way. All the best to you, Jeremy and Kaweah!


  • Tartelette says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 3:56 pm

    I am telling you…it was the noodles missing last year…
    I am not going to wait until my birthday to make this! I’d probably use country style ribs too since they are easier to find and way cheap here, and I so love you for watching over my LDL/HDL with the final extra steps :)
    Now…can I have one bite, just one of a cupcake?!!

  • Wandering Chopsticks says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 4:04 pm

    Happy Birthday. I love the way your parents chime in with directions, even from afar. :P My parents are always telling me what I should or shouldn’t add so that it comes out like my mom’s. But I don’t always want to cook like my mom… ;)

  • Steph says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 4:39 pm

    Happy birthday! Hope you have a lovely autumn and lots of snow this winter!

  • Mrs. L says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 5:01 pm

    Happy Belated Birthday. The soup looks great, I may have to ask my hubby to make it for my birthday (which is about eight months away, but what a great excuse to celebrate now!)

  • Melanie says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 5:47 pm

    I have been a long time lurker of your site, and today i just had to leave a message, you have me in tears with your insparation and outlook on everything, i can’t tell you how much i get inspired everytime i come here so happy birthday, eventhou it’s us that are getting the gifts everyday you post :) oh and the cupcakes is it the same recipie as the carrot cake?

  • Sally says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 7:41 pm

    Happy Birthday! Looking forward to 50 more years of your blogging – not sure I can make it that far, but I’ll give it my best shot

  • Diana Banana says:
    September 24th, 2008 at 9:16 pm

    ahhh, nothing like a familiar bowl of chinese noodles for your birthday! i’m visually gobbling up that gorgeous photo, so hopefully this will be double duty for you!

    my mom makes somen for my dad and brother every year in a chicken broth. (i always got ice cream cake for some reason…) that recipe is definitely crock-pot-able, i usually do a variation of this with chicken legs & thighs in the crock. i never do the flash boil cleansing method though, but i feel like i should start to because there’s so much gunk that comes out…

  • peabody says:
    September 25th, 2008 at 1:42 am

    Yes, be sure to eat your long noodles this year!!!!
    Happy birthday to you me dear….and here is to many, many more years to enjoy the slopes! Cheers.

  • christy says:
    September 25th, 2008 at 5:06 am

    Hi there. This is my first time reading your blog. I found you listed on SmittenKitchen’s website. You are amazing. Your recipes are beautiful and sound delicious. My blog is so lame compaired to yours. I hope mine can grow and one day be as amazing as what you have created. I love to cook but right now my cooking is on the light side since I am in a bit of a diet rut. But eventually I will be back on track with regular foods. Anyways happy birthday.

  • Debbie Green says:
    September 25th, 2008 at 5:10 am

    Happy Birthday! Hope you had a nice day……just enjoy yourself!

  • Asianmommy says:
    September 25th, 2008 at 7:10 am

    Happy Bday! Thanks for the recipe–it looks so good.

  • bee says:
    September 25th, 2008 at 11:00 am

    happy birthday to you, dear jen. i hope the next year and all the ones after that see you going to a zillion hikes and ski trips, taking a zillion pictures, and just being healthy, happy and fulfilled.


    bee (and jai)

  • Holly says:
    September 25th, 2008 at 11:12 am

    Happy Birthday to you!!!

    May I just say, your dog has a gorgeous face! His features are so handsome!

  • Holly says:
    September 25th, 2008 at 11:20 am

    Oops! I just remembered that HE is a SHE! Will she ever forgive me?!?!?! What if I send treats?!?!?! HER features are so LOVELY. Better! :o) Sorry!

  • Tami says:
    September 25th, 2008 at 11:36 am

    Your soup looks delicious! Happy Birthday Jen! I hope you have a very long and healthy life :) Thank you so much for your blog…it has helped me so much through my own difficult health journey :)

  • Sonya says:
    September 25th, 2008 at 12:36 pm

    Happy Birthday…Hope for you heath and love…the rest will come by itself…Sonya from Québec

  • Gabi says:
    September 25th, 2008 at 3:46 pm

    Happy Birthday Jen!!!!! xoxoxo
    You already have the gift for life- to know what you want from it is the greatest blessing.
    I send you lots of happiness for the coming years wrapped up in a bubble of wellness, peace and prosperity!

  • Melissa says:
    September 25th, 2008 at 5:53 pm

    Happy happy a couple of days late, Jen. So glad to have discovered you!!

    I love what you said about what you’ve learned. It’s wonderful that you already knew. I would think the last year just places some emphasis on it, like putting it in bold lettering in your mind. But that could just be me.

    I also know what you mean about learning a lot about other people, some of it not good. But those lessons are for my/our benefit in the end too, so it’s all good long-term.

    Adore the soup. Adore.

  • Elizabeth says:
    September 25th, 2008 at 9:02 pm

    To long life.
    The play between you and your parents and grandmother was delightful to read.
    I hope this next year is better then the last, all though I am betting that last year will forever be in your top 2 or 3 suckiest years ever, so it is all down hill from here!
    I truly hope your birthday was a delightful day. You are a special, feisty, dear woman and deserve a month of really great days.

    Enjoyed the soup, the story and the (always beautiful) pics.

    Bless you,


  • Holly says:
    September 25th, 2008 at 11:35 pm

    Happy Happy Birthday! I like the mock tele-skiing idea in the park. Ever been ice blocking in summer? Maybe there is a way to combine the two. I really love the cupcakes you made!

  • jenyu says:
    September 26th, 2008 at 1:03 am

    Kitt – Jentember! That is awesome, and hilarious :) You are a clever one. Thanks dear!

    Rosa – thank you, sweetie. The soup is great as it is chilling down here.

    Mark – I slurped them up proper-like ;) Thanks love.

    Maja – oh wow! How could a year be any better than that?! Thank you!

    Jamie – that is so sweet of you. Thanks for your kind and encouraging words.

    Meeta – So true. It’s wonderful to know you too (and all of those amazing dishes you make). Thanks and I wish you the best too.

    Collette – ha ha! It’s almost tele season here, so your wishes must be working! Thank you.

    Nicisme – thanks! It’s definitely got to be better (it would be totally sh*tty if it were worse! ha ha ha)

    Joanne – oooh, from Milan! That makes it *extra* special. Thanks so much :)

    Sarah – Well happy birthday, hon. Yay for September girls!

    Woolly – thank you, sweetie!

    Lisa – you’re very kind. I’m glad I ate my noodles too!

    Barbara – thank you, dear friend. It was wonderful in that it was mostly normal. I can’t ask for much more :)

    Louise – thank you.

    Zoe – ha ha!! You are a riot. I hope you nabbed some lobster. Yummm.

    Mollie – yes, love dinner for brekkie. We should have sleepovers and eat pizza in the morning! Thanks :) xxoo

    Happy Cook – thank you!

    Aran – you are too sweet and you flatter me! Thank you. I’m so happy to have found YOUR blog.

    Johanna – oh, that’s so funny. I am not sure boiled meat CAN be photographed beautifully ;) thank you.

    Jenn – me too – I hope it’s a good year for EVERYONE :) Thanks!

    Hannah – thank you, hon!

    Laura – thanks and no worries, I just used these cupcake wrappers for the first time (but I’ve had them in my cupboards for months!)

    Kathy – thanks!

    Patricia – *blush* You are too kind. My hair is just starting to grow in. Thank you, my friend.

    Gretchen – with wonderful blog pals like you guys, there is not way I couldn’t. Thanks!!

    Anita – thank you. I find that a lot of my favorite blogs/people have similar attitudes. Let’s all have a delicious year!

    Nicole – That’s really sweet. Thanks!

    Andromeda – thanks and happy bday to you too. I imagine there are a lot of us ;)

    Manisha – thanks!!

    Susan – you are always so thoughtful and sweet. Thank you for these kind words and wishes. I am fortunate to have such a sweet friend in you.

    Becky – why thank you. I really appreciate your delurking and I’m glad you find the blog helpful in some way.

    Jennywenny – ha ha, why do we overestimate carrot usage? Ah well, they are good for you :) Thanks! We had a good day and I can’t ask for much more!

    Kathryn – oh sweetie, thank you. I’m glad I made it this far. You will keep me company as we tick the years off, right? xxoo

    Margie – thanks! I think the star anise should be easy to find, but the cooking sherry… you can always use dry sherry as a substitute.

    YDavis – thank you!

    Bri – That’s really nice of you. Thanks so much!

    Tartelette – those damn noodles! ;) yeah, I have to watch my LDL/HDL too, remember? Chemo did a number on rearranging my fat cells!

    WC – thanks, hon! Yup, my parents chime in all the time and about anything ;)

    Steph – thank you, what wonderful thoughts!

    Mrs. L – mmm, ask him to make it for supper, not your birthday! :)

    Melanie – you’re really sweet. Thanks for the birthday wishes and I hope your tears are the good kind. Yes, I used the same recipe as the carrot cake (it made 15 of those cupcakes). Delish!!

    Sally – hmmm 50?! ;) By then I’ll be blogging whatever I can gum without teeth! ha ha ha. I don’t know if I will make it another 50. Promise me you’ll try too!

    Diana – Yeah, crock pot sounds like a good way to go. I love the chicken version more than the pork, but I figured I’d give the pork a shot this year :)

    Peabody – thanks! As long as we are both logging hours on the ice/snow, right? :)

    Christy – oh hon, this isn’t a competition! My blog is just my mental dumping ground, errr playground :) Just have fun with it!! thanks for the bday wishes.

    Debbie – thank you!

    Asianmommy – thanks!

    Bee (and Jai) – you are so wonderful. Thank you for your support and friendship. One day, you will have to come through our place when you are in our neck of the woods. xxoo

    Holly – oh, no worries! Kaweah is called a he by lots of people, including my Dad! She’s a pretty girl, but not so gifted in the intellect department ;)

    Tami – thank you, that is so nice of you and I’m glad the blog could help in some way. Sometimes it’s just good to know that others are going through something similar. Sometimes it’s just good to know you aren’t alone. Best!

    Sonya – that’s really kind fo you. Thanks!

    Gabi – You are such a sweetie! Thank you for that awesome message :)

    Melissa – no, you’re right. It did reinforce it for me and yes, everything we learn will hopefully be for our benefit down the road. It is all good now. Thanks!

    Elizabeth – thanks, you’re very nice to say. All I want is “normal”. I’m not sure what that is anymore, but it’s so much better than “sick” :)

    Holly – never heard of it! Sounds fun tho! Thank you :)

  • Lori says:
    September 26th, 2008 at 4:37 pm

    Happy Birthday! Wow an email from the future! Who knew! It sounds like a “TUT” note. Thoughts become things. I hope you enjoyed your brithday fellow Virgoan!

    So what must I do when I go to Ithaca. My husband and I are going there for our anniversary in a couple weeks. Any suggestions?

  • Mrs Ergül says:
    September 27th, 2008 at 10:12 am

    Happy belated birthday to you Jen! I just wish a greater year awaits you and Jeremy! I totally love your outlook on life, non-pretentious and realistic! take care!

  • Tony says:
    September 27th, 2008 at 11:31 am

    Happy Birthday, Jen!! There is no such thing as a carrot cake/cupcake without cream cheese frosting :) and I’m glad you ate your noodles this year!!

  • steamy kitchen says:
    September 30th, 2008 at 8:17 am

    Happy belated!

    My mom calls it “numerical ribs” recipe, dad calls it “12345 ribs”

  • jenyu says:
    September 30th, 2008 at 9:35 am

    Lori – thanks :) I’m actually a Libra, despite the cusp date. Hrmmm, I don’t know about a lot of what there is to do in Ithaca since I was a grad student there (i.e. had no life). Let’s see… you should see the Cornell Plantations and Arboretum (beautiful for nice walks) as well as Buttermilk Falls, Taughannock Falls, the gorges, Cornell’s campus (quite pretty, but there is going to be construction SOMEWHERE – guaranteed). I really liked grabbing a quick pastry on a weekend morning if I wasn’t in lab at the Ithaca Bakery. Walk through Wegmans – it’s just fun to do! We really enjoyed dining at Madeline’s (on the pricier side), Maxie’s (New Orleans/Seafood), Just a Taste (Tapas). I’ve never been (lactose intolerant), but all of my friends LOVE the Cornell Dairy Bar (on Tower Rd.) They serve ice cream :) Have fun! Colors should be awesome.

    Mrs. E – oh, you’re very sweet. Thanks and hugs to ya!

    Tony – hee hee, I hope it makes this year less sucky than last year! Thanks, dear!

    Steamy – that’s so cute :) My Dad just yelled, “My way is the right way!”

  • Jean says:
    February 18th, 2009 at 10:31 am

    I was wondering what kind of noodles those are in the pics? They look nice and substantial, almost like udon, but I don’t like the roundness of udon.

  • jenyu says:
    February 22nd, 2009 at 10:59 pm

    Jean – these are called iron man noodles and can be found in most Asian grocery stores. They’re just wide, flat, flour noodles (like fettuccine, but softer, thinner). I love them in noodle soups!

  • ruth says:
    March 4th, 2009 at 1:38 am

    thanks for this very simple recipe!! i’ve lost nearly all my chinese-american roots (food included) so it’s nice to find stuff that reminds me of my childhood. i made this tonight for my kid sister who is in college and eating out of cans. she went CRAZY over it. thanks again! :)

  • jenyu says:
    March 5th, 2009 at 10:08 am

    Ruth – ooh, that’s awesome! This is definitely one of those comfort foods for me. My grandma made it for me when I was little. Seems to soothe the mind and take me to a happy place :) I’m so glad it worked for you.

  • Carol says:
    March 18th, 2009 at 3:29 pm

    Hi Jen,
    I wanted to thank you for this soup-My family loves it ! I use the leftover broth and make amazing fried rice with it.I have made it about 5 times since you posted it . Happy b-days forever. Carol

  • jenyu says:
    March 20th, 2009 at 8:31 am

    Carol – that’s great! I am always happy when my recipes actually work when other people make them :) It keeps me from thinking that I might be nuts ;)

  • Bessy says:
    August 30th, 2009 at 8:21 am

    Great recipe and ingredients are very easy for me to get – which isn’t true of all the pork rib soup recipes :D I’ve added a link to this recipe from my site!

  • KARINA says:
    November 13th, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    What kind else do you put in your soup once the broth is done?

  • jenyu says:
    November 16th, 2009 at 8:26 pm

    Karina – noodles, vegetables, pickled radishes, meat, eggs.

  • DB says:
    April 26th, 2010 at 11:02 pm

    Made this soup tonight and my kids gave it 4 char siu baos (translation=yummy and make it again soon)! I did add quite a bit more water to dilute out the saltiness..very easy and delish!

  • Sylvia says:
    October 12th, 2010 at 3:34 pm

    Hi Jen,
    Love your pictures and recipes.
    I was doing some research on how to make neu ro mein (pinyin? I’m probably off. Hope you can decipher). Chinese beef noodle soup. I think it’s a Taiwanese dish with homemade noodles. I can’t find a good recipe and when i do find what i think is a recipe, its someone raving about a restaurant…ugh. Would you by chance have a good link or recipe to share?

    Thanks, Sylvia

  • jenyu says:
    October 17th, 2010 at 11:47 am

    Sylvia – I know that the Newlywed Cookbook (by Lorna Yee) has a recipe for it (from her mom!). I don’t have one at the moment.

  • Dinah says:
    December 21st, 2010 at 7:34 am

    This is a simple, pure and cleansing dish. I’ve made it many times and each time am surprised at how good it is. Cheap, too. Thank you.

  • Tarjoilija, keitossani on ribsi! | says:
    July 29th, 2013 at 9:12 am

    […] porsaan ribs-keiton resepti on use real butter -blogista, tosin alkuperäisohjeen soijan määrää vähensin reippaasti ja saapihan tuota […]

  • JenJen Win says:
    March 1st, 2015 at 6:55 pm

    This is the best pork rib soup I ever had! Thank you so much for the recipe! You made my husband and I very happy.

  • Linda Sumida says:
    April 27th, 2016 at 6:41 pm

    I truly love your website with stories about your activities & of course, beautiful Neva! That pic with a treat on her nose is too precious! My daughter just returned from China with a large bag of bamboo leaves that I requested. And yes, I’m going to make ZIONG ZI! I love them! Wish me luck! On a different note, I had cancer three times, so I understand what you’re experiencing. Please take care of yourself & continue putting out those fabulous recipes! Oh, I’m also going to make the Chinese Pork Rib Soup very soon. I’m not sure about the green veggies in the bowl. It could be spinach or Choy Sum. Love you, Jen!

  • jenyu says:
    May 2nd, 2016 at 12:59 am

    Linda – It’s just sautéed spinach (sautéed with garlic) – yummy :)

  • chinese pork rib soup recipe – use real butter (2024)


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