Final Promise - KindredTea - Persona 3 [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1: Here's Not Here (April 6th-April 7th)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kotone shouldn’t be here.

Long gone were beautiful blue skies swirling with cherry blossoms, replaced with the waning dark side of the moon and countless stars littering the air. The stuffy train car rumbled against the rails, jolting Kotone forward in her seat. Her hand gripped the nearest handle to steady herself, her pounding heart echoing through every inch of her body.

Aigis’ final words repeated in Kotone’s head. Her friends’ cheers. The mix of joy and the turn to sorrow before fading to nothingness. It happened only moments ago. Yet here she was, fingertips gripping cold metal, the warmth of her blood rushing through her veins, and a headache rampaging in her skull.

Music blared from Kotone’s headphones, the dull ache of the clips digging into the back of her ears. The train rocked again, knocking Kotone into the boy who slept next to her. It was only then she noticed he was there. The boy had shaggy blue hair that fell around his face in an uncombed mess. Clipped to his ears were headphones that looked similar to her own, but silver. His Gekkoukan High uniform had crease marks across the chest and down his pants, as if he put it on straight from the shipping package. Despite the uniform, Kotone didn’t recognize him. He was likely a transfer student.

But having the seat next to her empty or filled did little to answer the questions which ran through her mind. Like, why was she alive? How did she get here? What happened to Aigis and the rest of her friends?

Kotone’s hand fell to her chest. Her trembling heart pounding hard against her ribcage. There was no doubt about it. She was alive. Somehow.

Her eyes lifted to the prompter above the cabin door. Next stop: Iwatodai. Well that answered that. She was headed to Iwatodai. But why now? And why late at night? Kotone straightened her posture, peering around the train car. It was empty sans the boy sleeping next to her.

Kotone shed her headphones, lifting her school bag from under her seat. Inside were trinkets from her friends: Junpei’s key chain with Ken’s home key and Mitsuru’s motorcycle key attached. Fuuka’s homemade headphones were tangled around Akihiko’s rabbit doll and Shinjiro’s leather watch. Koromaru’s old collar looped around the butt of her evoker. And Yukari’s pink phone strap was attached to her phone. Kotone lifted the phone from her bag, flipping it open. Pressed against the power button for a second. Two. Three — a red flashing ‘X’ shined on her screen. Dead. Figures.

If one of them had to be dead, she preferred it to be her phone.

Kotone’s shoulders slumped as she slammed her phone back into her bag. Amongst her belongings from her other friends throughout the past year, Kotone saw something else in her bag: a folded pamphlet. She blinked. It was the Iwatodai Dorm move-in guide. Strange. Why did she still have that? Sure, compiled alongside her Gekkoukan uniform, and the next stop being Iwatodai, it all pointed to her getting ready to attend her third year at Gekkoukan High. But if that were the case, why was she riding back into town again? And why did she have a pamphlet for a dorm she wasn’t going to be staying in anymore?

The boy next to her stirred awake, blinking as the intercom announced their next stop. In the boy’s hand was a pamphlet. The same pamphlet that was in Kotone’s bag. Maybe station guards were handing them out? Maybe Kotone picked one up as she boarded the train? Why would she? Why couldn’t she remember how or why she got here?

No matter how much she tried to scrounge her memories, there always seemed to be something missing. Like a part of her life was deleted. One moment she was resting on Aigis’ lap on the school rooftop, and the next, she was here on this train. Her eyes darted to the boy next to her. He seemed out of sorts, maybe groggier than she was, but he was her best bet at getting any answer.

Kotone tapped the boy on the shoulder, his eyes darting toward her. Kotone's hand flinched stiff, the corners of her lips trembling into an uncertain smile. “Hey, are you transferring to the Iwatodai Dorm?”

After a moment, the boy blinked. His dark blue eyes dull without an inkling of life behind his gaze. He stared for a few moments longer before removing his headphones, pointing to his ears as if asking her to repeat herself.

Kotone cleared her throat, her trembling smile soothing to a relaxed one. “You’re transferring to the Iwatodai Dorms, right? I stayed there last year. I can escort you, if you want?”

The boy blinked again. At first Kotone thought he wasn’t going to respond, but after an pregnant pause he nodded. He might not be the most talkative, but at least he was willing to listen.

“Great!” Kotone’s smile slipped as the t rolled off her tongue. While she now had an objective, it did little to answer any of the unresolved questions she had. Especially if she didn’t have a place to lay her head for the night. A chuckle pressed from her lips, Kotone rocking forward in her seat. “Um — would you know which stop is mine?”

The boy paused for a moment before shaking his head back and forth. Great. Not like she’d tell a stranger what her plans were. But the fact those plans evaded her made it all the more aggravating. She had to be missing something. Some pieces of the puzzle.

Regardless of the answers she was seeking, it was clear this boy didn’t know them. Probably best not to badger him with more questions he can’t answer. “I should have introduced myself before asking you all that. My name’s Kotone. Kotone Shiomi. It’s nice to meet you!”

The blue haired boy blinked again, his head lifting with a glimmer of something in his eye. “Makoto Yuki.” Those were the two words he managed to let escape his mouth. It took a moment longer for Kotone to realize that was his name.

Kotone grinned. “Nice to meet you, Makoto!”

The train screeched to a stop, Kotone’s body swaying with the motion. Her plan: Go with this boy to the dorms and charge her phone. Call someone. Mitsuru. Yukari. Akihiko. Anyone. Find out what’s happening. Find out why she can’t remember how and when she boarded this train to Iwatodai.

Iwatodai Station reminded her of the night she first arrived. Quiet. A few pedestrians passed through the station as the officer sat in his booth by the ticket turnstiles. Kotone followed close by as Makoto deposited his ticket. Trailing him like a shadow.

Kotone’s pace quickened at the mouth of the station to get in front of Makoto. He had a dorm guide too, but she knew the lay of the land. Why fight against flickering streetlamps when she could guide him to her old dorm? “Here, I hope you don’t mind if I —”

The lights in the station flickered off. A cold breeze swept through the air, stealing her breath away. The sky turned a sickening green, and the smell of copper tinged the air. The clock in the station trembled to its stopping point toward the hour. Midnight.

Kotone pivoted on her heel, staring toward the sky. The moon hung across the entire skyline. At least ten times its normal size. Threatening to fall to earth just as Nyx had done months prior. The saliva in Kotone’s mouth was thick, viscous, and impossible to swallow. As much as it hadn’t made any sense, there was no other explanation.

The Dark Hour was back.

Kotone’s vision blurred. Her breathing slipped away from herself. Because this was impossible. All of this was. She sacrificed her life. Gave all her energy to seal Nyx and stop the Fall. The Dark Hour hadn't returned since that night. Everything was peaceful. They could rest.

Why was everything so messed up?

Kotone caught a blur of blue in the corner of her vision, and her veins froze over with fear. Makoto was moving. He was moving in the Dark Hour. Unphased. Had he experienced it before? Was his attending that dorm more than a coincidence? But that would mean Mitsuru and the others knew something of this nature was returning.

And how did that explain her waking up on the train, as if that day on the rooftop never happened?

Too many questions. But Kotone knew she couldn’t allow Makoto to roam the streets by himself. Not during the Dark Hour. It wasn’t safe.

“Makoto, wait up!” Kotone pushed off her heel, feeling the splash of blood rise from the puddle she had the misfortune to step in. “It’s not safe to be out so late. Stay close to me, okay?”

Makoto stopped his advance, turning to look at Kotone. Appraising her. With a nod, Kotone felt her anxiety quell. She had no idea what was going on; why she or the Dark Hour had returned. But Kotone refused to let someone innocent like Makoto get hurt.

“Great. Follow me. The dorm is a bit of a walk.” Kotone kept her hand on the evoker in her bag. She wanted to avoid combat while he was around, but if a shadow ambushed them, well, she’d be ready.

The large body of water that separated Iwatodai from Port Island glistened red under the green moonlight. If the lack of electronics and pools of blood hadn’t sealed the deal, the silhouette of the eldritch tower in the distance had. Tartarus was back. All the pieces were back in place. Did the seal break? Was that why she was here again?

It was a sign that everything she fought for would be for nothing. That everything would end before her eyes. And there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Kotone shook her head. It was too early to think like that. The world was still standing. Still here. That means they had a shot.

Another shot to make things right.

The dorm was just as Kotone remembered it. Tall and imposing, with lights flickering on from inside the lobby. Kotone didn’t understand how Makoto handled it, how he took it all in stride. It was as if he didn’t notice a difference from the normal world and this one. And despite the desperate circ*mstances, Kotone kept a brave face. She didn’t know what was going on, but she had a little more knowledge than Makoto. Keeping him safe took precedence.

“We’re here.” Kotone grinned as she climbed the familiar steps. She went to grab her key, but decided to try the door. It was unlocked. As it always was. Kotone pressed forward into the room, the dim lights from the chandeliers flickering between a state of life and death.

The lobby was empty. Not of furniture. A couch, a coffee table, a television set, a dining table. But it was devoid of any personality. From Mitsuru’s tablecloth, Fuuka’s DVD player, Shinjiro’s cookbooks, to Koromaru’s dog bowl. All of it was missing. The personal flare that said we live here. Erased. For the first time since waking up, Kotone felt hollow inside.

Maybe her friends were erased like all their effects on the dorm.

“Hello?!” Kotone’s voice echoed through the dark lobby. It was silly to think that the other members of S.E.E.S. would be here. They would have moved out by now. She had no idea how much time had passed. She assumed it was only the next month, but maybe it’d been years. Maybe everyone was off to college, or were grown adults leading their own lives.

Kotone turned on her heel, facing the receptionist's desk. Makoto was facing it too, staring straight forward as if something caught his eye. But there was nothing there. Just the old wallpaper, empty chair, and an unsigned call sheet.

“Makoto?” Kotone stepped forward, waving a hand in his face. That got his attention, blinking in her direction. Eyes as dull as they were on the train.

“Who’s there?!”

Kotone’s body stiffened, shoulders tensing. The voice was enough to sap all the oxygen in the room. And it shouldn’t have shocked Kotone, because it was a voice she was familiar with.

It was Yukari’s.

“Yukari!” Kotone’s voice cried out like a weary traveler desperate for water. And her eyes didn’t deceive her. Standing at the base of the stairs was Yukari, dressed in her Gekkoukan Uniform topped with her signature pink sweater. Her evoker was already in hand, lifted and ready to point at her head. Yukari’s eyes ran wide as they landed on Kotone, her lips parted like she wanted to say something, but no words slipped from her throat.

Yukari’s hand twitched, her grip almost dropping the evoker. “Don’t move!” Yukari’s figure trembled, her shoulders heaving as her breath labored from her lips.

This was wrong. Something was off. Because Kotone anticipated Yukari to be speechless. Not terrified.

Kotone didn’t dare look back at Makoto to see his reaction. She couldn’t afford to. Not when Yukari was acting like this. Kotone lifted her hands up in the air, forcing a smile on the edges of her lips. “It’s me, Yukari. It’s really me, I promise.”

Yukari’s eyes squinted, locking fully onto Kotone. “You —”

“Takeba, wait!”

Mitsuru’s voice was a dose of deja vu as she strode down the stairs. Her red curls bounced with every step, crimson eyes pinning Kotone where she stood. As Mitsuru’s heel tapped on the floor, the lights of the lobby flickered on. Kotone’s music player blared to life. The smoggy dredges of the Dark Hour receded. The old grandfather clock ticked forward, ringing in the new hour.

Kotone’s lips parted, but as she stared at Mitsuru a hard truth hit her. Mitsuru shouldn’t be here. She graduated from Gekkoukan High. Top of her class at that.

Then there was something else about all of this. This night felt familiar

It was as if she were reliving the first night at the dorm.

Which was impossible.


All of this was an impossibility. Kotone didn’t think it was possible for her to live. To come back to life. In face of everything else, that was the impossibility.

It would sooner be more believable she was living some grand dream in the Great Seal than be brought to life. But her heart pounded in rebellion, as if screaming I’m here.

So. This was real. She was alive.

But she wasn’t brought back to life.


She was reliving her life.

Was this a twisted form of punishment to get back at her for her eternal imprisonment?

What was she to do? Try and ignore the impossibility of the world around her and pretend it’s a bad dream? Or push forward on the chance it isn’t?

But if she was repeating history, then that’d explain why Yukari and Mitsuru didn’t recognize her. So why did Kotone carry their personal gifts in her bag?

The further Kotone thought about it, the less sense it made. But looking at all the facts she had: with the Dark Hour returning, the events of her first night at Iwatodai replaying, and a mass wave of amnesia hitting her friends, that reality seemed more and more probable.

This was real. But how? Why? Who could say. If her old friends didn’t remember her, then what should she do? Show them their gifted items? Would they believe her? Or think she’s a stalker and thief? There’s a chance they’d ship her off to an asylum if they thought she was legally insane. Kotone wasn’t sure if she believed all this either, so why would they?

As much as everything in Kotone itched to run and hug her previous teammates, she restrained herself. That time would come. For now, ease into it. Kotone retained her memory. Maybe they’d get theirs back with time.

Mitsuru paced forward, hand landing on her hip as her gaze flittered from Kotone to Makoto. “We were expecting you two earlier. I’m Mitsuru Kirijo. I live here in this dorm.”

Yukari sheathed her evoker, clicking the holster shut. “You two picked a bad hour to show up.”

“It was a last-minute decision to put them here. They’ll probably be formally assigned to a normal dorm eventually.”

Yukari frowned. “Is that a good idea?”

Mitsuru shrugged. “We’ll see.”

Kotone took a deep breath. While she shouldn’t push for too much, surely it’d be fine to give them her name. And maybe that name would awaken something in them. Kotone stepped forward, extending her hand to the two girls. “Thank you for having us, even if it’s for a short time. My name’s Kotone Shiomi, it’s nice to meet you both!”

Kotone studied Yukari’s expression, then Mitsuru. Neither of them shifted, nor did any semblance of recognition flash through their eyes. Attempt: failed.

Mitsuru’s eyes danced past Kotone, glaring toward Makoto. “Would you mind introducing yourself too?”

“Makoto Yuki.” The boy mumbled.

“Right.” Mitsuru nodded, taking a step back to better feature Yukari. “This is Yukari Takeba. She’ll be a second-year this spring. That’s the same as you, right?”

Another confirmation that, either, everyone lost their mind, or that Kotone was repeating history.

Mitsuru cleared her throat, stepping forward again. “It’s getting late. The two of you will find your belongings in your room. Takeba, if you’ll escort Shiomi to the third floor. I’ll take Yuki to his.”

“It’s hard to get lost in this place, but follow me.” Yukari nudged her head toward the stairs.

The two of them walked silently up the three flights of stairs, boundless questions swarming through Kotone’s mind. But no matter what rational thought Kotone imagined, it didn’t help the insane situation she now found herself in. It was like her own personal Groundhog Day, Dark Hour edition.

Yukari pivoted on her foot as she turned to face Kotone, a forced smile pressing on the corner of her lips. “This is it. Pretty easy to remember, huh? — Since it's right at the end of the hall. So, any questions?”

Kotone frowned. Because yes, she had many questions. None of which Yukari could answer. The singular hope would be to awaken some memories in Yukari, assuming something like that were even possible. Giving her name didn’t help, but maybe she needed some encouragement. “So you really don’t remember me?”

Yukari blanched as if she had seen a ghost. She stumbled on her back foot, a shaky breath escaping her lips. “That’s an odd thing to ask someone. Did we go to school somewhere before?”

Kotone frowned again. That was the expected answer, but not the one she wanted to hear. No progress. There’s a chance Yukari would never get her memories back. Or maybe there weren’t any memories for her to get back at all. “No, sorry. My bad. I think I mistook you for someone else.”

A pout worked its way on Yukari’s face as she regained her stature. “Hmm… Well, if you say so.” Yukari’s hands caught by the edge of her skirt, wringing fingers as her gaze fell to the floor. “Um... Can I ask you something? You seem… unphased about tonight.”

Kotone wasn’t sure there was any way to correctly answer that question. Unlike her original memory, Kotone already knew the whole deal regarding the Dark Hour. Maybe keying Yukari in that she knows more than she should, could be a good way to get the ball rolling? “Are you talking about the Dark Hour?”

“The Dark —” Yukari’s eyes looked back and forth down the hallway, stepping forward to close the distance. “So you really know about the Dark Hour? How much… do you know?”

Uh. sh*t. While Kotone wanted to nudge the idea that she knew a lot, she wasn’t prepared for the follow up question. What should she say that didn’t make her sound out of her mind? The edge of Kotone’s lips trembled as a hoarse chuckle escaped her lips. “I… don’t know?”

Yukari’s eyebrows knit together, staring at Kotone as if her piercing gaze would change the answer. After a moment Yukari pulled away with nothing but a sigh. Maybe Yukari figured it wasn’t worth the effort. Or maybe it was something else, because somehow this Yukari appeared unreadable compared to the Yukari she called a friend. “… Sorry, it’s your first night here. We can answer any of your questions later, okay? Good night.”

Yukari’s pace was stilted as she walked toward the stairs. There were a lot of questions, some which boggled her mind, but none that could be answered tonight. With a defeated sigh, Kotone turned on her heel and entered her room.

It was like being hit with a wave of nostalgia. The air was stale. The walls plain without any posters. No CDs laying on her nightstand. Kotone leaned on her sink, looking at her reflection in the mirror. She looked a touch younger. Like she had the prior year. Her hair was shorter. She was missing the final barrette. Her cheeks are chubbier. She was healthier than she had been that final month.

This was real.

Too real.

Tears burst from Kotone’s eyes, her head slumping into the sink as the cries echoed across her room.

Kotone’s body was on autopilot. It was the same routine she took every morning. The only divergence being Yukari knocking on her door, and Makoto joining them on the monorail. Yukari was saying something, her voice changing octaves as she peered out the windows looking over the ocean. Kotone wished she could look as sparkly eyed as her old friend. To see the world with such optimistic eyes.

But that was wrong. Wasn’t it? Yukari was anything but. Her father passed away. Her mother emotionally absent. No place to call home. It was a mask to hide her hurt. A mask that Yukari shed over time. Much like Kotone’s. Why was Yukari able to keep it up while she couldn’t?

Not everything was the same. Makoto was here. Not a shred of interest playing in his eyes. Who was he? Why was he here? And why did he feel familiar in a way that Kotone couldn’t explain? While the man was unassuming and short for his age, Kotone was sure she would recognize him if he attended school the prior year. His appearance here at least changed history from repeating verbatim.

The remaining monorail ride and walk to school didn’t illuminate any answers. As Yukari ran forward, twirling on her heel to face the two of them, Kotone wondered that maybe this is what people meant when they said their life flashed before their eyes.

“About last night… Don’t tell anyone what you saw, okay?” Yukari’s voice snapped Kotone’s gloomy daydream in half. Her hand was placed on Kotone’s shoulder, a familiar touch, and a fond smile lifting the corners of her lips.

Kotone wished she could have shown similar kindness, but found herself unable to smile or respond or any response she was used to doing. “You’ve got it.” Kotone managed through grit teeth.

Yukari’s hand flinched from Kotone’s shoulder as she looked toward Makoto who finally caught up to the two. “Great. See you two later!”

That left Kotone with Makoto, and given everything going on, that was the aspect which confounded her most. Kotone couldn’t read Makoto. Understand him. And given his seeming lack of interest in any and all things around him, getting anything out of him was futile.

Well, if everything wasn’t the same, then she may as well try and understand what the changes are.

Kotone looked toward the bulletin board where a hoard of students crowded. While Kotone had a sneaking suspicion which classroom she’d be assigned, it was good to go through the formalities. “We should see our class number.”

Makoto’s eyes swept up to meet Kotone’s, the only acknowledgement that he heard her being a nod and his feet dragging toward the crowd. Kotone followed suit, pushing through the gossiping students as her eyes passed over the list. Just like last year, there was a sticky note posted to its right, a final addendum for the new transfer students.

Kotone Shiomi -
Class 2-E

Makoto Yuki -
Class 2-F

Just as — Huh?

Kotone blinked, using her hands to wipe away any remnant sleep that formed in her eyes. Because this couldn’t be right. Surely that was a typo. It had to be. Because her classroom was 2-F. Not 2-E.

So why?

And why was Makoto assigned 2-F?

Was it luck of the draw? Was adding one additional student able to change the course of history so easily?

Makoto didn’t say anything else to her. He shrugged and walked off on his own. Where a quiet boy like him would go, Kotone couldn’t guess.

Kotone went where she thought best — to class.

Mr. Ekoda was Kotone’s homeroom teacher. She didn’t have many run-ins with him the prior year. Most of them weren’t great. He covered up Fuuka’s disappearance. And he was unfair to —

“Saori?” Kotone blinked, using all of her strength to keep her mouth from falling agape like a gasping fish. Why was seeing Saori, recognizable dark eyes and mauve hair, stumbling into the classroom such a surprise? History was repeating itself. It’d stand to reason Saori would be back at the school.

Knowing everything that Saori would have to endure: From bullies, to administration, and even her parents, made Kotone sick.

Saori wasn’t the only student Kotone recognized. Fuuka stumbled in, her shoulders trembling as Natsuki and her gaggle of friends chuckled behind her. Kotone knew it was a bad idea to make a scene on the first day of school. Especially in a life where she had no idea what was happening.

But Kotone’d be damned if she let Fuuka get bullied again.

“Leave Fuuka alone!” Kotone slammed her hands on the table, causing all the eyes of the room to slam into her. All but Fuuka’s, whose eyes burrowed into the tiled floor below.

“Leave her alone?” Natsuki scoffed, dropping her phone into her bag. “We’re friends. Right, Fuuka?”

Natsuki didn’t even try to hide the mocking tone in her voice. But Fuuka was spineless, her trembling head nodding up and down. “S-She’s right. They weren’t bothering me.”

“Everyone, take your seats!” Mr. Ekoda shooed Natsuki’s clique out from the doorway as he stormed his way in, followed by Hidetoshi, dressed as uniformly as ever — sans his yellow armband. “It’s the first day and there’s already too much noise. Did your parents not teach any of you discipline? That goes for you too, Odagiri. Any concerns you have will —”

“Understood.” Hidetoshi’s tone was sharp, whistling between grit teeth. Kotone knew Hidetoshi to be a lapdog for the administration at times, especially when they first met. Why was he already butting heads with faculty?

As soon as Hidetoshi sat down, Kotone felt vulnerable, like all eyes were still locked toward her. With Natsuki’s snickers Kotone realized it was because she never sat back down. And given the glare Ekoda gave her, she was a second away from trouble. sh*t. Kotone slammed down into her seat, keeping her head down. She didn’t want to get on anyone's radar, and now everyone probably thought she was weird — and not for the justifiable reasons!

The school bell rang, and to Kotone’s surprise, there were still a few empty seats. Maybe that’s why they assigned Kotone to this classroom, as 2-F was always filled to the brim with students.

And while it wasn’t the same as having her best friends Junpei and Yukari in class, it was comforting having some familiar faces flit through the class.

A lot could change in a year. A lot had changed. These faces around her were familiar, but different. As if they’d all regressed. She helped them all before, what’s stopping her from helping them again?

“Alright class,” Mr. Ekoda tapped a ruler to the chalkboard, letting it drag and sending a chilling sound through the classroom. “My name is Mr. Ekoda, and I’ll be your homeroom teacher for the year. We’ll begin with —”

“SAFE!” The girl’s voice tore through the room sooner than her body had the doorway. Her arms swung downward like an anime victory pose, her hair swaying over her shoulders. But despite the bravado the new entry had, her breathing was uneven like she had run a marathon. Her head tilted up, bright red eyes in view for all, as if saying Shower me with praise. I deserve it.

“You’re late. Take the first available seat, class has started.”

Mr. Ekoda’s dismissal wasn’t enough to shoot the girl’s confidence. She kept her head high as she strode over to the closest vacant seat, the seat on Kotone’s right, and plopped down. Mr. Ekoda was already saying something about a lesson plan, skipping any introductions. Kotone drowned the man out as she pulled out her notebook, because if there was one plus to repeating a year, it was that she already learned everything once before.

The girl next to her appeared equally zoned out, but for a very different reason. Her notebook flipped open, and where Kotone expected to see notes, instead were sketch after sketch of Mitsuru.

It shouldn’t have been a surprise. This was the girl who watched Mitsuru longingly down Gekkoukan’s hallways. Maybe some could take it as admiration, but this was clearly beyond platonic. Kotone figured it wouldn’t be easy for her given social pressures and judgment, but if her crush was this bad, why not get the rejection out of the way?

Assuming Mitsuru would reject her.

Kotone sighed, eyes glazing over as she looked back toward the chalkboard. She wished this was an ordinary class. Another chance at life. But it wasn’t. Something was wrong. The road to figuring that out wouldn’t be a simple one. That much was certain.

For the last half hour of class, Kotone held a headphone to her ear with the guise of propping her head up. She normally didn’t resort to tactics like this to pass the time, but Mr. Ekoda’s lectures were dull and dry compared to Toriumi’s. And after staring at the girl doodle Mitsuru for the fifth time, she needed another distraction.

Everything about the classroom was similar to 2-F, but distorted. 2-E had the same layout, but Kotone took a seat on the right half of the classroom. Ekoda’s desk hugged close to the windows on the left. The baseboard was peeling away from the wall. No matter how much Kotone stared, it was never a match. Always the smallest detail off.

The music and mindless observations did the trick, as the bell rang through the room before she knew it. Kotone went to stand, before feeling something hard thwack her arm. Hidetoshi was to Kotone’s left, lips pulled tight with a scowl furrowing his brows. The only time she managed to get that look was when she first joined the Student Council. What did she do to — “I know you’re new here, but are you that eager to get a demerit?”

Oh. That’s right. Kotone wasn’t used to Hidetoshi being standoffish with her. Well, not like this anyway. Her natural instinct was to bite back and stand her ground, but given her earlier interruption, figured that’d be the wrong move. Kotone decided to use her trademarked smile to smooth things over. “Oh, is that so? I’ll make sure to not do so next time!”

Hidetoshi’s eyes narrowed, clicking his tongue as he left the classroom. Maybe he thought it wouldn’t be worth the effort? The actual reason didn’t matter, so long as he got off her back. Kotone pivoted, wanting to catch Fuuka or Saori before they left. But it was too late. They were gone.

In fact, the whole classroom was empty sans Kotone and her brown-haired classmate. The girl sighed, folding her journal as she slumped in her chair, red eyes darting to Kotone. “What a first day, huh?”

First day was a stretch, but it may as well be given everyone’s memory. “Yeah, I guess.” Kotone shrugged, putting her notebook into her bag. While she was never bothered by this girl, Kotone had too much on her plate to be involving relative strangers with her thoughts.

“Hey are you —” Yukari’s voice breached the classroom, but as she poked her head in she stopped, eyes landing on the girl next to Kotone. “Oh, sorry. I thought you’d be alone. Well, I’m heading back to the dorm, so if you need anything you know where to find me!”

Yukari left as quickly as she came, leaving Kotone bewildered more than anything. The brown-haired girl stood from her desk, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “You know, the two of you were the talk of the school today.”

Not this again. Kotone first heard it from Junpei the previous year, and now this girl was spreading rumors too.

“Whatever you heard, it’s wrong. I moved into the dorm last night and she’s showing me around. Besides, I could never like her that way.”

The brown-haired girl frowned at that, but shrugged. “Whatever. You miss one-hundred percent of the shots you don’t take.”

What if I don’t want to take that shot? Or any for that matter? But thoughts like those didn’t matter when the girl had already flown out of the room like a bat from hell. Kotone’s breath trembled from her throat. There’d be no easy way through this, would there?

While Yukari promised to be at the dorm, she was nowhere to be seen when Kotone stepped through the doors. Akihiko was locked up in his room, and neither Makoto nor Mitsuru returned from school. Kotone opened her notebook and started writing. Her thoughts. Her experiences. Her theories. To have some proof that she wasn’t crazy.

Her eyes flickered to the trinkets in her bag, starting with the pink strap on her phone. Last night she was scared to show them off, but maybe it’s exactly what she needed. Her ace in the hole. The only way to prove to the world that she wasn’t —

The light in her room flickered off.

sh*t. Was it midnight already?

Kotone flipped open her phone, clicking her tongue as it refused to turn on. Great. Just great. If it were anything like her nights here when she first attended the dorm, she’d be turned right back to her room by Mitsuru or Yukari as they watched —

Wait. She was in her room. In the Dark Hour.

… Where was Pharos?

That’s strange, right? Unlike her first go-around, she didn’t sign a contract with him. Was that because she already fulfilled the contract? But even if that were the case, where was he now? He had to be back if the Dark Hour was back… Right?

Even if Pharos didn’t show up the second night she stayed at the dorm, she surely should have seen him by now. There was no mistaking that. He was a specter, appearing in different places of her room whenever she blinked. Maybe doing so would cause him to appear.




Kotone threw her phone on the bed with a groan of frustration. Of course he wasn’t showing up when she wanted him too.

But — wait. There was something Kotone saw. Something which she got rid of at the beginning of the prior year. A camera. Blinking red. During the Dark Hour. She was being recorded. Watched. Kotone scooted from bed, staring at the camera head on.

With everything going on, Kotone almost forgot one crucial detail — S.E.E.S. was being tricked. Kotone bit down on her lip, hands balling into fists as she stared right into the lens.

He wouldn’t get away with this again.

Kotone tore out of her room, racing up the stairs. The command room door flew open, Mitsuru’s eyes freezing Kotone in place. Peering inside the command room, Kotone could see Yukari trembling as she made eye contact with Kotone. But behind her? A man slumped in the chair, legs folded and blue light reflecting against his glasses.

Shuji Ikutsuki.

“Shiomi,” Mitsuru’s voice was the first to break through cold silence, but even if her intent was to catch Kotone’s attention, she didn’t dare take her eyes off the man behind death itself. “We were having a private meeting with the school’s Chairman. I know you have many questions, but —”

“It’s fine,” Ikutsuki stood up from the chair, waving Mitsuru off as he took her place. “Given Kotone’s apparent familiarity with the Dark Hour, lying will only make her distrust us. Makoto is a bit of a Wild Card, I admit, but any strength we can amass is needed for the fight against the shadows. That’s what you said, isn’t it?” Ikutsuki’s smile spread wide, Mitsuru’s gaze falling to the floor with resignation. Clearing his throat, Ikutsuki held out his hand, his devilish smile refusing to drop. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m the chairman of the school board, my name is Shuji Ikutsuki. That’s Shu-ji I-ku-tsu-ki. It’s quite the mouthful, I know. It’s why I hate repeating myself, but —”

White knuckles met the sound of cracking bone as Ikutsuki shuffled back on his heels, his descent stopped by a supportive hand from Mitsuru. Whatever rage or bile Kotone tried to swallow exploded as the man spoke, her tongue feeling like wet cotton in her mouth, memories of that night on the school’s observatory playing in her mind over and over again.

Just like that night, blood gushed down his face. This time it was from his nose as he cupped to try and stop it from dripping all over the floor. “I-I understand that being monitored without your permission may come as a surprise, but I promise I had a very good reason to —”

“You can’t trust him!” Kotone stomped forward, her balled fists tightening, knuckles throbbing in pain. “That man is a serial liar! He’s lying to you right now! He doesn’t just know what the Dark Hour is, he’s the one who caused it.”

Yukari blinked in Kotone’s direction, as if trying to absorb that information. “Kotone —”

“I don’t know what’s gotten into you.” Ikutsuki’s hand tightened around his nose as blood poured between the crevices of his fingers. “Even if you know what this hour is, that doesn’t give you the right to attack me and flail accusations around!”

“The Chairman is right.” Mitsuru turned her attention away from Ikutsuki, cold eyes pointed toward Kotone. “Do you have anything to say about this behavior of yours?”

“This… behavior?” Kotone repeated. It was like they didn’t hear a word she said. “I told you, Ikutsuki’s the one who set all this up! He’s the one who started the Dark Hour in the first place!”

“That’s absurd!” Ikutsuki backed away, eyes wide and feral. Kotone could tell she was cornering him. The only problem? It was her word against his. And given the way Mitsuru stared, Kotone knew there was no world where Mitsuru would pick her. And why should she? Ikutsuki worked with the Kirijo Group for a long time.

But there has to be some part of Mitsuru that believes in her…

… Right?

Mitsuru’s breath heaved, her sharp eyes refusing to let up. “Shiomi, I understand the surrounding circ*mstances are not ideal. You’ve awoken to a world where people transform into coffins, blood lines the street, and there are monsters at every turn. It is reasonable to be under duress. And under normal circ*mstances we would help you work through this —”

Mitsuru thought that Kotone was crazy.

Because of course she did.

What Kotone needed was proof. Substantial proof that could convict Ikutsuki.

But where was something like that? Sure, they found files regarding his research among his belongings. But did he have it on him here? If he didn’t, then Kotone wouldn’t be believed again.

She was stuck between a rock and a hard place with no exits.

But she couldn’t relent. Not after she punched and accused Ikutsuki. Ikutsuki would watch Kotone like a hawk. She needed to get his deeds exposed so they could find —


The first of the Full Moon shadows would be attacking in two nights time. The first of twelve. If they didn’t stop them then Ryoji would return, heralding the coming of the Fall. Meaning she’d have to sacrifice herself again.

Maybe history was doomed to repeat itself. But there had to be another way. Another way to stop the rampant Apathy Syndrome. And a way to prevent the Fall. Kotone wasn’t sure which way, but she had to try something. Anything.

“I’m not crazy.” Kotone spoke through grit teeth. Mitsuru’s eyes narrowed, Yukari stepping back behind Ikutsuki and Mitsuru. “I don’t have any proof, but you can’t trust a word Ikutsuki says. He’s misleading us to make us hunt down the shadows, and in turn —”

“That’s enough!” Ikutsuki’s eyes flared in Kotone’s direction, and despite his attempts at retaining his cool, Kotone could see his carefully fabricated guise falling apart. But could the others see it? Would they be able to stop him before it was too late? Ikutsuki’s flared expression softened, returning the once nurturing and calm Chairman. “Mitsuru. You were correct that I was waiting to see if she had the potential, and while this assault during the Dark Hour proves just that, I’m afraid to say these wild accusations continue to prove she won’t be a team player.”

Bullsh*t. In another lifetime Ikutsuki appointed Kotone as team leader. He just wanted to be rid of her because she somehow knew his truth. There was no way —

“I agree.” It took a moment for Kotone to realize it was Mitsuru speaking. And a moment longer to understand the full intent of those two simple words. Kotone’s heart plummeted to the pits of her stomach as she turned her pleading eyes in Mitsuru’s direction. “It’s a shame because we could use the extra fire-power. Seeing as she assaulted you, you may choose what to do with her.”

sh*t. sh*t. sh*t. There was no way that — “Come on Mitsuru, you can’t listen to him! He’s —”

“You’ve assaulted me and levied lies against my altruistic intentions.” Ikutsuki stepped forward, his glasses reflecting the blue light of the room. “Pack up your belongings and leave the dormitory at once! You are hereby expelled from Gekkoukan High!”

Kotone blinked, looking over to Mitsuru whose cold stare didn’t falter. Yukari’s lips parted, but no words slipped from her mouth. No. Surely one of them had to believe her, right? Right? “Come on, are you going to let him just —”

Mitsuru stepped forward, her footsteps causing Kotone’s words to retreat to the back of her throat. Even without Mitsuru’s evoker, Kotone could feel the cold chill of Penthesilea seeping through the room. “Silence. The Chairman is right. There is no more reasonable punishment than that.”

Expelled? Kotone’s lips parted, trying to force the words from her throat, but nothing came. The word didn’t sound real: Expelled. Because that only applied to really bad students. Or students who never showed up to school. She was trying to do the right thing. To save the world. Like she had just days prior. But Mitsuru didn’t make jokes. Not about this. And as the cold reality of the situation crept in, Kotone wished for nothing more than the simple days long gone.


Thank you so much for reading! This fic wouldn’t be possible without croisvoix, inviernainvicta, and Vadrigar. Thank you for supporting me these past few months, it means a lot!

Upload schedule is currently looking to be monthly. Chapter 2 will be released on March 2nd! With that said, I’m building up a backlog of chapters right now and I want to get a good bit into it before I switch to weekly, but that will happen… at some point. I’ll announce when that does.

I have a small community of readers and editors over on my Discord channel. Check it out if you want, we’d love to have you!

Thank you so much again for reading, it truly means the world to me. Until next time!

Chapter 2: Full Moon, New Life (April 8th-April 9th)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was bullsh*t.

All of it. Ikutsuki’s fake smile. The sweet lies he told S.E.E.S. The fact no one remembered her. Bullsh*t!

Kotone thought herself proud for limiting her rage. Aside from breaking Ikutsuki’s nose, of course. Now that she was alone? It felt like she was being torn apart by the seams. Kotone’s fingertips tore into the pillowcase, bicep trembling as she threw the soft instrument in the corner of her room. With a metallic clunk the camera collapsed from its perch.

“Wow, you uh… knocked that thing down. How did you even see it up there?”

Kotone’s body ran stiff at the sound of Yukari’s voice, the girl poking her head in from the edge of Kotone’s door. While Yukari braved herself into the room, her gaze refused to meet Kotone’s, using the door to safeguard half her body. Could Kotone blame her? She decked the school chairman. Anyone would be worried for their safety.

Why was Yukari here? As a spy for Ikutsuki? To gather intel in order to determine how much of a threat she could be to his plans? Or is Yukari being kind? A helping hand in a time of distress? Kotone wasn’t sure, but she wasn’t going to be caught off guard twice. “Why are you here? Aren’t you scared I’ll hurt you or something?”

Yukari flinched, eyes trailing to the fallen camera. “I-I mean, I can’t really explain why but… Ugh. You show up here, mention the Dark Hour, know where that camera was, and then come running to the command room making wild accusations. I need to know: how are you all so certain of this?”

Kotone wasn’t sure if there was an easy way to answer that. Hell, she didn’t have any answers beyond the obvious I’m reexperiencing the last year of my life. Which no sane person would believe.

Something in Kotone’s heart made her want to think Yukari could be trusted. Yukari nearly sacrificed herself that first Full Moon last year. Yukari never thought so, but she was as selfless as they come. Only problem being their friendship blossomed only after months of spending time together. As far as Yukari knew, they had only known each other for a \day. Could Yukari be trusted? Especially when she had every right to be suspicious?

Something in Kotone’s heart pulled her to trust. To be open. Even if logic dictated otherwise. Kotone reached for her phone, letting it sit in the crook of her palm. “You remember this, right?”

Despite the dismal lighting, Yukari’s eyes went wide, her feet shuffling from out behind the door as she stuttered forward. “That’s… the same strap as — Kotone, you —” Yukari paused her approach, hands trembling and throat bobbing.

Kotone wasn’t going to wait for a response. She didn’t have time to waste. Kotone marched forward, placing her phone in Yukari’s open palm. “It’s the exact same strap. It’s one you gave me. You asked why I know all of this? It’s because I’ve lived it before. This is proof of that.”

Yukari’s hand flexed around the phone, eyes dragging toward it as her free hand traced the edge of the strap. Her fingertips ghosted the worn pink edge, hand trembling with every moment she inspected the worn pink material.

Yukari glared. Pressing forward and slamming the door behind herself, stomping on the fallen camera as it fell apart in metal chunks. It was a breath later that Yukari returned Kotone’s eye contact, her hold on the pink strap clenching into a fist. Yukari leapt forward, pulling Kotone into a hug.

Kotone’s breath faltered, jaw trembling as she stilled in Yukari’s embrace. That wasn’t what Kotone expected at all. Yukari should be running away. Should be calling Kotone insane. But she didn’t do any of that. There was a chance that — “Do you believe me?”

The question forced Yukari away, her figure trembling as she stared down at the phone. “Kotone, this is… a lot. I didn’t... Well, what matters is that we both don’t trust the Kirijo Group or the Chairman.”

Kotone always knew Yukari to be confident, but this was something different. Despite Yukari’s trembling posture, Kotone could feel the determination oozing from her. Maybe Yukari’s grudge against the Kirijo Group was stronger than Kotone realized. Or maybe Kotone was too used to how Yukari and Mitsuru bonded after the Ikutsuki incident. It was easy to forget how lost and angry Yukari used to be.

Maybe all Kotone’s doing is directing Yukari’s rage. Changing targets from Kotone to the group that stole Yukari's father away. Giving Yukari a reason to be angry at the Kirijo Group beyond sealed whispers and lost promises.

Did her trust matter much if Yukari wasn’t willing to stand up for her? Especially now when Kotone were to be expelled? Kotone pulled her hand away, motioning to continue packing her bag. “If you think I’m right then why didn’t you stand up for me back there?”

“And get expelled alongside you?” Whatever retort Kotone had died in her throat. The answer should have been obvious from the get go. Yukari was here on a mission too. Why throw that all away for someone she just met with no proof? That’d be asinine. Yukari crossed her arms, eyes falling to the wallpaper. She was frustrated. Anyone would be in her shoes. Yet she stayed. “You know, if you showed me this before you tried punching the Chairman we could have worked together or something! Now I — well, it doesn’t matter now.”

“What’ll you do? You know the Chairman can’t be trusted.”

“I’ll have to keep my head down. He’ll be pretty guarded about everything to avoid any more suspicion. Why did you think that’d —”

“I’m sorry, okay?” The words sounded foreign off Kotone’s tongue. She wasn’t one to apologize often, but she messed up. Realized that. She ruined her position within S.E.E.S. and Yukari’s ambitions went right with it. There was no easy way to make up for this. Well, there was one way. “Yukari. I know the truth about the Kirijo Group. I could tell you if you want. The truth about your dad.”

Yukari blinked; eyes wide like dinner plates as her lips parted with nothing but empty breath slipping through her teeth. Yukari’s body started shaking as she took a trembling step forward. “Kotone, I —”


“Shiomi? You in there? I’m here to escort you. Are you ready?” Akihiko’s voice sent chills down Kotone’s spine, but it was Yukari who froze in place. All that determination she built up evaporated in an instant.

Kotone couldn’t change the moment. Surely couldn’t air the Kirijo’s dirty laundry in front of Akihiko as if it were gossip. Instead, Kotone cleared her throat, eyes tearing away from the disappointed look on Yukari’s face. “Yeah, I’m almost finished.” Kotone’s hand flinched as she went to grab her academy top. The majority of the clothes she had packed were Gekkoukan’s uniforms. She’d have to go shopping soon to rectify that. “ — You can come in.”

Light poured into the room as Akihiko walked inside, his silver hair glistening with the golden glow like a halo. “Oh, I didn’t think you’d be here, Yukari.”

“I was watching her. You heard what she did, right?” Yukari wasn’t known to be much of a liar, but the way she slid into that act to cover herself was impressive.

Akihiko frowned, arms crossing as his eyes shifted from Yukari, to Kotone, then back to Yukari. “I did. Saw the Chairman’s bloody nose and everything. Can’t say I condone it, but that was pretty ballsy. Gotta give her credit for that.”

Kotone hated how they were talking about her as if she weren’t there. These were some of her closest friends, and now that she was estranged made the black hole in her heart grow a little bigger.

Yukari knew now. Or Kotone hoped she understood at least a little. Not that their bond would return by that knowledge, but it was something at least. Could Kotone rely on her? She wasn’t sure. But Kotone yearned for the day that they’d be friends again.

With the final piece of clothing in her bag, Kotone was packed. Whisked in and out like wind from a slammed window. Kotone wished she could call this bittersweet, but it was bitter all the way down. No amount of sweetener could change that fact. For the first time since attending Gekkoukan, Kotone would be alone.

Just like her life before. No place to call home. No friends or family. Just herself.

Kotone swallowed the bile that dared to rise up her throat, holding back the tears that burned the edge of her eyes. This wasn’t forever. She’d get to the bottom of this. Reconnect. Save all of them. Because this couldn’t be it. Not by a long shot. Locking eyes with Akihiko, Kotone forced a smile on her lips, the edges trembling with the uncertain future that lay ahead. “I’m ready to go.”

“Great. Let’s get out of here.” Akihiko’s actions were quick. Precise. Turning on his heel. Stride wide. Out of sight as he stepped out of her room.

With a deep breath, Kotone pressed forward, her smile shrinking into something small. Frail. The edges turned the slightest bit upward as she looked at Yukari, her last visage of hope within S.E.E.S. manifest. “Thanks for believing in me. I’ll try to help as much as I can.”

“Don’t.” Yukari shook her head, her body trembling. It looked like she wanted to move but was stuck in place. Her eyes shimmered with tears as she looked over Kotone one final time. “Just… Stay safe. We’ll find a way to overcome this, okay?”

Kotone wasn’t sure how to respond. More than that, Kotone knew if she agreed, she’d be lying. Because why would she stay back? Guilt would be the only thing that would taint her mind if she stayed safe and let everyone else handle it. Especially when she was at the center of the fight against the Shadows.

Kotone nodded, but she could tell Yukari didn’t buy it for a second. Knew it was impossible to lie about something like this. Knew that she’d be found out sooner or later. But Kotone didn’t have another choice.

And maybe she was wrong. Kotone could change the past. She had that opportunity now. And if she could prevent tragedy, could save the world a second time… maybe that’d all be worth it.

The morning rays of dawn rose over the waterfront of Iwatodai, Kotone bringing her hand up to cover her eyes as she stumbled down the front steps of the dorm. This place held so many memories, but she said goodbye to it once before. This wouldn’t be the end. Not by a long shot.

Akihiko trudged down the steps ahead of Kotone, placing a hand on his hip, eyes focused back toward her. “Your key?” The question came out of nowhere, but Kotone nodded, fishing in her bag before handing it to him. She didn’t mind relinquishing it, especially when she had a second one. Akihiko looked it over before flashing Kotone a smile. “Thanks. See ya.”

Kotone blinked; a cold wind whipped through her hair. They stood like that staring at one another, Kotone waiting for another response of some kind. But as the silence Kotone realized that he meant it. That this was it.

It shouldn’t have hurt. Not when Akihiko didn’t know Kotone. She shouldn’t have taken it personally. But it didn’t stop her heart from feeling the sharp pierce of an emotional dagger. All her optimism leaked from the invisible wound. Kotone’s teeth ground together, shoulders stiffened, breath pounded from her lips. “This is it? All the dramatics for that?”

“It’s not like we have a place to drop you off…” Akihiko shrugged, his gaze trailing the water. The morning birds chirped throughout the air without a care in the world. Kotone watched as Akihiko stared out toward… somewhere. Or maybe nowhere at all. It was as if he was searching for something. Or someone. Akihiko flinched, turning to look at Kotone once more. “You will find a place to stay, right?”

Kotone shouldn’t have expected that Ikutsuki or Mitsuru would arrange living quarters for her, but she didn't need their financial help. Trinkets weren’t the only thing that she retained from her previous life. “I’ll make do.” Kotone’s lips were dry as she spoke. the uncertainty betraying her boisterous declaration.

“Between you and me? I like people who stick up for what they believe in. We could’ve used someone like you.”

Kotone frowned. What was the use of saying something like this now? “It’s not like I don’t want to work with you.”

“I somehow doubt that.” Akihiko patted Kotone on the shoulder. “Stay safe. It wouldn’t do my mind any good knowing a defenseless girl got attacked.”

“I’m not defenseless.”

“Then it looks like I have nothing to worry about. Good luck out there.”

This was a setback. That’s all it’d be. Mitsuru would see to reason. Eventually. And if not, Kotone had Yukari on her side. Until then Kotone had to find a place to sleep. She still had all the money she made last year, whether it be from working at Chagall or hunting shadows in Tartarus. Finances would be the last of her worries.

Kotone strolled down the streets of Iwatodai, the same that she’d travel to reach the station every day for school. The same she’d walk side by side with her fellow members of S.E.E.S. to infiltrate Tartarus, or to investigate a monthly Shadow’s attack. A sign for Crown Hotel showed in the distance, and Kotone figured that was a good a sign as any to try her luck there.

This was the first time Kotone stepped inside a hotel like this. She never had the means to check out a room until joining S.E.E.S. After earning some money of her own, Kotone had a home she never wanted to leave, with friends surrounding her at every corner. There was never a reason to leave. Not until now.

Ideally she'd be able to stay until she could find an apartment to rent. Was that even an option for a 17 year old girl? Wait, was she 16 now? None of this made any sense. Kotone shook her head, her hair swaying with the gentle breeze. She was wasting time. Hesitating. She could do this. She’d been able to kill world ending threats. She could talk to a concierge.

The lobby, with its classical wooden architecture and polished floors was plainer than Kotone imagined. But beggars couldn’t be choosers. Kotone shone a toothy grin toward the concierge desk, slamming a hand on the closer edge. “Hi, I’d like to rent a room.”

“A room?” The receptionist arched an eyebrow, looking Kotone up and down. “That’s a school uniform, right? We aren’t allowed to rent rooms to anyone under 18.”

sh*t. Of course that was a stipulation. But would they really deny a good paying customer who doesn’t have a roof over their head? “Seriously? Is there nothing you can do? I don’t have a place to stay.”

“Tough luck kid. Rules are rules.”

Kotone stomped her way out, shoes kicking the gravel under her feet as a frustrated growl rolled from her lungs. The morning sun was nothing but a haunting reminder of her lost bonds. Lost place in the world. And the passage of time that crawled ever forward. Same as her stomach rumbling, hungry for food. Just another problem she’d have to solve. Why did it feel like the universe had it out for her?

It wasn’t all bad.

Okay — she hadn’t found a place to stay, but she was eating a croissant from Chagall. The flaky exterior gave Kotone a splash of nostalgia from her hurried lunch breaks. On her journey to Paulownia Mall, Kotone learned two key facts. You couldn’t stay at a hotel, or rent an apartment, without being 18 years old. However, you could if you have the consent of a parent or guardian. Kotone could do nothing about her age, and her parents were long dead. Without any guardian figure she was out of luck.

Maybe that’s why Shinjiro was out on the streets. He’d probably be her best bet at finding a place to stay, but would he give her the time of day? Would she even be able to find him? That was where the problem lay with everyone. If someone had their memories back then it’d be so much easier. However Kotone had to navigate a minefield of approaching her closest friends without looking insane. The best course of action was to avoid the minefield entirely. For now.

Kotone rested her chin on her palm, gazing out the window. Kids were prancing around the fountain, with couples sharing morning coffee by the benches. It was a shock to see how lively everyone was before the first Full Moon shadow appeared. Apathy Syndrome was an ailment that scaled as the year went on. Kotone didn’t miss seeing the half-dead population wander about the city like zombies. Dreaded the day when the population afflicted grew once more.

A flashy smile and animated gestures caught the corner of Kotone’s eye. A man in a pressed gray suit and red tie cornered a young woman near the record store. It looked like Tanaka and his desperate comb-over were up to their old tricks.

Kotone choked on her croissant as an idea sprung in her head. She pounded on her chest, coughing, wondering if this was a sign of how terrible of an idea this was. But any idea was better than living on the streets. After swallowing the remainder of her croissant, Kotone waved to the waiter, standing from her table, “Thank you for having me!”

The time for pleasantries was over. Because this was Tanaka. The sleazy businessman who’d twist anything and everything to his advantage. But Kotone had dealt with him. Sure, it cost her 40000 yen, but she’d learned. Grown as a person. Tanaka wouldn’t be ready for her.

That’s what she’d like to believe. But standing in front of the man, watching as he tried to sell a pedestrian on a marketing scheme sent chills down her spine. Knowing Tanaka, trying to make any deal would end bad for her. The best course of action would be to turn on her heel and walk away.

But Kotone wasn’t a quitter.

“Excuse me, mister!” Kotone waved in a desperate plea to get the man’s attention away from the woman. Tanaka arched an eyebrow in her direction, and just as his attention slipped, the other woman weaseled away, mouthing a silent thank you in Kotone’s direction.

“Run along, little girl. Can’t you see I’m — sh*t. She left.” Tanaka’s shoulders deflated, his head hanging in shame before turning to meet Kotone’s gaze head on. “Don’t you know who I am? I’m a very busy man!”

Tanaka was riled up.

Exactly how Kotone wanted him.

“Who…? I can’t say I do!” If this were a cartoon then steam would be coming out of Tanaka’s ears and he’d be stomping on the ground furiously. Instead, Tanaka’s face turned red as his teeth ground together. Through his rage, his beady eyes looked Kotone once over. Twice. And on the third time his angry shade paled.

Tanaka brushed down his suit, confident smile returning to his face. “Is that so? Well, I’m sure you’ve seen the home-shopping program called Tanaka’s Amazing Commodities. Allow me to introduce myself —” Tanaka handed Kotone a business card, on it reading President and Executive Producer Tanaka. That was much easier than the original go around. At least she didn’t have to lose 40000 yen in the process. “That’s right, I’m Tanaka! Surely you’ve heard the name.”

Just gotta butter him up. Come on, swallow your pride! It’ll be fine!

Kotone snapped her fingers, batting her eyelashes for the man. “Oh, that’s right! You know, I’d totally love to be a model for you! — You wouldn’t even have to pay me! All I’d want is a measly apartment!”

Tanaka blinked, looking Kotone over again, a chuckle snaked its way from his lips. “An… apartment? Don’t tell me you’re homeless?”

Kotone clapped her hands, nodding. “As of today! I also have some money, but no one will rent to me because I’m too young.”

“Ohh, I see how it is.” Tanaka leaned in, eyeing Kotone over. Every second under his scrutinizing gaze made Kotone want to hurl. But if it was anything like last time then — “Very well. Become our model and I’ll see what I can do.”

Great. Tanaka’s words were about as good as she could throw him, but for the time being it’d have to do. Now all she had to do was push a little more and — “What about for right now? Can’t have your new model living on the streets, right?”

Tanaka went wide eyed, a hum pressing against his lips as he looked toward the top of the Paulownia dome. “Hmm, you’re right. That’d look bad for the company in more ways than one. I’ll get a hotel room rented out. But I expect the money for it upfront. With extra —”

“Deal!” Money talked, especially with Tanaka. A verbal contract with a downpayment of 7000 yen, and Kotone was off.

Given the down payment, Kotone figured the hotel would be low scale. But as she stood outside the building, Kotone knew she was ripped off. Rats crawled through the open door, the path way covered in weeds and trash. As she stepped inside she was sure she’d be able to rent a room here without his word. What, given how little the concierge checked any of her information. Even when Kotone thought she was playing Tanaka, he managed to get one up on her.

Kotone entered her room, co*ckroaches crawling from the center to hide in crevices in the wall. The bed had holes in it, the sink dirty, and Kotone didn’t even want to look in the restroom. She wanted to gag, but a room was better than no room. Kotone dropped her bag to the ground, the back of her head slamming against the wall.

This was temporary. It’d pass. Just like everything else had.

The following day a note slipped under Kotone’s door. A schedule. She’d be working most weekdays, which was fine. She already took classes and there were more pressing issues like why she’s back and why she’s reliving her last year all over again. How Tanaka expected her to look put together and pretty like a model did, she wasn’t sure, especially while living in a pigsty like this. But she’d make it work.

But all of that didn’t matter when there was a pressing issue looming around the corner. The Full Moon. The first of the Twelve Arcana shadows would arrive, and without Kotone there, Yukari was in danger. Last year Yukari was swatted away like a fly as she failed to summon her Persona. Kotone knew showing her face around there might be a bad idea, but she couldn’t let Yukari be in danger.

The nice thing about staying at a run-down motel was that no one cared if a teenager left to wander the streets at night. The frigid air chilled Kotone’s lungs, her muscles tensing from the cold flooding her body, but doing nothing to slow her arrival toward Iwatodai.

The biggest problem was that Kotone didn’t know where the Magician Shadow would appear. She knew Akihiko found it and ran, but never got the details of where it’d arrive. Without a navigator like Fuuka it’d be hard to track down. The next best bet was to wait by the dorms, find Akihiko, and take down the Magician Shadow together.

Bile twisted in Kotone’s gut, the implications of killing the Magician Shadow roaring loud in her head. Because if she killed it, she’d be falling right into the palm of Ikutsuki’s hand, orchestrating his bidding and bringing about the Fall.

But it wasn’t as if she could ignore the Shadow. It’d rampage across Iwatodai, taking too many lives in the process. This was only the first of twelve shadows to tame, and if they arrived in similar fashion, then she had seven months to find a solution to fix all of this.

Maybe that was why she was given a second chance. A second chance to change the course of history. To stop the Fall from arriving in the first place. To stop her inevitable sacrifice.

This was her chance to live a full life. To have a future.

But what was the cost? Her old friendships. There was no world they’d be the same again. Not after what she did. Would they understand once everything was over? Logic would say they should, but Kotone found herself —

“Hey, whatcha doin’ here?”

Kotone’s eyes flashed to meet Akihiko’s, a frown on his face with a hand on his hip. He was equipped with brass knuckles and evoker in its holster around his waist. A little early to be meeting up, but Kotone didn't mind. It beat aimless wandering.

“I’m homeless, so I don’t really have anywhere to go.” Kotone rocked on the balls of her feet in an attempt to appear more innocent than her ulterior intentions painted. She was lucky that Akihiko took almost everything at face value — if it were Mitsuru she ran into, it’d be a whole different problem.

“It’s dangerous out here. You should —” The Dark Hour froze the words from Akihiko’s lips, his eyes darting to the gargantuan moon that spread across the skyline. “sh*t, it’s here. Get inside. It’s not safe.”

“I told you, I’m homeless. And —” Kotone’s grin widened as she unlatched the button on her holster, retrieving her evoker. “ — I’m not defenseless.”

Akihiko’s eyes were as big as the moon, a thousand questions passing behind those hazel hues. But the only words escaping his lips were “Where did you get that?”

“It’s mine, but don’t worry I —.” Crumbling stone cut Kotone’s sentence short, the multi-handed Magician Shadow scuttled from behind the block, charging forward. Kotone could hear Akihiko draw his Evoker. Kotone knew Akihiko couldn’t take it out by himself. It was time to put her money where her mouth is. Prove that he could trust her.

A battle eager grin slipped on the corners of Kotone’s lips, the cold metal of the evoker pressing against her temple. With a heavy breath, Kotone exhaled, pulling the trigger. The sound of shattering glass echoing in her eardrums. “Come, Messiah!”

Kotone anticipated a blinding light to encompass her. The icy feeling she felt in her veins when battling the Avatar of Nyx. But it was the opposite. The white robes of Messiah were tainted red, long silver hair cut jagged, wings shattered, and coffins missing. Messiah’s body was wrapped in twisting black chains, their red eyes shining against the green night sky of the Dark Hour. Messiah slammed their hand on the ground, chains erupting from the earth which shackled Kotone’s arms and legs. Her body was thrust forward, head slamming into the cobblestone floor below. A scratchy scream crawled from Kotone’s throat as Messiah’s familiar roar echoed into the night.

Messiah’s voice was gone. Absent. Kotone thought it odd how silent her head had been given the Persona she once had at her disposal, but as the frigid chains dug into her skin, Kotone’s assumption was wrong. Messiah wasn’t the Messiah she once partnered with. Something was different about them.

None of that mattered as the Magician Shadow’s footsteps pounded ever closer. Kotone’s head twitched in the Shadow’s direction, eyes narrowing as she forced another breath out. “Messiah, light it up!”

Messiah’s mighty roar shook the ground she was face planted in, flames dancing through the cracks of the stone-cobbled floor. Kotone grinned, lips brushing against the cold floor as fire tracked up the Shadow’s limbs. But — something was wrong. The chains around Kotone’s arms and legs were burning red hot. A scream tearing from her lungs as her skin sizzled from inescapable burns.

“Polydeuces!” Lightning struck the Shadow, shocking it in place. As Kotone’s scream expired, so did the flames, retreating back to Messiah’s palm. Kotone’s breath felt hot and sticky as it bounced back at her lips, vision going white as she stared at the jolted Shadow. Its mask was facing toward Akihiko now, charging toward her former friend. “Yeah, that’s right. Follow me you big bastard!”

Kotone wanted to protest, but her vision was slipping. Messiah roared into the night one final time before evaporating, the chains along with it. Kotone wanted to stand. Wanted to fight. But Kotone couldn’t muster the strength as her eyes closed, a cold wash flowing through her veins. The same feeling she had that day on the rooftop.


Thanks for waiting it out for this chapter. I know a month is a bit long of a wait, but I'm getting a lot of good ground work done. Chapter 3 is scheduled to come out the first Friday of April, April 5th, and I'm hopeful after that it'll become a weekly fic releasing every Friday.

I, uh, promise Kotone won't only go through isolation and pain! There's a long road ahead of her, both good and bad. I hope you look forward to the adventure that lies ahead.

If you wanna join my discord while I get ground work on this fic done, you can join it here!

Many thanks to my vibe checkers croisvoix, inviernainvicta, and Vadrigar. All your help and support always means a lot. <3

Thank you so much for all the kind comments last chapter, seeing the intrigue and reactions really motivated me to get more writing done. Again, thank you all so much, and until next time!

Chapter 3: Helping Hand (April 10th-April 21st)


After Messiah's fiery assault, Kotone wakes up in an unfamiliar location.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kotone’s eyes clamped shut, forcing away the dizzying lights that spun around her head. It did nothing to seal away the pain. Piercing her skull. Growing worse with every second that dragged on.

Defeated, Kotone’s eyes opened for a second time. The light still present. Overpowering. Kotone winced. While Kotone’s head ached, her body buzzed with a tingling numbness from shoulders to toes. Bright white light faded, bleeding to a stained worn ceiling and warm red hair.

Kotone sprang from the ground, breath pounding from her lungs. Staring straight into her eyes were a pair of dull honey hues. The eyes of a dead girl: Chidori Yoshino.

She was just as Kotone remembered, immaculately kept white gothic dress and a hint of purple eyeshadow. Her skin was pale. Reminder of the night she sacrificed her life for Junpei’s. It was hard not to think of that night when staring at her. Shouldn’t have been surprising, either. Kotone should have been happy to see her alive, and yet it did nothing to comfort her.

Chidori held her hands over Kotone’s arm, the burn marks from Messiah’s rebellion fading away. Kotone’s heart plummeted as she stared into Chidori’s eyes. She jerked away, eyes darting for an exit. She was in an abandoned apartment building. A broken window gave sight to the Full Moon hanging high in the sky. Given the rooftops, Kotone figured they were pretty high up.

Metal shone in the corner of Kotone’s eye. It was a stash of weapons. An ax. Chains. Brass knuckles. Swords. Pistols — no, those were evokers. They were missing the S.E.E.S. initials, but Kotone could spot them anywhere.

No immediate escape routes. Not without throwing away her life. It didn’t take a genius to realize that she was in Strega’s hideout. Kotone’s heart slowed, chatter filling the silence that it left. In the far corner of the room stood the two remaining members of Strega. Out of the two, the closest was Jin, with his back facing Kotone and Chidori, hand gripped tight on his metallic briefcase. He and Takaya were arguing, Jin’s free arm swinging out with a dramatic proclamation. Takaya didn’t flinch or tense. His head held high, arms limp, with his palm resting on the butt of his revolver.

These three were the last people Kotone wanted to see. She was a rat trapped in a cage. The only luck she had was that they weren’t her enemies. Not from their perspective. There was no telling what could tick them off, but Chidori went through the effort of healing her. There had to be a way out of this. Surely.

Takaya walked past Jin, pace slow as golden eyes locked on Kotone. He plucked the revolver from his jeans, finger hooked in the trigger guard as it swayed back and forth with every step. “Are you finished?” Takaya’s voice was silky smooth, charismatic tone clashing against yellow teeth and his emaciated figure.

“Mhmm.” Chidori’s fingertips grazed Kotone’s arm as she pulled away, cold to the touch. The remnants of Messiah’s burn erased along with all the other scars.

Kotone’s eyes sprung from her injury-free arm up toward Takaya, who took Chidori’s spot. He squatted, silver revolver hanging from his right index finger, yellow teeth grinning as he locked eyes with Kotone. “You’re a Persona user too?” Given the revolver that hung loosely in Takaya’s grip, Kotone could only assume he was using it as a threat. For cooperation. For information. For a deal.

Every inch of Kotone’s body hummed with restless energy. Blood rang in her ears. Vision blurred. Shoulders shivered. The inclination Kotone had when she punched Ikutsuki flooded her muscles. But… this was different. Hostile Persona users surrounded her. If she took a chance to attack Takaya, he’d likely retaliate with his revolver. That’s not to mention Jin and Chidori standing close by. No matter which angle Kotone looked, she had no choice but to cooperate. “And what if I am?”

Takaya’s lips parted, a chuckle escaping through his breath. His hand stilled, the revolver to a rocking stop. Takaya wasn’t going to shoot her for challenging him. He was amused.

“Where did you get this?” Jin’s voice broke through first, Kotone’s evoker in the crook of his palm. “It looks well made, better than ours. And what’s this engraved on the side?”

Takaya’s free hand waved Jin down, a frown pressing on his lips. “That’s enough, Jin. One question at a time.”

Kotone forced down the viscous saliva that swam in her mouth. This was good. They wanted information. There’s no way she’d be able to tell them the truth. They’d kill her on the spot. But she could lie. Lying was always an option. “I stole it from another group of Persona users.” It’d be impossible to not implicate S.E.E.S, given the organization’s name is engraved on the side. If anything, showing that she’s openly rebelling against them should net her brownie points with Strega. Hopefully.

“Are you talking about those wannabe heroes Chidori’s been sensing?” Jin stepped forward this time, his grip on Kotone’s evoker tightening.

Takaya waved Jin off for a second time, another chuckle rolling from his throat. “We’ve been monitoring another group of Persona users for quite some time. They fight outcrops of shadows as if it were an accomplishment. What purpose does it give them, I wonder?”

“I don’t know why they do it. I barely understand any of this. They brought me in because I was awake during the Dark Hour. I decked the leader’s face because I thought he was an asshole. I snatched an evoker on the way out.”

Chidori stood, looming over Takaya’s squatted form. “That would explain why I felt a presence leave her behind.” It was true Akihiko left her behind, but who knew the circ*mstances S.E.E.S. underwent. Kotone wasn’t there to protect Yukari from the Magician Shadow. There were bigger things to worry about.

Cold metal brushed Kotone’s skin as Takaya’s revolver traced the seared rips in Kotone’s jacket. Takaya stared Kotone straight in the eye, looking for a reaction. Any reaction. Kotone wouldn’t give him one. “Your Persona appears to come at a great personal cost. Those burns were self-inflicted, were they not?”

That much couldn’t be ignored. It was impossible to — Messiah attacked Kotone. It did so without hesitation. Without remorse. Every bit of power Kotone directed toward the Magician Shadow was brought down upon herself. Kotone was strong, but her power was a double edged sword. There was no use arguing that. There couldn’t be any harm in telling Strega information they already surmised.

“They were. My Persona attacked both me and the Shadow that assaulted us. My frie— former acquaintance attacked the shadow and left me behind. Probably left me to die.” Kotone wasn’t sure what influenced her to add that last part. Maybe it was to garner sympathy. Or to drive a wedge between her and S.E.E.S. further.

Given the way Takaya frowned, it seemed he took the bait.

Takaya held his free hand behind his back, Jin stepped forward and plopping something in his open palm. A bottle of pills. The same Shinjiro took. Why was he — “It seems you’re like us. You’ll need these to protect yourself.”

What? Those were Persona suppression pills. Shinjiro and Strega took them because their Persona openly rebelled and attacked their user. Surely — no. No, this was completely different. This had to be. Because Messiah was Kotone’s final trump card. The ace in the hole that helped her stave off the Avatar of Nyx and save the world. Sure, Messiah’s voice had been quiet ever since that day, along with her other Persona, but none of that mattered. Because she wasn’t like them.

Not in that way.

“No. I’m fine.”

Takaya arched an eyebrow, shaking the pill bottle back and forth. “Even if your Persona kills you?”

“It won’t.”

“It’s not a matter of will power. People like us do not have full control over our Persona’s actions. Given the extent of your injuries, I’d argue your case is worse than any I have seen.”

“My case? I —” Kotone’s argument died in her throat. As much as she wanted to think that she was different, that Messiah would never harm her, the evidence to the contrary was impossible to ignore.

Takaya placed the pill bottle on the floor, a sigh escaping his lips. Was he feeling pity for her? Was that something Takaya was capable of? It’d feel humbling if the circ*mstances weren’t so disturbing. “... Before we give this, and your evoker, I have to offer: Would you like to join us?”

Kotone blinked. After everything she HAD to be hallucinating. There was no world that Takaya Sakaki was offering Kotone, former leader of S.E.E.S, to join Strega.

… Was it odd if Takaya had taken pity on her? Was it because her Persona attacked her? Or was it because she was abandoned by her friends? Kotone refused to consider the offer — Strega were murderers. They wouldn’t change their ways no matter how much she begged. But it made her look at Takaya differently. If only slightly.


“No?” Takaya let the syllable drag as his voice echoed across the dilapidated room. “Are you certain?”


Takaya’s grip on his revolver tightened. Maybe he didn’t expect Kotone to turn down his offer after all. If this were her first time around, she probably wouldn’t have. She was alone. She would have been scared and confused in the original world. Strega healed her. Cared for her. Gave her information. By all accounts she should want to stay with them.

Kotone refused to think that now. She’d refuse even on her final breath. Takaya could see that too. The newfound tension in his shoulders dropped, the arch of his eyebrow returning with a glint in his eyes. “You are not our prisoner. If you wish to leave, then we’ll send you on your way.”

Jin placed a hand on Takaya’s shoulder, the pale moonlight reflecting off of his squared glasses. “Takaya, we can’t just let her roam free.”

“And why not?” Takaya chuckled, shrugging Jin’s hand off his shoulder. “It’s clear she’s no friend of those other Persona users. Having her as a distraction will help keep them distracted. As long as she promises not to interfere in our business, I can only see this as a benefit.”

Not interfere? What would they do if she interfered in their hitman operations? Or saw her fighting the Arcana Shadows every Full Moon? Would they take her out? It wasn’t like she was in much of a position to argue conditions, but the prospect made her blood run ice cold. Kotone rubbed her forearms as she sprung to her feet, a faux-smile pressing into her cheeks. “I stay in my lane and you stay in yours, doesn’t sound bad.”

“Let us not be hasty.” Takaya stood upright to match. More than that, his towering personage shadowed Kotone as he flipped the revolver in his hand again. “Let us make an arrangement. On the 25th of every month we will meet here during the Dark Hour. You will provide us information, and we will provide you with whatever goods you need.”

Kotone side eyed the pile of weapons they had. They had knives to brass knuckles to naginatas to evokers. If she could find others who could summon Persona, Junpei, Fuuka, Shinjiro, she’d be able to defend herself. She’d be able to amass a team to set the world right. It didn’t sound like a bad deal.

Takaya’s threat was implicit. Chidori would be able to find Kotone wherever she was. There was no getting out of it. The only way to keep her life and freedom was to take the deal. No matter how much Takaya said otherwise, Kotone was their prisoner. She had no choice but to accept.

With a strained grin, Kotone put her right hand forward. “Sounds like a plan.”

Takaya chuckled, sheathing the revolver and taking Kotone’s hand with a firm handshake. “Wonderful. We won’t charge you for healing your wounds. Take that in good faith for the beginning of a beautiful partnership.”

Kotone felt stupid as she walked to Tanaka’s office building. The men and women in the lobby all stared at her as she entered. She didn’t belong, that much was certain. For starters, Kotone was a teenager. She wasn’t as put together as she hoped to be. Kotone found a twenty-four hour bathhouse, washing herself up early in the morning. She ran her clothes through a laundromat to look as clean and professional as possible. But her hair was still knit with knots, and not a lick of make-up decorated her face.

“Ahh — there you are!” Tanaka clapped his hand, a smile stretching across his face. The strained smile slipped to a frown as his beady eyes looked Kotone over. “Is that how you show up for work? As far as first impressions go —”

“I didn’t have much of a choice. The place you have me staying at isn’t exactly the cleanest.” Kotone could feel her body deflating under Tanaka’s scrutinizing gaze. Tanaka’s lips parted to rebuttal, but the words failed. Instead, he turned on his heel, barking an order at a woman.

Kotone followed Tanaka down a long hallway until his shoes planted into a stop. Kotone had to stop herself from running into him. Tanaka grabbed the doorknob, pulling it open. “Go sit. Someone will be here to help you shortly.” Tanaka turned on his heel and headed further down the hallway, mumbling something unintelligible to himself.

It was a make-up room lined with chairs and a row-long vanity. Lights flashed on around the mirrors, causing Kotone’s vision to go blotchy with white patches. Kotone rubbed her eyes with irritation. She couldn’t imagine why Tanaka needed such an extensive make-up room. No one showed up in the commercials besides Tanaka. Maybe on the off chance he needed to hire a lot of people? That didn’t sound like Tanaka. Kotone sighed as she crossed the room, pulling out the nearest chair and staring at herself in the mirror.

Kotone’s moment of peace didn’t last long as footsteps echoed behind her. From the reflection of the mirror a tall woman with dyed red hair, dark rings of eyeliner, wearing a fit gray suit, stormed inside. Her amber-colored eyes locked on Kotone, a huff escaping her lips. “Another kid?” She crossed the distance, pulling the chair next to Kotone and plopping down.

Kotone tilted her head as the woman stared back at her. Black lipstick matched the thick eyeliner, her golden colored eyes striking the same awe as her pixie-cut red hair. The woman pouted as she grabbed Kotone by the chin, pulling her face left, right, up, down.

“Nice to… meet you?”

“Shut it. Why did that bastard pick you?”

Kotone blinked. Out of all the employees, she never imagined that Tanaka would keep a woman like this on his payroll. He only liked people who stroked his ego. Surely a woman like this wouldn’t bend the knee to someone like him… Right? “... Which one is it? Do you want me to tell you, or do you want me to be quiet?”

“Tell me.” The woman barked. Whatever wits Kotone had were quelled by the woman’s sharp tone. Kotone went to speak but found her voice a whimper. What was wrong with her? Was she actually scared by this woman? Her eyes fell from the woman’s honey hues down to a name tag — Serizawa. Nice to have a name for the face. Made her seem a little more human.

“I-I’m homeless and I needed a place to live. Most places won’t let you check out a room or rent an apartment until you’re eighteen.”

Serizawa’s etched frown dissipated, the woman rocking back into her chair as her eyes looked Kotone over once more. “I see. So the old man is taking advantage of you, then.”

How could she say something like that so matter of fact?

“Something like that. What can I do about it?”

Serizawa stood up, rounding Kotone’s chair, dexterous fingers letting Kotone’s ponytail down. “I’ve worked for that bastard a couple years now. He can be a stingy ass, but he trusts me to make him look good. Do you trust me?”

“Do I have much of a choice?”

Serizawa chuckled as she placed her hands on Kotone’s shoulders, righting the chair to face the mirror. “You don’t. Lean back, I’m going to cut your hair.”

Kotone felt her heart start at the command, the urge to fight filling every inch of her body. But Kotone willed herself still. It was just hair. If it meant getting on Tanaka’s good side and moving out of that rundown motel, then she’d be willing to sacrifice a whole lot more than her hair. Despite Serizawa’s gothic exterior, her fingers were gentle as she combed through Kotone’s hair. It didn’t do anything to relieve the tension in Kotone’s shoulders.

“Do you do this a lot, Miss Serizawa?”

“Don’t call me by my last name, That’s reserved for creeps and dipsh*ts. Call me Ulala.”

“Okay Ulala, you still didn’t answer my question.”

A chuckle broke from Ulala’s lips as she reached in front of Kotone, pulling a drawer open revealing more hair cutting instruments than Kotone had seen in her entire life. “Curious? I’ve done this for a lot of that bastard’s up and coming models.”

“If you’re so good at, then why aren’t the other girls still here?”

“Because no one can stand him.” Snip. Snip. Snip. Kotone watched as pieces of her hair fell to the floor. Ulala held strands on Kotone’s hair between her fingers, pursing her lips as she stared at the auburn hue. “He’s an ass and he knows it. Most will leave within a week.”

“Why are you still here?”

Ulala’s hand combed through the length of Kotone’s hair again before threading down the final inches. She did that three times in a row before stopping. “He pays me well because I’m good at what I do. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone else though. Don’t turn your head.”

By the time Ulala was finished with Kotone, she felt reborn. Her hair style hadn’t changed too much. What had changed was the style. Ulala braided Kotone’s hair into a crown across the back of her head, tying up the excess in a bouffant bun. The stray aways were curled. Given the makeup that caked her face, Kotone’s complexion was paler than normal. Dark streaks lined her eyes, and a smattering of silver eyeshadow made Kotone’s red eyes pop. Kotone had two outfits to wear for a shoot today: The first was a white frilly blouse with a skirt to match. The second a dark plaid dress with a dark brown coat. Kotone dressed herself in the former.

“What do you think?”

Kotone turned around, a smile etched on her face. It wasn’t her style, but she couldn’t deny that Ulala did a good job with her. “I look great! What can I do to thank —”

“Nothing. Don’t mess this up, kid. Smile at the bastard, and pose. Sing when he asks. I’ll be there to fix your posture and position, so all you have to do is look pretty. Okay?”

Ulala’s intimidating, but Kotone had someone in her corner. She wasn’t alone in facing Tanaka. The worst was behind her. With this support, she’d be able to brave any challenge. This would be a piece of cake.

Why was this so difficult?

Kotone didn’t think it’d be so hard to stay in one position. Lean on her elbow here. Turn her head here. Roll her shoulders back. Shift her weight. Every little nitpick sounded from Tanaka’s lips as he ordered her around the set in a myriad of different positions.

Taking criticism was fine. Kotone was used to that. But the constant yelling? The demeaning way he spoke? The way each word out of his mouth felt as if he were spitting acid to melt her on the spot? The cherry on top was that Kotone had to bite her tongue the entire time. One wrong word and she could be thrown to the streets. Not that the streets were inferior to the motel she was staying at. Regardless, Kotone wanted to quit and she hadn’t been through a day of it.

But she had a roof over her head. It’d all be worth it in the end. As long as Kotone repeated that to herself it’d come true. Right?

“There, perfect!” Tanaka clapped, a smile wide on his face. Kotone never thought she’d hear the congratulatory words out of his mouth. “Alright kid, now can you do the same pose while holding this?”

Never mind. Kotone wanted to rip his head off.

One week in and Tanaka canceled the shoot for the day. Given their workload for her first week she thought it was understandable. But it left her with absolutely nothing to do. No one to talk to, no Full Moon shadow to fight. Nothing to prepare for.

One name changed all of that: Junpei. On April 20th, Akihiko found Junpei awake during the Dark Hour. Kotone needed to bolster her team size, which currently only consisted of herself. What better place to start? All Kotone would have to do is ambush Junpei before Akihiko found him and get him to join her. Easy peasy.

It wouldn’t be hard to intercept him. There were countless convenience stores across Iwatodai, but she didn’t need to wait until the Dark Hour to find him. Junpei spent most of his time at the arcade or the beef-bowl shop. She had a 50/50 shot of getting it correct, and the former allowed her to loiter around Paulownia. The choice was obvious.

A flash of mauve hair entered Kotone’s peripheral. Kotone blinked as she watched the girl pass by, holding hands with a brown-haired student. It was Saori. With… a man? That was strange. Not Saori being with a man, although that in of itself was strange. More that she appeared to be dating him?

No, that was wrong. The student was Takaoka. The two timing bastard that Kotone threatened to beat the sh*t out of for playing Saori. Did this happen so early in the year last time? Did it matter when they were hand in hand walking to the karaoke bar?

Kotone tore out of the arcade, chasing Saori and Takaoka up the stairs. Just before Takaoka reached for the door, Kotone intercepted, charging between the two and slamming her hand on the door. “Nuh-uh! Saori, this chump already has a girlfriend. He’s asking you out to make fun of you!”

“He…?” Saori blinked in Kotone’s direction, eyes wide. Recognition filled her gaze — the first time someone had since Kotone arrived back in Iwatodai. Kotone knew it wasn’t for the right reasons, but it made her heart swell three times in size. After appraising Kotone for a moment, Saori turned toward the man, her shoulders deflating with defeat. “Takaoka, is this true?”

Excuses mumbled from the man’s lips, but none of them audible as he squirmed in place. After a moment longer Takaoka turned on his heel and ran like the coward he was. Kotone was a little disappointed she didn’t get the chance to beat him up back then or now, but it was proof of how spineless he was. “Tch, he got away easy.” Kotone tapped her foot. If it was anything like the last time, his girlfriend would make a big fuss over it. A bridge to cross when the time came. “Sorry about busting your date.”

“No, it’s… fine.” Saori shook her head, a frown decorating her lips. Saori’s knees buckled inward, looking like a wounded deer. Saori was good at maintaining eye contact, but she couldn’t here; her eyes slipping toward the ground as if she wished she could melt into the concrete below. “Just… how did you know?”

“I…” sh*t. Kotone never had a good answer in these situations. Not that anyone should, but coming out with the truth would push Saori away. Probably. Too big of a risk given everything. “ — I saw them on a date at Chagall yesterday. They were familiar with one another, if you catch my drift.”

Saori made eye contact, her body trembling as she forced her posture upright. “... I see. Now that I have the evening free, do you want to sing karaoke with me?”

Despite the fear that coursed through Saori, Kotone found it astounding she had the strength to ask Kotone. After all, Saori didn’t know her. Not really. And while Kotone did know Saori in her past life, that didn’t go both ways. There was no reason Saori should put up this offer. She was the type to stay sheltered due to her parents' regulations. Kotone knew she had to find Junpei, but she couldn’t leave Saori hanging. Not after busting up her fake date. “Sure! Let’s get a booth for the two of us!”

Paulownia’s Karaoke club was not twenty-four hours. It didn’t even reach midnight as Kotone found out the hard way. Kotone had been singing her lungs out, dominating the session before the hostess kicked them out. Kotone didn’t want it to end, a return to normalcy that she sorely missed. But as she learned the past year, time waits for no one. It delivers all equally to the same end. Even a karaoke session with a friend.

Kotone made the most of it. She hooked her arm with Saori as they stumbled from the karaoke club, laughter spilling from their lips. When was the last time she was able to be happy like this? To cheer? To laugh? Kotone wouldn’t trade this night for the world.

Saori bumped her shoulder into Kotone’s, easing her weight onto her as the two walked in tandem. “Thank you for today. I feel a little bit like a rebel. My parents wouldn’t want me out like this.”

Kotone chuckled under her breath, a nervous lilt staining the end as she remembered Saori’s parents pulling her from Gekkoukan. They didn’t deserve a lick of sympathy. “Yeah, well, they can suck it.”

Saori pace froze, shoes skidding and arm yanking Kotone to a stop. A smile decorated Saori’s face. A faint one. Only strong enough to form dimples at the corners of her lips. “You’re funny, you know that?” Saori’s voice hummed into the night as she looked Kotone over once more. “You never told me your name.”

“My… name?” Kotone repeated. Not because Kotone didn’t remember it, but because Saori didn’t. It shouldn’t have been disorientating. Kotone never properly introduced herself. But it felt wrong. Like something seismic in the universe had shifted the wrong direction. Kotone cleared her throat, forcing the negative feelings down as a smile flashed on her face. “My name is Kotone Shiomi. It’s nice to meet you, Saori.”

Saori, huh? You’re pretty forward. You were like that on the first day of school too.”

Kotone rubbed the back of her neck as a chuckle trembled from her lips. “So you remembered that?”

“It’s a little hard to forget. I haven’t seen you since that day, either. Did you —”

“I punched the chairman in the face. It’s, uh, a long story.”

“Oh… I see.” Saori shifted on her feet, eyes falling to the floor.

Kotone bumped her hip against Saori’s, a chuckle littering the cold night air. “What? Are you scared a delinquent like me is too bad to be around?”

“It’s not — well, I suppose that’s part of it. My parents are… concerned about my image.”

Kotone frowned. She hated how Saori was living under the boot of her parents. They were too controlling. Demanding. They wouldn’t stop until Saori was transferred and beaten into submission. Kotone refused to let that spark die. “What good has that done you?”

Saori perked up, a smile dancing across her lips. “What did you say? They can suck it.”

Kotone couldn’t suppress the chuckle that erupted from her throat, but Saori’s inner rebel was starting to blossom. It’d take time, but she’d be able to stand up for herself. Kotone would see to that personally. “Well, as fun as it is to hear you say that, I should get you home. And if you need anyone, know that I’m here for you, okay?”

Saori shook her head back and forth, separating herself from Kotone. “I appreciate the offer, but it’s late for you too. I should be fine on my own, so —”

The sound of shattering glass and ticking clocks echoed in Kotone’s eardrums. The sky rippled into dark green hues with the large waning crescent moon hanging overhead, the ocean just outside of Paulownia Mall stained a crimson red. It was at that moment Kotone realized just how wildly she lost track of time. The Dark Hour was here. The only saving grace was that she wouldn’t need to —

— Why didn’t Saori transform into a coffin?

“What is this?” Saori pivoted on her heels as if she were dancing around herself, eyeing the powered-down lamp posts and the blood red ocean that swayed with a gentle wave.

sh*t. sh*t sh*t sh*t. Kotone was supposed to find Junpei at one of Japan’s countless convenience stores, but now she had to deal with protecting Saori. Well, the night was young. Maybe she could hit two birds with one stone.

“It’s dangerous late at night. Stay close to me, got it?” Kotone took Saori’s hand in her own as she dragged the girl forward, quickening her step. She could feel Saori resist with each pull. Could hear the questions sputter from her lips. But Kotone couldn’t stop. Not when stopping meant they could be in danger. Not when she had to —

Saori’s scream filled the air as familiar formless blobs of Cowardly Maya sprung from the ground. Kotone skidded on her heels, free hand falling to her bag. This was bad. She didn’t have a weapon to strike the shadows. Messiah still wasn’t talking to her, and no other Persona made themselves heard. It was risky, but it was the only thing she had.

“Kotone? What is all this?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll stop them!” Kotone pulled her evoker up to her head, metal clanging against her temples. Why was she trembling? She’d done this a million times. It should be easy. Take down the patch of Cowardly Maya and push forward. Get Saori to safety. Simple.

She couldn’t hesitate. Not when Saori’s life was on the line.

“Per-Perso—” Kotone’s breath hitched in her throat, her body aching from the healed wounds inflicted by Messiah. The Shadows rushed forward, and Kotone did the only thing she could think of; jumping in the way of its assault. The Maya’s swipe was weak, but enough to knock both Kotone and Saori down to the floor.

Kotone’s head hit the pavement, the ringing in her ears deafening the world around her. Bile bubbled in the pit of her stomach as she gripped at the cold floor. Get up. Get up! She couldn’t let Saori get hurt.

Footsteps sounded behind her. It wasn’t a Shadow’s. It was Saori. Saori was standing again, the silver of Kotone’s evoker in her hand. Pointed first at the shadow, and as she and Kotone locked eyes, Saori pointed it toward her head, a smile with parted lips returning to her face. “We’ll protect you. Isn’t that right, Selene?!”

Saori pulled the trigger, an eruption of chilling air sweeping over Kotone like a blizzard. In a waning arc, the luminous glow of a woman appeared from the light. Long silver hair flowed in the wind as the Persona with pale complexion floated above the concrete. Her eyes a dazzling silver, armor reflecting cascading light as if her entire existence were the illusion of a fading moonbeam.

Snowflakes descended from the skies, the light of Selene’s armor forming a waning crescent as the encroaching Shadows crawled to a stop with their flesh freezing over. Kotone shivered as she stumbled back onto her feet, staring wide eyed in Saori’s direction. This wasn’t the time to sit back and admire. This was the time to act.

Despite not having a weapon, Kotone’s ran forward and punched the closest two enemies, the Shadows shattering into shards of ice. Saori joined too, banging the evoker on the final Shadow as the threats evaporated away with the snow flurry. The evoker trembled in Saori’s hand, the girl collapsing to her knees with an exhausted breath escaped her lips. “Koto… What was that?”

Kotone rushed to Saori’s side, pulling her into a warm embrace. “Don’t worry. You’re safe now. You don’t have to worry about anything else.”

“Koto —” Saori’s sentence drifted away as she swayed in Kotone’s arms. “I don’t really understand what I did…”

“That’s okay, you saved us. That’s all that matters. Let me get you home and —” Kotone couldn’t finish as Saori collapsed forward, her head crashing into Kotone’s shoulder. “Saori? sh*t, are you okay?”

“I’m… tired.” A yawn escaped Saori’s lips as her head slumped. Her body felt like dead weight against Kotone’s. Great. Kotone didn’t know where Saori lived. Even if she did, there’d be too many questions. She’d look like a stalker. No matter the choice, Saori would be in the hotseat with her parents for staying out so late. That made Kotone’s decision easier as she squeezed Saori tight.

“Here. Just rest up, I’ll make sure to keep you safe.”

Kotone’s first mission was a failure. She was supposed to recruit Junpei. Then Takaoka showed up with Saori and Kotone got distracted. Distracted was the wrong word. Saori needed help and Kotone wasn’t going to turn her back on her. Besides, Saori awakened a Persona, so it wasn’t as if she were alone anymore.


Kotone didn’t like the idea of it, but she couldn’t dismiss it outright. She’d only consider having Saori join her forces if Saori wanted to join. Kotone knew she couldn’t force her. Nor did she want to. Saori had to make this choice of her own accord. If Saori wanted to live a normal life, then she was free to do so.

The sun started to rise over the oceanside, and Kotone was having second thoughts about not disturbing Saori. Saori still had school to go to, and there was no way she wouldn’t get in trouble with her parents if —

“Where am I?!” The decision was ripped from Kotone as Saori blinked awake. Kotone sprang onto her feet, rushing to Saori’s bedside as the dredges of sleep escaped her guest. Saori flinched at Kotone’s approach, staring wide eyed in her direction for what felt like an eternity. “Koto…?”

“This is my motel room. You passed out on the street back there.”

“So I’m… in your room?” Saori blinked, staring around as her hands gripped into the bed sheets. “I would have pictured it… not as gross.”

A chuckle escaped Kotone’s lips, the uncertainty and doubt shedding from her mind for each syllable Saori spoke. “Trust me, this wasn’t my first choice. Or my tenth. Can you stand?”

“I… think so? What’s going on? What were those creatures and… I have a Persona? What is all this?”

Kotone sighed a breath of relief. At least Saori remembered it all. Kotone was prepared to give a long spiel, but Saori didn’t have the time to sit and listen to one this morning. “I’m sure it’s confusing, but know that you’re safe. Okay? We can talk about it another time, but you need to get ready for school. I’m not getting much use out of my uniform these days, so you can borrow it if you want.”

“... School?” Saori bit her tongue as she eyed her phone on the windowsill, flipping it open. “Oh, I didn’t think it was so late! Sorry, I should —” Saori froze as she sat up, biting her bottom lip. Eyes glued on her phone screen. “My parents must be so worried.”

“Worried is not the word I’d use. But you don’t want to make things worse, right?” Another problem to solve another day. Patience. “Stay out of trouble, okay? And let’s meet at Paulownia Mall if you’re free after school next Saturday. I’ll explain everything there. But for now I’ll stay out of your hair. Being a delinquent and all.”

Saori chuckled, shaking her head as ruffled mauve locks swayed with the motion. “I don’t care if you’re a delinquent. You saved me twice yesterday. As far as I’m concerned, you’re my friend!” Saori sprung from Kotone’s bed, giving her a smile that was bright enough to luminate the dingy apartment. “You’re also giving me a spare uniform, so I guess it’s a third time you’ve saved me, huh?” Saori winked before skipping to get ready for her day.

Kotone should have felt embarrassed for keeping Saori in such a dirty place. But something about the way Saori carried herself, despite everything, filled Kotone with optimism. That through it all, Kotone wasn’t alone.

Not anymore.


I uploaded the Chapter about a week early! My initial goal was to have up through the first arc completely drafted and beta-read by April 5th, and I'm happy to say I accomplished that goal faster than I anticipated! Good news is, this fic will now update once a week every Friday, so you have consistent uploads to look forward to.

This chapter sees the fic diverge a little more from P3's timeline by having Saori awaken a Persona. A brief backstory on Selene: Greek Goddess of the Moon and daughter of Gaia and Uranus, Selene drove the white chariot of the moon across the sky every night, just as her brother Helios did the sun during the day. One night when riding her chariot Selene looks down to Earth, eyes falling on a mortal named Endymion. She devoted herself to being by his side, even as Endymion remained in his eternal slumber.

If you wanna join my discord, you can join it here!

Many thanks to my vibe checkers croisvoix, inviernainvicta, and Vadrigar. All your help and support always means a lot. <3

Thank you so much for all the kind comments last chapter, seeing the intrigue and reactions really motivated me to get more writing done. Again, thank you all so much, and until next time!

Chapter 4: Sneaking Suspicion (April 25th)


A new job, a new teammate, a deal with Strega; This was the absolute worst time for Kotone to get sick...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The bags under Kotone’s eyes were as heavy as bricks. The warm April winds chilled Kotone to the bone. Tanaka wasn’t very happy when he saw her roll into work with a mask on and eyes that looked dead tired. What did he expect when he sent her to live in such poor living conditions? Kotone insisted she could work, but Ulala refused and sent her right back out.

“Achoo!” The surpressed sneeze Kotone held in all day finally came. One moment of weakness and it was all over. The inside of her mask felt humid and disgusting. Ugh. She had three more in her bag, but she didn’t want to burn through one so early.

It didn’t help that this was supposed to be the day she was meeting Saori. To brief her on both their circ*mstances and the arrangement with Strega. If she accepted, then a whole world would be opened to her. Only if she wanted to. Kotone refused to force her. No one should have to fight if they didn’t want to.

“You’re…” Kotone's head snapped to the voice which cut through the bustling crowds like a razer sharp sword. Standing next to her was a blue haired student, the same from her first night back in Iwatodai. Makoto Yuki.

Kotone forced a smile on her face, a little useless under her mask she realized. Maybe it was her imagination, but Makoto’s eyes softened, shoulders relaxing a little. Good. “I’m Kotone Shiomi, remember? I helped you to the dorm your first night here.”

“Dude! Wait up —” Junpei’s voice swam through the crowd, his heels screeching into the road as he knocked into Makoto’s side. Makoto swayed with the motion without a care in the world. “O-Oh sh*t! I didn’t think you went running off to talk to a girl. You should have told me, I —”

“It’s not that.” Makoto and Kotone said simultaneously. Makoto’s head swiveled toward Kotone, an unreadable glare in his gaze. “She helped me to the dorm that night.”

“That… night?” Junpei frowned, stepping forward to look Kotone over. Kotone shifted on the balls of her feet; glad she was wearing a mask because she hated being scrutinized. Junpei snapped his fingers, falling back onto his heel. “W-Wait, are you that transfer student in all those photos? sh*t, sorry, I didn’t mean to make assumptions about you —!”

Photos? Kotone had no idea what he was talking about, but he recognized her for some reason. Did it have to do with her punching the Chairman? Whatever, it didn’t matter why. “Don’t believe everything you hear. It’s nice to meet you, Junpei.”

Junpei blinked, head tilting to the left. “How did you know my name?” He hadn’t introduced himself yet, huh? He had no problem doing so unprompted. Why was everything this time around so different?! Kotone wanted to think of an excuse, but Junpei shook his head, tugging Makoto’s sleeve. “sh*t, we’re already late. Akihiko’s gonna be so mad. Let’s go!” Junpei was practically lunging as he dragged Makoto away. Makoto’s eyes stayed fixed on Kotone until they were pulled through crowds, Junpei’s ruckus bleeding into the meandering swathes of people.

“Are you feeling alright, Shiomi?”

Chills ran down Kotone’s spine for the second time. Looming behind her was a man in a white doctor's coat and a bright yellow t-shirt. His hand rubbed his stubble-lined chin, glasses reflecting sunlight into her eyes.

“Mr. Edogawa, I —” Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the man. Why was he confronting her here? He was a man fueled by curiosity and intrigue. Maybe something about her case seemed off to him? That would make sense, but — wait. “How do you know my name?”

“Name?” Edogawa scratched his cheek, holding the syllable for longer than needed. “I suppose there are sufficient answers to that question. Although the fastest would be that you were the student the Chairman mentioned. Photos of you have been seen around campus, too.”

Photos again? Whatever they were, they couldn't be of her punching the Chairman. That’d be asinine. Would Ikutsuki expose S.E.E.S. operations just because a teenager decked him?

“I see. Well, since I’m not your student I should get —”

“Do you want to come by my shop?”

Out of everything, Kotone didn’t expect to hear that. She expected to be chastised. Or told to get out of town, Chairman’s orders. But he was… inviting her? Why? “Your… shop? What are you talking about?”

Edogawa shrugged and headed toward the alley. Everything in Kotone told her to run, but as she watched the man saunter down the alley, she remembered the many days she’d visit his office. Where she’d drink his strange concoctions and feel not a sliver better. But she was sick, and it’s not like she had many other options. Maybe this was Edogawa’s way of helping her. So Kotone followed him down the dark alley. A cat scurried away as Edogawa stumbled up a pair of stairs. He looked behind himself, rubbing the back of his neck. “Just in here. Don’t worry.”

Kotone frowned, glancing at the sign. Red Hawk. A back alley club. Kotone traded for a drink here once. Elizabeth’s request. But not once did Kotone dream that Edogawa owned the rundown joint. Even through her clogged sinus’ and mask, the scent of cigarettes permeated, coating her tongue as she took the plunge inside.

Despite the decaying nature of the tile floor, the worn wood of the stools and bar, Kotone thought it better shape than the motel room she was staying in. It didn’t inspire much help for health.

“Sit down, I’ll make you something.” Edogawa’s medicine never made her feel better. It was always viscous, slimy, and smelt terrible. The only thing Kotone earned from that was the courage to push through obstacles. Kotone should have turned around when she had the chance, but Edogawa shook a tumbler, slamming it onto the bar in front of Kotone. “Drink it.”

“Drink… it? What is it?”


Kotone looked inside the tumbler, the concoction a dark green, and one whiff cleared out her sinus’. If it were anyone but Edogawa Kotone would have worried that he’d be poisoning her. Hell, he probably was. But she never backed down from his medical tests before. Why start now? Kotone gripped onto the cold metal of the tumbler with her right hand, pulling off her mask with her left.

Bottoms up.

Kotone downed it. With each gulp the slimy texture burned her throat. The taste like week old banana peels and the scent of sewage. It felt like fire passed through her nose, but with it came clarity. Through the disgust she felt better. Invigorated.

Edogawa stroked his stubble-lined chin, a hum passing through his tight lips. “How’re you feeling?”

Kotone’s tongue recoiled in her mouth, lips contorting as if that’d remove the flavor that settled in the back of her throat. “Better. I think.” Kotone could tell Edogawa was pleased with the results, grinning as he placed a small cup in front of Kotone. He didn’t say a word as he disappeared through the door to the back.

Kotone picked up the cup, translucent orange liquid sloshing as she shook it back and forth. The beverage before her didn’t smell like much even with her regained sense of smell. If she’d trusted him this far, surely she could continue to do so. Kotone placed the small cup to her lips and downed it in one gulp. Just like the scent, it didn’t taste like much either. Instead, the flavor that stuck in her mouth from before vanished. Without a trace.

Was Edogawa capable of making cold busting, ailment healing, remedies? Where was this last year? Or was he unable to because he was at a school campus?

What was he feeding her?

Edogawa pushed back into the bar, holding four vials in each hand, each filled with the same dark green liquid from before. “Take them if you start feeling unwell. They’ll give you a boost in energy too.”

Kotone figured that much was true if how she was feeling right now was any indication. While he seemingly found the cure to the common cold, medicine like this could be used in many other places. Like in Tartarus. In the fight against the Shadows. Or maybe even other Persona users, if the time came. The only left one question on Kotone’s mind.

“How much do you want for —”

“I don’t care about money. I just want to watch and understand your symptoms. If you get sick then come visit me again.”

He only wanted to observe? Why did no one want money when she had plenty to go around? What kind of backwards world did she wake up in? Whatever, more for herself. Kotone gave Edogawa a small smile, disposing of her dirty mask, and waving him off. “Thanks!”

Edogawa raised a hand, his fingers lax in a lazy wave before adjusting his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Despite knowing him for a year, Kotone couldn’t figure him out. But he was another person on her side. She needed all the help she could get.

”You’re here!” Kotone couldn’t take a step anywhere without being bombarded today. How many times was that? Three? Four including Junpei? Luckily, the one ambushing her was Saori, hair ruffled by the Spring winds with a smile jutting into her cheeks. “I thought we were meeting at the mall!”

“We were. But I got off work early and thought I’d meet you here. Wanna head over to Paulownia together?”

Saori stilled, jaw trembling. Something about the question shook Saori to her core, the prior optimism and joy draining. Saori’s hands wrung together, feet pointed inward as her eyes fell from Kotone. “Koto, do you not know?”

“Not… know? Saori, what are you —”

“Meeting in broad daylight? Is that a smart idea, Hasegawa?” Hidetoshi’s sardonic tone cut through the privacy of the moment, his voice chilling Kotone to the bone. Kotone peaked over Saori’s shoulder where Hidetoshi stood, arms crossed in front of his chest, smile pulled tight into a pout. “Hasegawa, I’d stay away from her unless you want your reputation to tank further.”

Kotone stepped in front of Saori, placing an arm out protectively, gaze narrowing into a glare. Hidetoshi could be an ass, Kotone knew that. He was an errand boy, the administration's lap dog. He broke those tendencies, but it looked like she’d have to start from scratch. “Do I know you?”

Hidetoshi sighed, shaking his head. “We met the first day of school. Not that you go there anymore. That doesn’t matter. Those pictures of you and Hasegawa spread across the school, and I’ve been given orders to keep an eye on her. That includes you too, Red.”

“Pictures?” Kotone’s nose scrunched. Red? Was that his nickname for her? He could do so much better than that.

Hidetoshi arched an eyebrow, a smirk crawling on the corner of his lips. “Do you really not know? Misaki sent photos of you and Hasegawa to the newspaper club days ago. It’s spread like wildfire, and the school wants us to do everything we can to stop letting miscreants tarnish the name of the academy.”

Misaki? Was it because Kotone thwarted her cruel prank on Saori? Did it really warrant an escalation to this level? It didn’t matter to Kotone; she had no reputation to save. But Saori didn’t deserve any of this. Hidetoshi was acting as a boot. No will of his own, following the commands in hopes of one day becoming the Student Council President. He was capable of learning, but it’d take time. Time that Kotone wasn’t sure she could afford.

Saori trembled into Kotone’s back. Hidetoshi would be a case to crack later. For now, she had to get Saori out of here. “It’s all a misunderstanding, but can’t you see you’re scaring her? Get lost.”

Hidetoshi’s eyebrows furrowed, eyes bouncing from Kotone to Saori, back to Kotone. A sigh escaped his lips, shoulders deflating. “Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Hidetoshi turned on his heel, and like that, he was gone.

Saori’s trembling stopped as soon as he was out of sight. She put a foot's distance between the two of them, wringing her hands again. “... Koto, about what he said back there —”

“I don’t care what he says, what matters is that you’re okay. You… are okay, right?”

Saori’s grip tightened, eyes clamping shut. Her shoulders tensed as breaths of air trembled through her lips. Her eyes opened again, shimmering against her dark violet hues. “Kids at school haven’t been treating me the best. I guess that’s not any different than usual though. Just different words. Different names. They’re all Rumors from Takaoka and Misaki. Normally I’d be able to shut it out, but it reached my parents. They aren’t exactly happy.”

“Saori, I’m —”

Saori shook her head, a forced smile pressing into her cheeks once more. “No, It’s not your fault. You were the one who stood up for me! It should be everyone else that should feel bad! You’re the only one who — Um, what I’m trying to say is that I’m fine. What about you?”

“Me?” Kotone appreciated the concern, but given the circ*mstances, stupid rumors were the least of her worries. “I’ll be fine. But, uh… Since we’re here, I guess we may as well talk shop. I’m sure you have questions about those creepy things we fought that night, right? They’re called Shadows.”

From Shadows to the Dark Hour, to Persona, Kotone explained it all. Or, as much as she could remember. It was too early to try and discuss the mess that the Kirijo Group created. It wouldn’t help in any regard because Kotone had no countermeasures against the organization. No way to stop the Full Moon Shadows without killing them.

They’d have to fight to protect the world from rampaging shadows. Everything else could come after.

A hum pressed against Saori’s lips, reminiscent of the last song they sang together in karaoke, Aoi Tori. “So… We’re going to be fighting, but for what reason?”

“To stop the world from ending! Uh… that’s the hope, anyway. The specifics are a bit of a work in progress!” Kotone chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. If she was going to gather a group of Persona users, she’d need to rally them. Saori was the type to go with the flow, but that wouldn’t work for everyone. She’d need a plan. A goal. Something tangible. “For now we need to get stronger and properly outfit ourselves. First order as leader of S.A.W, we’re getting —”

“Saw? What’s that?” Saori frowned.

“It’s our team name!” Kotone stomped her foot, her smile deflating to a frustrated frown. Kotone thought it’d be cute to juxtapose S.E.E.S, especially since they’re SEEing it for the first time, while she SAW it before. Could anyone blame her for only having the acronym? “It stands for… Uh… Saboteurs Against Weirdness!”

Whether Saori saw through the charade, or she thought it was an amusing title, didn’t matter as she chuckled from the admission. “Sounds fun, count me in. I can’t let you fight against the Shadows by yourself. We saw what happened after karaoke.”

Kotone wanted to jump with cheer, but kept herself grounded with a celebratory fist pump. “Don’t worry, I promise I’m stronger than I look.” Whatever moment of celebration faded because this meant Saori going into battle. This meant Saori meeting Strega and having to face life or death situations. It’d be anything but pretty from here on out. “First things first: we need to get you some equipment. We can’t just pass around my evoker. And using our Persona constantly will drain us, so we’ll need some physical weapons too.”

“Weapons? Koto is that safe?”

Kotone grinned, shoving a thumb into her chest with all the confidence in the world. “Don’t worry, you’ll be safe.”

Strega’s hideout at the dawn of the Dark Hour was terrifying to behold. The abandoned apartment building had shattered windows and graffiti tagged along its walls, a display of garbage lingering on the roadside. Messiah still refused to speak, and no other Persona made themselves heard to her, so Kotone gave her evoker to Saori. She’d be more effective with it than Kotone at this rate.

Kotone was terrified stepping on their turf. After all, if Strega wanted to assassinate them they had the numbers advantage and skill to back it up. Standing out in the open like this left Kotone feeling vulnerable, but she refused to let her nerves show. Not when she had Saori next to her.

Besides, it’d only look worse if Kotone flaked. Chidori would sense her, have the remaining members of Strega hunt her down, and the rest would be history. It was best to put all her cards on the table. That was the only way to build trust between the groups.

“We were wondering if you’d stay true to your word. And just as Chidori sensed, a new power has joined your ranks.” Takaya’s smile widened as he and Jin walked through the dilapidated entrance. Saori trembled into Kotone’s back, Kotone’s eyes narrowing to the revolver on Takaya’s belt. Luckily, he didn’t make any advances to grab it. So far, so good.

“I’m going to need some evokers. And a couple weapons.”

“First you’ll tell us what you know.” Takaya arched an eyebrow, hand resting against his belt. Inches away from the gun. Kotone’s breath hitched; eyes focused on the weapon. Any wrong move and it could be over. The very least she needed to protect Saori. She needed to stay strong. Whether Takaya noticed her demeanor shift or not, he didn’t react to highlight it. “Who are that other group of Persona users we’ve sensed? How did you come to know your power?”

No soft balls. But Kotone couldn’t come out swinging. She’d have to bunt the questions and take the easy first base. Just enough to let her and Saori skate by with the items they needed. “That other group, S.E.E.S, are funded by the Kirijo Group. They’re hunting down shadows to protect damage to Tatsumi Port Island and Iwatodai.”

“The Kirijo Group? Fascinating.” Takaya’s arm relaxed, much to Kotone’s relief. “How about your Persona? Describe them to me.”

Kotone’s teeth ground together, jaw trembling. Takaya wanted combat information. There was no way she was in a position to refuse either. “I’ve been unable to summon my Persona, Messiah, since the ninth. It attacked me after all.”

Saori’s hand fell to Kotone’s shoulder, her trembling stopped but eyes wide. “Koto? Your Persona attacked you?”

“Don’t worry about it.” Kotone shook her head, but the worry in Saori’s eyes didn’t lighten. Kotone looked back toward Takaya, whose face was painted with a smirk. “My Persona can use fire based abilities, although I doubt I’ll try anytime soon with it targeting me too. Saori’s Persona, Selene, is an ice based Persona. Its snowstorm froze enemy shadows in a blink of an eye.”

Takaya’s head tilted, the golden gleam in his eyes staring from Kotone, to Saori, back to Kotone. “I see. Very well, that’ll suffice. Remind me what is it you want?”

“I’ll take a pole-arm or a naginata. Let’s go with both, actually. For her…” Kotone’s voice dragged to a hum as she stared toward Saori. “If you have something small, like a set of jitte? A pair of evokers, too.”

“A pair of evokers?” The words spat like venom on Jin’s tongue, the man stepping forward in front of Takaya. “You already have one of your own! What good would —”

“In case I run into someone else that needs help. It’s tough out there just the two of us. Don’t want to be defenseless, right?”

Jin’s lips parted to rebuttal, but Takaya’s hand shot up, moving in front of Jin’s face. “It’s no trouble. Chidori, you heard that, correct?” Chidori wasn’t down here with them, so they were probably communicating through Medea. Takaya stood as still as a statue for a moment, head pointed toward the heavens and eyes locked on the gargantuan moon. Then, in a flash, his eyes snapped to Kotone, eyebrows scrunching into a scowl. “I see. You were hiding another one.”

“... Another one?”

Takaya wasn’t looking at her. He was looking past her. Kotone glanced over her shoulder to meet where Takaya’s gaze rested. In the shadows of an office building was a man with slick black hair. Even in the dead of the Dark Hour, Kotone recognized him as the student who trailed Saori through Port Island Station.

Why Hidetoshi followed them, or more importantly, why he was awake during the Dark Hour, didn’t matter. Because both of those facts paled in comparison to the threat of Strega standing before them. Takaya’s hand fell to his revolver, and Kotone pushed off her heel. She couldn’t let him shoot either of them. She wouldn’t let any of them die.

Jin was the first to act. His evoker shimmered in the ghastly moonlight. Sounds of shattered glass echoed across the gathering as twisting metal converged into humanoid form, Jin’s Persona Moros dashing across the distance and smashing the building Hidetoshi hid behind. The wall crumbled, Hidetoshi sliding across the pavement from the force of the blow. Moros grabbed Hidetoshi, suspending him in the air, and as Kotone motioned to help him Takaya’s revolver was pointed at her head. Freezing her in place.

“Who said you could have rats scampering around?” Takaya’s voice was slick with ice, the earlier amusem*nt erased. Kotone’s breath stilled in her throat, uncertain if she should be concerned over the gun pointed at her head, or the electricity which coursed through Hidetoshi from Moros’ tightening grasp.

“Stop it!” Kotone begged. “Let Hidetoshi go! He has nothing to do with us!”

Takaya's laughter filled the air as he stepped forward, pressing the revolver closer and closer. “So you do know this man. Did you try to hide him from us? For what?”

“N-No, nothing like that!” Saori spoke. She didn’t shift from her position, and Kotone couldn’t turn enough to look at her, but the bravery she put on display was empowering, even if she were shaking like a leaf. “He… He’s part of Gekkoukan’s Student Council. He’s been following me around school because of the rumors. He’s not a threat.”

The sound of wheels rolling on uneven ground cut through the chatter. From behind Takaya and Jin appeared Chidori, honey-colored hues half-lidded, pulling an old wooden wagon behind her. “I do not sense that she is lying. That man does not possess a Persona. Or he’s capable of suppressing it. I do not think the latter is likely.”

Takaya raised an eyebrow in Chidori’s direction, and after a moment he sheathed his revolver back into his belt loop. “I see. So that man truly is a bystander. Jin, stop hurting him.” Jin looked ready to complain again, but did as he was told, the course of electricity, and the screams that accompanied it, fell away into the silence of the night. Takaya sighed, shaking his head as he turned to face Kotone once more. “The problem remains that you were trailed. Now a bystander knows our hideout. What shall we do?”

Was he giving her the choice on how to handle this situation? Was this a test of some sort? It was clear they didn’t trust her, but he was giving her a chance. A way out of this without any bloodshed.

“I’ll watch over him. Make sure that he doesn’t talk. So just let him go, okay?”

Jin clicked his tongue, Moros’ grip on Hidetoshi tightening as a pained scream echoed from his lips. “You really expect me to believe that sh*t? We’d be letting a rat out of its cage. It’ll scamper off, and once it does —”

“Hold on, Jin. If our friend here believes she can reign him in, then we owe it in good faith to see that happen.”

Through his screams, Hidetoshi’s face scrunched, dark eyes glaring down toward the members of Strega. “Like I ever will!”

“Hidetoshi, stop!” Kotone ran up to Jin’s Persona, one hand on Moros’ cold metal skin, the other reaching for the suspended Hidetoshi. “We can talk after. Please, just promise you won’t run!”

“You really think I’d do that? They have guns, they’ll —”

“You’ll die if you don’t!” Saori’s voice was the one to still Hidetoshi’s retorts.

Through the pain, he glared toward Saori, his features softening. His trembling stopped, panicked breathing along with it. “... Fine. I’ll agree. Let me go.”

Jin and Takaya shared a short look, and Jin lowered his evoker, Moros dissipating along with the motion. Hidetoshi fell to the ground with a dusty thud, a pained grunt whimpering from his lips.

Takaya clapped his hands together as if this were a stage performance, a smile snaking from cheek to cheek. “You did well to quell the situation. It’s clear your methods are different from ours, but not incompatible. I’ll offer again, why not join us?”

This again? After he shot Shinjiro? And Junpei? After the countless lives they’ve stolen? “I’ve told you, I don’t — I can’t be like that. The fighting. The killing. I’m doing what I do to survive. I’m not like you.”

Jin pocketed his evoker, picking up the dropped metallic briefcase as he snorted in disgust. “Look at you, being so high and mighty. Maybe you aren’t so different from those other Persona users after all!”

“Jin, that’s enough. She has proven her ideals to us. A deal is a deal. Hand them their evokers and weapons.” Takaya ordered. Jin clicked his tongue but followed orders as he and Chidori handed an evoker each to Kotone and Saori, while also giving Kotone a wooden-staffed naginata, pair of brass knuckles, and Saori the pair of jitte. “Reign in the rat. We expect to see you next month, I hope the information you gather will prove… Useful.”

Standing by the waterfront was a refreshing feeling after the confrontation with Strega. Sure, in the Dark Hour it smelled of fish and blood, but anything was better than standing at gunpoint.

Hidetoshi didn’t run off. Luckily. He was the worst off after the encounter, his school uniform ruffled and torn in a couple places, his hair frizzed and ruffled. Not to mention his bruised ego. That didn’t stop him from crossing his arms, eyes pointed away from the pair of girls. Saori was the first to break the trio’s silence. “I assume you’re pretty confused.”

“I’m not. I eavesdropped on you two this afternoon. And at their hideout too. So I’ve got a pretty good idea of what’s going on.”

“You… You do?” Saori’s voice went up a register, but Kotone wasn’t surprised. It was such a Hidetoshi move. He always had his nose to the ground. Knew how to stay out of sight. Knew how to gather information any way possible. This wasn’t anything new. She should have seen this coming.

“I mean, I thought you two were insane. But given the privacy of your moment I figured I should tail you for a bit longer. The day drew long and before I knew it I was in this messed up world.”

“I see. So I guess we can skip the boring stuff.” Kotone waved her hand, stepping forward as she placed one of the evokers into the palm of Hidetoshi’s hand. If he was going to be trailing them, he may as well be useful. “This isn’t a real gun. It’s what lets us summon our Persona.”

Hidetoshi turned the fake weapon in his hand. “I saw that guy, Jin, was it? He put the gun up to his head and then that monster appeared. Do you really have to do that to summon them?”

“Yes. Only certain people can do it. Only those who can walk around in the Dark Hour. Like you.”

There was no reason to beat around the bush. If Kotone was forced to monitor Hidetoshi right back, then the best way to do that would be to have him under her wing. It’d be better than to have him roam around free to get her in trouble. Or worse, have Strega on their trails.

“Me? Are you crazy?” Hidetoshi pushed the evoker back into Kotone’s palm, stepping past Kotone. “You two are insane! I saw you having a black market deal and you think I want to join you? What makes you think I want any part of this?!”

There is a Hidetoshi that Kotone wouldn’t mind having by her side. This isn’t the one. But he can get there. Time. It’ll just take time. “Frankly, you’re wrapped up in this whether you want to be or not. And if you do stuff on your own? They will find out. It won’t be good for any of us.”

Hidetoshi glared over his shoulder, eyebrows furrowing, his eyes reflecting the green hue of the moon. “So what? What do you want me to do?”

“If you don’t want to fight then that’s fine. But I’ll need you to stay in contact with me. And when we begin our infiltrations into Tartarus, you’ll need to back us up. We can only ever move in a unit.”


Kotone expected that question from Hidetoshi, but not from Saori. sh*t. Did she really not cover that in her explanation earlier? Kotone’s eyes danced over the body of water separating them from where Gekkoukan once stood, now in its place the eldritch tower erected toward the moon. “You see that tower where our school used to be? That’s Tartarus. It’s where the Shadows come from.”

Hidetoshi’s eyes went wide, breath stammering from his lips as he took slow steps toward the waterfront. “Our… school? It transformed into that?” Hidetoshi glared back at Kotone, his dark eyes feeling dangerous to stare at directly. As if he were a bull ready to charge. “You know more than you’re letting on. What is going on? And why are you putting us all at risk by not telling them that too?”

“You think I’d tell them everything I know? That’s stupid. I need to be able to string them along as long as possible. Because no one else will help us get ready for the fights ahead.”

Hidetoshi’s fist clenched, jaw trembling tight. “How can I trust you if you’re hiding information from us? You say that you’re doing this to make the world a better place, but how can I believe you? Hasegawa, you’re really going along with all this bullsh*t?”

Saori’s lips parted, eyes falling to Kotone before nodding. “Yes. Koto saved me. She’s the only one who actually listened to me. Whose stood up for me when no one else is willing to.”

“So what, blind faith? She’s a proven liar. A violent one at that. You’re going to get yourself hurt. If you stay close.”

“I understand what you mean, but it’s not blind faith. I… I know she’s keeping stuff from me, but she helped me before she knew I could summon my Persona. She’s not using me. She’s given me every opportunity to back out. But I don’t want to. I want to fight by her side!”

Hidetoshi’s jaw went limp, whatever retort he had ready falling silent. Kotone sighed. She wished she could tell them everything. To make the events of the world make sense. But of course things couldn’t be that simple. Someday, maybe. Not tonight.

“I can’t give you that same out, Hidetoshi. Mostly because you followed us to Strega’s hideout. You understand, right? Besides, isn’t the best way to keep eyes on me by staying by my side? You’ll be safe from Strega here, and if I do anything uncouth, you can report me to the authorities. Or whatever it is that you’ll do.”

Hidetoshi scoffed under his breath, as if he couldn’t believe the words out of Kotone’s mouth. He locked eyes with her, and after a moment a smirk crawled on his lips. “So you really want me to… monitor you?”

“Mhmm! You’ll be able to see for yourself if we’re getting into real trouble or not! That’s not a bad deal, right?”

Hidetoshi stepped forward, his lips pulling back down into a frown. “It’s not like I’ve been given much of a choice. Fine. We’ll exchange numbers. I expect to be kept updated every time you two meet. And if I find out there are communications happening behind my back I won’t hesitate to report you all immediately.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Kotone’s grin faltered, her eyes darting to the tower. Hidetoshi was one problem down, but there was another gaping hole in their team: combat experience. She could train them in Tartarus, but she’d have to avoid days when S.E.E.S. ventured through the tower. It wasn’t like they had a set schedule, so — “Saori, you know Yukari Takeba from class 2-F, right? I have a request; tell her it’s coming from me. She’ll listen. Probably.”

“Why her?”

“We stayed at the dorm together for my first two nights in Iwatodai. If you haven’t been able to guess, she’s part of that group of Persona users, S.E.E.S. We’re at odds right now, I’m trying to stop them from ruining the world, even if they don’t know it. Yukari’s the only one who believed why I decked the Chairman.”

“I see. So it’ll be like having a spy.” Saori grinned, only for it to falter to a frown. “But why me?”

Made sense. Hidetoshi was the inquisitive type. By all accounts Kotone should have used him instead. But she needed as little eyes on S.A.W. as possible. “I do think that sort of task would better fall on Hidetoshi, but there’s already pictures of us floating around. It wouldn’t be a stretch for S.E.E.S. to imagine we’re working with one another. I’d like to keep Hidetoshi as our ace in the hole.”

Hidetoshi clicked his tongue, crossing his arms again. “Ace in the hole? What are you talking about?”

Saori nodded, ignoring Hidetoshi’s statement. “I get it. So, what do you need me to do?”

“We need to avoid confrontation with S.E.E.S. as much as possible. Even though we’ll both be infiltrating Tartarus, we need to go on separate nights. So I need you to get a schedule from her. Do it at the start of the week, get her to convince their group to stay on their fixed dates. We’ll infiltrate the nights they don’t go.”

Saori’s bottom lip trembled under her teeth, eyes falling down to the ground. “Koto, I… I can’t say I completely understand. But if you think it’s best, then I’ll do it.”

“What about me? Is there anything you want me to do, Red?” Hidetoshi’s sardonic tone snaked through again, his lips tight. Pouting.

Kotone chuckled, waving her hand. “Keep your head down. I’ll text the two of you when we meet next.” Kotone knew these orders were pushing both of them in opposite ways, forcing them to do things they’d rather not do. But it was the best way to move forward. They survived tonight, that was more than enough. Questions about fighting, and potential Persona for Hidetoshi, could come later. For now they just needed to survive. “Hmm, Hidetoshi?”

Hidetoshi arched an eyebrow, co*cking his head in Kotone’s direction. “Hmm?”

“How do you feel about polearms?”


Happy update day!

Last week I got quite a few comments about Hidetoshi joining Kotone's team (now named S.A.W.) and just smiled all the way through them. I'm glad people wanted to see more from him, and I'm excited to show more of him in the future of this fic. :D

If you wanna join my discord here's a link!

Many thanks to my vibe checkers croisvoix, inviernainvicta, and Vadrigar. All your help and support always means a lot. <3

Thank you to everyone who commented last chapter. Seeing all the enthusiam for this fic really inspires me and pushes me to make this as good as it can be. So thank you again! Until next time!

Chapter 5: Stairway to Hades (April 26th)


With only so much time before the next Full Moon, Kotone prepares herself and S.A.W. for the fight to come.


TW/CW: Period typical hom*ophobia. Click the triangle for details.

-Starts with the paragraph "There she is!" about halfway through the chapter. Ends with "The girl ground her teeth and stormed out with her friend."
-Use of the word "dyke".

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kotone hated being followed. Stalked like a skulking lion on her tail, ready to pounce. That lion had red hair, black lipstick, and skin that shimmered in the sun like a Vampire from Daybreak. Ulala wasn’t discrete about her stalking, following Kotone from Paulownia all the way to Port Island Station. If they had run into one another inconspicuously it’d be one thing, but those honey-colored eyes never tore away from her.

Kotone liked Ulala under most circ*mstances. She was the sole support beam in that messy hellhole of Tanaka’s Commodities. That was it — at work. Outside of work Ulala proved to be a pain. Maybe she was following Kotone out of concern of health or living space. Maybe it was something else entirely. But the reason didn’t matter when Ulala could have done anything to make this chase any less awkward.

If it was any other day, Kotone would happily engage. But there was another wrinkle — Saori. Kotone was supposed to meet Saori at the station and discuss schedules. Only problem being Saori was nowhere in sight.

With a sigh crawling from her lips, Kotone made for one of the benches. If Saori was missing and Ulala continued her hot pursuit, then she may as well stop running.

Kotone sat, drumming her foot against the cobblestone flooring. Waiting for Ulala to ambush her. She dared to peek over her shoulder, and to her surprise, Ulala wasn’t there. She was like a specter, there one moment, gone the next. Kotone turned to look at her other side, but was met with cold, wet plastic pushing into her cheek.

“You walk fast. Meeting someone?” Ulala was to her left, a bottle in her hand and smooshed into Kotone’s cheek. Kotone flinched away, rubbing the frigid skin under her fingertips. The plastic bottle had the name SCNDAL etched across the label, strawberries decorating its length. Ulala remained still as a statue, and Kotone did the only thing she thought would make her animate: take the bottle. Amusem*nt lifted on the corners of Ulala’s lips as she rounded the bench, sitting at Kotone’s side.

Kotone twisted off the cap and took a drink of the liquid. Packaging didn’t lie, the water tasted like strawberries. A satisfied sigh roared from the back of her throat, arm laying on the arm rest to her side. “Why do you care what I do on my day off?”

“I don’t.” Ulala leaned back against the park bench, black painted lips pursing. “You were as sick as a dog yesterday, yet you went from the arcade to Chagall to the Station without an issue at all. What’s up with that?”

What was she? Her mom? “I got medicine. Helped drown out the cold.” Kotone could feel a chill roll down her spine remembering the flavor of Edogawa’s concoction. But there was one thing she had to admit: it worked.

“Uh huh.” Ulala’s golden eyes traced Kotone’s features, as if trying to find a crack in her armor. She wanted to know something, but what that something was, Kotone wasn’t sure. Kotone’s eyes darted away for an escape. Any escape.

A pink sweater at the flower shop wasn’t the escape she anticipated having. It was a familiar pink sweater. Not a sweater on display; That’d be ridiculous for a flower shop. No, it was worn. By a girl. A familiar girl. Yukari. Because of course Yukari would be shopping for flowers exactly when Kotone went to the station.

Kotone wasn’t adverse to seeing her former S.E.E.S. teammates. Sure, it was painful. But there was a serenity in seeing the blissful ignorance her former teammates lived in. Like rewinding the clock before all the tragedy befell them. Maybe this was the kind of world Ryoji wished they lived in.

“Do you know that girl?” It’d be impossible for Ulala not to notice that Kotone was staring. Kotone couldn’t help it. Seeing Yukari mill about the flower shop, a flash of nostalgia, a want for a life that had slipped through her fingers.

“Uh, I guess you could say that.” Kotone figured that was better than saying We met in a previous timeline where we were dormmates.

The pout that protruded Ulala’s lips indicated she wasn’t impressed with the answer. “Gerberas and kiku, though? Aren’t kiku out of season?”

Kotone couldn’t memorize the names of flowers, nor understand what meaning each one had. The pink and white combination though? That was so Yukari.

Yukari turned on her heel after paying the shopkeeper, her brilliant smile fading dull as eyes locked with Kotone’s.

A pin could drop and it’d echo all across Port Island. Kotone wasn’t sure if she should wave at her former friend or hide her face in the hopes that Yukari didn’t see her. Those lagging thoughts didn’t amount to much as Yukari made the decision for her, crossing the distance.

Ulala dusted herself, standing with one hand gripped on her own flavored water. “I see where this is heading. Good luck.” Ulala didn’t wait for any words or excuses. She didn’t even press for answers. She simply left. Another headache to deal with later. But a private moment with Yukari was exactly what she needed.

Unfortunately, the gift was a monkey’s paw because it meant she’d have to spend time with Yukari. Which normally wasn’t bad! Yukari was her best friend before! If only it weren’t a slap of burdened nostalgia, reminiscent of days forever gone. Kotone took a sip of her drink to try and distract her slipping thoughts, but the strawberry flavor reminded her of the scent of Yukari’s shampoo.

“Hey there stranger,” Long gone was the guarded bite in Yukari’s voice, replaced with a featherlight chipperness that only perked her sentences after the truth of her father was revealed. Kotone would have thought she’d be even more guarded around Kotone after everything, but maybe having distance from the Kirijo group helped their bond.

A chuckle escaped Kotone’s lips, her iron-tight grip on the bottled water loosening; the sound of crinkling plastic adorning the release. “You sound happy.”

Yukari’s hum lilted through the spring breeze, stance firm and gait wide as she planted herself in front of Kotone. “Shopping always puts me in a good mood.” Yukari’s eyes fell down to meet Kotone’s again, the brilliant smile from before etching its way upward on the corner of her lips. “Is that seat taken? I saw that woman with you just a bit ago.”

“Oh, Ulala? She’s a coworker of mine. Uh — more like a manager.” Kotone frowned, eyes falling from Yukari’s for a split second as she mulled the thought again. “Oh, uh, she’s not coming back. But why are you here? Are you sure you should be seen with me?”

Yukari’s hum chased the silence away as she sat down next to Kotone, her legs swaying back and forth in the gentle breeze. If Kotone didn’t know any better, she’d say Yukari looked excited to spend time with her.

“You’re right that the Chairman gave all of us a warning. Said you were trouble. Not surprising given your fist and his nose.” The toe of Yukari’s shoes planted on the ground, the blossoming smile dimming as a thick cloud passed in front of the sun. “That didn’t stop Yuki yesterday. He told me you were sick? You don’t look it to me.”

Why were so many people concerned over a common cold? “Second time I’ve heard that today. You can thank Mr. Edogawa for that one.”

“Edogawa? Really? I always doze off during his lectures. Maybe I should record them for when I can’t fall asleep.” A chuckle slipped from Yukari’s lips, but the joy that illuminated her eyes before vanished. Her fingertips wrinkled the paper wrapping around the bouquet, bottom lip trembling before she bit into it. “Sorry, that’s not the only thing that has me worried. Akihiko said your Persona… attacked you?”

Right. Of course Akihiko would report that to the others. There was no reason for him not to. Kotone hated thinking about that night. Hated the biting cold of the chains, and the overpowering flames that erupted thereafter. Hated that no other Persona would answer her call.

Where was Igor and Elizabeth when she needed them?

Yukari’s sigh broke the silence, shaking her head as her brown eyes locked on the bouquet in her hand. “You know, I sort of know how that’s like. Not literally, obviously. But the burden of Persona… It’s not easy. We’re here to fight and make the world a better place. To save the people that we care about. I know you aren’t the type to stop until it’s all over.”

How would Yukari know that all from a swift punch to the Chairman’s nose? Okay, maybe there was more to it than that, but this Yukari was different from the one she remembered. Not in a bad way, though. It was nice having someone who understood her. Someone who believed her through all the insanity.

“That’s one way to put it.” Kotone chuckled as she put the drink to her lips again, the taste of strawberries irrevocably etched in her brain as an extension of Yukari. “It did attack me. But I’m fine now.”

Yukari’s lips pursed, a hum threatening to break them apart. “If you say so.” Yukari pulled a note from her purse, wrapping it around the stem of a pink gerbera, holding the combo out to Kotone. “Your friend texted me saying that we should meet down here, but she hasn’t shown up. I figure the next best thing is to give it to you.” Kotone went to reach for the flower, but Yukari pulled her hand back, a frown working the edges of her lips down. “There’s a lot of rumors surrounding Hasegawa. Pictures floating around. You’re in them too, you know?”

This was the other thing everyone had brought up. Kotone knew kids her age liked their fair share of gossip, but coming from Yukari? “I thought you didn’t like rumors.”

“I don’t. I’m sure Hasegawa doesn’t either. Just… be careful how you spend your time with others, okay? It doesn’t help that the Chairman has a target on your back.”

The gerbera was scentless. Beautiful on the outside, but a mystery underneath. The note was just the opposite; its contents laid bare as soon as she unfolded the worn paper.

Tar - Tues, April 28th. Sat. May 2nd. Mon, May 4th.

The note wasn’t exactly discreet. If anyone from S.E.E.S. saw Yukari handing out that note, then there’d be no question what she was leaking. However, Kotone appreciated the help. This way S.E.E.S. and S.A.W. could coexist without intermingling. A smile dared to lift on Kotone’s lips, a chuckle slipping through the created opening. “Thank you, Yukari.”

“Don’t worry about it. Just…” Yukari frowned, eyes falling back to her bouquet, the white kiku petals swaying in the featherlight wind. “... Stay safe, okay? I’ll do what I can to uncover the Chairman’s truth. So you — just don’t do anything reckless. Got that?” Yukari sounded determined. Maybe it was from the fact Kotone’s Persona attacked herself. Or maybe it was because Kotone was isolated from S.E.E.S. But Kotone couldn’t back down, not when so much was at stake —


Kotone’s phone buzzed to life, Saori’s name flashing on the front screen. “It’s Saori. She’s probably —”

“Don’t worry about it, I should get going anyway. See ya later, and stay safe.” Yukari was up before Kotone could protest, waving with her right hand, bouquet tight in her left as she paced away. As much as Kotone wished she could hold onto the fleeting moment, she needed to focus on the present. Saori needed her.

Kotone flipped her phone open, eyes narrowing on the texts that populated her screen.

Sao: couldn’t make the meeting
Sao: parents
Sao: can you come to my house?

Kotone clicked her tongue, throwing herself onto her feet. Of course Saori’s parents would throw a fit. Those rumors around school added more fuel to the fire. It was probably a mistake to include Saori in all of this.

Kotone: be over soon

Kotone wouldn’t let Saori deal with the pressure from her parents alone. Not again.

Out were the skyscrapers that littered Iwatodai, giving way to traditional architecture. Saori’s home stood near the edge of Iwatodai. A pocket of Kyoto ripped and placed in the city. It wasn’t until Kotone was standing outside of it had she realized she never visited.

The outside was beautiful, with a small garden growing within the fenced walls. Pink petals from the nearby cherry blossom trees swayed with the wind, back and forth until they decorated the greenery with its bright hue. Despite the tranquil beauty on the outside, Kotone’s heart lurched for the darkness that lay beyond its doors.

Saori was supposed to meet Kotone outside. But as Kotone stood stalwart at the fence, worry crept into her heart. Did Saori already leave? Was she forced to stay inside? Would confronting her do any good? Or would it make it worse given the rumors floating around?

The open window on the second floor silenced all of Kotone’s thoughts. Saori poked her head out, dark eyes glistening in the dying sun. She waved, almost toppling out of the window. Kotone’s body flinched, ready to jolt in case she did.

Then Saori started to climb out the window.

Kotone thought she was insane. Saori might be able to summon a Persona, but jumping out of a second story window was dangerous! Saori at least dangled herself off so the drop wasn’t so bad, and the bushes under helped break the fall. Laughter bubbled from Saori’s lips as she sat up from the greenery, sticks tangled in her mauve locks.

“What were you thinking! You could have hurt yourself!”

Saori’s laughter died, brushing herself off as she stood up on her feet. “Sorry, I should have warned you. My parents forbade me from leaving my room, so the only way I’d be able to get out is —”

“I didn’t want you to get in more trouble! Are you sure you should be doing this?” Kotone already caused Saori enough trouble in one timeline. Enough for her to get transferred. Was she speeding those events up? Maybe she should put her foot down and —

“I chose to be here, right? Let me stand by your side.” Saori was haloed by the golden setting sun, her dark eyes determined and stance firm. She had already grown so much and they were just starting out. Saori was a pushover before, but the way she was now, it looked like she’d be able to conquer the world. It made Kotone proud, and that feeling made her sick to her stomach.

“You look like a mess.” Kotone picked the sticks and leaves from Saori’s hair, with each one another springing in its place. Standing out here was bad. If Saori’s parents decided to look outside to check out the commotion she’d be caught. Caught with Kotone too, which wouldn’t help matters in any way. “I’ll fix you up on the way out. And I’ll buy you dinner, okay? It’s the least I could do.”

Saori giggled, pulling away from Kotone. “Thank you.”

“Two specials please!” Kotone plopped on one of the bar stools at Hagakure Ramen, Saori taking the seat to her left. The chef went to work immediately as a buzz carried through the air. Kotone looked around, eyeing Gekkoukan students on their day off. It shouldn’t be a surprise they’d go to the Strip Mall, but now that they were here Kotone felt self-conscious.

Not for her own sake. For Saori’s. Saori had enough to deal with. Maybe going to a public eatery wasn’t the best idea.

“Are you sure you want to pay for me when you live in a place like —”

“Oh, money’s not a problem. I’m only living in that dumpster because hotels won’t give a room to someone my age.”

“Is… that so? You know, I’m old enough to rent rooms myself. I’d do it if I had the money.”

Kotone always forgot Saori was a good two years older than her. But Saori was already dealing with accusations, didn’t need to make it worse by having her check out hotel rooms under her name. “Don’t worry, I don’t want you to make things worse on yourself. I should be getting my own place soon. I think. If that bastard keeps his end of the bargain.”

“There she is!” A girl's snicker carried through the ramen shop. Saori's head sunk low, eyes clamping shut.

“That’s the dyke, right? You don’t think — is she on a date right now?” Laughter bubbled from the other girl, and rage flared in Kotone’s heart.

Kotone slammed her hands on the bar, pressing against the stool to stand up, only to be stopped by a hand on her wrist. Saori’s hand. “Don’t. Please.”

Kotone was sure her teeth would crack from how clenched her jaw was, but sat back down all the same. “... You shouldn’t have to take that.”

Saori kept her head low, eyes refusing to point in Kotone’s direction. “Well… maybe you’re right. But there’s nothing I can really do.”

Kotone bit her tongue. Maybe she was wrong about Saori. Saori was letting herself be walked all over. It may be tedious, but Tanaka wasn’t the only person who needed to change for the better. “You need to stand up for yourself.”

“Is that what you think?” Saori’s fingertips gripped the empty water glass in front of her, nails scaling the side of the plastic. “I wasn’t raised to have opinions of my own. I was supposed to follow and obey. So that’s why if there’s someone to take the lead, I’ll gladly follow.”

Kotone hated hearing that doctrine. Hated the idea of someone giving up all autonomy and going with the flow because that was what’s ingrained. That couldn’t be the way forward. She refused. But maybe this was something else. Maybe Saori was looking for an out. Kotone couldn’t blame her. This fight wasn’t Kotone’s, and the one against the shadows wasn’t Saori’s. “Saori, what you need and want matters too. If you don’t want to fight with me then I can hear it. I don’t mind —”

“It’s not that!” Saori’s voice was high pitched as it flooded the ramen shop. Whatever words on the tip of Kotone’s tongue died, her mouth clamping shut. Saori built the courage to look at Kotone, dark eyes meeting her own. “I just… You helped me that day. And I saved you from those Shadows. All I want is to be needed by someone. If I can find someone who needs me, I'd love that person with every fiber of my being. That’s how I’ve… I’ve always thought, anyway.”

Kotone heard something similar from Saori before, but the context was wildly different. If she didn’t know any better, she thought that — “Saori, I don’t want you to follow me because you saved me. I want you to do it because you think it’s the right thing to do. Is that why you’re not scared about all the rumors?”

“I…” Saori’s bottom lip quivered, eyes falling again. “You’re a good person, Koto. I don’t know how or why I know that, but I do. You wear your good heart on your sleeve, and I… I respect you. I know that if you make a call, it’ll be for the best. So I’ll follow wherever you lead. And defend you from anyone who criticizes. Because you’re my friend.”

While Saori sounded certain, the thought horrified Kotone. This wasn’t right. Saori needed to stand and live by her own convictions. Kotone went to speak, but any retort was drowned by the shout of a girl behind them. “Hey! What are you doing?!”

“I should be asking you that.” The girl behind Saori was trembling, water glass in hand as a young man gripped her wrist. A young man with slick black hair and an ever present scowl. Hidetoshi Odagiri. He wasn’t wearing his school uniform, but still appeared stuck up with his button-up shirt and blazer.

“Let go of me!” The girl snapped. Hidetoshi stood stalwart for a moment before releasing his hand, the glass of water in her hand recoiling and spilling all over her front. “Ahh, look at what you —!”

“I’d recommend you get out of here before anything worse happens. Bullying outside of school hours is still an actionable offense.”

The girl ground her teeth and stormed out with her friend. The ramen shop went quiet for a moment, Hidetoshi crossing his arms as he mumbled something under his breath.

Saori’s lips trembled apart, her eyes lifting to meet Hidetoshi’s. “Thank you, Odagiri. You didn’t have to —”

“I didn’t do anything I normally wouldn’t. Couldn’t let her spill water all over you for no reason.” Hidetoshi was a practical man. Someone who viewed the world in very black and white manner. He had a good heart underneath. This was one step in that direction.

Kotone pat the bar stool next to her, a smile brimming on her face. “Join us for dinner. I’ll buy.”

Hidetoshi sighed, shaking his head as he paced forward. “It’s the least you could do after dragging me into all this.”

Saori smiled for the first time since entering the ramen shop, a giggle slipping from her lips. “Thank you, Odagiri. It’s nice to have the whole team together.”

“We aren’t a team. I’m being blackmailed.” As much as Kotone wished they were a team, they weren’t one. At least not a functional one. Yet. The fact Hidetoshi was sitting here, having dinner with them, meant more to Kotone than she wished to admit. Made this world feel a little bit less lonely.

Hidetoshi raised his hand, a smirk lifting on the edge of his lips. “Chef! Give me a special with extra meat.”

Kotone chuckled under her breath as she leaned her elbow against the counter, cupping her chin in her palm. “You hear that I’m paying and you decide to order extra? How bold.”

Hidetoshi chuckled, a genuine smile inching his lips upward. “Again, it’s the least you could do.”

Kotone didn’t mind. She had more money than she knew what to do with. Besides, they deserved it for the long night they had ahead of them.

Saori’s knuckles turned white as she gripped the jutte’s. Around her waist was a gun holster with her sheathed evoker. Saori practiced the weapons in slashing motions. Left, down, up, right. She was definitely an amateur, but she’d learn. Probably.

Hidetoshi refused to take the spare evoker. Not that Kotone was shocked, but it was too much like a gun for him to feel comfortable with it. Instead, Hidetoshi took the long wooden polearm, planting it firmly into the cobblestone ground underneath.

Kotone twirled her naginata, a little on the heavy side as she rested it against her shoulder. Her old evoker from S.E.E.S. rested heavy against her hip. It was there for precautionary measures, but she wasn’t certain about using it. Not until she could find a way to communicate with Messiah.

“This’ll really happen at Midnight?” Hidetoshi looked down at his watch, foot tapping against the floor with a hurrying pace.

“Yes, just like last night.” Kotone understood his skepticism. Hidetoshi was untimely thrust into this world just last night, but he had the potential to stand up and fight against the oncoming dangers. Besides, he couldn’t keep his nose out of other people’s business and it bit him in the ass. You reap what you sow.

It’d be good to get them used to fighting. Strega wouldn’t be the only threat breathing down their necks. There were the shadows. Who knew how Ikutsuki planned on retaliating. Worst case scenario would be that Aigis could be reprogrammed to hunt Kotone down. Even with a working Messiah, that wasn’t a fight Kotone wanted to take.

Navigating Tartarus would be difficult. They didn’t have a navigator, so they’d have to take it easy until they recruited one. Probably Fuuka. Kotone thought it lucky that the only other Full Moon shadow before the Emperor and Empress was the Priestess. She’d be able to stop by the rail tracks and prepare herself before the Dark Hour would activate, and take care of the shadow in record time.

That was for the future. Tartarus was here. The eldritch tower formed in blocks consisting of the school buildings, courtyard, flag posts, and anything else you could imagine. Shifting and twisting until it erected at its impossible height. Kotone felt her breath freeze in her throat. Of course she had seen the tower every night since her return, but to see its return this close up? It was a reminder of how screwed up this world was.

“... This looks more intimidating than I thought.” Saori’s voice was nothing but a whisper, would have been inaudible in the normal hustle and bustle around the school. Kotone couldn’t show fear, not when she was supposed to be their leader. Kotone grabbed her naginata and marched forward toward the Tower of Demise.

The lobby was just as Kotone remembered. A staircase that led to a face of a clock. A grandfather clock to the left of the stairs, and a teleporter to the right. From the looks of it the teleporter wasn’t activated, meaning S.E.E.S. hadn’t done much exploring. The damn thing wouldn’t even turn on. Figures.

That wasn’t the only peculiarity. There was no sign of the Velvet Room, nor the Monad door. While Kotone wished for Elizabeth to be by her side again, she wouldn’t say no to a different Velvet Room attendant like Margaret. Not having any guidance made the known journey a little more arduous, and Kotone could do with a little more simplicity.

“Red, are you sure we should be doing this? You’re staring off into space.”

Hidetoshi’s words snapped Kotone from her reverie, hand pulling away from the metal bar of the teleporter. “Huh? Yeah. Don’t worry, we’ll be safe with me here.” Kotone grinned. The shadows on the lower floors would be weak, some Kotone could kill easily with her naginata. But she wasn’t here to kill shadows. She was here to give them some combat experience. They’d need it in order to face the Priestess shadow. “We aren’t going far today. I just want you all to get some combat experience, got it?”

Saori nodded. Hidetoshi clicked his tongue. Kotone figured that was as good of a go as she’d get.

Kotone never thought she’d have nostalgia for Tartarus, but a feeling sparked in her heart as S.A.W. entered the Thebel block. The dark green interiors matched most closely to the school’s hallways, the sound of shadows skittering about echoing down the long halls. Kotone tightened her grip on her naginata; she wasn’t here to reminisce; she was here to teach her friends how to fight.

The first gathering of shadows turned a corner, and Kotone knew she had to ambush it. “Follow my lead!” Kotone slammed her naginata into the cluster, the shadows erupting into stunned smaller forms. “First step: Surround them!” Kotone took the farthest point, Saori next, and Hidetoshi planted himself as the trio formed a triangle around the enemies.

The first group of enemies were nothing to worry about. A Cowardly and Merciless Maya on the flanks; the black blobs squirmed on the ground with their only distinctive feature being their blue and red masks adorning their faces. The Muttering Tiara between them levitated off the ground, unintelligible sounds escaping its parted lips, the red mask on its face glistening under Tartarus’ sickly glow.

Kotone’s instinct was to summon her Persona, finger itching to grab her evoker. But all she heard was Messiah’s mumbled voice. Her skin itched with cold chains and fiery burns, and she threw away the thought. Kotone wasn’t here to show off or hurt herself, she was here to support Saori and Hidetoshi. “Saori, the two on the right are weak to ice!”

Saori looked over to Kotone, jaw trembling. It took her a moment to register what Kotone was asking, but nodded anyway. Hand pulled the evoker from its holster, pushing the barrel to her head. “Let’s take them down, Selene!” With the sound of shattering glass, the long silver figure of Selene appeared in cascading moonbeams behind Saori. Fluttering snowflakes danced from the rooftop, enveloping the group of shadows. The shadows shivered still, and in a burst the Merciless Maya and the Muttering Tiara shattered into pieces. Only the Cowardly Maya remained, shivering in place.

“Alright Hidetoshi, the last one is low, go —”

“I’ve got it.” Hidetoshi charged forward, twisting his polearm out from behind himself. He wasn’t balanced with it yet as his right leg slipped from underneath himself. Hidetoshi fell down, a pained grunt hissing through clenched teeth. The Maya recoiled from the thump, but shook the remaining snowflakes off its body, drawing its arms back ready to attack.

Kotone didn’t have time to attack before it did. Instead, she dropped her naginata and ran. She had enough speed to shove Hidetoshi out of the way, getting slammed into the ground by the Cowardly Maya’s sweeping claws.

“Koto!” Saori was the next to lunge forward, using her jitte to make a rigid cut through the remaining shadows form. With a pathetic whimper the Cowardly Maya dissolved into shadows once more, leaving the trio breathing heavy against the cold tiled floor. “Koto, are you okay?!”

“I’m fine. It’s only a scratch.” Kotone dusted herself off, turning to face the downed Hidetoshi. He was nursing his head, jaw clenched tight. Kotone reached out her hand, palm open to help him up. “You have to be careful with long weapons, it’s easy to lose your balance if you’re not experienced with them —”

“Yeah, whatever. My bad. Can we move on?” Hidetoshi took Kotone’s hand and stood up. He didn’t seem like the type to take criticism well, but at least he wasn’t going to argue his mistake further.

They only managed to reach the end of floor four and Kotone could tell both Saori and Hidetoshi were exhausted. They weren’t like her old S.E.E.S. members. They weren’t used to the grind, and Saori was using her Persona in almost every fight to make up for the other two’s lack there of. It was precarious to continue past the first Tartarus guardian without a navigator . They’d take things slow. That was the best course of action.

“We’re stopping here for tonight. Let’s regroup outside.”

With a heavy breath Hidetoshi leaned against his polearm, arching an eyebrow in Kotone’s direction. “You seem way too comfortable leading a team. I take it’s not your first time?”

Kotone shrugged, a hum slipping from her lips. “Observant. What’d you do if you said it wasn’t?”

Hidetoshi studied Kotone, eyes looking over her form, considering her words for a moment, before a shrug lifted his shoulders to match hers. “Nothing.”

Their venture into Tartarus went better than Kotone expected. Back in her days with S.E.E.S, Mitsuru wouldn’t let them go past the second floor, and they reached the first Guardian without a navigator. Maybe it was a risk, but they had to get ahead of the curve somehow.

Saori was slumped against a cherry blossom tree, head staring up toward the beautiful pink petals. Hidetoshi stood by the school gate, arms crossed, eyes locked toward the bloody ocean that surrounded them.

“Good work you two. That went pretty well for your first infiltration.”

“Thank you, but how aren’t you exhausted?” Saori’s breath was heavy from her lips, her eyes barely holding the strength to remain open.

“Using your Persona will take a hit on your stamina, especially when you first start learning to use it. Since you’re the only one out of us who can use one, I pushed you more than I probably should have. Sorry about that.”

Saori shook her head, a giggle slipping from her throat. “It’s… alright. I just… need a moment to rest.” Saori sighed, placing her hand on her forehead to block the large moon overhead.

Hidetoshi turned to face Kotone, eyebrow arched and a look of disdain decorating his face. “You can’t use a Persona, yet you carry around that tool?” Hidetoshi’s tone was sharp, eyes pointed at the evoker on her hip. The question was valid. She was throwing them into the thick of danger, they deserved to know the truth.

“I could try summoning my Persona, but last time I did it attacked me.”

“It… attacked you?” Saori’s voice caught in her breath. “Could that happen to me too?”

It was a valid concern, but none of S.E.E.S. persona attacked them out of the blue. Well, there was Shinjiro, but his circ*mstances was different. So was hers. “No. I don’t think so. My circ*mstances are unique. I think.”

Hidetoshi scoffed under his breath, kicking away a pebble with the toe of his shoe. “For someone who is so certain of the future, I’m surprised to see you shaken. So what’s the truth? Why do you know so much? Why is your Persona attacking you? Should we be concerned for our safety around you?”

That was something Kotone hadn’t considered. Messiah didn’t attack Akihiko, but there was no telling if it may attack her teammates. It was too dangerous to pull out in a group setting. “I’ll only use Messiah in an emergency. It won’t come out otherwise.”

“That doesn’t answer why you’re so certain of everything. If we’re fighting together, you may as well fill us in.”

Kotone’s jaw clenched. Yukari took the news of her having lived through this life before well. Would they? Should they? Kotone couldn’t risk it. Not now. Not when they’ve come this far. But some of the facts could go a long way. She hoped. “... I’ve been fighting the Shadows for almost a year now. I fought alongside S.E.E.S, but after punching the Chairman we had a falling out.”

“A year?” Hidetoshi arched an eyebrow, shoulders rising with tension. “You only transferred here last month, yet you expect me to believe that —”

“Odagiri, stop.” Saori’s exhausted voice broke through his complaints. She stood upright, rolling her shoulders back with her head held high. “I agree not everything adds up, but she’s trying to help people. Trying to help us. We should give her the time until she’s ready.”

Kotone wished she could come out with it. But telling them the truth now would add an extra wrinkle to their dynamic. She knew Hidetoshi’s dad was arrested. Knew Saori was shunned by her family for more than their current reasons. Sharing that intimate knowledge could make them all feel closer, but it could also feel like a breach of privacy.

Hidetoshi shoved the polearm toward Kotone, stepping away from the two of them toward the main road. Kotone thought for sure he’d take off, but instead he stood still, looking toward the rest of Tatsumi Port Island that waited for them. “Red. You took a hit for me. Why?”

Was he feeling sheepish? Weak? Useless? Kotone knew she had to tackle this with some grace, otherwise his wounded pride may force him to never show his face again. Kotone grinned as she rounded Hidetoshi’s side, leaning to get a good look at his face. “C’mon. What kind of leader would I be if I let you get hurt?”

Hidetoshi’s eyes went wide for a moment before a chuckle slipped from his lips, shaking his head back and forth. “Just like that, huh? Well don’t feel too good. I’m still not a part of this team. But… given all the knowledge and power at your disposal, I’m surprised you aren’t using your powers for something worse.”

It was Kotone’s turn to be dejected. How low did Hidetoshi think of her? “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Just that people try to cling to power. That’s what I thought this whole Persona thing was. A way to abuse your strength. But instead you’re running headfirst into trouble to help the world. As if your power is punishing you because you don’t want to use it for malintent. I respect that. But you can’t live on sincerity alone. The world will eat you alive and spit you out.”

Kotone wanted to reach forward and shake Hidetoshi by the shoulders. To tell him that sincerity wasn’t inherently weak. As frustrating as it was, she knew she couldn’t act. Not like that. But that didn’t mean Kotone had to bow to his ideals. “I refuse to live life like that!”

“I can see that, considering you risked your life for me.”

“You did too!” Kotone went to step forward, but stopped. Instead tapped the toe of her shoe on the cobblestone floor. Even if Hidetoshi was being purposefully aggressive, a fight wasn’t what they needed.

Hidetoshi eyed Kotone down for another moment before clicking his tongue, eyes darting toward Tartarus. “It’s different for me. I’m here as long as those dangerous folk are on our backs. As soon as they aren’t, I’m out.” Hidetoshi crossed his arms, a frown pulling the corners of his lips as he studied the length of Tartarus. “You said that the other group were students at Gekkoukan High, right? It’s good you have a schedule of days we can and can’t infiltrate Tartarus, but it’d be bad if they ever saw us. You may be expelled, but Hasegawa and I aren’t. if we’re seen running around with you then we’ll be caught up in your mess.”

He was right. Kotone was hoping that the schedule would be enough, but she knew it couldn’t be. Mitsuru found the Priestess shadow all by herself. There was a good chance they’d have a run-in with S.E.E.S. in the coming weeks. A schedule wasn’t enough, they needed a fool-proof plan to protect the other members of S.A.W.

Luckily, Kotone had a plan in mind.

“You’re right. So how about this, Hidetoshi? Make friends with the new transfer student from France. He’s pretty crafty, so I’m sure he can make you and Saori a mask to wear.”

Hidetoshi’s lips opened and closed like a gasping fish. He glanced over toward Saori before reaffirming his gaze toward Kotone. “How do you even know him? And where would I find him?”

“In the home economics classroom. They have a fashion club that meets after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Golden Week is coming up, so you better make it for Tuesday!”

Hidetoshi sighed, shaking his head. “Fine. I’ll do it. Only to save my skin. Hasegawa and I don’t deserve to be dragged down with you.”

Kotone smiled. She’d have it no other way. Not everything was perfect, but all the pieces were starting to fall into place. As much as Hidetoshi protested, they were starting to feel like a team.

They’d right the wrongs of the world. One step at a time.


My good friend croisvoix is going to be doing a charity stream this upcoming Sunday, April 14th at noon (eastern)/9AM (Pacific)/5PM (GMT). They will be running a game of Paranoia, which is a very silly system with very funny results. I watched this last year and had an absolute blast. Please check it out at: . Donations are welcome but you watching is plenty.

Thank you to everyone who commented last chapter. Lots of Hidetoshi fans coming out of the woodworks. :D

If you wanna join my discord here's a link!

Many thanks to my vibe checkers croisvoix, inviernainvicta, and Vadrigar. All your help and support always means a lot. <3

Thank you all so much once again. Your support and thoughts really help motivate me to make this fic as good as it can be. Until next time!

Chapter 6: Second Verse, Same as the First (April 28th-May 9th)


The second Full Moon draws near. S.A.W. prepare themselves for the conflict to come.


TW/CW: This chapter features bullying and drug use. Click the triangle if you wish to see more information.

-This chapter features the aftermath of student bullying, starting with "The future could wait, because at present a girl with cyan hair is being shoved to the ground." and ending on “Um… are you okay?”
-The final three paragraphs of the chapter feature a character taking a drug/swallowing a pill.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Edogawa’s magical concoction wasn’t powerful enough to push Kotone through the day. Nor was the frilly pink and red outfit that looked ripped from a Valentine’s Day advertisem*nt doing anything to boost her confidence. Every day she worked for Tanaka Commodities was another she felt inadequate. Barista work at Chagall was great. Box Office at Screenshot a little less so. This job placed her in the spotlight every waking moment. She had to try and impress, not through actions, but from style, looks, and camera presence.

Despite the sweeping fatigue, Kotone wasn’t a quitter. She had a job to do. Kotone forced a smile on her drooping lips, eyes squinting from the blinding lights as the lyrics danced from her tongue. “Ready to go, in your TV, Tanaka's Commodities~! Ev-ery-bo-dy’s ultimate friend in —”

“Cut! This isn’t working!” Tanaka’s voice tore across the film set, waving his hands as he stomped forward, ripping the rose bouquet from Kotone’s hands. “The tune is all wrong, kid! And what’s with your face? You’re supposed to sell romance to the viewers. We have two days until Golden Week and everyone will be taking their time off enjoying with one another!”

Kotone wanted to bite back. Chew him out. Say that his demands were unreasonable. But she couldn’t lose this job. And as poor as her living conditions were, he was supposed to be getting her a better place to live. She just had to push through it.

A sigh crawled from Tanaka’s throat, shaking his head back and forth. “Hmm… I’m sure we have enough takes today that we can scrounge something together.” With a wave of his hand Tanaka left the set, bouquet of roses in hand.

“He seemed in a mood today.” Ulala placed a hand on Kotone’s shoulder, Ulala’s presence a calm breeze in the wake of Tanaka’s storm. “Let’s get you out of this. You deserve some rest.”

Ulala couldn’t have known, but Kotone cringed at her word choice all the same. Kotone tried to keep thoughts of her ultimate fate at bay, but part of her thought that at rest is where she deserved to be. Needed to be. This whole mess would be avoided if she sacrificed herself again.

Even when Kotone staved off the thought, the fight ahead felt impossible. There was no plan. No guidelines to stop the Arcana Shadows from remerging. And once they were defeated? Ryoji would return, marking the beginning of the end. S.E.E.S. made a vow to fight against the impossible. But was this plight pointless? The easiest path would be to follow Ikutsuki’s paved road, and sacrifice herself at the end of it all like she had before.

But this was a second chance. Right? Some things may be screwed up, but it gave her a chance to do things differently. To try and problem solve in a new way. The answer may not be obvious, but that sacrificial road was only a last resort. There had to be some way to prevent history from repeating. Ikutsuki wouldn’t have pushed S.E.E.S. to kill the Shadows so rapidly otherwise.

“You need to get some sleep. I mean real sleep.” Ulala pushed a make-up wipe against Kotone’s cheek. Since when were they back in the green room? Kotone looked ahead at her own reflection, the stare of a dead girl glaring back to her. “Are you listening to me?”

“I-I am! I’m doing the best I can!” Kotone lied. She took Saori and Hidetoshi out to Tartarus the last two nights, pushing all three of them to the brink. If long nights weren’t rough enough, her terrible motel room took the cake. There was only a little respite in knowing that S.E.E.S. would be going to Tartarus tonight, meaning S.A.W. would be forced to take the night off. Saori and Hidetoshi deserved it after how hard they’d been pushed.

Ulala frowned, looking Kotone over again, honey-colored eyes may as well have been those blinding stage lights as Kotone winced under their gaze. “You’re not doing anything dangerous, are you?”

Kotone wasn’t sure what prompted that, but what was she supposed to say? Oh, I fight other worldly creatures during a hidden hour in the day? “Nope. The only thing dangerous is the motel I’m staying at.” A nervous chuckle lilted from Kotone’s throat, the sentiment easing Ulala’s tension.

“Has the bastard still not put you up? If I knew it’d take this long I would have taken you in.”

Was that… an option? Kotone never really thought about it, but there were other adults in her life now. Ulala. Edogawa. Okay, maybe she shouldn’t rely on the latter, but Ulala seemed trustworthy enough.

Then again, Ulala was like a helicopter parent. Once in Ulala’s sights it was hard to escape. She proved that the other day at Port Island Station. Best not to shake things up too much and introduce another element in all this. As bad as her living situation was, the freedom it gave was irreplaceable.

“Thanks for the offer, but I’m fine.”

Ulala shook her head, eyes falling toward the closed door behind them. “This is the second shoot he’s ended early because of your wellbeing. You need to take care of yourself. You’re just like — well… You’re cleaned up now. You’re good to go.” Ulala finished wiping the make-up off Kotone’s face. Before any words of thanks could leave Kotone’s lips, Ulala whisked herself out of the room, like a gust of wind had swept her away.

Kotone couldn’t wrap her mind around the woman. Couldn’t understand how she jumped from one thought to the next, or why she cared in the first place. But Kotone’s work was done, she had plenty of time to better understand Ulala later. For now she had her friends to tend to.

Eleven days until the next Full Moon, and the Lost were already milling about the streets. Either Kotone had been blissfully unaware, or it was worse than it was this time last year. Maybe it was because of the lack of Pharos visiting her dreams. Maybe it was a signal that the splinter of Death was alive on its own. Roaming the world.

The thought sent shivers down Kotone’s spine.

The future could wait, because at present a girl with cyan hair is being shoved to the ground. A gaggle of girls stood over her, one with dyed orange hair, which Kotone hated to admit looked similar to her own, boasting with laughter. Natsuki held a hand in front of her mouth, doing little to stop the chuckles from erupting outward.

Kotone rolled her shoulders back, head held high, doing her utmost to stand tall at her height of 160cm. “Hey, I thought I told you all to leave her alone!” Kotone stomped forward, foot grinding against the concrete below. Natsuki and the other bullies shifted their gaze away from Fuuka to Kotone, any amusem*nt slipping away from their lips.

“You’re that girl that yelled at me on the first day of school, right? With everything I’ve heard it’s no wonder you got expelled.” Natsuki stepped forward to match Kotone, head high, not backing down.

Kotone smirked, inching closer, ready to take the first hit. “I don’t know what you heard, but I broke the Chairman’s nose. What do you think I’d do to a bully?”

Natsuki’s nose scrunched, her brown eyes shimmering from the fading sunlight.

Kotone never heard a response. All she saw was the world tumble out of her view as her head slammed into the concrete. Winced eyes and pained skull distracted from the distancing laughter that echoed in her eardrums.

“Um… are you okay?” Kotone pried her eyes open, watching Fuuka standing over her with lips pulled down into a frown. Kotone’s eyes squeezed tight again, throbbing pain echoing in the back of her head. She should be angry at the potential concussion she had, but she was angrier that she let those bullies get a surprise attack on her. Angry that they escaped. How could she let her guard down so easily?

“I’m fine.” Despite Kotone’s plea, Fuuka looked anything but convinced. Second time in a day someone gave her that look. Did she really look that ragged? Kotone pushed herself up onto her feet, the world spinning around her, almost immediately losing her balance as she fell on top of Fuuka.

Fuuka supported their weight, hand holding Kotone up in their embrace. “I… I’m sorry for getting you in this mess. You shouldn’t —”

“It’s not your fault.” Kotone stabilized. She couldn’t let Fuuka be the one to worry. “I just don’t like seeing an innocent girl like you getting hurt.”

“That’s…” Fuuka’s frown deepened as she looked past Kotone, eyes going wide. “Your bag spilled! H-Here, I’ll help!”

Kotone wanted to protest, but she couldn’t even think of leaning back down without the world spinning again. Her eyes instead followed Fuuka as the cyan-haired girl picked up the fallen mess. Kotone thought it lucky she left her evoker at the motel room, but all of her friends old gifts were splayed on the floor. Including the home made headphones that rested in Fuuka’s hands.

As if in a trance, Fuuka remained motionless as she held the headphones. An indecipherable sound escaped Fuuka’s lips as she struggled with her words. Did she recognize it? Were memories coming back to her? It’d be nice to have Fuuka on her side. But Kotone had seen this song and dance before, she refused to get her hopes up.

Then just like that, it was gone. Fuuka was upright again, turned toward Kotone. But Fuuka’s eyes never lifted to meet hers, focused entirely on the hand-made headphones. “This is… Why do you have something like this?”

It was no wonder Fuuka was curious. Even if she didn’t remember, that’s only something Fuuka could make. “A… A friend gave it to me.” Kotone managed. Something softened in Fuuka, a sigh escaping her lips as she looked back down to the spilled mess, crouching to gather the remainder of Kotone’s belongings.

“I-I see. He must have —”

She. She was a good friend.”

Fuuka’s eyes went wide like a deer in headlights, still refusing to meet Kotone’s gaze. She continued picking up Kotone’s belongings as if nothing had interrupted her in the first place, shaking her head back and forth just before finishing. “Is that so?” Fuuka managed, standing back up and handing Kotone her bag.

“Why do you sound so surprised?” Kotone frowned, already knowing the answer as she slung the bag over her shoulder.

“I-It’s just that… well, it’s not a very feminine hobby. Is it?”

Kotone chuckled. Fuuka denied herself of her passions for so long because she was worried about how others perceived her. Maybe it was bait using Fuuka herself as an example, but Fuuka didn’t need to know the specifics. Only that it was okay to accept yourself. “My friend thought the same thing. But at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of you. Your own happiness comes from within. If that means working with electronics is her passion, then who should stop her?”

Fuuka’s eyes fell to the floor, hands wringing together. “I-I see. Regardless, you shouldn’t step in like that again. If you were to get hurt because of me —”

“And you should keep yourself safe. How far are you going to let yourself be pushed around by —”

“I’m sorry! I really should get going!” Fuuka bowed, running off and leaving Kotone all by herself.

Kotone was pushing Fuuka too much. She knew that. But she had to try something. Kotone wasn’t at school to protect her. Someone had to stand up against Natsuki. Someone had to give Fuuka that courage.

“What trouble did you get yourself into this time, Red?”

Kotone couldn’t tell if Hidetoshi’s nickname for her was a blessing or a curse as the piercing pain spiked in the back of her head. Kotone pivoted, watching as Hidetoshi approached her with a familiar blonde-haired French-man by his side. Andre Laurent Jean Geraux. Or Bebe for short. At least Hidetoshi was keeping his end of the bargain.

“Trying to stop a group of bullies from harassing a girl. Shouldn’t a student council member want to intervene?” Kotone couldn’t help but frown. Hidetoshi was always so focused on rising through the ranks that he ignored the problems right under his nose. Now his sights were focused on his own survival. Getting his head out of his ass might be tougher than she thought. “But what, uh… brings you two here?” Kotone rocked on her feet, eyes dancing between Hidetoshi and Bebe.

“Don’t play coy, Red. I told him we needed masks.”

"Zat 'e did! I 'ear you are a traveling actor! I 'ave seen your face on on ads across the television!”

So Bebe actually watched Tanaka’s commercials? Why did the thought of that feel embarrassing? “Uh… yeah, that’s right. Although I don’t really need a mask.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re in this too Red.” Hidetoshi’s disgust-laced tone had a hint of warmth underpinning it. He cared about her well being too, even if he had trouble showing it. Kotone could have pushed the point, but given her pulsating headache, she decided it best to let her quarrels lie.

"Do not worry, I will make you all ze finest disguises know to man!"

Kotone couldn’t get the mask to sit right on her face. It was a pale pink, tied in the back with a vibrant red silk. Yet no matter how tight she pulled, the mask would slump on the right side. The others didn’t have much issue, considering they went in for “fittings” with Bebe before the mission.

Saori’s looked like something ripped from the masquerade, glistening silver covering her eyes and the right side of her forehead. Hidetoshi’s was similar in visual design yet a shocking yellow, covering three fourths of his face sans his right eye. Unlike S.E.E.S, Kotone made sure that everyone dressed in casual clothes. Best not to be associated with Gekkoukan at all to hamper any comparisons.

All three of them stayed at the station, watching the monorail blow past them. That was supposed to be final ride for the night, but the monorail would be driven to a halt by the Dark Hour before it’d reach its destination. With any luck, S.A.W. would be able to defeat the Priestess shadow before S.E.E.S. even knew it was there.

Hidetoshi arms folded in front of his chest, tapping his foot against the railway as they waited for the Dark Hour to wash over them. “You’ve been making a big deal about this night. Any tips, Red?”

Kotone stopped fiddling with her mask, accepting that it wouldn’t ever sit right on her face. “This shadow we’re going to fight is stronger than any we’ve fought before. Also, ice is ineffective against it, so Saori’s Selene won’t be effective either.”

Hidetoshi clicked his tongue, the thrumming of his foot stopping. “And how do you know it’ll show up here? How do you know its strength? You said you fought alongside the other group for a year, but —”

“Odagiri, we discussed this.” Saori frowned, lavender eyes dancing from Hidetoshi to Kotone. “I’ll trust you that my Persona won’t be effective. I also trust you have our best interests in mind. But we’re following you blindly. We can’t do that forever.”

Kotone knew she was right. That both of them were. It wasn’t fair to hide it. Not when they were doing so much to help her. But would they take to the truth? Show that same level of trust and understanding in return?

Was she showing them any? Or was she just using them? Kotone didn’t want to think that. It wasn’t her intention. But intentions don’t excuse the effect. If she was going to put them in danger, they deserved to know the truth.

It was time to come clean.

“I told you I spent a year with S.E.E.S. But as Hidetoshi guessed, it’s not that simple. If I tell you, you have to promise to listen to the whole story. Got it?” Hidetoshi and Saori shared a look, Saori nodding, and Hidetoshi’s shoulders stiffening. With a shaky breath, Kotone continued. “I spent a year with S.E.E.S, but it was the year 2009 through 2010. This year. After my time with them, I… fell to sleep, and woke back up on the train to Iwatodai. It’s as if I’m living the year out all over again.”

Saori’s mouth parted wordlessly, and even if Kotone couldn’t see Hidetoshi’s face, his shifting on his feet showed he wanted to interject. She was glad they respected their promise not to interrupt. Whether that be from consideration or disbelief, Kotone decided not to squander the chance.

“I-I know it’s a little unbelievable, but I promise you it’s the truth. It’s how I know so much, how I know what S.E.E.S. are going to do. How I know this Shadow will appear here tonight. And that the Chairman is using S.E.E.S.”

A cold wind swept through Kotone’s hair, the chills rolling down her skin with goosebumps sprouting on her forearms. Her two companions were silent, both staring at Kotone wordlessly. Their eyes told completely different stories.

Hidetoshi moved first, arms dropping to his side, head bobbing back as a chuckle dripped from his lips. “Do you really expect me to believe such a farfetched tale?”

“Odagiri, don’t —”

“Hasegawa, I don’t know what to think, and I’m sure you don’t know either. Red says she comes from the future and knows everything. Something like that is impossible. And before you say it, yes, I know we’re fighting alternate dimensional beings in a secret twenty-fifth hour of the day. Yes, I know her motives check out. Yes, I know it convieniently works with everything she's said and done. But you’d have to be insane to think I’d believe such an outlandish story at face value.”

Kotone knew getting them to believe would be hard. It was why she didn’t want to tell them in the first place. But now that it was out, she had to keep trying. There was no going back now. “It’s not like I understand this either! One day I fell asleep, and the next I’m waking up on the train. All my friends didn’t recognize me, and my Persona Messiah attacked me. Everything is the same but different and I want to figure out why!”

Hidetoshi’s stance tightened. “You… fell asleep?”

Saori wrung her hands, mauve locks swaying in the wind, head tilted to the side. “That’s why you act so familiar around me. You knew us before, didn’t you?”

“I… I did. Not in this way. The three of us were in the same year. I was in the Student Council, and I also helped out at the library. I don’t think you two ever talked much, though.”

Hidetoshi shook his head, another chuckle escaping his lips. “You in the Student Council. That’s maybe the most ridiculous thing you’ve said tonight.” Hidetoshi stepped forward, his shoulders righted and head up. “Not sure if I believe everything you’ve said, but the puzzle pieces are starting to come together. You’ve protected us this far, so I’ll have to put my trust in you tonight. Don’t steer us wrong.”

S.A.W. ran down the railway, counting down the seconds until the Dark Hour consumed the world. The group doubled their efforts as soon as it had, their target in sight. The train. Instead of boarding the back car like S.E.E.S. had, Kotone figured it was best to circumvent all that and head straight to the front car. Opening the door sent whips of icy winds through the air, both Kotone and Hidetoshi shivering from the impact. Saori was last to board the train car, but the only one to stand strong against the cold. The frigid temperatures were only the calm, before the Priestess Shadow’s laughter ushered in the storm.

“What is this pressure?” Hidetoshi grit his teeth, gloved hands placed in front of his mask protectively.

Kotone held one arm in front of her face, the other gripping tight onto her naginata. “I told you, it’s stronger than the small fry we’ve been fighting! Prepare yourselves!”

Fabric tendrils breached the walls of the train car, flowing red energy passing through as the metal sheets as the brakes squeaked. The train pushed forward on the tracks. “K-Koto, what’s happening?!” Saori stumbled on her feet, shivers of fear taking the vacancy the cold left behind.

“It’s taking control of the train! We need to stop it before we crash!”

Hidetoshi slammed the butt of his polearm into the bottom of the train car to stabilize himself, black beady eyes darting to Kotone’s direction. “Crash!? Red, you knew and didn’t tell us?!”

“Sorry! But don’t worry. I’ve won before. Fifteen minutes is more than enough for us!”

Unlike that fight, no one here could use their Persona. Saori attacked with her jittes, slashing into the fabric tendrils piercing the train car. The Priestess Shadow screamed as the fabric tore, but the train’s advance wasn’t halted. The only way to do that would be to defeat the monster and pull on the train breaks.

“Good job Sao, now —”

“My weapon is useless against this thing!” Hidetoshi yelled, slamming the polearm into the fabric. The material rippled from his blow, deflecting the strike back at the man. Kotone knew that Ice attacks were ineffective, but blunt force was too? This wasn’t good. Kotone readied her naginata, rushing forward. The shadow used its fabric tendrils and slapped the naginata away, breaking open the train door as the weapon tumbled to the outside world.

Just like that, her one method to fight the Priestess Shadow was gone. sh*t.

Saori leapt again, but the tendrils darted toward her midair, wrapping Saori in a bind and pinning her to the floor. A scream ripped from Saori’s throat as the Priestess Shadow constricted its hold on her. Kotone couldn’t just stand here and do nothing. But what could she even do? Her naginata was lost. Hidetoshi couldn’t fight. Saori was pinned. She was running out of time. Already out of options. There was only one plan to go with.

Kotone’s hand fell to her evoker before she even summoned the thought. She couldn’t waste a second. Not when Saori’s life was on the line. Not when all their lives were on the line. “Messiah, I need you to listen to me right now. Got it?!” Kotone’s voice echoed across the train car as she pulled the evoker from its holster. The Priestess Shadow’s pale eyes ran wide as all remaining tendrils rushed her. Kotone couldn’t react, the next thing she knew she was pinned to the floor next to Saori.

Why had the Priestess Shadow rushed her? Did it sense Messiah’s power? Was it scared? Did it matter when they were powerless to defeat this monster? Kotone thought she could handle this shadow by herself, but now, laying on the floor absolutely powerless to do anything, Kotone wondered if —

Hidetoshi’s breath stilled from his lips; body half arched as his eyes bore toward the Shadow. The gleam of Kotone’s silver evoker placed in his hand, trembling in his grip. “You find trouble at every turn, don’t you Red? You make up some unbelievable story about coming from the future and I trust you to handle this situation hook line and sinker. Maybe I’m the fool for putting my trust in you. I don’t care if you were willing to risk your life or what, but you dragged us into this mess. It’s time for me to clean it up.” Hidetoshi placed the barrel above his exposed right eyebrow, metal clanging as the evoker trembled in his palm. “It’s time to put an end to this, Aeacus!”

A ghastly apparition in the form of well built man and a long flowing cape formed behind Hidetoshi. Pale scales lined the muscle bound body, the staff held in its left hand slamming to the floor of the traincar. With a deafening roar, lightning danced across the room, ripping the fabric tendrils holding them to shreds. Kotone stood on her feet, Saori close to her, watching as the electricity etched itself into the walls. Watched as Hidetoshi hunched over, hands balled into fists, screams echoing from his lungs. Watched as his eyes focused on the monstrosity before him.

It was a spectacle. It was terrifying. And everything in between. The Priestess Shadow dissolved from the onslaught of electricity. Hidetoshi collapsed forward, breath panting against his mask. As much as Kotone wanted to rush to Hidetoshi’s side, they had more pressing matters to tend to. “Saori, help Hidetoshi! I’m going to stop this train!”

Saori didn’t respond, but Kotone didn’t have time to look back. She raced forward and yanked on the breaks, the train screeching to a halt. Kotone’s body jerked forward from the motion, the wheels of the train screeching to a halt. Breath panted from Kotone’s lips, the cold left behind by the Priestess shadow stinging her lungs.

S.A.W. were bruised and battered, but they were safe. That’s all that mattered at the end of the day. Challenges lay ahead, but she refused for anyone else to sacrifice themselves on this journey. If anyone were to make that choice, she’d choose it to save everyone else all over again.

Kotone stumbled back into the train car, watching as Saori helped Hidetoshi back on his feet by slinging his arm over her shoulder. Kotone smiled, giving her two teammates a resounding thumbs up. “We’re good to go, let’s get out of here.”

Hidetoshi’s head hung low. Was he unconscious? He did just awaken a Persona. That'd take a lot out of anyone. Not to mention all that energy he put into destroying the Shadow. Hidetoshi deserved some rest. Kotone pried the train door open, allowing Saori to carry Hidetoshi’s limp body to the outside world. Definitely bruised. But not beaten. They’d all have to take a little time to recover. But for tonight all Kotone had to do was retrieve her naginata and —


They took too long.

Not that a moving monorail during the Dark Hour wouldn’t catch S.E.E.S. attention, but Kotone hoped to be in and out before they’d show up. Across from her on the railway stood Junpei and Makoto, with Yukari at the front of their triangle formation, holding onto Kotone’s naginata.

No way to get out of this one.

“Sao, stay back. I’ll handle them.” Kotone wasn’t sure what to expect, but she didn’t want to waste time. She was lucky Mitsuru wasn’t here, the woman was likely babbling in S.E.E.S. ears, telling them it’s dangerous to approach her. “I didn’t think we’d meet up like this.” Kotone grinned, lifting open palms up as if saying I come in peace.

Yukari scoffed, hand tightening on the naginata. “Nice mask. You know we can tell it’s you, right?”

Kotone’s hand instinctively rose to her mask. Bebe was good at crafting and sewing, but Yukari was right: the mask felt pointless.

Junpei’s grip on his double-handed sword loosened, a frown pulling on the corners of his lips. “Yo — I know we were warned to stay away from that girl, but she’s fighting shadows. Seems pretty handy to me.”

Yukari shook her head, a hand landing on her hip. “It’s not our decision to make.” Yukari shifted on her heel, turning from Junpei to face Kotone. “Mitsuru wants us to interrogate you. Wants to know why you’re still fighting Shadows.”

Was Yukari putting up a front because Mitsuru was in her ear? Or were these her true colors? “Why? I want to make the world a better place.” Kotone’s faux grin lasted a moment longer before Yukari stepped forward, holding out Kotone’s naginata. Kotone dared to reach out, hand gripping on the wood pole-arm. “That’s it?”

“You fought off a dangerous Shadow. That says more to me than anything. What do you think, Yuki?” Yukari looked over her shoulder toward the blue haired man.

Makoto was staring off toward the Full Moon, hands in his jacket pockets. Yukari drummed her foot on the floor, the act finally catching Makoto’s ear as he turned to face Yukari. “I don’t care. Is the mission over?”

Yukari sighed, muttering something under her breath. Her eyes traveling past Kotone’s shoulder over toward where Saori and Hidetoshi were. “Yeah, mission complete. Let’s head home.”

Junpei exclaimed something unintelligible as Yukari and Makoto turned to walk the other way. Junpei's chatter disappeared into the night. Watching them — the three of them — Kotone felt something twist in her gut. Revulsion. Jealousy. Because that was supposed to be her team with Yukari and Junpei. The three of them fighting off Shadows and building up the ranks of S.E.E.S. Instead, she stood as a rival. Or adversary. Someone they couldn’t rely on. Didn’t want to rely on. It made her sick.

“Wait!” The word was out of Kotone’s mouth before she could stop. The trio stopped their march, Yukari the first to look over her shoulder. But as Kotone stared at them, no words came to mind. She didn’t want to say anything. Kotone wanted something she knew she could never have. She bit her bottom lip, a shaky breath trembling from her throat. “Thanks.”

Yukari stood still for a moment before a scoffed breath escaped her lips. “You shouldn't thank me.”

Junpei scratched the back of his head, eyebrows knit together as he looked toward Kotone. “You know, I’m really starting to think Kirijo has the wrong impression of this gal. She’s sweet and kind and —”

“Let’s go.” Makoto pushed toward S.E.E.S. rendezvous point. Junpei’s voice trailed away again as he scrambled to follow Makoto. Yukari was the last to leave, her nose scrunching, the edge of her lips curling into a smile as she turned and left with the others. Leaving Kotone in silence.

“So… You really do know them.”

That’s right. Despite the isolation that weighed on Kotone’s heart, she wasn’t alone. Not exactly. Kotone looked behind herself, watching as Hidetoshi separated himself from Saori, stumbling forward on his feet. Despite everything that happened, he refused to stay down. Part of Kotone wished she had that determination. Another part knew she did.

But then why was this so hard?

“I told you the truth.” Kotone shook her head, crossing the distance, reaching out to help support Hidetoshi. “You were like a firework back there, using all your power in one go. That was reckless.”

Despite Hidetoshi’s fatigued state, he slapped Kotone’s hand away, and instead pushed the silver evoker into the palm of her hand. “Take this. I don’t want to hold it for longer than I need to.”

Even if it were more of a replica than an actual gun, Hidetoshi was a stickler for the rule of law to the very end. Oh well, baby steps.

Saori approached the duo, a smile pushing into the edges of her cheeks. “You say that, but you protected us. We couldn’t have done this without you, Odagiri.”

Hidetoshi’s feet planted firmly under his body, any swaying dying from the point of contact. “I did what I had to do to save our lives. Especially after Red threw us into the frying pan without any warning.”

That was a bad habit Kotone had gotten herself into. When she first started with S.E.E.S., she had Mitsuru as the brains of the operation guiding every step. Then by the time Fuuka took over as navigator the team dynamics spoke for themselves. Without that guiding hand it was tougher to make the right call. Especially with two Persona users who were so inexperienced.

This Full Moon was a rude awakening. A crucial one, but not fatal. They’d live to fight another day.

Only if they wanted to.

No matter how much Kotone tried to convince herself otherwise, she still felt like she was leading them on. Manipulating them to be fighters by her side. They almost lost their lives tonight. If they wanted to back out, they deserved every chance they got.

A shaky breath escaped Kotone’s lips, eyes falling to the floor of the train station. “You two don’t need to risk your lives for my fight. Hidetoshi’s right, I threw you two into the frying pan thinking it’d turn out alright. And sure, we managed to escape with our lives this time. But what about next time? And the time after that?”

“Koto, I’ve already told you that —”

“I know. You want to stay by my side and help because it’s something you can do. But you two almost died!” Kotone stared at Saori, but her resolve was equally unbreakable. Kotone turned to face Hidetoshi, eyes pleading in his direction. “I know Strega have a number on you, but you don’t have to stay. You’re right you don’t deserve this, If you want to leave I’ll find a way to protect you and —”

Hidetoshi shook his head, crossing his arms in front of his chest as a chuckle rumbled in his throat. “Forget it. I’m here whether I want to be or not. It’s time I get used to this.”

Kotone felt the wind sweep through her bangs again, sweat that clung to her skin making everything feel that much colder. The two of them were committed. As guilty as it made Kotone feel, another part of her felt… relieved?

Kotone wasn’t the only one feeling a sense of levity, a smile returning to Saori’s lips. “Does… Does that mean we’re a team now?”

Hidetoshi laughed, turning to face the full moon that hung in the sky. “We just survived a Shadow attack and an almost-train-crash, and the next thing you think of is being a team? How ridiculous.”

Kotone couldn’t help but grin in return, the giddiness in her heart spreading a smile on her face to match Saori’s. “Yeah! We’re official S.A.W. now!”

Hidetoshi’s right eyebrow raised pointedly, another chuckle erupting into the night . “You sure fore<i>saw</i> us almost throwing our lives away. But whatever. We’re a team.”

Kotone’s heart fluttered; the previous cold isolation swept away by a new warmth. It wasn’t like the embrace of S.E.E.S, but something different. She knew they’d never be a replacement for S.E.E.S, but they didn’t need to be. They were a new team. They were S.A.W. One step away from isolation, and one step toward the answer she’s been looking for since stepping off that train in Iwatodai.

The musty smell of Kotone’s dilapidated room infected her lungs, breath wheezing from chapped lips. Kotone wanted nothing more than to sleep after a successful mission, but it felt fruitless. Time was running out. Two of the major Arcana Shadows had been defeated. Only ten Shadows left. Six months. After that, Ryoji would arrive. The Appriser of the Fall. The beacon for the end.

Cold chains ripped into Kotone’s skin, throttling her into the bed. A muffled roar echoed in Kotone's head, Messiah’s glowing red eyes glaring down at her from the darkness above. Kotone struggled against the chains, pulled against them, feeling like her arms were going to be pulled from their sockets.

Flames echoed against the invisible chains, the cool spring night igniting with a burning blaze. Kotone’s heart jump started as she resisted against the chains. Tossed and turned herself on the bed. Messiah’s roar grew weak, the flames dying. The chains unraveled.

Kotone hacked a mixture of saliva and mucus as she grabbed at her throat. Despite Messiah’s relaxed state, it’s presence was like a gravitational weight on every inch of her body. Its ruby red eyes shining as bright as flames. It’s mouth welded shut from blistering flames, jaw stretching for release.

Chains whipped Kotone out of bed, tumbling across the floor. It wasn’t only her. Her belongings were strewn about. Her friends gifted trinkets. Her naginata. Her evoker. Strega’s pills.

A chain whipped around Kotone’s right arm, a blistering heat traveling through the metal. Kotone knew the side effects. Knew the risks involved. But there were no risks to be had if she died here.

Kotone reached for the bottle, popping open the lid, and swallowing one of the dark beady pills. It felt like a lump of coal was snaking down her throat. Her heart seized in her chest. The welding on Messiah’s face kept its roar from deafening her ears.

Then, there was silence. Messiah disappeared, the scorched air with it. Kotone’s heart jump started again; breath heavy in her lungs as she grabbed at her chest. Kotone wanted to vomit. Her body trembled with a frigid chill that struck Kotone to her core. Kotone stuck an open palm toward the ceiling turning it over, watching her hand tremble as it floated above her face.

“Messiah… What’s wrong with us?”


I know a lot of people were looking forward to a Hidetoshi awakening, so I hope this chapter delivered on that front. :D

On the other hand, poor Kotone. :(

Going back to Hidetoshi for a moment - Aeacus! Aeacus is the son of Zeus and daughter of Aegina. Becoming leader of the island named Aegina, Aeacus was looked fondly as a just ruler, settling debates for both men and gods across Greece. In death, Aeacus went on to become one of three judges in the underworld.

Many thanks to my vibe checkers croisvoix, inviernainvicta, and Vadrigar. All your help and support always means a lot. <3

I have to give a shoutout to Crow24, who helped Bebe-fy all of Bebe's dialogue! Thank you for all your help even if you did so with zero context.

If you wanna join my discord here's a link!

Thank you to everyone for all the support and kindness. It has truly been a tremendous joy to work on this fic and everyone's encouragement only makes me want to do this story justice. Thank you all again, and until next time!

Chapter 7: Moving Day (May 13th-May 25th)


While reeling from the consequences of her predicament, a change of scenery might be the thing Kotone needs to start turning her life around.


TW/CW: This chapter features parents being sh*tty and destroying their child's property. Click the triangle if you wish to see more information.

It's featured about halfway through the chapter.
-Starting with the paragraph "Guys!" ___'s voice cut through the tension like a hot knife through butter.
-Ending with the paragraph "Kotone shared a look with Hidetoshi."

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Four nights since the Priestess Full Moon. Four nights since Messiah attacked. Kotone’s skin remained red where the chains gripped. Her bones ached at the memory. The pit in Kotone’s stomach weighed like a brick. The mirror reflected every flaw back into her face.

Kotone told herself wake up enough times and you’d get used to it — but there was no getting used to it. Poor sleepless nights. Air so toxic it felt like the mold was sprouting in her lungs. Messiah’s unintelligible thoughts that could lead to an all-out assault. The last one wouldn’t change based on location. And a roof was a roof. Just a little longer and —


Kotone’s shoulders tensed, breath trembling to a halt. Kotone stood in front of her reflection, waiting as silence reigned supreme again. Waiting to see if the noise would return, or if it were a figment of her ima—


Kotone’s held breath trembled from her lips, the warm puff of air fogging a small circle on the mirror before fading away. Kotone wasn’t used to visitors. Rather, she wouldn’t wish anyone to visit her here. Who’d come knocking on her door before the sun even rose? Did Tanaka not pay the motel owner? Was she being evicted without warning? Kotone looked at her reflection once more, stringy loose hair, cracked dry skin. chapped lips, and dark circles that made her eyes look sunken in.


Despite how disgusting Kotone felt, the knocker wouldn't wait. Her baggy t-shirt had a hole in it, and the sweats she wore weren’t doing her any favors either, but if someone was coming at the crack of dawn to say hello, this is what they’d get. Besides, she’d prefer to not lose her door today.

Kotone didn’t expect to see Tanaka on the other side of her door. His nose turned up, hands on the edge of his suit jacket as his eyes trailed the motel room. “I knew this place was a dump, but to think you actually lived in such a place —” Tanaka scoffed as he pushed his way in, lips pulled tight in a fixed frown.

While Kotone was pretty good at tempering her emotions around Tanaka, getting barged in early in the morning was testing her patience. “Mr. President? What are you doing here?”

Tanaka’s beady eyes continued to travel the room, a shiver running down his skin as he shook his head back and forth. The frown disappeared from his face, hands clasping together as he looked back toward Kotone. “Do you know why I took you under my wing?”

Kotone had plenty of guesses. Many Tanaka revealed in his past life. Not that he’d ever admit his truth due to his inflated ego presently. The only way through was to massage it, not tear it down. “Because I’m an asset?”

Laughter burst from Tanaka’s lips, his eyes falling to Kotone with a shimmer reflecting in his black hues. “Everything is an asset if you know how to use it correctly. No — you were rough around the edges, but I could see the potential in you. Just as you saw it in me. It’s why you sought me out, is it not?”

Kotone could answer truthfully with a yes, but is it potential if Kotone saw his growth firsthand? It wasn’t good to tackle that topic head on with him regardless. “You didn’t answer my question. Why are you here?”

Tanaka shook his head, his eyes falling away from Kotone and glancing out the window. “A street urchin like you was desperate. You offered your services for free, and all you wanted in turn was a place to live.” Tanaka wiped an inch of dust off the windowsill, milling it between his fingers. “Through all your potential I saw a reflection. Rising from poverty by any means necessary is aspirational. It’s why I took a risk on you.”

A risk? “What is this? A formal termination? I know I’ve been showing up to work sick and tired, but —”

Tanaka clicked his tongue, holding up a finger in the air. “Didn’t anyone teach you it’s rude to interrupt?” Tanaka paced closer, a smile pushing on the corners of his lips and into his cheeks. “No, I’m not here to reprimand you. I’m here to commend you. You’ve persevered despite these circ*mstances. And our sales have seen a considerable bump. I knew having a cute face like yours as our mascot would help.”

Somehow that didn’t make Kotone feel any better. It came back down to money. Like always. “What is this? A pat on the back and you’ll be on your way?”

A chuckle broke from Tanaka’s lips as he paced past Kotone toward the door. “As if. We had a contract. A verbal one, but it's just as good as a signature. I don’t want you to sue my pants off, after all.” Keys dangled from Tanaka’s pinched fingers, the silver gleaming from the sun which peaked through Kotone’s curtains. “How do you feel about a change of scenery? I hope you don’t hate the sight of Paulownia Mall.”

The faulty flashlight was the one to ruin shots as Kotone smacked it back on. She was glad it wasn’t her today, Tanaka’s announcement this morning fueling her every movement and motion on and off camera. For once she felt bright and bubbly as she displayed the flashlight. Singing the sh*tty, yet catchy, tune. A smile so wide it hurt her cheeks.

“Cut, that’s perfect! We’ll stop there for the day.” Tanaka waved off the crew. “Kid, see me once you’re out of costume and make up.”

Ulala pushed past Tanaka, lips pulled tight as her honey-colored eyes looked the man over. Once Tanaka was out of ear shot Ulala looked over Kotone. “You seem happy today.” Ulala’s dry tone didn’t deter Kotone’s beaming smile. “Did that bastard finally live up to his end of the bargain?”

“Mhmm!” Kotone nodded up and down with a little more effort than was necessary. Kotone never thought much of her living space before this, but after spending a month in that dump she could feel her joy bound and need to break free.

Ulala chuckled, her terse lips lifting into a small smile as red locks of hair fell into her eyes. “You remind me so much of her.”

Kotone frowned. “Her?”

The angelic sound of Ulala’s chuckling stopped, honey-colored eyes looking Kotone’s face over again. “My best friend. Old roommate. She always looked at the world with a positive point of view. I never got it. Never got her.” Ulala kept shaking her head. Given the smile that danced on her lips, it was a good memory.

“Where is she now?”

“Where is anyone? She’s a busy woman. Leading her own life. Same as any of us. Miss her. But being around you reminds me of her. A little.” Ulala ruffled Kotone’s hair, Kotone shrinking under her touch. At least the association was a good one, even if Kotone would rather not be compared to strangers. “So, new place. Are you inviting your friends over?”

Friends? Did Ulala mean Saori and Hidetoshi? So she is watching her. That is Bad. Definitely bad. Probably best to play it off nonchalantly. Kids her age had friends. It was normal. This was normal.

“Yeah. Actually, I should text them right now.” Kotone ducked from Ulala’s hand, grabbing for her bag that lay to the side of the set and plucking her phone from her belongings. Two texts fired off, to both Saori and Hidetoshi. Her phone buzzed to life less than ten seconds later, Hidetoshi’s message shining on the screen.

HEYYY i have a new place
want to check it out

You sure?
I have a hanger-on I can’t shake.

what does THAT mean?
i need SUPPORT
don’t leave a defenseless girl all by herself

You’re not defenseless.
Whatever, fine.
No SAW talk. You’ll see why.

see you soon!

Don’t thank me yet.

Kotone clicked out of her texts with Hidetoshi, hovering over Saori’s name. Still no messages from her. Weird. Normally Saori was the first to respond. They probably just got out of school. She’d respond soon. Hopefully.

“Everything okay there? We should get going.”

Kotone looked around the set and had the realization they were the last two staying back. Kotone flipped her phone closed, forcing a smile on her lips. “Yup! Everything’s alright, let’s get going!”

Ulala shook her head as she took the lead, a sigh breaking her pulled lips. “You’re just as bad of a liar as she is too. You have a big heart and care for others. Be sure to keep yourself safe too.”

Where was all this coming from? “You told me that before. Why do you care so much?”

“Why? Because I don’t want to see a kid like you get hurt.” Ulala didn’t stop to look back, her pace even as she entered the hallway. “Let’s hurry this up. The sooner I’m finished cleaning you up the sooner you get to see your new place. Let’s not keep the old bastard waiting.”

While Kotone appreciated having someone care about her wellbeing, she wasn’t a child that needed to be coddled. “You don’t have to look after me, you know? I can take care of myself.”

“Doesn’t matter if I want to or not. I will. Now let’s scram.”

Kotone brought all her belongings to work so that she’d never have to step inside that motel again. One step outside and she was breathing fresh air. Her shoulders back. Head held high. Feeling on top of the world. Unfortunately, that joy was short lived as Kotone realized Tanaka hadn’t delivered good instructions beyond outside Paulownia.

Tanaka was easy enough to spot; standing tall with hands folded behind his back, found outside (what looked to be) an apartment building. Kotone knew better than to judge a book by its cover, but it looked a step up from that motel. Tanaka himself didn’t appear happy, foot tapping against the sidewalk as he pulled his arm forward, looking down at his watch.

“Hey there!” Kotone waved as she jogged forward, Tanaka lifting his head to meet Kotone’s gaze.

“If you kept me waiting any longer I would have had to charge you for it.” Tanaka folded his arm behind his back again, dark beady eyes skewering Kotone with their gaze.

“Well, I’m here now. Is this the place?”

Is this the place. No, I’m standing outside a random building for the fun of it. What do you take me for? A buffoon? Follow —”

“Red, we’re here!” Hidetoshi’s voice broke through Tanaka’s. Kotone turned to face her comrade, and — to her surprise — by his side wasn’t Saori, but another girl. One with shoulder length brown hair and bright red eyes. A girl Kotone recognized who always stood outside the student council room, eager to look and talk to Mitsuru.

The same girl Kotone talked to on the first day of school.

“Friends of yours?” Given Tanaka’s questioning tone, Kotone couldn’t tell whether he was being facetious or genuinely curious.

On the other hand, Kotone appreciated having Hidetoshi here, but with him approaching it now felt a little awkward. The last thing she wanted was for Hidetoshi and Tanaka to come to a head. “Something like that.”

“Woah, you weren’t kidding! It’s really her!” The brown-haired girl rushed forward, skidding on her heels as she almost crashed into Kotone. “I’ve seen you all over tv and I’ve been smitt-! Uh, I mean I didn’t think you’d be friends with such a stick in the mud.”

What a way to reintroduce oneself.

“We’ve, uh, met before.”

The brown-haired girl blinked, silence drowning out the sound of the bustling mall next door. The moment stretched into something awkward, Kotone’s lips parting to try and suede the discomfort. Just as the words barreled on the tip of her tongue the girl’s eyes went wide. “Oh sh*t, we were in the same class! Wait you’re that girl? No wonder you look so much alike!”

“That wasn’t a secret.” Hidetoshi shook his head, reaching the girl’s side. “Sorry Red. Like I said, I couldn’t shake her.”

“I don’t mind if you have company, although I won’t hesitate to throw you out if you cause any property damage.” Tanaka’s eyes dragged from the brown-haired girl as he turned on his heel, heading toward the building. “Let’s head inside. Time is money after all.”

Kotone gave the other two a sheepish smile, nudging her head toward the building. “We can talk after. Let’s head inside and see what all the fuss is about.”

The trio followed Tanaka into the elevator, the apartment building deathly silent as only the smooth sound of elevator music played. Tanaka was the one to press the button, hitting the button for the fifth floor.

Kotone looked over the options. Starting from the bottom, it had a button for the Lobby, then two through five. “We’re going to the top floor? Is that were my room is going to be?”

Tanaka scoffed, shaking his head. “On the top floor. You’re Tanaka Commodities star model, you deserve better than that. The whole building is yours.”

Kotone expected laughter to follow. Something to show it was a joke. But the elevator doors opened and Tanaka led the way without a hint of sarcasm. Hidetoshi nudged Kotone, and she sprang forward, heart racing in her chest.

“Th-The whole building?” Kotone circled Tanaka as every muscle in her body flared with adrenaline.

Laughter finally came, but it wasn’t mocking. The smooth sound caused Tanaka’s lips to curl into his cheeks. “We had a verbal agreement. The best way to keep you safe would be to have a place that belonged only to you. Since you are still a minor I figured it’d be best to rent out a building like this. Renovations on the master room took a little longer than I expected, but only the best for my pupil.” Tanaka opened the large double doors at the end of the hall, revealing a fully furnished room, A queen sized bed near the large windows, a closet, and a kitchenette. Kotone pressed through the room and opened a door, a bathroom with a shower inside. It had… everything she’d need. And it was clean to boot.

“Mr. President, this is —”

“I was in the process of renovating this building and you are working for me for free. As long as our deal is maintained you will have a roof over your head. Now, I am a very busy man, so enjoy your housing. Keep your business private. I will see you bright and early.” Tanaka tossed the keys over his shoulder, Kotone scrambling to catch them before they clattered to the floor.

Like that, Tanaka was gone.

“Holy sh*t…” Kotone spun on the ball of her foot. It felt unbelievable after everything. The air felt clean. Everything was neat and tidy. She had a working kitchen in her room. Room to spread out. It was everything she could have wanted and more.

The brown haired girl tilted her head, a frown pressing on her lips. “Not to rain on your parade, but isn’t that skeezy guy your boss? Seems like a recipe for disaster.”

Kotone understood that in normal circ*mstances. But Tanaka was different. Probably. As much as he scams people and likes to talk a big talk, deep down he’s the man who helped an orphanage anonymously simply because he had the means. He was capable of doing good. “I know how to handle Tanaka. As long as money is flowing and business is good he should be fine. … Probably. And if not then I’ll figure something else out.” Kotone shrugged, setting down her bag. “Speaking of, Hidetoshi, you never introduced your friend to me.”

“Why do I have to be the one to do it? You two were in the same class.” Hidetoshi sighed, stepping between the two girls. “Natsuhara, this is Kotone Shiomi. Red, this is Eri Natsuhara.”

Kotone collapsed her hands together behind her back, rocking on her heels as she smiled brightly in Eri’s direction. “Eri Natsuhara, huh? What brings you here today?”

“I was badgering Odagiri because there’s a vacancy in the Student Council, but he wouldn’t let me join. And then he said he was meeting with you. I couldn’t let a guy like this have some alone time with a pretty girl like you!”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Hidetoshi frowned, crossing his arms. “She’s right about the badgering, though. She’s been at it for weeks. The spot’s been filled.”

Kotone frowned, lips pulling tight. There was one person who took her place in class 2-F. One person who finished out the trio in S.E.E.S. Kotone wanted to ask who, but she already knew the answer. Kotone grabbed for her phone, anything to distract from the thought. Still no text. “Hidetoshi? Has Saori messaged you? She hasn’t replied to my texts.”

“Hasegawa? She didn’t arrive at homeroom today. I don’t condone cutting classes, but she probably needed to study for exams given our late nights as of recent.”

Eri arched an eyebrow, the corner of her lips pulling up into her round cheeks. “Late nights? Ooh sounds spicy. What are your secrets, Odagiri?”

“Get your mind out of the gutter.” Hidetoshi sighed, shaking his head as he crossed his arms. “Like I said, Hasegawa’s taking time to recoup for exams. Probably. They start in six days after all.”

“Exams…” Kotone frowned. While Kotone helped Saori study once or twice, Saori wasn’t the type to lock herself away for studies. No — the only time she wasn’t responsive was when it had to do with her personal life. Between unmitigated rumors and her parents poor parenting style, Saori would withdraw and shut everyone out. Kotone didn’t want to make things worse, but she couldn't ignore such a tell-tale sign either. “I don’t think it’s that. Let’s go.” Today was supposed to be one for celebration, but even as Kotone resolved one problem, another lay at her feet. She just hoped she wouldn’t be too late.

The trio jumped off the monorail and rushed to Saori’s home on the edge of Iwatodai. Kotone’s heart pounded the entire way, memories of Saori surprising Kotone with a sudden transfer replaying in her mind. That didn’t happen until after Saori overtook the PA system, but things were different this time. Rumors were swirling around the school at a faster rate sooner. Anytime Kotone and Saori were seen in public they were ridiculed. Kotone tried to prevent all this, but in part she felt responsible.

Consequences be damned. There wasn’t time to sit back and wait. Kotone slammed her fist on the door, the edge of her hand hurting from the force she used.


Kotone pounded her hand again, jaw gritting and breath quickening. Every moment they waited was another Saori could be dragged off somewhere far away. Kotone raised her fist again, but Hidetoshi caught her wrist before Kotone could slam her fist into the door a third time. “Breaking down the door won’t help.”

Kotone ripped her wrist from Hidetoshi’s grasp, rubbing it with her left hand. “She could be scared! Who knows if her parents are transferring her halfway across the country now?!”

“If they’re taking her away then there’s nothing you can do. Breaking and entering though? The lightest punishment you can expect is a restraining order. Is that what you want for us?”


“Of course I don’t!” Kotone growled through gnashed teeth, slamming her fist into her chest. “But Saori’s been through so much, from the rumors, and her sh*tty parents, and everything in between! Some of that is my fault, and I’m here to fix it!”

“Charging in like a mad woman isn’t going to fix anything! You act like you know everything, but deep inside you’re just as scared as everyone else. You need to see how your actions will affect her t–”

“Guys!” Eri’s voice cut through the tension like a hot knife through butter. Eri's eyes were pointed toward the sky. Smoke. There was smoke. A cry followed shortly after. Kotone couldn’t hesitate, she pushed off her heels and barreled down the alleyway.

Saori was down on the pavement, head low, on her knees. A makeshift fire lay before her, a black column of smoke rising into the air. Saori wasn’t alone, two adults stood over Saori’s fallen form.

“What are you two doing?!” The words came from Kotone’s mouth before she had the chance to think about it, charging forward and skidding to Saori’s side. She leaned down, offering a hand. Saori’s hand trembled away from the contact, her head shaking back and forth as she stared toward the concrete.

The man with slick mauve hair shortened his gaze, eyeing daggers toward Kotone. “You. You’re the girl who led my daughter astray.”

Kotone couldn’t help but scoff, looking at the Hasegawa’s from the top of her eyes. “Led her astray? She’s trying to attend school and work hard! And everyone around her is ridiculing and bullying her, and if anything, you should be supporting her! Not… not whatever this is!”

“How we raise our daughter is none of your business!” Saori’s mother stepped forward, dark inky locks pulled back in a messy bun with loose strands fraying around her head. “Leave before we report you for trespassing and harassment.”

“Actually —” Hidetoshi cleared his throat, stepping forward as he highlighted his worn yellow armband. “I’m here on behalf of the Student Council, and your behavior toward your daughter has been a concern of mine for the last few weeks. I have photographic evidence detailing abuse, and now you’re breaking Iwatodai City law in operating an open fire. I hope you know this won’t end well for you.”

“You — you can’t photograph us without our consent! That’s illegal!”

Hidetoshi scoffed, crossing his arms. “You think you can cherry pick laws that work best for you? My advice: Let Saori go. The school has caught wind of her troubled lifestyle, and a transfer request to school affiliated dorms is underway. Her education is most important, I’m sure you’d agree.”

The man’s nose flared, a snarl escaping his lips. “Why I’ll —”

“Dear, it’s alright.” Saori’s mother placed a hand on her husband's shoulder, shaking her head. “Maybe the good Student Council representative is right. With Saori out of the house, any misconduct she carries will not reflect back on us, and instead the school. The school which has neglected to act until now. It’ll humble her. Do her some good. She’ll learn her place in all this.”

Kotone wanted to bite back, but Hidetoshi shook his head. He stepped forward, head held high. “Let Saori go tonight and this won’t be a problem for you. You have my word.” Hidetoshi held up his phone, shaking it back and forth, taunting the parents. “That’s all you have to do.”

Saori’s parents shared a look and sighed, Saori’s father stomping out the fire with his foot, flakes of burnt paper flying in the air. “Have it your way.” Her father was the first to pass, stopping short after passing Saori. “You’ve lived in a fantasy all your life. Wake up and face the truth.” Saori’s mom clasped a hand on Mr. Hasegawa’s shoulder, the two sharing a short look before pacing out of the alleyway.

Saori shivered, Kotone diving back down to her side. Kotone saw tear stains down Saori’s cheeks and on the concrete below. “Sao… What can I do for you?”

Saori’s breath trembled, a wheeze escaping her lips. Her head hung lower, another tremble rolling through her body.

“I… Uh, don’t really understand what’s happening. But you did something cool. Odagiri. Looks like you aren’t just a bootlicker.” Eri grinned, nudging him with her elbow.

Hidetoshi shrugged, side stepping Eri. “It’s hardly my doing. Saori is old enough to legally live wherever she chooses. Besides —”

Eri stomped her foot, eyes going wide as she looked toward Saori. “I knew she was older than other second years, but I didn’t know she could do something like that. What about transferring her to a dorm?”

Hidetoshi scoffed again; arms crossed in front of his chest. “It was a bluff. One they bought. Photographing them without consent is illegal. But they fell for my lie, so that’s all that matters.”

Ballsy. A risky move. Eri was right, Hidetoshi wasn’t as straight-laced as he presented. Kotone rubbed small circles into Saori’s shoulder blades as Saori silently wept into the concrete below. Kotone looked at what the fire was made out of, sundered pages all but ash and charred fragments now. Saori’s breath hitched, finally lifting her head to look at the burnt mess. “I’m sorry… You… You all didn’t have to do this.”

Kotone continued to rub circles into Saori’s back. Despite the fact Saori had the strength to talk, it didn’t do anything to ease her worries. “We’re here for you. I won’t let you go through this alone.”

Saori shrugged Kotone’s hand off her back, sitting up and placing her hands on her knees. “But… What am I supposed to do now? Where am I supposed to live?” Saori rubbed her cheeks with the palm of her hand, a trembling breath exhaling from her lips.

Kotone shared a look with Hidetoshi. It was clear what he was angling for with that bluff. “I think I have the perfect place in mind.”

Saori fidgeted with her hands as she sat at the coffee table, eyes low and refusing to lift. While everything looked furnished from the outside, Kotone had no utilities nor groceries. She’d have to go shopping soon. Eri bought them some tea, both she and Hidetoshi leaving to give Saori some privacy. Shinjiro’s leather watch filled the silence in the apartment, ticking with the endless march of time.

While Kotone was more than happy to host Saori, being thrust into this position was both sudden and unexpected. Not that she’d complain. If it meant getting Saori out of that horrible situation she’d do it in a heartbeat. Kotone’s hand scraped the edge of the paper cup, feeling the heat pass through her fingertips.

Kotone’s eyes darted to Saori’s bag next to her door. She didn’t have a lot of time to gather her belongings, not that Kotone envied Saori having to go back into that house. Still, she couldn’t fit too much in a single duffle bag. Saori was no stranger to traveling around, but still…

“Will that be enough to last you?”

Saori didn’t lift her head, hands wringing together as a trembling sigh escaped her lips. “It’s enough. I only have clothes anyway.”

Kotone leaned forward on the coffee table, a smile lifting on her face. “Do you want me to break in during the Dark Hour? I can get the rest of your stuff and —”

“No, it’s okay. They’ll… probably burn the rest like they did with my writing.”

Kotone wanted to put up a strong front, to help her, but Saori seemed reticent. An emotional barrier preventing her from bouncing back like she used to. But she was still opening up, it was the first time Kotone heard of Saori’s writing.

“I can buy you a notebook or something if you want to pick it up again. It’s the least I can —”

“Sorry.” Saori shook her head, hands grabbing for the paper cup set before her. “It’s stupid. A waste of time. I should be focused on my studies and yet…”

Stupid. A waste of time. Did her parents tell her that? Kotone’s hand balled into a fist, her teeth grating against one another. “No. If it makes you happy then do it. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You deserve to be happy.” Despite Kotone’s words, Saori’s hand froze on the paper cup, her eyes refusing to lift. “Sao?”

Saori shook her head, fingertips scratching the surface of the paper cup. “Sorry, it’s just… No one’s ever told me that before.” Saori looked up, despite the sadness that welled in her eyes, her lips dared to turn upward into a smile. “Let’s… not talk about me. What's our next move as S.A.W?”

Saori couldn’t push this off forever. Kotone knew that all too well. But if she didn’t want to talk about it more then Kotone wouldn’t push the issue. Kotone tapped her hand on the coffee table in time with the watch on her wrist. “You have exams next week, so no Tartarus until they’re all over. The next big date to look out for will be the meeting with Strega on the 25th. For that one I need you to deliver a message to Yukari.”

“Takeba? … What is it you want me to tell her?” Saori frowned.

“Tell her that I’m sorry.” Kotone shuddered at the thought. She knew she had to trade some information with Strega for their continued non-violence agreement, but the thought still made Kotone’s stomach twist and turn with bile. “... After Strega we’ll have to rescue Fuuka.”

“Yamagishi?” Saori’s head popped up, eyebrows arching with surprise. “Odagiri mentioned that he saw you with her the other day. What does she have to do with all this?”

Kotone counted her blessings that Saori and Hidetoshi were in the know regarding her circ*mstances. No need to dance awkwardly around the issue. “Fuuka was a teammate of mine in my past life. She’s smart, and sweet, and one hell of a navigator. She’s been ignored by her parents, bullied by her friends… we have to save her. Luckily I know the way how.”

Saori tilted her head, frown working on her face. “You do?”

“Yeah, but remember, exams come first. Then Strega. And Saori?” Kotone leaned forward, “If you ever need someone to talk to, you know where to find my room. We’re staying in the same building after all.”

“Thank you. I… I appreciate it.” Tears shimmered in Saori’s eyes, a chuckle escaping her lips. “I… I know this is sudden, but… would it be alright if I stayed here for tonight? I don’t know if I want to be alone.”

“Done.” Kotone leaned back, a chuckle breaking from her lips. “I didn’t imagine my first night here would be a slumber party, but I think I’d have it no other way.”

Saori smiled, genuinely. There was still uncertainty in her eyes. Fear. But beneath that was gratitude. Maybe their friendship wouldn’t be the same as it was the prior year, but it didn’t need to be. This was something different. Kotone’s heart thumped with joy, realizing that maybe a little company was what she needed too.

One plus to being expelled from school was being able to skip exams. Granted these would have been the easiest exams she’d have ever taken, considering she’s taken them all before. Having Saori stay in the same apartment building meant that Kotone had the opportunity to tutor Saori. She didn’t have much else to do at night considering Kotone was taking a break from Tartarus.

Exam week came and went. Saori felt confident. Hidetoshi said he did well too, but his nonchalance made Kotone wonder if the stress of SAW was getting to him. She couldn’t blame him. Exams were important, no getting around that. There was something even more pressing staring in their face, the abandoned tower that Strega occupied just outside the city.

The oddity this night being Takaya and Jin weren’t outside waiting for them like they had been last time.

“You think they’re standing us up?” Hidetoshi’s voice grumbled under his breath; arms crossed in front of his chest.

“No, that wouldn’t provide them any benefit.” Kotone tapped her foot, looking toward the night sky. There was no doubt about it. The Dark Hour. On the 25th. Meet here. Those were the three monthly conditions.

“Maybe they’re… busy?” Saori’s voice was quieter than the winds that swayed through Kotone’s hair, her hands cupped close to her chest as her eyes darted across the bare street.

Kotone hummed, drumming her foot harder. “Well, it wouldn’t surprise me if they double booked themselves.” Kotone shook her head, looking back up toward the moon. “I just wish they would have communicated somehow.”

“What do they do?” Saori asked, voice hushed.

Kotone never talked about Strega with the others. Outside of necessity of course. Nor did they press her on them. They were dangerous individuals. They made that abundantly clear during their last meeting. In the spirit of transparency though, SAW deserved to know who they were dealing with.

“You heard about that revenge website, right? Type a name online and for the right price, they’ll be taken care of.”

Hidetoshi and Saori’s eyes snapped toward Kotone, Hidetoshi’s eyes going wide, nostrils flaring with rage. “I thought that was just pointless rumors. You’re telling me that they're actual hitmen?!” Hidetoshi took a step forward, using his towering height as leverage over Kotone. “I knew they were dangerous, but you’re having us work with hired killers? And you’re okay with that?!”

“I-I wouldn’t say I’m okay with that, it’s more like —”

“They use the Dark Hour to their advantage, killing people as they slumber in their coffins.” Saori wrung her hands, shaking her head. “There’s no chance of escape. Impossible to pin the crime on them. That’s… frightening.”

“What did you get us mixed in with, Red?” Hidetoshi pulled Kotone by the collar of her shirt, rocking her forward.

“Nothing you already didn’t know from last month.” Kotone’s voice was even-keel and stern, but not upset. They had a right to be upset. If it were up to her, the circ*mstances would be different. No arguments there. “Just as you were blackmailed, I was too.”

Saori’s eyebrows furrowed, lips pursing as she stepped forward. “You… You never told me what they blackmailed you with.”

“Red. Is it something serious? Because if you’re hiding another secret then —”

“It’s nothing like that.” Kotone shivered as she stared around herself again, making sure Strega weren’t jumping out from the shadows. “After my Persona attacked me back in April, they were the ones to save me. They didn’t put it in certain terms, but the deal was either join them, have monthly check-ins, or die.”

“I see. Well, not that I want to work with that bunch, but I haven’t had much choice either way. Hasegawa is different though.”

“I’m not.” Saori shook her head, shoulders rolling back. “I’m living with Koto now. Due to that generosity, wherever she goes, I go. I won’t let you two deal with them alone.”

It hurt how much Kotone had to let things slide. Ikutsuki. Strega. Killing the Full Moon Shadows. There was so much Kotone couldn’t interfere without placing an even bigger target on her back. She’d stop them all, but it’d take time. And time wasn’t on her side.

Sorry for the wait, we shall be there momentarily. The voice echoed in their heads with an ear piercing reverb. Kotone grabbed at her ears, eyes squinting as Takaya’s voice faded from her mind.

“What in the world was that?” Hidetoshi flinched, hands balling into fists.

“That was Chidori’s power. She’s able to communicate across long distances.”

“Do not be mistaken. That is Medea’s power, not mine.” Chidori was the first to approach, floating down from the second story window with her red and black persona with a sheep's skull for a head in a fiery blaze behind her back.

“You’ve been watching us this entire time? What other stalkerish qualities do you have?”

“Odagiri!” Saori’s voice was fast and panicked. Kotone could never read Chidori. Never got close to her unlike Junpei. She always kept on a mask of disinterest. Even after coming back to life she was hard to read. Kotone regretted not getting closer to her.

Something silver shined under Chidori’s sleeve, but just as quickly disappeared as Takaya stepped around the corner, Jin following closely in his shadow. “Stand down, Chidori.” Takaya approached the group, hand hanging on his belt. “I hope you all weren’t waiting too long.”

“What? Too busy murdering innocent people?” Hidetoshi hissed. Kotone’s eyes went wide, Chidori’s posture tensing.

A chuckle broke from Jin’s lips as he stepped forward, a homemade grenade in the palm of his hand. “Look at this guy, feeling all tough because he’s awakened a Persona. You know we have you three surrounded, right?”

Hidetoshi clicked his tongue, “Not about being tough, just saying the truth.”

“That’s enough, Jin.” Takaya waved Jin down, stepping forward. “As long as we continue business there’s no reason for us to quarrel. Regardless, we have to keep this brief. Tonight is a busy night for us, after all. Tell us what we want to know, and I’ll give you what you want.”

Kotone could feel her shoulders stiffen. She had to do this, even if it made every inch of her skin itch with irritation. “... There’s three active members of that other organization: S.E.E.S. We saw them on a shadow hunt just a few weeks ago. One is named Junpei, his Persona’s affinity is fire and weak to wind. Next is Yukari Takeba, her affinity is Wind and weak to electricity. Finally, their leader: Makoto Yuki. I don’t have any information on the Persona he can use. I also believe they should have a new member, Akihiko Sanada. A lightning user, weak to ice.”

Takaya arched an eyebrow, studying Kotone once over before his lips turned upward with amusem*nt. “Is that so? Very well. That information will come in quite useful if we ever come into conflict. You’ve fulfilled your end of the bargain, so it is time for us to reciprocate. State your request.”

“Two evokers. That’s all I need.”

“Two again? Are you planning on bolstering your numbers? You know we don’t take kindly to threats." Jin’s thumb grazed the surface of the round grenade, Kotone’s heart seizing in her chest.

“It’s alright. Numbers are one thing, but their might doesn’t reach ours. Besides, it’s a pure hypothetical and she has delivered us valuable information. It’s more than worth the trade” Takaya grinned in Kotone’s direction, lifting his hand into the air. “Two evokers shall be yours.”

An evoker for Fuuka. SAW needed a navigator. Without one they were stumbling around Tartarus aimlessly. Having outside guidance is essential if they want to infiltrate further.

As for the other evoker — it never hurt to be prepared for the unexpected.

Jin opened his EOD jacket, revealing two evokers lined inside pockets. Had they anticipated the request? Or had Chidori read their minds? Was that something she could even do? No. That was impossible. Chidori wouldn’t have fallen for Junpei’s obvious lie of being leader in that case.

Jin handed the evokers over, Kotone holding them under her arm, taking a step away. “If that’s all then we should get going as well.”

Takaya’s elated smile widened, his yellow teeth grinning at SAW. “Very well, until — Hmm…” Takaya stepped forward. A step too close for Kotone’s comfort as he leaned in, whispering in her ear. “Have the pills been effective?”

The saliva in Kotone’s mouth thickened into viscous slop, the memories of Messiah attacking returned like a nearly extinguished flame given life once more. Kotone wanted to rip it from her mind as the question marinated in her head. It was impossible to shove out, to ignore. Her skin itched for another reason this time, feeling the embrace of Messiah’s chains once more. Kotone felt her breath slip away, gasping in the cold night air.

Takaya frowned, looking at Kotone with something akin of sympathy. “If you are ever in need of more, all you have to do is ask. That is more than covered with what you’ve provided.”

“I-I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Kotone spoke through grit teeth. The last thing she needed was for Saori or Hidetoshi to be worrying after her.

“I see. Very well, until next time.” Takaya stepped to the side. A cold wind brushed against Kotone’s skin as she and the others walked between Takaya and Jin. It’d be easy for the trio to ambush and attack while their backs were turned. Takaya was true to his word though, and the trio left unscathed. First time since meeting with Strega this life.

The trio waited by the waterfront out of sight from Strega. A chilled breath flooded Kotone’s lungs, her body shivering to a halt. She pulled the evokers out from under her arm, pushing them in Saori’s direction. “Sao, do you mind holding onto the evokers?” Saori was normally eager to help, but her reaction speed was slow. Her response reticent. Her lips parted and closed, words refusing to escape. “Sao? What’s wrong?”

“You sold out your old friends for two measly evokers, that’s what.” Hidetoshi stomped past Kotone, looking out toward the bloody horizon. “Is the price for your loyalty really that low? What if they ask for information on us next? You going to sell us out too?”

Kotone bit her tongue. They were right to criticize her. But she didn’t have any worthwhile information to give that’d be worth two whole evokers. Other than S.E.E.S. goals. However if she told them that then they’d have a huge target on their backs. S.E.E.S. couldn’t take down Strega. Not at their current strength. Nor could Kotone afford to aid in an all-out war between the three factions. Maintaining peace in the interim was the best way forward.

“I had Saori warn Yukari that there’d be an information leak. I don’t like doing it, but it’s the only way to keep Strega off our backs. S.E.E.S. will be able to handle themselves when the time comes.” A small part of Kotone hoped Aigis would remember her, just as she had done a year ago. Promising to protect her from the onset. On the other hand, S.E.E.S. having Aigis meant they could stand up to Strega. It also meant Ikutsuki had a pawn he knew how to control.

There was never an easy solution to any of this. Ikutsuki had to be dealt with, and soon. But how? And with what resources?

“How do we know you won’t turn your back on us when it gets convenient?” Hidetoshi crossed his arms, a sneer pulling his lips taut. “We’re in this together, but you’re sitting back trying to play both sides of the shogi board when you don’t control all the pieces! It’s going to bite you some day.”

“I… agree.” Saori took the evokers from Kotone’s hand, her eyes planted firmly downward. “I only went through with it because Takeba agreed, but Strega's demands are going to grow. If they escalate out of control we won’t be able to meet their demand, and —” Saori bit her bottom lip, a shiver passing through her body.

“S.E.E.S. will get stronger. They have many capable fighters among them. Akihiko recuperated, Mitsuru is a great fighter, and in a couple months the strongest person I know will join their ranks. S.E.E.S. are more than capable of protecting themselves.

“That still doesn’t soothe my concerns, but again it’s not like we got much choice.” Hidetoshi’s foot drummed on the sidewalk, bottom lip curling under his teeth. “So what’s our next move?”

Kotone smiled. While some of her decisions had been controversial, she knew this one wouldn’t be. “Rendezvous with Bebe. Have him fix up my mask and make a new one for a new team member. We have an operation to carry out: We’re going to save a girl from getting bullied.”


A lot of groundwork laid down, and most first and foremost, Kotone moved! She's no longer in that sh*tty motel! :D

Always happy to write more hallway lesbian. Yes, I'm making her Eri Natsuhara from Persona 5 Tactica. This fic won't have any direct allusions to P5T, so if you haven't played that game then I wouldn't worry about any major spoilers. Speaking of Eri as a Gekkoukan Student, the Supposed Persona Photoshop Master made an edit of Eri in a gekkoukan uniform just this week. :D

Many thanks to my vibe checkers croisvoix, inviernainvicta, and Vadrigar. All your help and support always means a lot. <3

Thank YOU ALL for your support and encouragment week in and week out. It's been an absolute blast reading everyone's reactions and theories as I write more and more, and I can't wait to share more with you in the future.

If you wanna join my discord here's a link!

Thank you all once again, and until next time!

Chapter 8: Hour of Need (May 29th-May 30th)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kotone gazed at the watch on her wrist. The second hand pivoting with a short click. Second. By second. By second. Five minutes until Midnight. Until the Dark Hour. No sign of Fuuka or her bullies. Kotone hated having to sit like this. Having to wait to ambush would be aggressors. Kotone knew this is the night Natsuki and her ilk struck, but she had no idea where they’d be or how they got into school premises. Time was running out.

Despite the request to Bebe, her mask hadn’t been fixed yet. Being the perfectionist he was, Bebe decided to start the whole thing from scratch. Fuuka’s wasn’t finished either, not that she’d need one until she officially joined the team.

Saori held her hands in front of her skirt, wringing them together as she rocked back and forth on her heels. Hidetoshi shifted from one foot to the next, clicking his tongue as he stared at the closed school gate. Kotone wished Natsuki and the other girls would show themselves already and put an end to this farce. Fuuka didn’t deserve to be tormented like this.

Hidetoshi banged his fist against the school gate, dark eyes turning toward Kotone with furrowed brows. “There’s been no trace of Yamagishi or her bullies. What will you do if you’re wrong?”

“Koto won’t be.” Saori shook her head, stepping forward to close the circle. “I don’t know how receptive Yamagishi will be to us. I tried to help her at school like you asked, and all she did was shake her head and walk away. Every time.”

“Fuuka takes a little to open up. Don’t worry. She won’t run away from us.”

Hidetoshi leaned against the gate with a frustrated huff, his head tilting to face the night sky. “And you’re fine with just recruiting her? What if she doesn’t want to fight?”

“She wanted to fight before. We can use someone as skilled as her. But I won’t force her to if she doesn’t want to.” Kotone paced away from the gate, looking out to the horizon where Paulownia Mall stood. Kotone felt confident she had the dates right, but that didn’t mean Fuuka would be here for certain. There had been plenty of inconsistencies in the past two months, there was no telling if this would fall in the same trapping.

“Oy, what are you three doing out here so late?” The voice came before the figure. Kotone’s breath ripped from her lungs as she recognized the gruff cadence. In the foggy distance appeared two figures, the first of which was a tall and imposing man in an impossible to miss red coat and beanie. The other was a girl with brown hair that bobbed over her shoulder, swooping across the right side of her head. Even in the fog and clouded silver moonlight, the S.E.E.S. armband, pink sweater, and bow on her back were too easy to recognize.

“W-What are you doing here?” Seeing the injured or dead returned to life never got easier. Shinjiro was no exception. The bile in her gut bubbled as visions of Shinji in the hospital flooded her mind.

Yukari crossed her arms, hip popping to the side as she looked over S.A.W. Kotone had no idea why Yukari and Shinjiro would be here together, and given her annoyed expression, meant she wouldn’t be getting a clear answer anytime soon. “I should be asking you three that. We heard rumors of a girl getting bullied and wanted to put a stop to it.”

Rumors, huh?” Hidetoshi scoffed. It wasn’t like Fuuka’s bullying was a well-kept secret. Most students at Gekkoukan ignored that kind of thing. Or encouraged it. That always grinded Kotone’s gears. Glad to see more people were willing to stand up for her this go around. “We’ve heard similar rumors. They say she might get shoved into the gymnasium tonight. So we’ve been staking the gate in case they show up.”

“How noble.” Shinjiro stepped forward; his gruff voice cut short as he looked the group over. “You don’t want to be out here too late. Scram.”

Yukari shook her head, smiling at the man. “Aragaki, it’s okay. They know about Tartarus and the Dark Hour.” Yukari’s smile faded as she looked toward Kotone, a pained wince scrunching her nose. “Kotone, we haven’t spoken since Hasegawa gave me your message. I know you said you’re sorry, but… We need to talk. Just the two of us.”

A scream broke in the air. Kotone turned, watching a light illuminate inside the school grounds. That had to be Natsuki and the others. How did they get inside the school gate? Did they hide from the faculty and stake out after school? The how didn’t matter, it was too late to change the past. They needed to get in. Fast. Kotone threw her body against the gate, the metal barricade squeaking from the force.

Shinjiro grabbed Hidetoshi’s polearm, twirling it as he bashed it into the lock. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Hidetoshi’s voice echoed into the night, but the sound of the lock thudding on the ground was even louder. How much strength did Shinjiro use to cause that? How did the polearm not snap in two? Kotone didn’t have time to question — Fuuka needed to be saved.

“We don’t have time to waste, let’s go!” Shinjiro led the way, Kotone followed close after. The footsteps behind her said that the other three were close on their trail, but that mattered little when Natsuki’s cackling reverberated louder with every step.

“Stop!” Kotone yelled, lunging with every step.

Natsuki and the gaggle of girls went wide eyed as they turned on their heels and started running. “sh*t, let’s get out of here.”

“They’re getting away!” Hidetoshi hissed under his breath.

“Forget them, we need to save Fuuka!” Kotone skidded to a stop in front of the gym doors, throwing her naginata to the ground and banging her hands against the doors. “Fuuka, are you in there? Fuuka!”

A mouse-like sound mumbled from the other side. Kotone felt her body thrown to the side as Shinjiro bashed his body into the door. “We don’t have time for this sh*t!” Kotone grabbed at her forehead, her head spinning. As her eyes focused she looked at the watch on her wrist. They were running out of time.

Kotone jumped back on her feet, joining Shinjiro in throwing their bodies at the doors. Once. Twice. Three times. No good. But they couldn’t afford to stop. Not when Fuuka needed their help.

Fourth time was the charm as Shinjiro’s door caved inward, Kotone tumbling inside shortly thereafter. The landing was softer than Kotone expected, even if her arms and legs still felt the impact of something hard like bone. Kotone’s head banged against another head, Fuuka’s mumble of pain sounding in her ear. “Sorry…” Kotone rubbed the back of her head. It was dark inside the gym, but dredges of cyan hair shone from the pale moonlight that leaked through the open doors.

“It’s alrig—” The ground trembled underneath them, Kotone gripped at the quaking floor for stability. The moonlight faded to darkness, twisting into a spectacle of dazzling purple lights. Shifting rocks formed statues in the shape of ominous faces embedded into the walls. Kotone glanced down at her watch, heart still in her chest as the second hand remained frozen, pointed up toward 12-o’clock.

The good news started and ended with finding Fuuka. They were too late in rescuing her. The trio were thrust into Tartarus, some unknown floor on the Arqa block. They now had to stumble their way out if they had any chance of survival.

Kotone rolled off of Fuuka as soon as the tremoring ended, picking herself up off the ground. Fuuka blinked, shivering as she looked around her surroundings. “S-Shiomi? And —” Fuuka’s voice trembled as she glanced to Shinjiro, her eyes darting to her surroundings. Fuuka pushed herself away, eyes wide like a deer in headlights. “Where am I…? How did we…? What is that… evil presence I’m feeling?”

“We didn’t make it in time.” Shinjiro hissed under his breath, standing upright and resting Hidetoshi’s polearm against his shoulder. “Looks like we got separated from your friends. We need to get out of here. Now.”

Kotone surveyed their surroundings. Shinji was right. No sign of Saori, Hidetoshi, or Yukari around. Hopefully no one else was splintered off. Kotone rolled her shoulders back, pulling one of three evokers she had on her person. They needed Fuuka’s power if they stood any chance of navigating Tartarus and mounting an escape. Kotone stepped forward, evoker in hand as she lifted it to Fuuka, remembering what Akihiko said just one year ago. “Fuuka, I know you’re scared, but hold onto this for me. Okay? It’s like a good luck charm.”

Fuuka trembled as she eyed the evoker, hands flinching as her fingertips grazed the steel. “A… good luck charm? But it looks like —”

Shinjiro shook his head, tongue clicking with distaste. “You’re pulling that sh*t too? Whatever, we need to leave.”

Did Yukari try offering him one? Why did Yukari reach out to him in the first place? It’s not like she had any shortage of help from the other members of S.E.E.S. Was it too risky for someone like Mitsuru? No. Mitsuru would want to help Fuuka in a situation like this. It wasn’t adding up.

Shinjiro walked down the hall, reaching the crossing between hallways, looking down both sides before turning toward the right. “Not that way!” Fuuka’s voice bounded across the hall, causing Shinjiro to run still. “There’s an enemy that way, and it’ll lead to a dead end! There’s a flight of stairs to the left, which should take us down a floor. I sense three friendly presences some levels below us too…”

Fuuka’s abilities, even before summoning her Persona, were a sight to behold. Shinji felt the same way if his wide-eyed reaction were anything to go by. The man rested Hidetoshi’s polearm against his shoulder, glancing toward the left hallway. “Fine, I’ll trust you. Lead the way.” Fuuka wasn’t a natural born leader, although her instincts to protect and guide others were second to none. Despite her body trembling with hesitancy, Fuuka stepped forward and took the lead.

Shinjiro followed close by, Kotone’s legs moving in tandem to not be left behind. Only issue being if they ran into trouble. No one here could reliably summon their Persona. Shinjiro was the best bet. The question would be if he wanted to take it. Akihiko shut down his request more times than she could count, but the situation was different here. She wasn’t asking him to fight by their side, she was asking him to help them survive.

Kotone pulled her remaining spare evoker, spinning it in her hand as she matched Shinjiro’s pace. “It might be good for you to hold onto this.”

“No. Don’t show that sh*t to me. I’ll protect you two without it.” Shinjiro pulled ahead, his stride widening. That went about as well as she anticipated, but she couldn’t blame him. Both the guilt and danger of summoning his Persona was too much. Kotone knew the latter all too well. Shinjiro’s pace slowed enough to reach Kotone’s side once more, his eyes focused forward toward Fuuka. “... Why are you here?”

“Didn’t I tell you? We’re here to rescue —”

“No, I get that. You heard a girl was getting bullied and had to haul ass. Why are you here? Why did you give her an evoker?”

Kotone hated how Shinjiro could cut straight to the heart of the matter. There was no easy way to explain her thought process given the circ*mstances. “She has potential…” Kotone hated how much she sounded like Ikutsuki there.

“Potential, huh?” Shinjiro scoffed, pulling ahead once more. “That Takeba girl said the same thing. Not that I don’t see it after this.”

Yukari sensed it too? Is that why she noticed Fuuka early on this go around? “How did you and Yukari get to know one another?”

“I don’t. She’s the one who approached me.” Shinjiro looked at Kotone from the corner of his eye, the corner of his lips pulling downward into a frown. “Spunky kids like you are usually nothing but trouble. What makes you want to fight?”

Kotone couldn’t help but chuckle. Finally, an easy question. “If fighting means I can protect the people I care about, then I won’t hesitate.”

Shinjiro focused back on the path ahead, his stride widening. “Even at the cost of your life?”

Kotone’s smile faltered, her amused chuckle dying. “Yes, even then.”

“We’re approaching the stairs!” Fuuka turned the corner to the left, both Kotone and Shinjiro quickening their pace to follow. Kotone’s skidded short of Fuuka, her heels screeching against Tartarus’s floor. Fuuka trembled in place as a mass of shadows formed in front of the trio.

Kotone went to grab for her naginata on instinct, hand grasping at nothing but air. sh*t. Her next instinct was to use the spare evoker in her hand. But every muscle in her body locked at that thought. She couldn’t do that. She couldn’t afford to. Not after that night. These were small fries. A Black Raven, Corrupt Tower, and Grieving Tiara. No weaknesses Shinjiro could exploit with a polearm, but it’d be enough to take them down.

Shinjiro spun and slammed the polearm down into the Corrupt Tower, the ground trembling from the impact as the pile of faces collapsed toward the floor. The Black Raven’s wings flapped as the golden lantern in its talons shined with a mesmerizing red hue, igniting a bellow of flames at Shinjiro’s feet. The Grieving Tiara’s purple crown reflected the magenta lights of the Arqa block, its eyes glowing an illustrious crimson as flames ignited around the group. Kotone ran on instinct, shoving Fuuka out of the way, taking the barrage of flames for both Fuuka and her.

These flames felt like a soothing breeze on a nice summer day compared to Messiah’s rapturing blaze.

Shinjiro ran forward, spinning the polearm again as he knocked the Grieving Tiara down. Twisting the pole arm behind his back and switching hands, Shinjiro thrust the weapon into the Black Raven’s lantern, causing it to explode on impact. Shinjiro stepped forward, stomping on the remnants of the Grieving Tiara, the final attack dissipating all three shadows.

“Wow…” The word spilled from Kotone’s lips unexpectedly. Shinjiro was a strong fighter, but his prowess was better than Kotone remembered.

Shinjiro rested the polearm on his shoulder, a heavy sigh breaking from his lips as he advanced forward. “Let’s not waste any more time.”

“Wait!” Fuuka’s voice was high pitched, making Kotone’s ears ring and Shinjiro freeze in place. Fuuka pressed on her backfoot, her hands cupping close to her chest. “W-We can’t go down those stairs. I sense… death!”

It should be impossible for Fuuka to have such attuned senses without her Persona. But given the way Fuuka was trembling, Kotone had no choice but to believe her. It was the same cadence she had whenever the Reaper showed up. One hell of a time for it to make its appearance.

Shinjiro backed off, his head snapping to the other end of the hall. “Tch. Is there any other way out?” The sound of chains rattling silenced the group, Kotone’s heart pounded in her chest. The Reaper was a difficult Shadow to fight with a full team of capable combatants. Here they were two people who couldn’t control their Persona, and another who wasn’t a fighter. If Messiah listened to Kotone’s commands then maybe they’d stand a chance. Was that a risk worth taking?

Messiah. Now would be a good time to help us out.

Kotone waited for what felt like an eternity, only hearing unintelligible groans and rattling chains. Fuuka was the first to move, stumbling backwards on her heels. “There’s… no way out. This is the only way down.”

“sh*t…” Shinjiro’s grip on the polearm tightened, his stance widening and posture straightening as the rattling chains grew louder and louder. “Stay behind me you two. As soon as an opening presents itself, run.”

“Shinji, you can’t —”

“You can’t tell me what I can or can’t do. If I don’t fight we die. Simple as that.” Shinjiro’s knuckles turned white as the reaper's bloody bag of a head emerged from the darkness. “If you can’t use your Persona then I’ll have to use mine. Hand me that evoker.” Shinjiro didn’t look back at Kotone, his eyes ever present toward the approaching Reaper. Kotone couldn’t hesitate, throwing Shinjiro the evoker. “Let’s take this thing down, Castor!”

With the sound of shattered glass and a reeling whinny, Castor reared on its hindleg. The black plated horse lifting its head high, the rider with a spear through its gut pointed its right arm forward. The Persona galloped in the air toward its target, colliding with the Reaper in a thundering sound. Shinjiro cursed under his breath, evoker in hand trembling with every breath.

The Reaper knocked Castor away with its left gun hand, the vicious red eye under its bloody sack for a head boring straight toward Shinjiro. The right gun pointed in his direction, and Kotone was on her feet. She thrust herself at the man, causing the two to tumble across the floor as gunshots echoed across the room, evading the Reaper’s assault.

“Get off me.” Shinjiro shrugged Kotone off, standing back upright on his feet. “Castor, we can’t stop here!” Castor whinnied again, Shinjiro flinching from some unseeable pain as blood dripped from Castor’s eternal wound. It splattered across the battlefield, raining red on all the members. Shinjiro wiped the blood that dripped down his eye, winds rippling from where he stood. Each step the ground shook. In a blink of an eye, Shinjiro lunged.

Shinjiro thrust the polearm down onto the Reaper. The Reaper recoiled backward, an unintelligible scream deafening from its head. Shinjiro was blown back, skidding on his heels toward Kotone’s side. His breath heavy, his hunched posture returning. “It’s not enough.”

While Shinjiro was putting up a valiant effort, he was using his strongest attacks to try and slow the Reaper down. He couldn’t take that thing down on his own. Even in its wounded state it wouldn’t let Fuuka and Kotone slip by. Not that she’d leave Shinjiro to face this shadow all by herself to begin with.

No weapon. No allies. No other choice. Kotone’s hand trembled toward her holster, fingers shaking as she unbuttoned the latch. Messiah’s last assault fresh on her mind, making every part of her brain scream No. But Kotone had no choice. It was either fight or die. She had been prepared to die once before, but Shinji and Fuuka didn’t deserve that. They didn’t deserve any of this.

“Let’s save them, Messiah!”

A shattering echo burst through Kotone’s eardrums. Waves of heat erupted around her. Tartarus trembled as Messiah rose from the ground, chains ripping into the floor and latching onto the reaper, dragging both Messiah and the Shadow to the ground.

Kotone hesitated. Waiting for those infernal chains to wrap around her body and cast her to damnation.

No attack came.

Kotone released a breath she didn’t know she was holding, a grin pulling up on her face. “Let’s take that bastard down, Messiah!” Coiling flames danced the length of the chains, engulfing the Reaper with its tremendous might. The Reaper squirmed from the assault, its roar matching Messiah’s garbled voice.

The Reaper slumped into the ground, its head low, the chains retracting back through the floor. Messiah’s melted mouth split open into an ear piercing roar, chains erupting from the coffins behind its back. Kotone felt the familiar cold steel rip into her skin, knocking her to the floor. The metal heated with every moment that passed. “sh*t…” Kotone hissed, her legs twitching on instinct. But every motion she made caused the chains to coil tighter, Messiah’s roar growing louder.

“You — sh*t! Castor!” Castor slammed into Messiah, Messiah’s roar echoing across the hall. Kotone’s hands balled into fists, a scream ripping from her throat as the chains retracted from both her and the Reaper. The flames died, Messiah fading away to the back of her mind.

Kotone collapsed forward, her breath hot out of her lips. “... Thanks.”

“Idiot. You shouldn’t summon your Persona if it’s willing to attack you that easily.” Whatever further reprimands Shinjiro was prepared to give died the second the Reaper’s rattling chains sounded. Despite the engulfing flames it wasn’t enough, the Reaper shuffling back onto its feet. “You weakened it, let me take care of the rest.”

“Shinji, it’s still too —” He didn’t stop to listen, Shinjiro charging forward with polearm in hand. Knocking the Reaper back down to the ground. Shinjiro backed off as smoke bellowed from where the Reaper landed, but given the pained groans it exhaled —

“That’s… it’s not enough. It’s still too powerful.” Fuuka trembled as she watched the two fight, her grip tightening on her evoker. “Is there nothing I can do…?” Fuuka stopped, glancing down to the evoker in her hand. Her grip loosened, thumb tracing the steel edge, breath trembling in her throat. “We have to protect them, Lucia!”

Water erupted around the trio with a thundering gunshot. A figure cloaked in flowing pink robes emerged behind Fuuka, water swirling in a protective orb, gold detailing on the surface reflecting the magenta lighting of the Arqa block. Fuuka stood in front of Kotone, soothing the aches that permeated. Kotone felt lighter. Stronger. Faster. Mind sharper. More aware. Kotone refused to summon Messiah again, but she could dodge. Attack. Fight back. “Thanks Fuuka.”

Fuuka clasped her hands together, chin pointed inward, eyes closed as if she were praying. “I can feel the Shadow’s pain. I can hear its voice. That enemy has no weaknesses. But… it’s getting tired. Keep assaulting it while it’s down and we should be able to push through!”

Kotone grinned. That’s exactly what she wanted to hear. Shinjiro tossed the polearm to Kotone, his grip on his evoker tightening. “If we hit it together we might be able to put it down for good. Are you ready?”

“Yeah.” Kotone nodded, grip tightening on the polearm. Together, Kotone and Castor rushed the Reaper. Kotone felt like her hits weren’t doing much compared to Castor’s assault, but with each hit the Reaper rattled, unable to get up or respond. Neither of them stopped until the Reaper cried its final roar, vanishing into the ashes on the floor.

“Good job you two! I don’t sense any more enemies nearby!” Fuuka’s voice was like a calming balm, enough that Kotone collapsed to her knees, breath heavy in her lungs.

Shinjiro wrapped one of Kotone’s arms around his shoulder, lifting her up off the ground. “We don’t have time to rest. Yamagishi, can you lead?”

“Y-Yes! I think I can communicate with the others too.” Fuuka closed her eyes again, clasping her hands as she went into her peaceful meditative state again. “Everyone —” Fuuka’s mouth wasn’t moving, but her voice bounded inside of Kotone’s head. “ — Aragaki, Shiomi, and I are five floors above you. We’ll be heading down to meet you.”

“Fuu — Yamagishi, you have your Persona?!” Yukari’s voice echoed in Kotone’s head.

“Let’s not talk about this sh*t right now. We need to get going!” Shinjiro growled. Kotone agreed. As long as everyone was safe, everything else could come later.

With Shinjiro’s help, Kotone and Fuuka traveled down the floors of Tartarus, avoiding enemies on their path and regrouping with the others safely. Kotone couldn’t help but grin as she saw the other three in the distance.

“Mission accomplished.” Kotone shrugged herself off of Shinjiro’s shoulder, giving Hidetoshi and Saori a thumbs up.

“You look like you can barely stand.” Hidetoshi scoffed, taking the polearm back from Kotone. “But glad to see you’re alright, Red.”

Yukari ran forward past Kotone straight toward Fuuka, eyes wide, staring at the evoker in her hand. “Fuuka — you awakened your Persona! Who gave you that evoker?!”

“Shiomi did.” Fuuka answered, her eyes falling to the ground. “I was so scared at first, but they were in danger. It was the only thing I could do to help.”

“You did more than help, you saved us back there.” Kotone grinned. “Fuuka, you escorted us through Tartarus avoiding as much danger as possible. We could use a navigator with skills like yours.”

“You?!” Yukari’s eyebrows furrowed, hands resting on her hips. “What makes you think she’d be a good fit for your team?”

“I mean, only if Fuuka wants to. But you have a navigator in Mitsuru. She’s not as good as Fuuka, but —”

“Excuse me… Um, Takeba, right?” Fuuka frowned before her eyes trailed toward Hidetoshi and Saori. “And that’s… Odagiri and Hasegawa, correct? Are you all not working with one another?”

“Perfect. I see these masks are working as intended.” Hidetoshi sighed, shifting the mask to rest on the side of his head. “No. We’re different teams. Not like it matters. You don’t have to listen to Shiomi, you can walk if you want to leave.”

Fuuka looked from Hidetoshi, to Yukari, then toward Kotone, and a faint smile ghosted her lips. “I… I don’t really know —”

Kotone’s head raced with pain, a scream scratching at the back of her throat. Kotone collapsed to the floor, grabbing at her temples, trying to relieve the roar that bellowed in her mind. Chains gripped her arms and legs, thrusting her to the floor, the scream that echoed in her head now roared across the halls of Tartarus.

Why is this happening now?

Kotone could hear a barrage of footsteps and voices, but the only person she saw was Shinjiro. The man leaned down in front of her, holding a black pill between his fingers, forcing it into Kotone’s mouth. Kotone swallowed, the pit in her stomach returning, chills running through her body. Messiah’s roar deafened. Its grip on her releasing. Its voice faded once more.

Shinjiro propped Kotone up, his hand placed on the small of her back. “Just breath. It’s normal to feel cold after. To feel your muscles weigh like bricks. Just relax.”

Kotone felt more than that. Her heart threatened to burst from her chest. Her head pounded with pulsing pain. She hated taking the pills, but Messiah was gone. Messiah wasn’t a threat anymore. Not right now.

Saori kneeled down by Kotone’s side, taking her hand into her open palm. “Koto… did you summon your Persona?”

A cough broke from Kotone’s throat, a grin pressing on her lips. “I had no choice. The shadow we were fighting… was too strong.” Kotone could feel her breath trembling, the chills settling into her bones.

“You idiot, what were you thinking?!” Yukari was by Kotone’s other side, eyebrows furrowed before she stared toward Shinjiro. “Those pills —”

“They suppressed her Persona.” Shinjiro nudged Saori and Yukari away, throwing an arm under Kotone to lift her up. “First time taking it should suppress her Persona for at least a week. Maybe more if she’s lucky.”

“It’s… not my first time taking it.” Kotone managed through sore breaths, stabilizing on her feet. “I appreciate the help, Shinji.”

Shinjiro clicked his tongue, putting a little distance between them. In his wake stood Yukari, wide eyed and mouth agape. “Those pills. Kotone, they'll —”

“I know the side effects.” Kotone said, forcing her face into a twisted smile. Yukari’s lips parted like she wanted to say something else but failed, her eyes falling to the floor. “Come on, you don’t have to worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

“That’s a bold statement to make when your Persona just tried to kill you.” Hidetoshi frowned. “Is that something we have to worry about?”

“No.” Shinjiro answered, parting from the group as he headed down the hall.

“I… I’m glad Koto’s safe, but… What about Yamagishi?” Saori turned to look at Fuuka, whose wringing hands and downward gaze drew everyone’s attention.

“I… I think it’d be best for me to stay by Shiomi’s side. Her Persona feels different from everyone else’s. I’ll be able to predict when it’s about to attack. I think.” Fuuka lifted her eyes, meeting everyone’s gaze. “Besides, I have to pay her back for saving me. Not only tonight, but —”

“Don’t mention it.” Kotone rolled her shoulders, doing her best to stand tall despite the weight she felt on her body now.

Yukari sighed, shaking her head. “Well, that’s that.” Despite the relieved tone, Yukari’s furrowed eyebrows didn’t falter. “Just… look after one another. Got it?”

Hidetoshi chuckled, crossing his arms as he turned to face Yukari. “You know, you could join us and do that yourself.”

“She can’t.” Kotone answered, locking eyes with Yukari. “We need someone from inside S.E.E.S. That’s how you put it, right?”

Yukari’s lips twitched, her nose scrunching. “Yeah… something like that.” Yukari stepped forward, adjusting how Kotone’s jacket sat on her shoulders. “We still need to talk about what you did. But not tonight. Not after all this. I’ll be in touch soon.”

“If you’ve settled everything we should get going. This is a terrible place to stay in.” Shinjiro shoved his hands into his coat pocket, leading the way down the hall.

“T-Thank you for all your help, Mister.” Fuuka bowed, cyan hair bouncing with the motion.

Shinjiro froze in place, looking over his shoulder. “Don’t bow, it’s disgraceful. You’re alive. Use that life well.” Shinjiro looked forward once more, continuing his advance. “I’ll escort Yamagishi to her home. Everyone else should go before you find even more trouble.”

“R-Right!” Fuuka ran forward to join Shinjiro at his side. “I’ll talk to you all soon!”

That left only S.A.W. and Yukari remaining, the four of them walking in tandem as they exited Tartarus with little issue. The walk was silent, either because Yukari was present, or neither of Kotone’s teammates wanted to talk about the elephant in the room.

As they reached the school gate, Yukari turned on her heel, giving the group a smile. “I won’t tell S.E.E.S. what happened here tonight. Take good care of Yamagishi. She deserves a good life.”

“I know. I will.” Kotone nodded. Yukari didn’t appear convinced, lips taut and scrunched nose. Without another word she took off, leaving only the members of S.A.W. by the school entrance.

“So, why didn’t you tell us about the pills?” Hidetoshi didn’t waste any time, arms crossed, frown plastered on his face.

Kotone sighed. She knew this was coming, she just wished they’d be more considerate to her privacy. “What do you want me to say?”

“We want to help you.” Saori stepped forward, lips parting as she looked Kotone over. “It’s also for safety purposes. If your Persona is attacking you, we need to know what to do to save you.”

Save you. Kotone wished reality wasn’t as grim as that. “I appreciate that, but —”

“It’s more complicated than that, right?” Hidetoshi stepped forward, getting in Kotone’s face. “Aragaki mentioned side effects. But what are the long term effects?”

Kotone’s jaw tightened, her hands balling into fists. Kotone didn’t want to think about it. Too much in the short term than to worry about the long term effects. But her team was worried. They deserved answers. A breath shuddered from her throat, Kotone shivering as the cold chilled her veins. “The pills render the Persona powerless for a little while. But… the effects on the body are terrible. This is only the second time I’ve taken them and I can feel my heart rate spike. My body is drenched in a cold sweat. It gets hard to breathe.”

Saori stepped forward, placing a hand on Kotone’s shoulder. “What are you saying?”

Hidetoshi looked away, lips pulling tight. “Let’s not mince words. If those are the side effects after two times, there’s no doubt those pills are akin to poison. Take too much and her body will shut down.”

Saori flinched away from Kotone, her violet eyes trembling with a reflected green shimmer from the overhanging moon. “Koto…”

“It’s not my first choice. But it’s either die now or die later. Between those I’ll choose the latter.” Kotone’s hand balled, knuckles white as the pain of the memory seeped through her body. “I know I can’t die now, so the choice is sort of easy. Trust me, I’ll figure out a way.”

Hidetoshi laughed, his chuckle spilling into the night air. “You’re always so sure of yourself even when facing death head on. Not your first time, is it?”

Kotone’s lips trembled. She wanted to respond but the words wouldn’t come. Instead, she only shook her head.

“I see. You’ve already accepted your death. You fell asleep and woke back up here. What a ridiculous story and yet…” Hidetoshi’s lips pursed. “What about Aragaki? He seems strong and knowledgeable. Sure he’s a delinquent, but we can use all the help we can —”



“No.” Kotone shook her head. She wouldn’t force anyone to fight. She made that resolve with Saori and Fuuka. She wouldn’t bend that now for Shinjiro. He was dealing with trauma from his own actions and Castor’s rampage. Kotone looked up to the sky, her eyes tracing the dim stars against the large crescent moon overhead. “His fight is long over.”


Short authors notes since I'm out of town this (and next) week.

Many thanks to my vibe checkers croisvoix, inviernainvicta, and Vadrigar. All your help and support always means a lot. <3

If you wanna join my discord here's a link!

Thank you all for all the kind comments and support as always. It's because of all of you that I'm writing these notes while I'm on a 40 hour train without wifi because I want to make sure you get the chapter on time haha. Regardless, thank you all so much, it truly means the world to me!

Chapter 9: Moments in June (June 5th-June 14th)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Music pounded in Kotone’s home-made headphones. Feet drumming incomprehensible tones into the floor. Fingertips tapped patterns into the bottled water she bought from the vending machine. Waiting for the train to reach the station. As if somehow all the motion would bring the train to the station faster than its scheduled arrival.

Kotone shoved through the crowds, reaching for ceiling handle, electricity running through her veins. Even if the train were a shinkansen it wouldn’t feel fast enough. Today’s the day Fuuka moves in. It had been so long since Kotone lived with any of the other S.E.E.S. members, and while this Fuuka hadn’t experienced everything they once shared, it was still Fuuka.

Kotone ran, thinking of what she'd say when she’d knock on that door. Try to play it cool. Confident. Fuuka didn’t remember them being friends. Kotone was leader of S.A.W. Even if her thoughts were running a mile a minute, it’d be important to keep up a confident front.

None of that confidence meant anything if all thoughts flew out the window.

Which happened when Kotone stood in front of Fuuka's door.

It should be easy. Step forward, knock on the door. Smile and wave. Be friendly. It all makes sense. So why was her mouth feeling so dry? Why did a cold sweat trickle down the back of her neck? This had been the moment she’d been waiting for all day, and yet…

It was Fuuka. She wouldn’t give this a second thought if they were both in S.E.E.S. together. Come on, I can do this! The self-talk did little to sway the trembling through her arms, or the chills that swam through her veins. But Kotone knew she had to move. Kotone took a deep breath. Removed her headphones. And knocked.

Her knuckles scraped against the edge of the door, the wood echoing from brief contact. Kotone cleared her throat, taking a step closer as if it’d make all the difference. “Fuuka? It’s me, Kotone.”

Kotone’s hand flinched away from the door, sucking in a breath between her teeth. Each moment dragging the held breath longer. Another shiver thundering down her spine. Kotone’s bottom lip slipped beneath her teeth as she tasted the remnants of her cherry flavored chapstick. Everything felt cold to her core. Kotone couldn’t tell if that were the lingering aftereffects from the pills, or the anticipation for Fuuka’s response.

“O-Oh, sorry! I’ll be right —” Fuuka’s voice would have been the thing to break Kotone’s self-afflicted reverie, but the large crash that followed snapped the breath from Kotone’s lungs. Her eyes went wide, ready to jump into a fight. Ready to protect her friend.

Logically Kotone knew everything was fine. That Fuuka wasn’t ambushed by a Shadow or Strega. That Fuuka was known to be a little bit of a klutz and she was prone to dropping things. Kotone’s shoulders deflated, her breathing returning to its normal pace as she knocked on the door again. “Is everything okay in there?”

Kotone had to stop herself from falling forward as the door came flying open, in its vacancy stood Fuuka whose cyan hair was ruffled. She already had time to change out of her school uniform, and given the folded boxes, she was already settling in. “S-Sorry. I dropped my school bag. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Kotone chuckled, looking behind Fuuka where her books had fallen across the floor. “You don’t have to apologize. I’m worried about you. Do you mind if I come in?”

Fuuka blinked, lips parting but no sound escaping. “Um… Sure. Come on in.” Fuuka stepped to the side, letting Kotone stride in. Fuuka, like Saori, had a smaller room than Kotone’s. About half the size with a bed, desk, double burner, a mini fridge, and an attached washroom. It was livable for High School students, and yet Kotone felt a little bad she got such a big room in comparison.

Kotone’s eyes wandered the room. It wasn’t decorated, not that Kotone anticipated it to be. Her eyes traveled to empty walls, to the desk with the laptop whose casing was removed. “Are you repairing that laptop?”

“O-Oh my parents said I could take anything that was broken. I-I mean, not that they only gave me broken equipment. My laptop is working fine. That one has been broken for a little over a year now.”

Kotone couldn’t help but laugh to herself. Fuuka and her parents didn’t get along on the surface — with the weight of their double doctorate expectations landing on her shoulders. That didn’t mean they didn’t believe in her or look out for her in other ways.

“Is that all they gave you? A broken laptop?”

“O-Oh no! My parents also gave me a printer and an old coffee machine.” Both of those sounded useful for a High School student, even if Kotone thought it odd they shoved all their broken appliances on their only daughter. Fuuka kneeled down and picked her bag from the ground, grabbing an evoker from within. “Aragaki gave this to me when he walked me back home. He didn’t want to hold onto it anymore.”

Kotone nodded, accepting the evoker from Fuuka. She didn’t expect Shinjiro to hold onto it for any longer than he needed. What he did the other night was more than she could ever ask for. “Thanks Fuuka.” Kotone placed the evoker in her bag before glancing back toward her old friend. “Soooo… I thought it’d be good for us to spend some time together. Since you’re joining the team and all.” Kotone felt herself rocking on her heels. This was the opposite of her confident front she wanted to show! “O-Or you don’t have to. I just thought it’d be a nice welcoming party by —”


Kotone fell silent mid-sentence as she studied Fuuka’s eyes, wondering if she heard the easy admission correctly. Because this was Fuuka. Sure, she was willing to spend time with Kotone and Yukari back at the dorm, but that was over time. Here? Fuuka seemed ready. Eager even. Kotone’s eyes darted to the door, anything to not look Fuuka straight on. “Sure?”

Fuuka agreed with a nod and a non-verbal affirmation against her closed lips. A wave of relief washed through every inch of Kotone’s body, but that didn’t make the nervousness that welled any easier. Fuuka sensed it too, stepping forward, standing as tall as Fuuka could. “Um… But what did you have in mind?”

Kotone cleared her throat, thumbing out toward the door. “I figure we can go to the arcade since we live so close to Paulownia Mall and all. Once we start getting tired we can get some Coffee at —”

“I’ve never been to the arcade before.” Fuuka’s shoulders slumped. All the confidence she built deflated like a balloon. Kotone worried that if left alone, Fuuka would melt into a puddle on the floor. But then a smile sprang on her face, a trembling breath escaping her lips. “B-But I’d be willing to try it out!”

Kotone grinned. She knew in her heart that Fuuka would enjoy this. Yukari and Kotone took Fuuka out last year as one of their first “girls days” together. This year would be a little different without Yukari around, but Kotone knew that meant she’d have to step up her game to make this a day Fuuka would remember. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!”

Kotone dropped her bag off in Fuuka’s room as the two headed for the elevator. Fuuka kept her eyes everywhere besides Kotone. While Kotone knew that Fuuka was probably having a hard time dealing with the fact that an arcade wasn’t exactly a woman’s hobby, that she was at least willing to try something new.

The duo stepped into the elevator, the doors closing as they started their descent toward the lobby. Kotone cupped her hands, rocking on her heels. Normally she’d bring up whatever was on her mind to Fuuka, but Fuuka was keeping her gaze averted. Refusing to make eye contact. Her lips parted, making a small smacking sound as they did so. “Did… you ever go to the arcade with… um… me?”

Fuuka looked Kotone head on, confidence swelling from who knows where. It was Kotone’s turn to feel small. To turn her eyes away and wonder what Fuuka meant by that. There was the obvious answer, but that would mean she’d know Kotone’s circ*mstances? Logic dictated it should be for some other reason, but as Kotone locked eyes with Fuuka again, she knew that was wrong. Fuuka knew. “Who told you?”

Fuuka’s eyes trailed away again, her arms hugging close to her body, trying to make herself appear smaller. “Oh. Um… No one. I inferred it from Odagiri.”

How could someone infer something like that from another person without them outright saying it? However, if Fuuka already figured out that much then it was best to come right out with it. “In that case, yes. We did. Yukari and I took you out for your first time.” Kotone’s eyes fell away, staring at the floor of the elevator. “I’m surprised you’re taking this so well. What did he say?”

“Odagiri submitted an incident report after that night at Tartarus. I asked him how you all knew I’d be there. He said it was you. He also said he wouldn’t explain more than that.”

Kotone frowned. While that was all well and good, there was a big logical leap from I know where you’ll be bullied, and We’ve been friends and have hung out. “What gave it away, though?”

Fuuka looked back up, determination glinting in her hazel eyes. “You stood up for me that first day of school. And the day at the strip mall. I thought you were being kind, but then I saw those headphones which fell from your bag. The ones hanging around your neck right now. They feel… familiar. You said a friend made them for you — I know I was that friend.”

Kotone chuckled to herself, hand instinctively going to the headphones draped around her neck. Fuuka was observant, no one could take that quality away from her. “You aren’t even going to question how?”

“After seeing the school transform into a tower; one filled with dangerous creatures. Let alone summoning Lucia, my inner self… Having been friends with you in the past doesn’t seem so far-fetched.” Fuuka’s lightly tuned smile pulled downward, her eyebrows furrowing and eyes raising a hair. “Did… I get amnesia, or —”

Okay. Fuuka hadn’t put all the pieces together, but she put together enough. “It’s complicated. I went back in time. Sort of. Don’t really know how else to explain it myself.”

“Time travel.” Fuuka’s frown deepened, her nose scrunching as she went deeper in thought. “That… brings up a lot of questions. But I’ll believe you.”

Just like that? “Really?”

The frown dissipated, her eyebrows releasing their tension, the positive glint in her eye returning. “Of course. Why shouldn’t I? Thank you for rescuing me. And thank you for being my friend. I… I don’t know if I’ll be able to live up to your expectations.”

Kotone felt a warmth spread through her chest as an infectious smile pressed on the corners of her lips. There was much to figure out, but she finally had one of her old friends back in her corner. “Just be yourself. Don’t worry about all that other stuff, you can just take it one step at a time. Got it?”

Fuuka’s lips parted. Foregoing a response, Fuuka nodded, confidence installing in her once more. Kotone wished their time at the arcade went as well. As soon as they stepped inside Fuuka trembled to a halt. Kotone asked if she wanted to turn around and leave, but Fuuka stayed planted.

Further in they went.

From arcade cabinets to dance machines to photo booths and claw machines, Kotone dragged Fuuka everywhere to get a little experience of everything. All on her dime, of course. Fuuka didn’t need to be buying all those tokens and Kotone had money to burn through.

Kotone came bursting out the arcade with a wide grin pressing into her cheeks. Fuuka followed close by, nearly tripping on her shoes as the two walked out to the bustling Paulownia Mall. Kotone wasn’t sure how long the duo spent in the arcade, but the sun was set, the glass dome of Paulownia illuminated by its interior lighting. Kotone was excited to get some late night coffee at Chagall, only to be stopped in her tracks by the sight of a familiar girl.

Due to the summer heat the pink sweater was wrapped around her waist, but Yukari was as recognizable as ever in her white button-up, black skirt, heart-shaped choker. The fleeting emotion of joy faded as Yukari glanced away from her phone, those brown hues locking onto her. Yukari’s words before parting Tartarus that night etched in her mind.

“Oh, that’s Takeba.” Fuuka joined Kotone’s side, tilting her head. “You said we were friends before, right?”

If only it were that easy. Kotone forced a lopsided grin back on her face. “Right. Friends. A little different this go around, though.” Kotone didn’t intentionally dodge Yukari all these days. She deserved answers and Kotone wasn’t shy about giving them. But the guilt swelled in the pit of her stomach now that she was standing across from Yukari.

No excuses. No reason to avoid her. Best to get this over with.

Kotone pressed forward on her heel, waving with all the confidence she could muster. “Hey Yukari. Funny running into you here.”

Yukari stood up, pressing down her skirt as her eyes fluttered from Kotone to Fuuka. In that brief moment a smile lifted on her face, her brown eyes shining from the incandescent lighting “Looks like you two are making fast friends.”

Kotone glanced back toward Fuuka and smiled. “Yeah. We had a fun time at the arcade. Maybe next time the three of us can go.” Kotone turned back toward Yukari, smile brimming cheek to cheek.

Yukari shook her head, a sigh slipping from her lips. “You know that’s not a good idea.”

Kotone knew that was true, yet Yukari’s words pierced her heart like an arrow all the same. Fuuka was back in her regular day life, but her life wasn’t back to normal. Kotone had to remember that.

Yukari’s eyes flickered to Fuuka, the edges of her lips turning upward. “Do you mind giving Kotone and I a moment? There’s something we need to discuss in private.”

Fuuka glanced between the two of them, nodding as she rounded the pair. “O-Oh sure. I’ll be going to Chagall. Want me to order you anything, Kotone?”

Kotone appreciated the offer, but if any of them were going to pay, it should be her. “No, thank you though. Be there soon.”

“R-Right. It was good seeing you, Takeba!” Fuuka strolled away toward the cafe, her footsteps echoing across the mall until she was safely tucked inside the coffee shop.

Yukari inhaled, her shoulders rising with the action. She glanced toward the alley way where the Velvet Room once sat, her frown dissipating. “Let’s get out of prying eyes, okay?” Yukari’s tone was filled with her normal lightheaded, bubbly lilt, and yet Kotone could see right through it. Knew that she was about to be lambasted. Not that she hadn’t deserved it. Kotone took a deep breath in turn and followed Yukari until the two of them were secluded from the public’s eye. Yukari turned to face Kotone, eyebrows furrowed and lips pressed tight. “... This has been long overdue."

A wry smile edged its way on Kotone's cheeks, a chuckle slipping from her lips. “... Right. I know I had Saori pass on the message, but I could have handled it better. If Strega ever becomes an issue for you or S.E.E.S. then I’ll take care of that too.”

Yukari’s lips parted, but whatever sentence she wanted to say died on the tip of her tongue. She shook her head, taking a step closer. “No.”

Kotone’s eyebrows furrowed. Once again, not the response she anticipated. “No?”

“No!” The word was like the rush of a cold wind, silencing any doubts that lingered in her mind. Yukari took another step forward, her eyes watering. “You keep putting yourself in danger, even after I told you not to! And now you’re taking those pills… Why?”

Kotone thought she understood Yukari, but every word from her mouth was like a code in a different language. “You saw what Messiah did to me. I had no other —”

“That’s not what I meant!” The tears in her eyes dried, Yukari looking toward the domed rooftop of Paulownia Mall. “You promised you’d stay safe. There’s no point to any of this if you die.”

“Yukari…” Kotone didn’t like talking about her fate. Didn’t like thinking about it. But as each day passed it felt like she was swimming upstream. Fighting the inevitable. “... I know I promised. But I can’t just sit back and do nothing. If it means protecting the people I care about, I’ll always be there to help. Even if it means putting my life on the —”

“No.” Yukari shook her head, taking a deep breath, shoulders tensing with the action. “No. So many people have left my life since the day I was born. I can’t…” Yukari’s eyes squinted shut, shivers rolling through her body. “Just… Just promise me two things. First: Stop putting yourself in needless danger. We can only overcome this together. Got it?”

Kotone wished she could agree, but if push came to shove… “I can’t stop myself from protecting others. But I’ll do my best to save myself as well.”

Yukari bit her bottom lip and nodded. Exhaling, her shoulders deflating. “Good. That’s the best I can ask for…” Yukari held her head high, confidence beaming in her once tearful eyes as she stared Kotone down. “Second: Don’t come to Tartarus tomorrow. That’s S.E.E.S. night.”

Tomorrow… night? Normally a request like that would be fine, but one look at the Moon in the sky painted that reality very differently. “Yukari, I know we agreed to respect one another’s schedules, but —”

Laughter bubbled from Yukari’s throat, shaking her head bac and forth, hair ruffling from the action. “Is this how it feels to be on the other side? I seem to remember we set up a deal where we’d respect one another’s sche—”

“This doesn’t have anything to do with schedules!” Kotone pressed forward, her blood running like molten lava in her veins. “Tartarus won’t be safe for you tomorrow night. Let me and the rest of S.A.W. go instead, and then you can have any other day this week!”

Yukari laughed again as she stared toward the Full Moon. “I couldn’t change their mind even if I wanted to. We’re going tomorrow night. So how about you put a little bit of that confidence into belief?” Yukari gave Kotone a thumbs up, smile brimming on her face. “Don’t underestimate S.E.E.S. We’re stronger than you know.”

Every inch of Kotone’s skin itched. She paced back and forth in her room, ready to bolt at a moment's notice. She felt cold to the bone, breath heavy in her lungs, Messiah’s garbled voice rumbling low with no discernable thought.

Tonight’s the night the Emperor and Empress Shadows would appear inside Tartarus. Yukari asked her to stand down, but Kotone couldn’t stay still. Kotone knew she should be there to help. Only with Fuuka’s assistance did S.E.E.S. overcome the shadows in the past. Without extra help, S.E.E.S. would be walking to their untimely demise.

S.A.W. took the news amicably. While the others were primed to help, they didn’t have the connection Kotone did with S.E.E.S. They were more trusting. Resting up for their first excursion with Fuuka the day after. Kotone had no idea why Yukari was so confident — Makoto was a wild card in all this. Could one man really change their fate?

Kotone refused to leave their fate up to chance.

Kotone grabbed her naginata and her evoker, rushing to the door. Kotone swung the door open, only to see Hidetoshi standing in its absence. He was staring straight ahead, arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed, and a frown pulling his lips down.

A chuckle lilted from Kotone’s lips, taking a step back on her heel. “H-Hidetoshi! What are you doing here?”

“Can it Red. We’re supposed to stay put.”

“I —” Kotone looked toward the weapons in her hand and threw them to the ground. “I wasn’t going anywhere! Promise!”

“Uh huh.” Hidetoshi stood still like a statue; his expression unflinching. stayed stalwart, unmoving.

Kotone’s nervous chuckle transformed into a trembling grin; her fate knowingly sealed. “You aren’t going to leave until I stop, are you?”

“You got that right.”

If he wasn’t going to move, then there was no reason to have this standoff. Yukari wouldn’t forgive her either. Kotone sighed, the tension in her shoulders relaxing as she turned toward her kitchenette. “Come in. Do you want me to make you coffee or anything?”

“Do you have decaf?”

Kotone nodded. “Yeah. Do you want anything in it, or —”

“No. That’s… I’ll take it black.” Hidetoshi’s arms relaxed to his sides, an audible sigh exhaling from his lips. Hidetoshi stepped inside, his stride short and precise as he shut the door behind himself.

Kotone glanced down at her watch as soon as she sat the kettle on the burner. The hands clicking dangerously close to Midnight. “What made you think that I’d be going out tonight?” Kotone pulled out her coffee beans, setting them inside the grinder.

Hidetoshi smirked, placing a hand on his hip. “Because it’s you. You’re reckless and headstrong. You’ll put yourself in danger if there’s even a hint that the people you care about are in danger.”

Kotone pulled the crank until she felt no resistance, uncapping the coffee grinder. “Is that what you think?”

“It’s what I know.” Hidetoshi took another step inside the room, his eyes wandering the walls. Toward the bed. To Kotone’s windowsill. Hidetoshi’s eyes fell, his left hand balling into a fist. The kettle squealed as white translucent smoke poured from the spout. “... Have you had to take another pill since that night?”

Kotone removed the kettle from the burner as the hollow pit in her stomach grew solid, weighing like a brick. “No.” Silence permeated through the room. Kotone released her held breath, preparing the ground coffee beans in the filter.

“It’s only been a week. If anything happens, let me know.”

Kotone went to reach for the kettle, but stopped short. Despite his abrasive front, Hidetoshi cared. Kotone smiled, finishing her pour overs into the ceramic mugs. Heat permeated through the surface, even the handle warming to the new heat. Kotone paced over toward Hidetoshi, handing him a mug. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” Hidetoshi took a sip, lips scrunching tight after his first sip. Was it too bitter? Hidetoshi glanced away, eyes falling back toward the windowsill. “I told you about the story with the anchorwoman, right?”

Kotone knew the story Hidetoshi was referring to, but not from this lifetime. She brought the mug to her lips, taking a sip. Yup. Bitter. Needs some sugar. Kotone glanced to meet Hidetoshi’s face, his eyes still refusing to meet hers. Figured he wouldn’t look back until she answered. “Yes. You did.”

Hidetoshi’s jaw clenched tight, left hand flexing by his side. “Did I… tell you about my father?”

Kotone didn’t want to bring it up. It was an invasion of his privacy given that this Hidetoshi hadn’t told her. But she refused to lie either. Her thumb scaled the side of the mug, feeling the warmth permeating against her skin. “... Yes.”

Hidetoshi’s shoulders deflated, the mug in his hand trembling. He must have been holding a breath because the sigh he exhaled was loud, his head drooping. Kotone wasn’t sure she had ever seen the man torn down like this. “Of course I did.” Hidetoshi shook his head back and forth, a frown pressing on the edges of his lips. “That man was taken advantage of and thrown out the wayside the moment they needed a scapegoat. I hated him for that. If only he stood his ground. If only he allowed himself to be more cutthroat, he’d still be —”

“Hidetoshi.” Kotone stepped forward, placing a hand on Hidetoshi’s shoulder. “It’s okay to be feeling this way. But… it’s not his fault. You know that too.”

Hidetoshi clicked his tongue, shrugging Kotone off his shoulder. “I can’t believe I talked to you about this. Seriously? I —” Hidetoshi’s words choked in his throat, another tremble rolling through his body. “... How do I know I won’t end up like him? I wanted to pave a clear path for myself, but ever since you entered my life everything is so messy! I…” Hidetoshi sighed, turning to face Kotone head on. “I know it’s not your fault. It’s mine for sticking my nose in business that wasn’t my own. I can’t deny that. Then I see you act like my damn father, bearing your good intentions on your sleeve and it makes me scared you’ll end up just like him or worse.”

Kotone didn’t think that’s how the conversation was going to turn out, but it made her heart swell with happiness. “So you do care.”

Hidetoshi scoffed, his earlier frown lifting on the right side of his lips, transforming into a smirk. “You’re our leader. Of course I care.”

It wasn’t until now that Kotone realized how alone Hidetoshi was. His father in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. His mother worked two jobs to try and keep them afloat. Kotone understood this her past life, but having Hidetoshi more front and center in her life painted that reality all the starker. Kotone bit her bottom lip, already knowing his answer before she could ask the question. “You know, you can stay here at the apartment with all of us.”

Hidetoshi’s smirk faltered, stunned silent. For a moment. Then he laughed, the sound bellowing across Kotone’s room. “In an apartment with only girls? I’m sure Miss President would kick me out of the Student Council immediately.”

Kotone understood how that may look to an outsider, but Hidetoshi was a friend. A companion. He was rough around the edges but he was also caring and kind underneath all that. Kotone knew he’d turn her down, yet she was glad to have it out there. “Well, the offer is open if you ever change your mind.”


Kotone turned to stare at her door. There weren’t very many people who would visit her, let alone at this time of night. Given the time of night, there were really only two options of people at the door. “I’ll get it.” Kotone sat down her mug and ran toward her door. Standing outside were Saori and Fuuka, the former waving with a small smile parting her lips, the latter keeping her head down with her hands clasped together. “Hey you two, what are you —”

“We wanted to check in on you.” Saori tilted her head to the side, eyes glancing beyond Kotone’s shoulders. “It looks like Odagiri had the same idea.”

Hidetoshi stepped forward, hand on his hip with a smirk pulling on the right side of his face. “You two are late. She was ready to storm Tartarus all by herself before I showed up.”

Fuuka’s eyes fell to the floor where Kotone’s naginata and evoker still remained. She finally glanced up, looking Kotone in the eye. “Koto… You promised Takeba that you wouldn’t.”

Kotone sighed. She was happy to have already been done with this conversation, she didn’t want to go through it again. Not that she didn’t deserve it. “I know. And I didn’t.” Kotone frowned as Fuuka’s expression didn’t change. Not setting a great example as leader. “Do you two want to come in? I can make some more coffee. Or tea for you, right Saori?”

“Yes. That’d be wonderful” Saori was the first to step inside, careful not to trip over Kotone’s fallen naginata. Fuuka didn’t have as much luck, nearly falling face first into the ground had it not been for Saori catching her. “Fuuka, you have to watch where you’re walking.”

Fuuka separated herself from Saori, her eyes squeezing shut. “S-Sorry. I just…” Fuuka shook her head, eyes locking onto Kotone. Shifting from one foot to the next. “Kotone. I was thinking… I know you’re worried about them. And given what you’ve said, they were my friends too. So I think it’d be nice if I could monitor their wellbeing through Lucia.”

It took a moment for Kotone to realize what Fuuka was offering. The thought seemed impossible at first blush, given Fuuka recently awakened to her Persona with little experience. But the apartment was close enough the Gekkoukan High. Fuuka might be able to pull it off, even if inexperienced. “If you think you can do that then… yeah! I’d love that.”

Kotone knew this would only fuel her want to go if S.E.E.S. were in trouble, but at least she’d be able to know if they were winning or not. If their lives were in danger, then Kotone was sure S.E.E.S. wouldn’t object to some interference.

“Alright. Then all we have to do is wait for the Dark Hour.” Fuuka nodded.

Saori giggled in response, her lips parting into a small smile. “We’re here for you Koto. That isn’t going to stop now.”

Hidetoshi nudged Kotone with his elbow. “We can’t leave you alone either. Someone has to make sure you won’t do something reckless.”

Kotone felt her heart swell at their friendship. It was different from S.E.E.S. Of course it would be. But this was nice. And Kotone could use a little nice in her life. “Thank you. Everyone.”

S.E.E.S. won. The details weren’t clear. Fuuka never seemed too worried despite her trembling clasped hands and her stubbornly shut eyes. One fact was clear: They were strong. Given the brevity of their fight, Yukari was right to be confident.

Hidetoshi left once the Dark Hour ended, the girls left for their rooms. Despite S.E.E.S.’s overwhelming victory, Kotone couldn’t find it in her to fall asleep. Too much energy to expend. She was out of the apartment before the sun. Music blaring through her headphones. Darkness keeping its claim over Tatsumi Port Island.

It was empowering how a change of living space could make her feel more alive. The side effects of the pill were waning, warmth returning to her body. It took only a couple days after her first pill. Now a week after her second. Kotone dreaded how long it’d last on her next one. Kotone felt a shudder pass through her body, the morning air piercing her bones. Maybe the side-effects weren’t all the way gone.

Paulownia was quiet. Not a soul roaming the once-bustling mall besides the remaining Lost who shambled around. With the Full Moon passed, the numbers of Lost should lower. Kotone hoped.

Kotone entered the cafe, the bell ringing announcing her entrance. “Welcome.” A dry voice spoke. Kotone looked, eyes going wide at the man with shaggy blue hair who stared back at her with complete disinterest.

Kotone blinked, affirming the man before her wasn’t an illusion. Why was Makoto working so early in the morning? Especially after a night in Tartarus fighting the Full Moon shadows? Fuuka said Makoto was strong, but even Kotone wasn’t able to bounce back after tough fights like that right off the bat. An easy smile pulled on the edges of her lips, stepping forward into the warmth of the cafe. “I didn’t think I’d run into you here.”

Makoto blinked; posture unchanging. “Just one?”

Straight to the point. Clearly not a chatter box. “Yes, just me.”

“Right.” Makoto nodded, leading the way to her table. “Is there anything I can get started for you?”

Maybe Makoto was in work mode but Kotone found it impossible to hold a decent conversation with the man. One thing she prided herself on when she worked at Chagall were her customer service skills. She sat down at the table, keeping her pleasant smile on. “A Pheromone Coffee, please.”

“I’ll have that for you soon.” Makoto turned and left.

Kotone couldn’t help but watch after him. While it was easy to compare how they worked, it bothered her how Makoto was working here of all places. He was enrolled in class 2-F. He joined S.E.E.S. He’s working at Chagall. Who was he? Why did he take so many aspects of her prior life?

“Your coffee.”

While his social skills were sh*t, he was fast. Kotone had to give him props for that. She took the mug, sipping the dark liquid. Eyes wide and surprised with the balance between bitterness and sweetness that swam in her mouth. She almost spit it out in surprise. This was better than any cup she ever made! “Uh, thanks.” Kotone wiped her mouth pushing the mug away. She looked at Makoto’s face again. The man’s eyes were half-lidded. Although she couldn’t tell if he was tired or if that were his natural expression. “Aren’t you tired? You had a late night last night.”

Kotone could have kept up appearances and avoided talking about the obvious, but what use would that do? Makoto saw Kotone that night on the train tracks. Kotone knew Makoto was a Persona user and member of S.E.E.S. May as well call a spade a spade. Makoto for his part didn’t flinch. Didn’t back away. All he did was blink and stare forward. “I did. I wanted to work.”

Kotone hummed to herself, leaning back in her chair. “You must be pretty strong if you took down those Shadows.”

Makoto nodded. “Not me. They were.” He was nonchalant. Didn’t take her bait. Or wasn’t interested enough to fall for it. Something was different here though, despite his short responses, a spark shined in his eyes. As if the battles were the only thing he cared for and he wasn’t afraid to show it.

“Why do you fight?”

“I…” Makoto’s lips parted, but as the sound escape his mouth, so too did the glimmer in his eye. Makoto shrugged. “I don’t care why. I just do.”

What an unsatisfying answer.

The bell hanging over the front door rang, pulling Makoto to the new customer. Kotone rested her chin on the palm of her hand, staring as Makoto worked.

Why him? Why was he here? What did he do to deserve her old life?

“Oh, Ms. Shiomi! What a wonderful surprise!” Bebe poked his head to the side, his blonde hair immaculately combed despite the winds outside. Out of everyone who could have been the customer, Kotone didn’t anticipate it to be him. Bebe strolled forward with a bag under his arm, and a smile pushing on his face.

“Bebe, good to see you!” Kotone grinned, sitting up straight. “Why’re you here so early?”

“I always start my day off early. Zere are not many people in 'ere usually.” Bebe folded his fan, turning it in his hand. “Eez zat seat taken?”

Kotone shook her head back and forth. “No. Please, sit.” Bebe stepped forward, pulling the chair out and sitting down. A frown settled on his face. Kotone frowned in turn. “Is everything alright?”

“I… suppose not.” Bebe shrugged the bag off his shoulder, placing it on the floor. “My dear aunt… She —” Bebe’s voice choked in his throat.

Kotone leaned forward “Bebe, I’m sorry. You can talk to me if it’d help.”

Bebe’s shoulders stiffened; his trembling lips parted. “She 'elped me so much, and... I could not do anyzing for 'er. But…” The sparkling in Bebe’s eye faded as he reached into his bag. “... I want to do zis for you. I do not know what you do with zese, but I want to get it perfect. Zat is why I have started yours from scratch!”

From scratch? Bebe sat up, holding Fuuka’s mask in his hand. How long would it take for him to remake her mask? “I appreciate the offer Bebe, but —”

“No, I will not 'ear it.” Bebe didn’t understand the stakes or need, but if anyone was missing their mask, it’d be best for it to be her mask. Bebe leaned forward, handing Kotone a masquerade styled mask with reflective blue scales across the surface.

Kotone’s thumb padded over the rough surface, smiling in Bebe’s direction. “Bebe… Thank you. But don’t overwork yourself. If you need to take time to mourn, you owe yourself that. I can wait.”

Bebe’s lips parted, a breath passing from his lips. Nodding. “I believe you are right. Zank you, Ms. Shiomi.”

A chuckle erupted from Kotone’s throat. “Drop the formality. Just call me Kotone.”

Bebe’s posture straightened, flipping the fan in his hand once more. “Right. Kotone. It eez a pleasure.”

Kotone leaned on her naginata as the Phantom Master dissolved in a billow of smoke. Kotone smiled at her two teammates, everyone breathing heavily as they finished the fight. S.A.W. hadn’t conquered the Arqa block yet, but they’d made good progress. Good for only having two and a half combatants.

“Great work everyone! There’s a teleporter up ahead!” Fuuka’s voice echoed in their head.

It was like night and day traversing Tartarus with Fuuka as a navigator. Kotone didn’t have to keep alert at all times, and instead could focus on the moment to moment for her team. In retrospect, Kotone couldn’t blame S.E.E.S. for not getting past the first block with only Mitsuru, Akihiko, and Shinjiro in their ranks.

“Thanks Fuuka!” Kotone twisted the naginata behind her back, smiling toward her teammates. “Let’s get out of here.” It had been a little while since S.A.W. infiltrated Tartarus (sans their visit to rescue Fuuka) so it was good to get back into the swing of things. Neither Saori nor Hidetoshi complained about cutting their night short.

The glimmering lights of Tartarus’ lobby, with the great clock face frozen toward Midnight, temporarily blinded Kotone exiting the teleporter. “Whew, good work everyone.” Kotone wiped the sweat from her brow, stepping forward and looking toward S.A.W’s new navigator. Fuuka’s Persona dissipated around her, flowing water bubbles popping as giggles slipped from her lips. “Is something funny?”

Fuuka’s eyes went wide, her clasped hands falling to her sides. “Wha — No, sorry. Lucia said something funny is all.”

“Oh, so you hear yours too?” Hidetoshi rubbed the back of his neck as he approached the team. “Aeacus talks all day long. Mr. Ekoda’s called me out more times than I’d like. Not that it’s my fault.”

“Selene’s the opposite for me.” Saori frowned as she joined their side. “She was most talkative back when I was living at home. Now that I’m at school or at the apartment she stays pretty quiet. She’s timid, I think.”

Seeing her teammates rally with one another should have been endearing, but Kotone felt hollow inside. The cold spreading from her core and into her bones. She shut her eyes tight, face scrunching. Searching for the voice in the back of her mind.

I hope we can be friends again someday, Messiah

Messiah’s voice never came.

The stars were out in full force, not a cloud in the night sky. The warm breeze felt refreshing against Kotone’s sweat lined skin, a relief from Summer’s humid march. Kotone hadn’t spent time exploring Iwatodai by herself. Not since coming back. But it had been two months already — even if the future was uncertain, it was time to live for herself. If even for a moment.

The torii gate in front of the shrine stood tall, wood worn and color bleached by years in the sun. Elegant in the silver moonlight. A bark ripped Kotone’s head downward, staring at the albino dog sitting on the top step. Kotone couldn’t help but smile as she looked at the dark hues which reflected back at her.

“Good evening, Koromaru.” Kotone wasn’t sure why she was being so formal, but felt it fit for a reunion like this. She stepped forward onto the first of the stone steps, Koromaru flinched. Kotone kneeled, at eye level now as she stuck her hand forward. “I’m a friend. I just want to say hello.”

Koromaru stepped forward and nudged his nose against her fingertips, rough to the touch. After she passed whatever smell test he had, Koromaru leaned forward, nudging his head into her palm. Kotone chuckled, rubbing his head back and forth. “Good boy. You’re doing a good job honoring him, you know?”

Kotone’s words caused Koromaru to pull away, his dark red eyes looking mournful. Koromaru whined, his head pointing toward the floor. “... You miss him, don’t you?” Kotone couldn’t translate Koromaru like Aigis could, but she could still read him. Understand his intentions. Language barrier be damned. Koromaru still felt indebted. Needed here. Even if Kotone wanted to take him off the streets, she doubted he’d stay with her. That was assuming Tanaka would allow her to keep him.

“It would seem fate has drawn us here tonight.”

Koromaru whined as he took off running. Kotone knew animals had a good sense if someone was good or bad, and given the voice, Koromaru made the best decision. Kotone lifted her head, resolve swelling in her heart as her eyes landed on the man. Takaya. He looked emaciated in the pale moonlight, barely eating enough to survive. His hair was dirty and uncombed. His striking yellow eyes a dim amber. The gun on his belt shining an uncomfortable silver.

Was this the first time she saw him outside the Dark Hour? If there were another, she couldn’t remember. Kotone’s instinct had a snarky response ready to fire, but given the revolver on his belt loop she bit her tongue. “What brings you to a place like this?”

“My reasons are inconsequential for someone like you.” Takaya walked past Kotone, taking one step at a time toward the shrine. “While we’re here, I have a question for you.”

“And if I don’t want to answer?”

“Demanding answers from you would not be a fair arrangement.” Takaya continued his advance toward the shrine. Despite all her instincts telling her to run, Kotone followed. She stood across from him, Takaya’s relaxed shoulders leaving his right hand resting on the butt of his revolver. “I will offer you one question of your own, first. You may proceed.”

Kotone didn’t have anything she wanted to know. Didn’t have anything she wanted to talk about with him. However, one look at the revolver on his waist forced a question from her lips. “You don’t have to use an evoker like the rest of us. Even Jin and Chidori have to. Why is that?”

Takaya raised an eyebrow, laughter cackling from his lips. “If you wish to know more about me, then so be it. My Persona was not awakened naturally. This is the same for Jin and Chidori as well. However, I was one of that group’s first experiments.”

Kotone heard something similar from Jin near the end. About how the Kirijo group experimented on them. It wasn’t far-fetched, given everything with Mitsuru’s grandfather and Ikutsuki. But the circ*mstances still made Kotone’s blood boil with anger.

“I acquired these tattoos to cover the scars they inflicted. And to show my rebellion against their assault. Their marks do not define the path of my life. Or this world.” Takaya’s hand slid off the revolver, the gold in his eyes losing their shimmer. “However, as one of their early test subjects, we were given experimental evokers. They were used to draw out the full extent of a Persona’s latent power.”

Kotone bit down on her bottom lip, body trembling. She didn’t have much sympathy for Strega, but it didn’t mean she didn’t feel empathetic for what they endured. No one should have to live through what they did. “They not only forced Persona on children, but used an experimental evoker to draw all their power out? That’s —”

“ — Inhumane? Cruel? Barbaric? Yes. The majority did not survive past the testing phase. To a Persona that has lost control, the user is but a shackle. In those days the Persona would commonly kill the user the moment it were summoned.”

Kotone could feel the saliva in her mouth thicken, memories of summoning Messiah against the Magician shadow echoing in her head. Was that why Messiah attacked her so viciously? Even Strega or Shinjiro didn’t have to square up against the constant threat every time they summoned their Persona. Was the full output of Messiah’s might too much for her current body? Was she nothing but a shackle?

Takaya sneered, lips widening to a grin, highlighting his yellow teeth. “You look concerned. Does the story hit close to home?”

Kotone’s jaw grit shut. She knew that he’d see through any lie she said, and yet she couldn’t find the strength to tell the truth. “No. Continue.”

Takaya cleared his throat, his yellow eyes shimmering as he glanced toward the moon. “The reason why I am able to use my Persona is because I conquered my inner self. Most succumb to that voice as soon as they hear it. I accepted my truth. With that domination, power beyond my imagination.”

Kotone grit her teeth. Was he telling this for her sake? How was something like that even possible? Would she even be able to without an experimental evoker? Was the risk of death worth it all?

Takaya chuckled again, eyes falling down toward Kotone once more. “None of that matters now. Don’t be bound by the past, and don’t look to the future. Simply live in the moment.”

Kotone could understand if others agreed with that way of thinking, but Kotone refused. “I can’t. If I don’t look to the future then what point is there to fight for?”

Takaya had nothing to fight for. Not for anything besides his power. His rights. In the moment right here and now. “You had your chance to ask me a question. It is time to ask mine in return.” Takaya stepped forward, the gleam in his eye disappearing. “Do you know a man named Shuji Ikutsuki?”

Kotone’s breath caught in her throat. Out of everything she expected, it wasn’t that. Ikutsuki’s connection with Strega was unmistakable, but how much did Strega know of his work?

“I do. Why?”

Takaya smirked. “Ikutsuki was one of many researchers who experimented on us.”

Kotone knew that. For what purpose was Takaya bringing him up? “So what? You want revenge?” Kotone figured that siccing Strega on Ikutsuki wouldn’t be a bad idea. If only there weren’t a chance the Kirijo Group would turn him into a martyr. Besides, killing Ikutsuki doesn’t remove the root of the issue. There had to be a way to handle the Full Moon Shadows.

“Revenge is an emotional tool weaklings use to justify their misdeeds. No, when Jin, Chidori, and I left the facility, we confiscated his research. Jin has written off his writings as ramblings of a crazy man, however I fear differently.”

Kotone shuddered. She knew the truth. The whole truth. But one misstep and she could reveal too much. Push Strega into forming their Nyx loving cult. It was best to try and figure out how much they knew and keep it that way. “What does his research say?”

Takaya’s arched eyebrows lowered, his head along with it. “There are twelve major shadows that will appear on every Full Moon. Once destroyed, our power, and the Dark Hour along with it, will vanish.”

Kotone sighed. He knew the falsified reports Ikutsuki made. If Takaya knew this much then he’d likely try and intercept future Arcana Shadow fights. Which was good for preserving the world. But without a strategy to stop them from killing the Shadows, there was no path forward which wouldn’t lead to needing the Great Seal once again. “I see.” Kotone managed, lips clamping tight.

Takaya laughed, stepping forward, the distance between the two of them incredibly short. His shoulders rolled back, head held high, his impressive height blotting out the waning gibbous moon in the sky. “I know you must hear that revelation and see it as an escape from your current troubles. However, as long as we keep our agreement, you are not allowed to fight those Shadows. Doing so will prove an open rebellion. Do you understand?”

Of course that was his caveat. But Kotone couldn’t stand by and watch those Shadows wreak havoc on the town. Besides, S.E.E.S. would be targeting the Shadows too. A conflict with Strega was inevitable, unless — “Is there a way to seal the Shadows?”

Takaya laughed, his eyebrows scrunching together. “Seal? For what purpose would you want to —”

“To stop the Dark Hour from ending! If you seal one of the twelve Shadows, then no one can kill it, and the Dark Hour will never end.”

Takaya’s lips parted, a smile creeping into his cheeks. Another laugh cackling from his throat. “Do you hear yourself? As long as you do not attack the Shadows then our agreement will stay in place. You have nothing to worry about.” Takaya pulled away, heading toward the stairs. “That is all I wished to discuss. We shall meet again on the 25th.”

As soon as Takaya was gone Kotone collapsed to her knees, her breath heavy in her lungs. Kotone knew Takaya meant well on his threat, but she couldn’t let things lay. If the Shadows are able to roam free then they’ll kill too many innocents. Kill them and Strega will be on her back, and even if she succeeds in killing all twelve, that will signal the return of Nyx.

Kotone had to find a different path. Fast.


First of all, huge thank you to inviernainvicta for letting me steal the "Moments in month" format. These sort of chapters help act as a bridge from story beat to story beat, while also giving a bit of downtime with the cast of characters. It's especially important since I'm not going day by day like I did in "Fate Written into Stone".

Many thanks to my vibe checkers croisvoix, inviernainvicta, and Vadrigar. All your help and support always means a lot. <3

Here's another shoutout to Crow24, who helped Bebe-fy all of Bebe's dialogue! Thank you so much for your continued help and support!

If you wanna join my discord here's a link!

Thank you all so much for the love and support as always. I've been out of town the last week, so your enjoyment is purely what makes me get these chapters out on time on schedule. Thank you all so much once again, it truly means a lot!

Chapter 10: Slumber Party (June 20th-25th)


TW/CW: This chapter features mentions bullying, implied from hom*ophobia. Implied internalized-hom*ophobia is also featured.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kotone itched to rush home. Every instinct told her to bolt out of the alley way and return to Fuuka and Saori. To unwind from her long day at work. It would be easy. Pivot on her heel. Head toward Port Island Station. Take the train to Paulownia. Done.

“Welcome —!” Edogawa’s voice pierced Kotone’s eardrums alongside the sound of a creaking door. The sun glistened off of Edogawa’s glasses, Kotone shuddering under his obscured gaze. Part of Kotone hoped he wouldn’t have been here so early given Gekkoukan just got out for the day. Another part wondered how he managed to pull it off. Neither mattered much when reality was staring her in the face. “Are you going to just stand there? Come on in.”

Kotone’s shoulders slumped, trained smile falling to a frown. No use wasting time. Kotone shook her head like a wet dog and stepped inside. The inside was familiarly musty. She didn’t mind it much when she was living in the shack of a motel, but now that she’d adjusted to the apartment it felt gross to stand in the building. How a little privilege could change perspectives so quickly. Kotone pulled out the barstool, settling in and tapping her fingers on the counter.

Edogawa rummaged with metal and glass behind the bar, muttering under his breath. He lifted one hand high, a vial filled with familiar green liquid sloshing back and forth. “... Once a star suffused with serene calm. Bliss made her vulnerable to her own illusions. Now her eyes are open. Able to find the balance of opposites. It allows her to grow, those close to flourish.” Edogawa stood tall, looking as if the aimless ramblings hadn’t expelled from his lips.

Except it wasn’t aimless. Kotone remembered hearing something similar in one of his lectures. One relating to the Arcana. But this felt different. Targeted. To who? Kotone leaned forward, unable to make contact through his fogged glasses. “Who are you talking to?”

A cackle spilled from Edogawa’s lips, the school nurse dropping the bag of bottles on the bar. S.A.W’s medicine. This was all the team had to rely on without a healer. It’d be fine for now — there were only three combatants and Kotone could take more than her fair share of hits. It was fine for the short term, but Kotone knew that they couldn’t keep going like this forever.

“Thanks.” Kotone grasped the plastic bag, pulling it from the bar and letting it hang at her side. She wanted to leave, but her feet refused to move. A lump formed in her throat, one that felt impossible to swallow. Kotone’s shoulders deflated for the second time, head craning to meet Edogawa’s gaze once more. “I have something else I want you to look at.”

Edogawa’s head tilted, hands falling into his coat pockets. If he wasn’t going to object then she may as well come out with it. Kotone’s hand trembled as she reached inside her shoulder bag, fingertips grazing the familiar glass bottle and flinched from the cold.

“Can you find what these are made of?” Kotone shook the bottle of pills in her hand before uncapping it, pouring a half-dozen into her palm.

Edogawa accepted the pills with his right hand, rubbing his unkempt stubble with his left. “Fascinating. I’ll see what I can do.” Edogawa’s palm clenched, pivoting on his heel as he walked out of sight into the backroom.

No questions asked. Good. Kotone didn’t want to deal with Edogawa longer than she had to. Kotone pressed the lid back on, heading out from the dank bar to the welcoming Summer sun.

The welcoming warmth interrupted by the grasp of a cold pale hand around Kotone’s right wrist. Kotone froze in place at the sight of black nail polish and the scent of vanilla. Fire flared behind those honey-colored eyes, the longer Kotone stared back, the more the bottle in her hand trembled. “Let me go.”

“Not before you tell me what that is.” Ulala’s black painted lips pulled down into a frown, her eyebrows furrowing together to match in disappointment. Kotone jerked her arm, pulling her wrist from Ulala’s grip. Kotone wasn’t stupid. She knew how this looked. How was she supposed to explain? Would coming out with the truth make Ulala back off, or have her hover more?

“Even if I told you, you wouldn’t understand.”

Ulala put her hands in the air, a raspy chuckle slithering from her lips. “Sure. Let’s go with that tired excuse.”

Kotone knew holding a bottle of unmarked pills in her hand wasn’t a good look, but what was she supposed to do? Just back off? And what if Ulala reported her findings to Tanaka? Was she the type to do something like that? “What do you want me to say? It’s not what it looks like? Because it isn’t!”

“Uh huh.” Ulala shook her head, pushing her weight to her back heel and sighing. “Remember when I said you reminded me of a friend? Now it’s like I’m staring in a mirror, and all my past regrets are staring me in the face. So no — I think I get a little of what you’re going through.”

Kotone wanted to yell to the heavens that she was a Persona user. That she was taking these pills to protect herself. But none of that would mean anything to a woman like Ulala. Kotone felt her body shrink in Ulala’s presence, “Listen, I know you’re looking out for me. But I’m safe. I promise! Now if you’ll excuse me —”

Ulala stepped in Kotone’s path. Kotone side-stepped to the right, but Ulala matched. Kotone wasn’t stupid enough to try a third time, it’d only make her more suspicious. Ulala crossed her arms, a glimmer reflecting in her honey-colored hues. “Sit down with me. I’ll get you something to drink.” Sitting down with Ulala was about the last thing Kotone wanted to do, but making a run for it would only worsen work for her on Monday. Kotone continued to shrink in Ulala’s shadow as the duo walked to the station bench.

Ulala handed Kotone a can of Moonkist from the nearby vending machine, the pale blue can cold to the touch. The soda popped open with a metallic crunch, bubbling soda fizzing from the circular opening. Kotone’s nose scrunching as the scent of mint overwhelmed her senses. “What words of wisdom do you have for me today?”

“Stop with the snide remarks and take this seriously, got it?” Ulala’s arm tensed, the unopened can of Dr. Salt trembling in her hand. Kotone’s lips scrunched tight as she watched Ulala, the woman’s body hunched and tight like a wound coil. Ulala snapped the top of the soda open, the tension slipping away with the crackle of metal.. “I remember when I was your age. There was so much wrong in my life. It wasn’t my fault, but I made it so much worse. Alcohol. Drugs. Men. Anything to distract myself. Then I wound up in some crazy ass sh*t and I had to confront that side of myself.”

Kotone’s fingertips slid against the condensation on the can, her eyes flickering from Ulala’s eyes to the soda in her hands. “You got better. That’s something.”

“Better? I’m healthier now. In a way.” Ulala’s hand flexed, the can dropping from her hand and clunking toward the ground. The stone floor turned a deeper gray as the clear soda soaked into the ground. “sh*t.”

Kotone didn’t know why she felt obligated to help. Ulala was the one who forced the situation. Was it that trademark Wild Card empathy? Even without Igor and Elizabeth whispering in her ear, Kotone still wanted to do the right thing. Kotone sprang up from the bench, reaching into her shoulder bag for her wallet. “Let me buy you another. You got me one so it’s only —”

“I don’t care about my f*cking drink. Sit back down.” Ulala’s snappy voice sent Kotone straight down onto the bench. Ulala trembled, free hand massaging her forehead and a frustrated sigh exhausted from her lips. “... Sorry. I was never good at this. It’s times like these that I wish Maya were here.”

Ulala wasn’t the type to share details. Not like that. Kotone also thought herself decent at names. Had to be when she met so many people the last year. Never once did she meet someone with that name. “Who’s Maya?”

“I never told you her name?” Ulala’s mirthful chuckle danced to life, her head craning toward the cloudless sky. “She’s my best friend. She’s bright. Bubbly. Everything good that I’m not. She stayed by my side even when she saw the worst of me. Helped pick me up from the darkest pits. I can only hope to bring a sliver of what she brought me to the world.”

Was that what Ulala was trying to do? Bring a sliver of Maya’s influence to Kotone? To help save her from herself? “Ulala, whatever you think I’m doing, I promise I’m not. I’m keeping my head up at work. I hang out with friends in the evenings. I help others whenever I find an opportunity. I know I’m not perfect, but —”

“For the record, I don’t think you’re taking recreational drugs or alcohol.” Ulala’s eyes fell from the sky, locking onto Kotone’s. The stare sent shivers down Kotone’s spine. If that wasn’t why she was worried, then what was this intervention for? “ — Don’t look at me like that. You’re playing on a knife’s edge. I’ve seen kindness like that before, be careful not to let the world consume you whole.”

Kotone didn’t know what Ulala was talking about, but if Ulala didn’t think Kotone was doing anything law-breaking then there was no reason to keep her here. “C’mon, I’m young. I’m bound to screw up at times. But I always bounce back.” Even from death.

“There are some things you can’t bounce back from.” Ulala shook her head, mumbling under her breath as she rose from the bench. “Have a good day off tomorrow. I’ll see you on Monday.” Ulala’s hands slipped into her pant pockets, her eyes returning to the sky all the way to the station.

Kotone wished she could bask in the silence. Take a breather from the interrogation. Kotone had no reprieve as a roar echoed in her mind, Kotone flinching from the sound. “Are you agreeing with her?” Kotone thought she’d prefer any sound other than silence, but Messiah’s unintelligible grunts made that wish disappear like smoke.

Kotone rushed home, the apartment building a sight for sore eyes. Her first instinct was to head straight to her room and unwind for the day, but she stopped one floor short, hand knocking against Fuuka’s door.

“It’s unlocked!” Fuuka answered. Kotone pushed the door open, peering inside. Fuuka was hunched over a table with a set of tools in her hand, Saori hovering over her shoulder with a hand in front of her mouth. If Kotone didn’t know any better she would have assumed they were performing a surgery.

Kotone didn’t want to snoop, but it was hard when both women wouldn’t turn to face her. Kotone stepped in with a shortened gait, head tilting to the side. “What are you two doing?”

Saori pivoted on her heel, smile parting her lips open and eyes shutting with joy. “Fuuka suggested repairing her old laptop as a replacement for, well, you know...”

Fuuka’s back straightened stiff as a board, screwdriver clanking to the table. “I-It was only a suggestion!”

Saori shook her head, “Honestly, going from pen and paper to a computer is a little daunting. But with Fuuka here I know I’ll be able to conquer anything.” Saori giggled, bumping her hip against Fuuka’s.

“Sorry I’m almost —!” Fuuka clicked the laptop casing closed, turning to face Saori. “T-There we go! The laptop should be good as new.”

Saori’s eyes sparkled, hands grasping the edges of the closed laptop. “Wow! Thank you, Fuuka.” Saori’s eyes danced from the laptop to Fuuka and back again, body trembling. “I can’t believe you fixed this all yourself. I… I don’t know how…”

Kotone smiled, pressing forward close enough to nudge Saori with her elbow. “You already said thanks. This is what friends do for one another.”

Saori looked at Kotone, her dark eyes shimmering with a new understanding. She nodded, a giggle slipping from her lips. “Friends.”

“Friends.” Fuuka nodded in turn.


Kotone hated to spoil the moment, but her phone’s ringtone tore through the room. She really had to find a way to silence the damn thing. She fished the phone from her shoulder bag, Hidetoshi’s name flashing on the small square screen.

Kotone flipped the phone open, putting it up to her ear as an electronic garble sounded on the other end. “Hidetoshi?”

“An incident happened at school. It’s not too serious but I think you can help better than I. Can I bring the hanger-on over?”

Given the language Hidetoshi used, Kotone had a good guess on who was hanging on. “Uh, sure. I need to get changed but we’ll be here for her.”

“Great. See you soon.”

Getting ready didn’t take long. Despite the summer humidity, Kotone threw on a baggy sweater and let her hair hang loose. Saori and Fuuka beat Kotone downstairs, the duo standing by the concierge desk.

Wind whistled through the doors as Eri burst through, face red hot and breath pounding from her lips. Every step she took shook the ground with tremors. Hidetoshi said it wasn’t that serious, but given Eri’s complexion Kotone figured the opposite.

Saori was the first to run forward, her hands balled into loose fists. “Natsuhara, is everything alright?”

“DOES IT LOOK LIKE EVERYTHINGS OKAY?!” Eri’s body trembled, crimson eyes wide as the sound of her own voice silencing her complaint. She pressed on her back heel, shoulders collapsing inward. “Sorry. You don’t deserve that. None of you do.”

“Natsuhara —!” Hidetoshi skidded inside the lobby, everyone’s eyes falling to the man. He huffed out a heavy breath, wiping the sweat drenching his forehead. “Well, looks like you’re all acquainted.”

Saori cupped her hands behind her back, frowning. “It’s not like this is the first time we’ve met outside of school.”

“It—It is for me.” Fuuka bowed. “I-It’s nice to meet you, Natsuhara.”

Eri grinned, stepping forward to close the distance. “No need for that. We’re all classmates. Or were.” Eri nodded her head in Kotone’s direction. Eri’s eyes were closed, bright smile on her face, but Kotone could tell something was brewing underneath.

Kotone stepped forward, frown pulling on her lips. “I know you didn’t race in here for just that. What’s wrong?”

Eri’s smile faded, eyes locking to the floor. Her jaw tensed, hands balling into fists. Hidetoshi stepped forward, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “Natsuhara was accused of stealing Ayane’s perfume.”

Eri flinched. Kotone arched in eyebrow in turn. It wasn’t a huge accusation. Something that could be fixed with an apology. Kotone guessed it wasn’t that simple. “... And did you?”

“NO. Of course I didn’t! Why would I?” Eri’s deflated posture inflated like a balloon, shoulders tense, arms straight as poles aimed toward the ground, right foot drumming a mile a minute into the carpet. “It’s not like this is the only time something like this has happened! I know that I’m nosey, and that I’m an easy target, but I don’t steal! If you’re going to accuse me of something, there’s a whole list just waiting to be plucked from!”

Hidetoshi sighed, shaking his head. “You can’t get in trouble for being nosey.”

“That’s why I wanted to see you two.” Eri looked toward Saori and Kotone, vermillion eyes losing their fiery edge. “How do you two deal with all the pushback when you’re so public?”

Kotone’s eyebrows furrowed, same perplexed expression mirroring on Saori’s face as they shared a look. Then the accusation clicked, and laugher rippled from their throats. “Sao and I are not — We’re not —”

“Those are just rumors.” Saori waved her hand, laughter dying with the sound of her voice. “It’s the same thing you’re going through, right? Lies made up to make us an easy target. Koto told me once that if people can’t see the value in you, then they can suck it! Who cares what they think!”

The perplexed expression must have been infectious as Eri’s eyebrows knit together, her trembling lips flattening into a thin line. “Wow. I always thought you were kind of a pushover. Way to prove me wrong Hasegawa.”

A hum pressed against Saori’s lips, eyes darting toward Kotone. “Hmm, maybe. I find it easy to go with the flow — but I know I’m safe when Koto’s by my side.”

“I don’t get that.” Eri’s right foot started drumming again, hands falling onto her hips. “It’s nice to be here with you three. I don’t really have other girls to talk to at school.”

Kotone wouldn’t be shocked if the bullying was far more prevalent than Eri let on. It wasn’t going to be a subject matter Kotone felt comfortable pushing without Eri starting, though. Besides, this group here was no stranger to that kind of behavior. Kotone stepped forward, thumbing at herself as a smile snaked on her lips. “I’m not allowed at Gekkoukan, but if anyone’s putting you down then let me know.”

Eri shook her head, crimson eyes locking with Kotone’s. “That’s nice, but —”

Saori stepped forward, giggling as she reached Kotone’s side. “She means it! She’ll really rough them up!”

“We don’t need you to get arrested.” Hidetoshi sighed, arms falling to his sides. “I can try and smooth things over with Ayane, but in the meantime just —”

“What? I wasn’t doing anything!” Eri’s stomp echoed through the lobby, the girl getting into Hidetoshi’s face. “What am I supposed to change? Huh?”

Kotone placed a hand on Eri’s shoulder to which Eri flinched and shrugged off. Right. They weren’t familiar with one another. Best not to approach her that way. Kotone wanted to do something about all that anger and frustration. Wanted to give Eri an opportunity to grow better than the girls who bullied her. Kotone didn’t have much to offer school wise, but she could at least make today better for her. “Hey Eri, I know this is sudden, but both Fuuka and Saori are living here. How would you feel about a slumber party?”

Eri turned around, her back stiff and face red. “S-Slumber party? I-I can’t do something like that!”

Kotone leaned against her back heel, placing both hands behind her back. “If you’re uncomfortable, then you don’t have to. I understand.”

Eri shook her head, brown hair ruffling around her head. “It’s not me I’m worried about. It’s all of you.”

Fuuka tilted her head as she stepped forward to match Kotone and Saori. “Why would you being here make us uncomfortable?”

“Why?” Eri balked, the single word stuttering to a stop. “I-I-It should be…”

Kotone didn’t know Eri very well, but one thing she knew was that Eri didn’t deserve to be going through this alone. “Eri, you’re fine just the way you are. I’m welcoming you to stay the night. We can do whatever you want — Watch movies. Play games. Do each other’s hair and make-up. Tell ghost stories. Whatever.”

Eri’s eyes fell, the brunette shifting from one foot to the other. “I… I think that’d be nice.” A smile poked on the edges of her lips, her eyes refusing to meet Kotone’s gaze.

“Y-Yeah, let’s do it!” Fuuka nodded. She and Saori shared a look, both nodding.

“Sounds like a plan.” Kotone pumped her fist as a grin grew on her face.

Eri stopped her bouncy fidgeting, eyes glancing toward the double doors. “Um… Great! I need to, uh, call my parents. I’ll be right back.” Eri turned on her heel and ran out the door, fishing in her shoulder bag for her cellphone.

The growl from earlier returned, louder this time. Echoing in Kotone’s mind and making Kotone flinch. The back of her head pounded with pain, eyes squinting closed and a hand pulling to her forehead. No matter how much she closed her eyes, Messiah’s voice wouldn’t come clear. It remained muffled. Groggy. Distorted.

“You feeling alright?” Hidetoshi was standing next to Kotone the next time she opened her eyes. He wasn’t the only one, the other two gathered around her, forming three points in a protective triangle.

Kotone’s nose scrunched, forcing a smile on her face as she nodded. “Yeah. Never better.”

Hidetoshi remained still as a statue, his hazel eyes looking Kotone once more. He scoffed, backing off. “Girls night. I need to get some guy friends.” He rolled his shoulders back, turning to face the front door. Kotone couldn’t tell if he believed her, or if he thought it wouldn’t be worth the effort to push for answers. She was glad he dropped it. “Whatever. I hope you all have a fun night.”

Eri and Hidetoshi bumped shoulders as she came waltzing back in, a frown pulling her lips down and something muttered under her breath. The disruption was short lived as she turned back toward the remaining members of S.A.W, a grin pushing into her cheeks. “They said yes! We’re good to go!”

The girls gathered in Kotone’s room on the top floor, all sitting on the center rug with a pillow supporting them. Kotone was eager to have a girl’s night, but she realized she didn’t have any of the right supplies. No make up. No nail polish. No food sans popcorn. She was lucky Fuuka had movies and a DVD player, otherwise this slumber party would have ended before it ever even began.

Kotone’s long sweater sleeves draped over her hands as she flattened out her skirt, blush dusting her cheeks. “Sorry, I got a little excited and forgot that I don’t have everything here with me.”

“It’s okay…” Fuuka wrung her hands, eyes lifting to meet Kotone’s gaze. “You seemed excited though.”

Kotone folded her legs underneath herself, grey sweater draping like a tent over her legs. “Yeah. We didn’t have them a lot at my old dorm, but some of my favorite memories were those long nights. Yukari was the one who had all the supplies, and M—”

“Takeba? You used to live with Takeba?!” Eri leaned forward, crimson eyes wide. “I knew it! Why didn’t you —”

“You’re wrong, I don’t like her like that!” Kotone bit back. Eri flinched. Kotone didn’t mean to yell, nor did Eri deserve that. “Sorry. I just… Yukari was my friend. Err, is my friend. I don’t have feelings for her like that. Or for anyone else.”

Eri flinched again, her leg trembling with jitters. “sh*t, I —” Eri bit her bottom lip, shoulders deflating with a sigh. “Sorry. I should stop assuming. I’ll do better.”

Kotone’s smile lit up like a lightbulb, chuckle bubbling to life. “Don’t worry. You know now. That’s how we get to know one another, right?”

Eri nodded up and down. “Right, right!”

Saori rocked herself still, hum pressing against her closed lips. “You never told me that before.”

Kotone shrugged. “It never came up. It’s not something I think about or feel, you know?”

“That’s crazy!” Eri folded her legs underneath herself, placing her hands on her knees and leaning forward. “I’m a little jealous! It gets in the way of class sometimes…”

“Oh, Natsuhara, do you have a crush on someone?” Saori tilted her head. Fuuka and Kotone blinked in her direction, waiting to see if it was set up for a joke.

No. Saori was oblivious.

“It’s only the biggest open secret at the school.” Eri sighed, right leg’s trembling to a stop. “I tried to hide it my first year. But how could I when it’s her? It’s Mitsuru Kirijo with her perfect exam scores and perfect face and gorgeous long red hair~” A dreamy sigh escaped Eri’s lips as her back fell against the rug. “She’s strong willed. And caring. And looks out for all of the student body. She’s an inspiration. I only hope one day I can stand by her side.”

“Oh, I get it.” Saori nodded sagely.

“... I’ve been bullied for other reasons, but I understand what you mean.” Fuuka’s eyes fell back to her lap, Fuuka’s voice causing Eri to spring back up from the carpet. “... You can’t control who you are, I mean. People don’t like others who are different, and they can be mean about it. But that doesn’t mean you’re wrong or anything.”

Eri smiled, hand tapping against her knee. “It makes me an easy target is all. Odagiri's trying to de-escalate everything. He tells me blowing up about it would be wrong, but it just makes the fire burn even brighter. All I want to do is fight.” Kotone could relate. Although most of that came from how she saw others treated versus how she was. “Odagiri's right. I don’t want this to reach my parents. I got a reputation from starting things at my old school. I’m sure if they heard this they’d be livid.”

“Are your parents… good?”

“Yeah? They can be tough, but… I don’t know. I can’t be myself around them, you know?” Eri folded her arms across her chest, frown pulling on the edges of her lips. “Alright. Kotone and I shared — it’s your turn Hasegawa.”

“Me?” Saori tilted her head, placing a finger to her lip. “I wouldn’t say I have a crush on anyone. Life has been a little too hectic for anything like that.”

Eri leaned forward, grin growing on her face. “But you can have crushes, right?”

“Hmm, I guess so.” Saori said she had a crush in her past life. Never revealed it to Kotone though. Not before leaving the school. Whatever it was, Kotone was satisfied with the possibility of never finding out. Never knowing the truth of her friend — “There was a girl in my First year. I told my parents and they were mortified. Sent me abroad for a few years to try and straighten me out.”

Oh. That’s definitely a reason why she’d never talk about it.

Eri chuckled, pressing her hands down on her knees again, “Did it work?”

“Hmm, I don’t think so!” Saori's eyes closed shut, lips parting into a smile. “Although I don’t think there’s anyone I’d have a crush on. I spend most of my time with Koto, Odagiri, and now Fuuka.”

“Hmm. I see, I see.” Eri nodded. “And Yamagishi, what about you?”

“M-Me?” Fuuka blushed. “I… I don’t really like anyone. I don’t think.”

“You don’t think? Come on, you’re totally blushing!”

While Eri was an open book, Fuuka was not. The idea of Fuuka having a crush was news to Kotone. Still, even with that curiosity, Kotone refused to push for an answer. “Eri, if she doesn’t want to talk then leave her be.” Kotone smiled toward Fuuka. “Don’t feel like you need to share. But if you’re feeling happy or comfortable with someone then —”

“It’s not like that!” Fuuka tucked her chin close to her chest, eyes shut tight. “I… I mean… There was a boy at the arcade the other day. He wanted to play on the machine I was on. At first he was short and rude, but then I showed him a trick, and then he showed me one in kind and we — It was fun.” Fuuka’s face blushed bright red as a tomato.

Eri slammed her hand on the ground, smile wide. “Wow, that sounds like a date to me! That’s so great!”

“I-I wouldn’t call it that.” Fuuka shook her head back and forth. “Besides, who knows if I’ll ever see him again.”

Kotone smiled in Fuuka’s direction. If she hadn’t introduced Fuuka to the arcade then maybe she wouldn’t have found this new friend. Things were playing out differently this time around, but that was okay. Her friend’s lives were changing, and it was looking to be for the better.

Eri’s eyes wandered the room, head tilting. “I never found out — Why did you move to a place like this?”

There were many factors that led Kotone to this moment. Asimple answer wouldn't be satisfactory, but the full truth wasn't viable. Better to go with simple in this case. “I didn’t have a place to live. I was kicked out of the school for punching the Chairman so… that's how I ended up here!”

“What about your parents? Do they live in another city, or —”

“Oh, that.” Kotone cleared her throat, shaking her head. “My parents passed away when I was seven.” The oxygen was sucked out of the room, the sound of Kotone’s sentence echoing across the room. Kotone cleared her throat, eyes falling to her lap. “Sorry. I guess I never mentioned that, huh?”

Eri’s stillness didn’t last, her leg trembling as her eyes fell to the floor too. “I’m sorry, I didn’t —”

“No, it’s fine. It happened a while ago, you know? It doesn’t really get easier; you just learn how to move forward in spite of the loss.”

Eri bit her bottom lip, eyes trailing to the television. “sh*t. No wonder you’re working as a model. You, uh, do a great job!”

It wasn’t the perfect segway, but Kotone appreciated the effort. “I do enough to get by.” Kotone glanced at the television in turn. Imagining herself on the screen made her want to gag.

Saori’s back straightened, parted lips showing the smallest amount of teeth. “Oh, Natsuhara, what do you do in your free time? If you’re not part of a club, we could spend time together in the library. I’m head of the committee, and I need —”

“Sorry, no can do. I’m Gekkoukan’s lead speaker in the Forensics Club — all my free time is already taken.” Given how Eri spoke so confidently and how her presence filled a room, Kotone didn’t doubt her for a moment.

“Um… That’s nice Natsuhara, but…” Fuuka’s lips pulled tight, the sound of her voice petering out. “... Hasn’t Gekkoukan’s Forensics club lost every debate?”

“What about it? You think I’d give up because our infrastructure is poor and Ekoda is our teacher? No! I’m going to lift us from the ashes and make us a club that the school can be proud of!”

Fuuka’s eyes widened, cyan hues sparkling. “Wow Natsuhara, you can be pretty inspiring.”

“Stop calling me Natsuhara. It’s weirding me out. Call me Eri.”


Kotone nodded, leaning forward. “I believe in you Eri. You’ve got this. And for what it’s worth? I’m proud of you for sticking to your guns. You’re unashamedly you.”

Eri relaxed, placing her arms behind back. “No reason not to be myself. We only have this life to live. May as well make the most of it, right?”

Kotone frowned. If that’s the case then why hadn’t Eri asked Mitsuru out? What was she scared of? Rejection?

Kotone didn’t get a chance to bring that up the rest of the night.

The group huddled together to watch three movies: From sappy romcom Love Possibly to the classic Clean Hard, and finishing the night with Saori’s recommendation, Shamrockfield.

Why Fuuka had that in her collection, Kotone didn’t know. Found footage made it feel grounded. A little scarier. Saori was the bravest of them all, eyes open and lips parted into a smile the entire time. Focused. Entranced more like it. Fuuka was next to her, flinching at every loud sound. Kotone found herself wincing more than she’d like to admit. Eri had it worst of all, her head under a blanket the entire time.

“You know, we could watch another movie —”

“N-No, this one is fine!” Eri’s voice broke into a whine, the blanket trembling around her body.

The pain in the back of Kotone’s head grew again. Pulsing. The grumbling unintelligible voice grew louder, overpowering the sound of the movie. Kotone collapsed both hands on her ears, scared that if she waited any longer the others would be able to hear Messiah’s voice spill from her head.

Kotone didn’t want to resort to the pills. Didn’t want to feel the sickening pit in her stomach and the chills in her bones. But Eri was sitting right next to her. Defenseless. It wasn’t worth the risk. Kotone glanced to her glass cup on the coffee table, empty sans some ice. Perfect excuse. “I’m going to get myself something to drink, does anyone want —”

“Shhh.” Saori’s hushed Kotone with a finger close to her lips. The other girls didn’t so much as look toward her. Kotone sighed in relief; this was her chance. Kotone made her way to the back of the room, opening up the fridge and grabbing a carton of orange juice. With a pill on her tongue and a wash of orange juice, the Persona Suppressant went down easily.

Kotone’s body shuddered, blood running ice cold. More importantly, the pain in the back of her head subsided. Messiah’s voice disappearing. No Persona related accidents tonight. Not with Eri here. Despite her muscles feeling heavy like weights, Kotone kept her head up. A satisfied sigh escaped her lips. Her eyes dragged down to her watch. The Dark Hour was almost here. Their slumber party would have to be put on hold while they’d wait it out.

Kotone took another sip, deciding to wait it out by the sink. Just another couple of seconds and — The television flickered off. The lights in her apartment going out. The only light that illuminated the room was the hazy moonlight which filtered through her window curtains.

“Aww,” Saori frowned.

A sigh of relief passed from Fuuka’s lips, leaning back on her arms. “I was so wrapped up in the movie that I forgot that would happen.”

“Uh, guys?” The sound shook the room to silence. Kotone blinked, looking to the bundle of blankets that was definitely still moving. “Why is no one else freaking out? What’s going on!” Eri threw the blankets off of herself, scooting against the floor. “W-Why are you all staring at me? What’s going on here?!”

Kotone’s breath trembled from her throat. Why was everyone she was coming into contact with not affected by the Dark Hour? Were they like this in the previous year? Was it new this time around? Or was it all a coincidence? It felt too purposeful to be a coincidence. Like fate itself were pushing them together.

“Eri, you’re —” Kotone stopped herself. She couldn’t say too much. Eri didn’t need this burden on her. “I-It was a planned power outage! The building is new so they're still running some tests.”

Eri’s lips parted, a pout pressing on her lips. “I… guess that’s fair. A little warning would have been nice.”

Their cover was intact, but it did nothing to soothe the unease that formed in Kotone's gut.

The twenty fifth showed up sooner than Kotone would have liked. It felt too fresh given her encounter with Takaya just two weeks prior. There wasn’t much more information Kotone was willing to give out. Not on S.E.E.S. Nor on S.A.W.

S.A.W’s navigator, Fuuka, was kept at the apartment. Better to keep her watching the team from a distance. Another card up Kotone’s sleeve to hold over Strega.

The cold Dark Hour winds chilled Kotone to the bone. A double-layered jacket did nothing to warm her up. Hidetoshi side-eyed her the whole way over. It had been five days since she took the pill, and yet the side effects showed no sign of retreating.

“E-Everyone!” Fuuka’s voice sounded in Kotone’s head, snapping S.A.W’s attention to the sky. She was told to keep her presence low in case Chidori could sense her. “This is bad, I think —”

Fuuka’s voice was cut off by the sound of a clap, Takaya and Jin stepped into view. “It is good to see you again,” Takaya’s sickly grin wide as he looked Kotone once over. “You seem a little cold. Is everything alright?”

“Everything is fine.” Kotone spoke through grit teeth, eyebrows furrowing in Takaya’s direction. “What do you want to know?”

Jin’s hand tightened on his briefcase, taking a step forward. “In case you forgot, you’re supposed to provide information to us. What good are ya if you can’t —”

Takaya raised a hand, lips parting with amusem*nt. “It is alright. I have a question I would like to ask.” Takaya stepped forward, hand resting on the butt of his revolver. “Given our prior discussion, I would like to know — what made you revolt against him?”

The him in question was obvious, but Kotone wasn’t sure if she could answer that in full. Not without giving away the game plan. Strega would hunt down every Full Moon shadow mercilessly if they knew doing so would bring about the end. Lying felt a slippery slope with Strega. One slip up and all their lives could be forfeit.

“He was recording me in my sleep. Then I learned he was running a child-soldier program with High School students and it really pissed me off. So fist, meet teeth, and here I am.”

A chuckle crawled from Takaya’s throat. “That does appear correct. We’ve noticed both your group and another infiltrate the Tower of Demise more than once. For what purpose?”

Kotone’s lips twitched upward. Another question? “For what other reason? To grow stronger. To get used to this power.”

“Get used to this power? Is that right?” Takaya chuckled, shaking his head. “I’m afraid weaponry is not an available option for trade at the moment.”

“What was that?” Hidetoshi stomped forward, jaw grit tight. “She coughed up on her end of the bargain, you can’t go changing the rules last minute —”

“It’s fine.” Kotone waved Hidetoshi off. It was best if they could better arm themselves, but she couldn’t push her luck with Strega. “What are you giving me instead?”

“This shall be our payment.” Takaya held a small bottle filled with Persona suppressant pills. Kotone’s heart chilled at the sight of them, Messiah's defying roar returning in the back of her mind.

“Wait!” Saori’s voice trembled from her throat, eyes looking up to meet Kotone’s gaze. “That… That can’t be our payment. Koto has only taken two of those pills, the last one was —”

“Hasegawa.” Hidetoshi shook his head.

“It’s getting worse, isn’t it?” Takaya’s toothy grin widened. “It’s slow at first. Manageable. But the Persona learns to resist it. Adapts to it. Grows. The effectiveness wanes to the point one a day isn’t sufficient. You will need this sooner than you think.” Kotone caught the pill bottle, fingertips ghosting the glass edge. “That concludes our transaction for the night. Until we meet again.”

“Wait —!” Kotone’s voice fought the cold, breath trembling glowered toward Takaya. “I don’t need this right now, so I want a little information in return.” Kotone didn’t get an answer last time, Takaya had Ikutsuki’s research. Ikutsuki had to know of a way to avoid all of this. “Takaya, last we met I asked you how to seal a shadow and all you did was brush me off. I want to know how.”

Takaya’s lips turned upward, chuckle croaking from his throat. “Hmm. Very well. We shall scrounge through his research once more, and next month deliver you the details. However, if we find nothing, that is still equal to payment.”

Kotone nodded. It was the best she’d have to deal with. “That’s fine. All I ask is that you try.”

“Very well. One final question if you wouldn’t mind.” Takaya pulled his revolver from his belt, barrel pointed past Kotone’s shoulder. “Is there a rat scampering around?”

Kotone heart froze in her chest. Was Takaya talking about Fuuka? She shouldn’t have left the apartment. There was the chance Chidori was able to sense Fuuka’s presence, but even then —

“Let them come scampering out!” Jin shoved his evoker to his head with a thundering gunshot, Moros’ metal hull refracting the green moonlight. It charged forward, electricity coursing through its frame, sending a focused blast just behind the group. Jin clicked his tongue with a frown. “... It got away.”

What did Jin mean by that? Who was —

“Chidori will help us hunt the rat down. Let us not waste time, we have a busy night.” Takaya turned, sheathing his revolver back into his belt loop.

Jin groaned, rubbing the back of his neck, sneering in S.A.W’s direction. “See you chumps later.”

Kotone’s breath shuddered, grip on the pill bottle tightening. Kotone glanced behind herself, looking at the damage Jin’s Persona caused. She had no idea who was stalking them, but —

”Are you all okay?" Fuuka’s voice sounded in their heads once more.

Kotone nodded. “Yeah. Let’s get out of here everyone.”

The electrical buzz of Fuuka’s voice sounded once more, causing Kotone to flinch. ”I sensed someone near you. The presence was weak, but it felt like… Eri.”

“Eri?” Kotone whispered under her breath. Her eyes shot over to Hidetoshi, eyebrows scowling. It felt like history was repeating, and not in a good way. “What is with you?”

Hidetoshi’s eyes went wide, heels skidding to a halt. “Me? How is it my fault?!”

“Because she’s just like you! Sticking her nose in business that doesn't belong to her!” Kotone sighed, shaking her head. “At least she got away. But they’ll be looking for her.”

Saori joined Kotone’s side, placing a finger on her chin. “What should we do? Should we invite her to join us?”

It made sense on a practical level. If Eri was awake during the Dark Hour and she was already on Strega’s radar, logically it’d mean she should join them. But Kotone didn’t know Eri. Not really. It was too big of a risk compared to Saori, Hidetoshi, and Fuuka. “No. The opposite. If she’s seen around us then Strega may think we’ve been hiding our ranks and retaliate. We’re already risking a lot by keeping Fuuka away. We need to keep our distance. It’s the only way to keep her safe.”

Hidetoshi clicked his tongue, shoving his hands into his pockets as he looked toward the crescent moon in the sky. “What if she comes running to us?”

A cold wind swept through Kotone’s loose hair, slicing through her jackets as if they weren’t there. Kotone shivered, hugging her body. “Then we let her decide. But only if there’s no way out. Got it?”

Hidetoshi and Saori shared a look, nodding. Saori looked back to Kotone, eyes falling to the gripped pill bottle in her hand. “Koto… are you sure you’re alright?”

Right. Given everything with Eri, Kotone hoped that they’d be able to avoid this conversation. Not like any of her teammates could tackle this particular problem. “As alright as I can be.”

“I’ve placed a lot of trust in you these past two months. But every turn I find myself wondering if I can trust you, or if you’ll be the next person to throw me to the wayside.” Hidetoshi’s gaze remained focused on the moon, his sleek black hair ruffling against the cold breeze. “You asked that Takaya guy for a favor. What’s this about a secret meeting? And sealing a Shadow? Another secret?”

Kotone’s free hand balled into a fist, her bottom lip slipping between her teeth. How was she supposed to answer? How would anyone react when the end of the world could pass if they failed? Kotone rounded Hidetoshi’s side, face stern with all the resolve she could muster. “I’ll pave a path forward for all of us. I’m here to protect you all, I promise that.”

Hidetoshi glanced in Kotone’s direction, lips pulling tight. They stared off, Kotone’s crimson hues clashing with his black beady eyes. His posture faltered, eyes falling to the floor. It was rare to see Hidetoshi break like that. The green moonlight softened his features, reminded Kotone that despite the stern act he pulled, he was just a kid. Like the rest of them.

Hidetoshi glanced back to Kotone, chest inflating with a heavy breath. “If there’s one thing I believe, it’s that you aren’t afraid to fight for us.” Hidetoshi turned away again, leading the pack. “You win this time, Red. Let’s go home.”

Relief washed over Kotone. She knew the path forward wouldn’t be easy, but they’d work at it. Together. She’d make sure they all pull through. No matter what.


A slumber party! Sort of feels like a calm before the storm. Maybe.

Many thanks to my vibe checkers croisvoix, inviernainvicta, and Vadrigar. All your help and support always means a lot. <3

If you wanna join my discord here's a link!

I am officially back home now. Thank you for all the support while I was out of town, it really pushed me to make sure I had everything out on schedule and up to snuff. Your support always means more than I can ever say. Thank you all once again!

Chapter 11: Queen of the Underworld (July 7th)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kotone pulled her gloves taut, just short of her watch. Wind cut deep as she zipped her double-layered jacket closed, an immediate shiver proving it did little to keep the cold at bay. Kotone rolled her shoulders, clamping her eyes shut. While she brought all of S.A.W. to the alleyway, the last thing she wanted to do was drag them into the Love Hotel.

The combo of the Hierophant and Lovers brought all of S.E.E.S. to an intense illusion the last go around. While the team managed to break from it, there were no guarantees this time. Especially if S.E.E.S. found their way here. It was better if they stayed on standby until further notice. Besides, S.E.E.S. weren’t the only groups Kotone was worried about. There was Strega too. And Eri. If she tried anything like she had the night with Strega…

Kotone shook her gloved hands, eyes prying open. A shaky breath pressed from her lips and a manufactured smile grinned into her cheeks. The team was geared up, masks on, battle ready. “To reiterate, I’m going in first. Fuuka will be in communication with me the entire time, so if anything bad happens I can ask for backup.”

Hidetoshi handed Kotone her naginata, his frown present underneath his mask. “Do you really think you can handle this thing by yourself?”

Kotone shrugged. “It’ll be tough. These shadows utilize a two pronged attack, the first casting an illusion on those who defeated it. The second forcing the enemy into a blissful illusion. I can handle the Hierophant Shadow by myself, and then once I’ve broken from the Lovers’ illusion I can call on you all for backup.”

Saori sighed. “That’s assuming S.E.E.S. don’t show up first. Is it really okay to leave you in there with them?”

Kotone nodded. “It’ll have to be. They won’t attack me if we’re on the same side. Besides, who knows if they’ll show up. They’re missing two people they would have had otherwise.” Kotone winked in Fuuka’s direction. Her hand gripped tighter on her naginata, the evoker’s weight feeling heavy against her hip. “Alright. I’ll see you all on the other —”

“Wait!” Kotone’s worst fear manifests as Eri charged forth from the shadows. Eri’s heels skidded to a stop. Hands fell to her knees, breath panting against her lips. “You… What are you all doing here… With all those weapons?!”

This was the worst night Eri could have picked to ambush them. Even with her visible exhaustion, Eri’s body buzzed with energy. The Dark Hour must have been terrifying for someone who had no idea what was going on, with all the blood and shadows about. Eri was brave. Did that make her a right fit for the team? No.

That wasn’t the reason why Kotone was apprehensive about Eri lending a helping hand. She may have followed them once or twice, but there was no world where Eri knew the scope of their work. She just had to keep sticking her nose in business it didn’t belong. That was enough to recruit Hidetoshi. But Eri was different.

Kotone didn't know Eri like the others.

Eri reminded Kotone too much of herself.

That was a risk Kotone refused to take.

Kotone nudged her head in Hidetoshi’s direction, only giving him the smallest glance. “I don’t have time to explain. Hidetoshi, make sure Eri stays safe.”

Eri’s posture straightened, breath still pounding at her lips. Eri stomped forward, eyes narrowed toward Kotone. “What are you doing?! I saw you meeting those shady people last week! I saw you go to the school late at night! I don’t get what’s going on, but —”

Hidetoshi grabbed Eri by her elbow, Eri squirming in his grasp. “Go Red. But if Natsuhara’s going to follow us then she deserves to know the danger she’s putting herself in.”

Kotone spared them a single nod and made her way through the gate of the Love Hotel. She’d leave it to Hidetoshi’s discretion. Eri’s yelling filled the night as Kotone entered inside, night turning to Dark.

Kotone's grip tightened on her naginata as she stood tall across the Hierophant Shadow. Kotone knew that defeating it was a trap, in lieu of the Lover’s shadow in hiding. Tackling it with only a naginata would prove challenging, and yet she had the best shot of defeating and overcoming it. She fell to the Lovers’ illusion once before; she stood the best shot at overcoming it in record time.

Kotone ran, stubbing the tip of her naginata into the floor ahead of herself. Using the polearm as a foothold, she leapt, pulling the naginata from its pierced position and slashing down into the Hierophant's bulbous body. It writhed from the contact, the cloth exterior ripping from her blade. Kotone slid back, grinning.

A pool of light gathered at her feet. Kotone pushed off her back heel, bringing her hands up in front of her face. The light felt harsh against her skin, but with Messiah as her Persona Kotone felt able to still fight. She twirled the naginata, locking eyes with the massive Shadow. “You’ll have to do better than that!”

”S.E.E.S. are inbound! They’re almost here!” Fuuka’s voice stilled Kotone. How were S.E.E.S. here so quickly? Especially without Fuuka as a navigator? Kotone’s jaw clenched as she readied herself for another assault. What ifs didn’t matter. What mattered was taking this thing down.

A pool of light shined behind the Shadow. Kotone raised her hand in front of her face again, but this light felt different from before. The prior one was white hot. This was cold. Like ice was injected straight into her veins.

Messiah’s voice echoed in Kotone’s head. The disembodied whispers reverberated from one end to another. Despite the cold which enveloped Kotone’s body, her heart raced, breath pounding from her lungs. Kotone hunched forward, gripping her chest, eyes straining the longer she stared at the Shadow.

Fuuka yelled something in her head, but none of it mattered. This Shadow was too big. Too powerful. Too strong. What good was a naginata against a force like that? What good was the power of Persona when it could kill you at moment’s notice?

All of it didn’t matter. She was weak. Powerless. No reason to try and resist. The only thing she could do was —

“Amrita Drop.” Kotone’s eyes flew open. She was cradling her own body, arms trembling. A hand hovered close to her. It was Yukari’s hand.

Akihiko ran in front of the girls, fists up as he eyed the Shadow. “So Mitsuru was right, it’s you. Long time no see.” Akihiko smirked. Those two weren’t the only ones from S.E.E.S. to arrive, Makoto rushing forward to join Akihiko’s side, Junpei stopped just short as he offered Kotone a hand.

“Heh. Don’t know what you’re thinkin’ fighting a Shadow like this by yourself. But you can take a step back and let us handle the rest. Cause that’s what heroes do.” Junpei fixed his hat, giving Kotone a wink.

Kotone accepted his hand, rising back on her feet. “Stand back? I can fight!”

Akihiko chuckled, bouncing from one foot to the next. “With that berserk Persona of yours? I wouldn’t risk it. Stop playing around and fall back.”

Yukari unsheathed her bow, notching an arrow in the direction of the Hierophant Shadow. “Akihiko’s right. Fall back, we can handle this.” Yukari grinned, nodding in Makoto’s direction. “Makoto, like we discussed —”

“Yes.” Makoto spun his evoker, placing the barrel against his head. Kotone’s heart rate slowed as a word mumbled from his mouth. She couldn’t understand it, but she didn’t need to. A mix of faded blue and sleek silver combined emerged a harmonic thrum. It looked different. Hair was short blonde rather than long orange. Body a dim turquoise. The harp more classically shaped rather than the heart Kotone was used to. But there was no mistaking…

“Orpheus…?” Kotone tried to breathe but she forgot how. Orpheus strummed his harp, flames dancing from the instrument and toward the Shadow. Makoto stole her friends. Stole her team. Stole her Persona.

Makoto stole her life.

Was that why Pharos didn’t appear to her? Why she didn’t have the Velvet Room nor any extra Persona? Darkness creeped in the corners of her eyes; gaze focused solely on Makoto.

This wasn’t her Journey.

It was his.

Everyone was talking but their voices were distant. Lightning crackled. Winds gusted. Flames flickered. Kotone’s breathing returned. Faster. Too fast. She knew she needed to stop, but didn’t know how. Kotone reached forward, hand obscuring her view of Makoto as everything was consumed by darkness.

You’re nothing, you know?

Kotone jolted awake. Her limbs felt numb. The world was encased in fog. Kotone pushed herself up off the ground, the only point not engulfed in fog being cobblestone flooring where her body made contact..

Your friends are gone now. Your life ripped away.

Kotone sprung to her feet, hand reaching for her naginata only to grasp air. Kotone twisted on her heel, looking left. Right. There was no one there. “Who are you?”

Who am I?

The disembodied voice’s chuckle spread through the void. Two glowing orbs pierced through the fog. Small at first, growing larger by the second. By the time they were in front of Kotone’s face a more familiar form took shape.

I am you.

A girl with golden eyes, loose auburn hair, and a smile snaking into her cheeks manifested before Kotone. It was like staring into a mirror.

It was Kotone.

The golden eyes weren’t the only discrepancy. She was wearing a Gekkoukan uniform, with the familiar S.E.E.S. band on her arm. The way her expression expelled mockery told Kotone everything she needed to know. This wasn’t her. “What is this? A dream?”

The golden eyed Kotone chuckled, tilting Kotone’s chin with the edge of her finger.

A dream is what you wish it’d be. You’re in a world where everything has been stripped away. Your friends. Your school. Your life. Don’t you wish you had it back?

Kotone’s lips parted, swallowing the thick saliva that coated her throat. There’s nothing more she’d want than to live out the rest of her days with S.E.E.S. To return to her old life.

Kotone blinked, the fog around her was gone. It was hard to breathe still, but she was back. Back in front of Gekkoukan High. Kotone glanced down at herself — her clothes had changed. Now she was the one wearing the Gekkoukan Uniform. “Whoa, look at you up so bright and early.” Kotone’s shoulder was nudged. Perpetrator: Junpei.

“Early? School’s about to start.” Kotone rubbed her arm to soothe the pain, instinct telling her to cover her mouth as foreign words spilled from her lips. Whatever questions or rebuttals she had were smothered away.

“Yeah well, you really threw us a scare a couple weeks ago. But you’re looking much better now.” Junpei grinned, nudging Kotone with his elbow again. “C’mon. Don’t want to be late for our first day as Third years.”

Kotone felt her body move on autopilot. Her legs carried her toward the front steps of the School. A dense crowd filled the doorway and bulletin board, Junpei carving through the crowd and Kotone following in his wake. Once inside Kotone was happy to see familiar faces. Hidetoshi, Rio, and Kenji were all standing by the board, talking to one another.

It filled her heart with joy.

“Kotone!” Kotone swung her neck so hard it nearly snapped the bone in two. A head full of blonde hair and piercing blue eyes stared right back at Kotone. The girl froze in place, as if any motion would shatter this illusion. Then, she stepped forward, pulling Kotone into a firm hug. Aigis’ familiar and comforting embrace. “I am so happy to see you are alright.”

Kotone returned the hug, pulling Aigis close. “C’mon, it’s not like I went away.” Kotone knew otherwise. Knew she should have died. Yet the words wouldn’t come. Aigis’ refusal to let go proved just as much.

“It’s… good to see you in good health again.” Kotone finally managed to pry away from Aigis as she looked at her next friend, Fuuka.

“Heh, thanks. Nothin’ can keep me down!” Kotone pumped her fist, smile brimming on her face. But something felt wrong. This all felt wrong. It wasn’t the same. There was — “It’s going to be a little lonely without Mitsuru and Akihiko here though.”

“You’ll manage.” Kotone nearly jumped out of her skin, fumbling backward on her heel as she ran into what felt like a brick wall. The brick wall being a tall man in school uniform and an added overcoat. His dark eyes looked tired, but this was a step up from last year. He was here. He was alive. “What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“Shinji —” Kotone’s voice died in her throat. Static pierced her thoughts. Flinching. “Why… Why are you here?”

Shinji’s eyebrows furrowed, his slouched posture returning. “Why else? I have to finish my final year.”

That made sense. Shinjiro missed the majority of his Third Year. Looks like Mitsuru finally got her way.

“Com’on dude, you can catch up later. Let’s get to class.” Junpei snaked his arm with Kotone’s, dragging her toward the stairs. She couldn’t get a word in edgewise as the others faded into the fog. Kotone once again, whisked away without control.

All of this was wrong. Kotone didn’t live her life after that moment. As much as she wished she could indulge, she knew she couldn’t. Shouldn’t. It was a lie. All of it was.

Wouldn’t it be easier if it wasn’t?

Kotone toppled forward, hands catching her fall. The fog engulfed her once more, Kotone’s breathing heavy as she panted into the ground. “Shut up! For better or for worse this is my life now! Only thing I can do is —”

Accept it? Is that the right choice?

The golden eyed Kotone’s laughter filled the fog again. The fog broke way to a temple, tombstones littering the field.

You aren’t the only one who desires a different future.

Kotone blinked, and the fog disappeared again. She was on the steps to a temple, a torii gate signaling the path. Long red hair flowed with the wind as a gloved hand reached out in Kotone’s peripheral. “We made it.” Mitsuru kneeled by Kotone’s side, one hand out, the other grasping onto an umbrella. The clouds were dark and gloomy above.

Akihiko stood by Mitsuru’s side, one hand placed on his hip, a smirk lifted on his face. “It’s your first time here, right? We should let you go see —” Akihiko’s mouth continued moving, but the only thing that passed through Kotone’s head was heavy static. Kotone flinched, grasping at her forehead.

“What… What was that?”

Akihiko and Mitsuru shared a look, Mitsuru shaking her head. “Maybe you aren’t feeling all the way better yet. Either way, the others are waiting.” Mitsuru’s hand remained outstretched, and Kotone’s instincts told her to reach for it. Kotone grabbed Mitsuru’s hand, pulled back up on her feet.

As soon as she was up, control was stolen away again. Her body moved without consent. Rows of tombstones came and went as she walked with a short gait. A loud bark echoed across the temple, Koromaru running straight for her. A smile pushed on Kotone’s lips as she kneeled down, rubbing Koromaru’s head back and forth.

“Hey there boy, how are you?”

“It’s good to see you up!” That wasn’t Koromaru. A boyish voice called out, snapping Kotone’s head upward. Down the path came Ken, running straight for her “Are you here to see —” The static cut through again, Kotone wincing.

Kotone’s eyes opened again, smile growing even wider. “Yeah!” Kotone answered, standing upright. “Is it down this way?”

“Yeah, Takeba’s there now. You can’t miss it.” Ken jogged past Kotone, waving Koromaru to his side. “See you later!”

Kotone made a half-hearted wave, her smile faltering. She didn’t have any say in the matter as her body pushed forward. Yukari’s pink sweater came into view next. She stood statuesque, peering down at a tombstone.

“Hey there, you’re late.” Yukari forced a smile on her lips, but given the tears in her brown eyes, Yukari looked anything but happy. Kotone settled by Yukari’s side, eyes remaining locked on her friend, unable to stare at the tombstone.

It didn’t matter.

Kotone had a sinking feeling whose name she’d find on it.

“Sorry about that.” Kotone couldn’t remember why she was late. It didn’t matter why. She was here now. That’s what mattered.

“You know, I come here to get my mind off things. It helps, you know? Deal with everything.” Yukari rocked on her heels, smiling in Kotone’s direction. “It also helps now that you’re here too.”

Kotone chuckled involuntarily. She was sure that was the case. Kotone’s body finally listened to her, eyes dragging toward the tombstone. No name. No dates. No answers. Only fog. Kotone’s heart lurched, wanting the fog to clear. But no matter how much she strained the name would never appear.

You lie to yourself. This isn’t your life to live. You died. That is the truth!

The world around Kotone froze, a thick fog seeping around every inch of scenery. Kotone regained control of her body, fists balling, and nose scrunching with a snarl. “I… I did die! But I’m here now! Is that not the truth?!”

More lies. Brought upon by wishful thinking and broken promises.

The fog parted to reveal the translucent form of the golden eyed Kotone once more, standing inches away from Kotone with a smirk etched on her face. “Just… What are you?”

I am your Shadow. Your true self. You saw the Persona earlier. Orpheus. You are nothing more than a passenger in this life. Everything has been stolen. Your friends. Your school. Your life. You are nothing but a shell — a husk of a woman struggling to find her purpose in a world where she has none.

“Shut up!” Kotone’s teeth ground together, fingernails digging into her palm. “It doesn’t matter if my life has purpose or not! It doesn’t matter if I’m the one who holds Pharos and the Wild Card. None of that matters! All I know is that I can’t let the world can’t end!”

You’ll let a man march to his death in place of your own?

“Of course not! I vowed to save everyone. That includes Makoto too. I’ll find a way to prevent the Fall. And to stop Makoto from sacrificing himself. I’ll do both!”

Kotone’s shadow arched an eyebrow, a laugh spilling from her lips.

It’s almost as if you believe in yourself.

“If I don’t believe in myself, then what else do I have?”

The shadow snickered, the fog engulfing her once more.

The truth is still lost to you. No matter, you’ll see with time.

The fog faded away, curling into the shape of a familiar hotel room. Kotone was standing up, eyes glued to a wall. She wasn’t alone, to her side was Yukari, eyes glazed over in the same fixation.

“sh*t…” Kotone stumbled backwards, eyes tracing toward the ceiling. “Fuuka, can you hear me?!” Static played in her ears, Kotone clicking her tongue with frustration. She stepped forward, waving her hand in front of Yukari’s face. No reaction. Figures.

“Kotone? Can you hear me?” Fuuka’s voice broke through the static, Kotone’s head facing back towards the ceiling as if it’d give her better reception.

“Yeah I can hear you! Is everything okay?!”

“Um— …ort of! We stayed ba— …ecommended, but Eri watched S.E.E.S. enter the— …uru so she kicked Hidetoshi and ran in— …reach either of them.”

sh*t. Kotone didn’t get the whole message, but Eri was inside. Maybe Hidetoshi too. Yukari was still in a daze but if it were anything like last time she’d shake herself out of the illusion. Kotone couldn’t waste time. Not when Hidetoshi and Eri were still in danger. “Sorry Yukari, I’m running on ahead.”

Kotone grabbed her naginata, kicked open the door, and ran out the room. There was no movement on either side of the stairs. No one else was around. Was Kotone the first to break from the illusion? Where was everyone else?

Kotone raced to the master room on the third floor, pushing open the large double doors which concealed the Lovers’ Shadow. Pink liquid sloshed back and forth, its wing-like appendages fluttering with a glowing white light. Turns out Kotone wasn’t the first to wake after all. Shards of ice erected as a protective wall, shielding both Mitsuru and Eri.

“Eri!” Kotone rushed in, sliding by the fallen girl’s side. Cuts lined Eri’s forearms, her scrunched nose and clamped eyes shut in pain. Kotone opened a pack on her holster, pulling out a single vial. “Drink this. It won’t taste good but it’ll help you.”

Mitsuru side eyed Kotone as the vial went to Eri’s lips. “I should have anticipated you were the culprit behind this. Why would you lead a pedestrian here?”

“Me?” Kotone pulled the empty vial away, Eri’s tongue sticking out of her mouth with a belching sound to follow. Kotone brushed herself up, turning to face Mitsuru. “I was the one trying to keep her away. It doesn’t matter now. She’s here. It’s up to us to protect her.”

Mitsuru shook her head, hand trembling tight on her rapier, her eyes turning to face the Lovers’ Shadow. “I cannot navigate the others while in the midst of combat. Working together seems to be the only path forward.”

Kotone readied her naginata. She wasn’t sure how much Mitsuru knew, but it was best to keep her expectations in check. “I can’t use my Persona.”

“I know that. I’ll use my Persona to create an opening. On my signal, you strike.” Mitsuru aimed her evoker at her temple, a chilled breath passing from her lips. “Yes… I’m far more in my element here. I will prove I haven’t lost my touch. Let’s go, Penthesilea!” With two shimmering blades and a royal blue body, Penthesilea emerged from icy mist. The Persona charged forward, leaving icy trails in its wake.

Kotone ran in Penthesilea’s shadow, naginata scraping into the ice as beams of pink shot toward her. Kotone pushed off her left foot, sweeping in a semi-circle as she pinned her naginata to the ground. Penthesilea slashed upward, the Shadow recoiling backward. Kotone pulled her naginata as she ran forward, the trails of ice elevating her with every step. Kotone leapt and used the momentum of her body, slashing down into the Shadow’s glassy exterior.

Cracks formed from where Kotone struck, viscous pink liquid squeezing through the newfound opening. “Good work. You damaged it.” Mitsuru’s compliment was more congratulatory than Kotone thought deserved credit. It was a surface wound, nothing more.

Kotone returned to Mitsuru’s side, the cold of Penthesilea’s ice making it difficult to breath. “It’s only a crack. It’ll take a whole lot more than that to take it down.”

The malformed wings curved inward, the pink liquid that dripped from its wound pooling as a thin line by its chest. Kotone wanted to react, but the cold made her body go numb, her muscles stiff and locked in place. “Watch out!” Mitsuru was the first to act, throwing Kotone to the ground next to Eri.

The pink liquid was influenced by a glowing white light, bursting forward in the blink of an eye. It pierced through Mitsuru’s chest, the glowing light illuminating and fading in less than a second. Mitsuru swayed on her feet before collapsing to the floor.

“Miss President!” Eri’s crimson eyes went wide, scrambling to Mitsuru’s side. The protective shields and trails of ice melted. No wound remained from where the arrow of light pierced. No scar. No blood. Not even a tear through her clothes. Despite that fact, Mitsuru’s eyes and lips were pinched tight.

A bubble in the shape of a heart pooled in front of the shadow, filling with more of the pink liquid that sloshed inside the shadows body. Kotone’s glanced at Eri, stumbling onto her feet.

Kotone was too late to protect either of them. The heart burst, erupting into bullet sized pink streams of water that gushed around the room. Kotone raised her arms, flinching against its assault. A scream echoed across the suite. Kotone opened her eyes long enough to see Mitsuru’s vermillion eyes wide, her lips stretching to match the scream that exhaled from her throat.

Then, it was over. The Shadow’s assault faded. Despite being pelted, Kotone felt no worse off than before. Given Eri’s worried disposition over Mitsuru, it looked like she was unaffected too. Why was Mitsuru affected? Was it an after effect from the arrow of light? The reason mattered little when Mitsuru’s eyes fell closed, her head slumping to the floor.

“Fuuka! Can you hear me!” Kotone stared toward the ceiling. All she got in return was static. Great. No backup. She was the only thing protecting Eri. She couldn’t run. She had to fight. It was all on her.

Do you still think you can protect them all? This isn’t your journey to live.

“Shut up!” Kotone yelled, knuckles turning white as her grip tightened. Kotone stepped forward, pointing her naginata toward the heart-shaped Shadow. “Don’t worry Eri. Stay by Mitsuru’s side. I’ll take this shadow down and protect you two.”

The remnants of the cold chilled Kotone to the bone. She knew that taking down the Shadow with only her naginata was a fool’s errand, and yet the evoker on her hip weighed heavy like a weight. There was a chance Messiah would listen to her like the time against the Reaper, but its assault would surely follow.

Was there any other choice?

Kotone pulled the evoker from its holster, metal trembling in her grasp — “No.” Footsteps sounded by Kotone’s side, Eri’s breath visible from the once ice filled room. “Everyone keeps telling me to stand down. To let others handle it. Over. And over. And over. And over again. I don’t know what’s going on, but I sure as hell am not going to stand back and let everyone else handle it!” Mitsuru’s rapier held in Eri’s right hand. Mitsuru’s evoker in her left. Eri sucked in a breath, eyes shut, evoker pointed at her forehead. “I’ll be the one to protect you two. So you stand back and let me handle this. Got it?!” Eri’s lips trembled into a smile, her shoulders heaving from the heavy breaths. “Let’s tear that thing to shreds, Alecto!”

Gusts of wind erupted around Eri, scarlet eyes glowering with renewed vigor. Long strands of inky hair draped down the Persona’s face, accentuating its angular cheekbones and sharp jaw. Tattered robes of deep crimson whipped back and forth in the rippling winds, Alecto unfurrowing her dark-brown wings, the feathers edges dipped with sanguine red.

Alecto’s wingspan grew three times its size, the eviscerating winds causing Kotone’s hair to whip uncontrollably, bangs sweeping into her eyes. Kotone crashed to her knees to avoid the thrashing winds. The gale whipped into the Shadow, slamming into the back wall. “Holy sh*t, that’s amazing Eri!”

“I told you I could handle myself.” Eri thumbed at herself. Her eyes darted to Mitsuru’s fallen figure, Alecto roaring as it disappeared with another gust of wind. Eri threw the rapier to the floor, diving back to Mitsuru’s side. “Miss President, are you awake? Are you okay?”

Kotone shook her head, kneeling by Eri’s side. “I don’t think she can hear you. We don’t have a healer, so let’s take that shadow down and —” A pool of teal green glowed from Eri’s palms, hands hovering above where the arrow of light had pierced. “Eri, you’re a healer?!”

“I-I guess so!” Eri laughed in disbelief, grin stretching on her face. The Lovers Shadow wasn’t content with waiting, barren wings pounding to bring it back up. “sh*t. Sorry Pres, you’ll have to wait.” Eri stood back up, hand tightening around her evoker. “How about we do a combo attack like you did with Miss President earlier? I’ll create an opening and you can hit that monster with the ol’ one two!”

Kotone didn’t want to do it. Didn’t want to put Eri in any more danger. She didn’t have the experience Mitsuru had. Didn’t have the fighting capabilities. Yet Kotone was out of options, and it didn’t look like Eri was going to back down. Worst case, Eri would throw herself in the middle of it all. It’d be better to guide Eri rather than try and restrain her.

“Fine, let’s do it. But only distract as necessary. And keep Mitsuru safe.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Eri pointed her left hand toward the Shadow, evoker pointed at her head again with her right. “Summon the winds of fate, and thrust her forward, Alecto!” The Persona arrived with a whistling roar, gusts of wind pooling at Kotone’s feet.

Kotone stepped forward, her foot not contacting the ground but felt secure all the same.

Yeah. She could do this.

Kotone raced forward, each stride longer than the next. The ground grew further and further away with every step. The Lovers’ Shadow hadn’t fully recovered, the pink slush still coating the back half of the glass heart.

This was her time to strike.

Kotone leapt, the wind pushing her from behind. Using all her body weight Kotone thrust her naginata into the crack, jamming the weapon in the previous wound. The Lovers’ Arcana bellowed with a mighty roar, the glass shattering and blowing Kotone back. Kotone rolled on the floor, her head hit something hard. Kotone’s vision snapped, darkness returning instantly.

Why do you still fight?

Pain shot through Kotone’s body. Something hard and cold slithered against Kotone’s skin. Coiling tight. Breaking skin. Rattling endlessly in her ears. Kotone grit her teeth, heavy breath pressing from her lips. “I… I have to protect them.” Laughter bellowed in Kotone’s head, the clattering chains constricting tighter.

It’s not your role to play. Your story is over. What don’t you get about that?

The endless darkness broke to a foggy haze. The disembodied golden hues stared Kotone down, something glimmering in her eyes. The fog pooled to form the Shadow’s familiar form. As much as Kotone wanted to tear her head away, she had no choice but to look at her inner reflection. “My… story is just beginning.” Kotone’s fingers dug into the carpet, pushing against the ground with all her.

Look at you. It’s so pitiful it’s almost cute. But I know the truth. You’re a lost lamb looking to bring back her old life. Even if that means sacrificing yourself at the altar. Wow, so heroic!

“Shut up!” Kotone glared at her Shadow; hot breath heavy in her lungs. “You act like you know me, but you don’t know a damn thing! You are nothing like me!”

The Shadow’s eyes went wide, lips parting with a cackle. The white fog turned bright red, blistering hot, with pain shooting at every inch of Kotone’s body. Kotone pulled at the chains to free herself from the torment, but relief never came.


That wasn’t her Shadows voice.

It was Eri’s.

Eri was still there. Fighting. Needing Kotone’s help.

Kotone couldn’t leave her and Mitsuru defenseless. She couldn’t let things end like this.

Kotone twisted her bound arms, gripping onto the searing hot chains. She grit her teeth, muscles tensing as she ripped the chains from the ground. The darkness and fog receded, giving way to the flickering flames that danced around her body, staring straight into the golden irises of her Shadow. “I know that you aren’t me, want to know why? Because I won’t let anything stop me from protecting those I care about!” The pain that scorched Kotone’s body receded to numbness, the sight of her Shadow fading away.

Shackles and chains are what you define them, and you have now broken free.

Kotone grinned, gripping tight onto the chains she unearthed. “I don’t care if I get sent to the pits of Hell. Nothing will stop me from saving them. Isn’t that right, Persephone?”

A head with long crimson hair cascaded the Persona’s darkened face, blue tear stains marred the cheeks. The long flowing dress was decorated with red and gold that reached just inches off the floor, the ends tapered with glimmering blue flames. Persephone’s void-like eyes stared forward, hand reaching out with a pool of blue flames gathering in her palm.

The flames danced forward, engulfing the Lovers’ Shadow in one fell swoop. The Shadow shook and jeered, exploding into tiny glass shards.

Kotone’s breath felt hot, her shoulders heaving forward. The Shadow was dead. Eri and Mitsuru were saved. She accomplished her goal.

The pain creeped back in, as if needles punctured every inch of her body. Kotone’s eyes blurred as she collapsed to the floor. It was only then that she saw it. Boiled skin seared and torn, the chains having ripped up her arms and legs. Kotone’s vision pulsed with pain. All Kotone could see and feel was red.

What… What happened?

”Messiah’s power was not for you to command.”

Persephone… Is there anything I could have done?

”You are a victim to powers beyond your control. Do not blame yourself.”

“sh*t. sh*t sh*t sh*t.” Eri dove to Kotone’s side, knees scraping against the carpet. “Kotone — this is bad. This — sh*t. Kotone, stay with me.” Eri’s hands pooled over Kotone’s left arm first. While the pain soothed over her hand, the rest of her body screamed in anguish.

Something loud burst through the room. Kotone didn’t have the strength to look. Footsteps grew louder. People surrounded her. Kotone couldn’t look, but she recognized them by their shoes. Hidetoshi. Junpei. Yukari.

Kotone’s right arm ran numb. From the corner of her eye she saw Yukari’s hands hovering, similar green glow emitted from her palm. “You idiot. What did you do?”

Kotone opened her mouth to talk, but the only thing that came was a cough bursting from her throat.

”Do not push yourself.”

If I don’t then they’ll worry.

”They worry over you as you do for them.”

Kotone’s head slumped to the floor, her face burning with the same pain. Hidetoshi kneeled in front of Kotone, pushing his mask off to the side. “You told me you had this handled.”

“I… I’m sorry.” Kotone managed, even smiling felt painful as her lips curved into her scorched cheeks.

“It’s no good, our healing magic can’t…” Yukari bit on her bottom lip, lifting her head to meet Eri’s gaze. “Natsuhara, stand back. I can help her.”

Eri flinched, the healing continuing to pool from her hands as if she hadn’t heard Yukari. But after a moment she pulled away, the searing pain washing back into Kotone’s left arm. Kotone’s vision blurred as Yukari held a hand over her head, an unintelligible chant escaping her lips, ending with the word “Salvation.” A cold wash ran through Kotone’s body, the stabbing pain soothing to a calming numbness. Kotone couldn’t move. But this was better than the scorching pain inflicted on her body.

“Thank… you…” Kotone managed, her blurry eyes refusing to focus on Yukari’s worried expression.

Yukari shook her head, her gaze shifting to Hidetoshi. “I’ve done everything I can do. Her wounds should be healed. But she should still get to a hospital. I... I don't know if there's any way to..."

“Right.” Hidetoshi nodded. Kotone couldn’t move as Hidetoshi maneuvered his way around Kotone’s wounds, lifting her princess style. “Let’s go Natsuhara. You’ll provide additional healing on the way.”

“What about Miss Presi —”

“Don’t worry, we’ve got her.” Akihiko stood tall, one hand landing to his hip. “Probably for the best that she or the Chairman doesn’t see us together.” Akihiko nodded his head toward the exit. “But for what it’s worth? Thank you Shiomi. For protecting her.”

Kotone forced a grin on her face, cheeks refusing to move how they once had. “It was the least I could do.”

Kotone’s vision faded in and out as they exited the Love Hotel. The last person Kotone remembered seeing was Makoto Yuki, who stood at the base of the bottom flight of stairs. He didn’t say anything, only stared as Kotone was carried away.

As much as Kotone hated the circ*mstances of her situation. Hated that Makoto took her life. None of that mattered. They had a world to save. That included Makoto too.


A lot to discuss this chapter, but I think I'll leave it to the descriptions of the Personas.

Eri's Persona, Alecto, is the sister of Tisiphone and Megaera, the three furies. The furies lived in the undeworld, and would ascend to earth to pursue the wicked. As a Fury, Alecto pursued mortals over their wrongdoings of their outrage and madness against other mortals, ultimately becoming a symbol of vengence.

Kotone's new Persona, Persephone: After having been abducted and subsequantly "freed", Persephone resides as Queen of the Underworld. Living part time in the underworld and part time in the upper world, Persephone oversees the passage from life to death. As Queen, Persephone commands the kingdom of the dead and rules over the fate of the damned's souls.

Many thanks to my vibe checkers croisvoix, inviernainvicta, and Vadrigar. All your help and support always means a lot. <3

If you wanna join my discord here's a link!

Thank you to everyone for all the support and kindness. It has truly been a tremendous joy to work on this fic and everyone's encouragement only makes me want to do this story justice. Thank you all again, and until next time!

Final Promise - KindredTea - Persona 3 [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.