How in the seven seas did I end up in this situation? - Chapter 1 - Dragon_queen145 (2024)

Chapter Text

Y/n pov

I struggle amd struggle hard attempting to get out the crazy dragon fish's grip . All while her leviathan babies coo at her as she holds me tightly. Now you might be wondering how in the seven seas did I get in this position. Well we have to go back about four weeks ago .

four weeks ago y/n boat

Y/n pov

I grunt as lift another haul of invasive lionfish from the sea below . I tossing the sack down I sit on my deck absolutely wrecked with pain from a long days worth of ridding my costal line of invasive species from killing my homes natural coral reef .

It's tough work getting rid of them but if it makes home just abit better than I'll do it . And besides I make decent profit from selling to local sea food market and fish stores for pets . Actually speaking of that I quickly stand before grabbing the sack and move quickly dump them into the hallowed area of my fishermen boat where other lionfish have stored . Thankfully all alive ,dumping the sack gently into the hallowed area . I quickly pull up a metal hood as to make sure I don't fall in be from the sea rocking or slipping from a storm . Either way I'm not risking on dying today or never of possible.

Locking it up I start do other things such as cleaning the decks railings. And while I do I hear water thrashing I don't pay much attention to the noise . Thinking it's some dolphins or an orca simply curious about my boat not unheard of for me .So I continue until I can't when my boat leans heavily and I not expecting it fall sqaure face . Into my haul that's locked thankfully but gods it still hurts . I rub my face and feel a specific spot wich was my nose . And it what bleeding and hurting like a bitch . I groaned at that saying Fffuuccckkk .. docs gotta kill me .... . My voice trails abit when I see a very long and black tail . And I'm immediately cautious what in the infinite hells is on my boat .Pain aside from nose I go on the other side boat where I see something or rather someone. I was not expecting the tail I saw is the bottom half of a very long mer . More specifically a dragon fish mer with a long black tail with tinted weight fins along the spine . Where it meets the torso of a very human female torso with black tipped claws and webbed hands and long like sensors on them . Observing more I come to the face I'm met with a long white haired and purple if not lavender eyes of a human face with razor sharp teeth in her or atleast I'm assuming female. Human lips that lick up blood from her mouth I'm both scared and intrigued by this mer it's not everyday you meet one much less a deep sea one .I stand there for what seems like forever before all of the sudden my boat shift to its side again . But unlike before I'm ready I grab on to a piece of rope that's tide on to a floating device that's nailed into the wall .I holding on as best I can hold until my ship isn't tilting anymore . And unlike before with the dragon fish mer this one's bigger and is a cabezon except not really? Unlike normal cabezon this one is nearly black with a hint of brown on the under belly and soft rays on the tail and fins. The torso on the mer unlike the sleek dragonfish is toned with scars clearly a fighter. With webbed tiped claw hands and again humanoid face with oddly enough a beard . Anyways unlike the purple eyes and white haired one he has dark hair with dark brown eyes .Now I would've been amazed but I'm not really with him trying to kill the dragon fish mer . And I not having my dammed boat shredded and a dead mer on my boat I quickly enter through a side door that leads me down a corridor and into my room where I have a my hunter spear gun and net . Quickly checking everything I hear the two mers fighting and destroying my f*cking ship ! . Looking things over everything was set satisfied I rush out of room and up deck once more where in the short time . I was gone cabezon mer had gotten the upper hand slashed through the torso of said weakened dragonfish .The dragonfish screams in pain while the cabezon smiles in triumph proclaiming ● Finnally I can rid the seas of you auntie and I'll be the ruler of the seven seas and more ● . Saying this I look to the white haired dragonfish who groans as she swipes at him ' I'll admit I've not been the most wisest ruler but I would rather die than you let that crazy mer out and harm MY people !'. They go like as I make my mind at the information I've gotten either I shoot the cabezon mer . Who wants to murder his aunt apparently for the crown and release some big evil . Or I can shoot the seemingly dangerous queen ... yeah not many options. But I do make one amd that's to shoot the.cabezon mer . Loading my gun I aim hopefully for the arm only for the dragonfish . To toss him direct fire of my spear gun . That fires directly into the heart instead of the damage I intended .As my spear well speared him my spear and it's quite except with the cabezon mer looking at me . With wide eyes before flopping and going still . My hands and self shake with adrenaline and anger . Adrenaline from killing and anger I'm going to have to pay a fee most likey to local government of sea protection afair.

I take a few breathes to calm me down and I look at the carnage that was once my deck . And its a mess deep claw marks intruding in my boat ,crates of food I just bought this morning for my monthly grocery shopping. And just so much more I Damm near curse out the living mer but realize she's heavily injured from one the side I didn't see before. Is littered with bite wounds and gashes and old scars as well and just so much more .

The poor thing is barely able to hold her eyes open at me before. Trying to make self smaller but wimpers in pain normally I wouldn't feel much . But seeing her like this even the toughest person would feel bad for her .

Sighing I drop the gun that's still connected to the cabezon mer . Before slowly walking over to other one amd kneeling holding a hand. The white haired one opens her lavender eyes that I realize or more pinprick like a cats . And she in a hoarse voice asks me ' why ? Why did you save me human ?' . I simply say to her Because I want to and besides I'd have pay a fee if you die as well so I'm helping ya and then . She snaps at me before I could finnish ' then !? To throw me to lion fish or your peoples tanks of Despair?'. She hisses at me before giving a yelp as I decide to drag her under to get her healed as soon as possible. And off my Damm boat and back into the sea where she belongs . And me back to my enjoyable but hard work .Hauling her onto my back she weakly hisses and says to me accusingly ' I knew it , I knew you would kill me or sell me off '. I stay quite as she rambles before going silent but before she does she curses at me calling a bastard .

Then going quite thankfully and I start moving more no carefully down the stairway and lay her on my bed that . She doesn't fit in but it's better than nothing. Laying her down I start going through my stuff to find MELAFIX a medication meant for fish to kill off bacteria and more along . With tweezers, scissors, thread ,bandages and gloves putting on said gloves I I grab the twizzers and start grabbing any debri I can find . Then uncapped the Melafix and rub it into the wounds wich make the poor mer wimper. And I as gentle as possible rub her back that I realize has a do I wisper reassurances to her even knowing she probably can't hear me . But either way it works she stops whimpering and I sewing her up with the gashes and bite wounds . Before bandaging everything's up around a few parts of her tail ,arms ,torso and chest . Simply because I didn't want to her fish tities flying freely .

I finished dressing her wounds get up amd rub my nose and wince right my nose might be broken. I'm annoyed at that because I'm going to have to get that checked out professionally leaving her vulnerable. If some asshole or teen tries to sneak in for money or just to destroy . And not to mention the local sea government protection afaire . They yes do protect our area but are shady when it comes to mers especially live one's.

Either way I have to be careful for my sake and hers making up my mind I go and into the control room where I sit in my comfy chair and start up the radio comp . It takes a moment for it but does turn with a bzzzz before crackling. And a voice comes over the intercom [ this is the official seaside front how can we help you...] . I clear my voice saying This is captain y/n m/n l/n boat tag is 1191974 I'm calling to report of a dead mer more specifically a cabezon mer on my deck it was attacking another mer ,before the other mer jumped over board leaving me with a very pissed and murder hungry mer . Saying this I sprinkle In a little white lie after I'm done explaining the person on the other intercom says to me [ I see then miss y/n do you mind coming to shore ? Or are you not capable to do so of any motor functions? Due to injury?] . I respond back explaining only my nose was most likey broken and I am completely able bodied to drive my boat back . Again the person on the other end explains the steps to me [ loud and clear now onto the next part for the procedure I request for you to drive to number 4 where five members of our removal crew with assist with the cadaver and one personal officer will be there to ask questions amd documentation of the attack and Dammage if it was in self defense you'll off the hook if not then you'll be fined a number $60,00] do you understand? ]. I respond back of the affirmative before saying I'll arrive in twenty minutes. Before saying goodbye and ending the radio com.

Flipping off the intercoms radio and radio it's self I slouch in my chair letting my muscles relax after everything. Sitting in my chair, just sitting until I can't anymore and turn on my boat and to the docks .

Where upon arriving as said from the person on other line is clean up crew . And the judge ,jury and Executioner aka the cop who's going to take a look at dammages and my statement.

Pulling up to the numbered dock I greet them re introducing myself. Before standing to let put a metal ramp with clampers in the front and back . Where both sides clamp on to the entrance way of my boat to the dock . Standing aside I let the clean up crew up and they immediately seeing the cabezon mers body jump into action . And start lifting the body onto a very long stretcher and cover the body . While they do I look over to the cop as he takes notes of the dammage and where my spear gun is now not in the mer anymore but placed down where it lays .on the ground on a peice of white cloth .After a few minutes with them cleaning up the clean up crew leave . And I'm left with the cop who asks if I meant to shoot the.cabezon mer with lethal intent . And I respond with the truth saying No , I aimed for the arm to drag him back and throw a net but unfortunately in the mers fighting he got pushed into direct fire of my gun meanwhile the other mer jumped after the shot. And the cop nods before asking for more details on the other mer and I lie saying it was a seal mer what type I don't know I couldn't get a description other than it was female. The cop nods before saying to me it was most likely a seal mer protecting her pup from it and from the scratches it was pure chance you misfired any other way we would have to of charged you but it mistake fire so your free to go miss y/nm/ll/n have a good day and if any more mishaps happen as all ways contact the seaside protection afaire.And the cop leaves after I say thank you to them and walk down to shake the cops hand. Before the cop amd clean up crew leaving me here to call up an old friend of mine.....Couple hours later bsck to y/ns boatY/n povIt's midday and thankfully my friend was able to get me in real quick. But not without scolding me in they're hen way before hugging me and checking nose that thankfully wasn't broken. But demanded as payment that I bring them out to eat at some point or fresh kills of lion fish . Yeah for some reason they are addicted to eating lion fish. But hey it's worth it I grt free health care and they get food ,good trade to me .Anyways making back to my boat I grab the latter that's the entrance up . And I coming still see it's a mess but thankfully no blood and body but everything's up still a wreck. Supplies every where cleaning agents spilled and f*ck there's even a dent in my metal hood ! Of my fishing whole !

I'm rightfully pissed but at the same time I don't feel pissed if that's the right words. I start picking up what's left of food supplies and other supplies and calculating . The supplies alone are going $2,010 dollars and Dammage $ 10,00 alone for repairs so that's roughly $ 12,010 . Honestly not to bad thought it would at least 30K

. I thought relieved it wasn't all to bad but still ...
* crash!*
I snap out of my thoughts hearing a very hissy mer swearing at me or some assuming . ' when I find you I'll feed you to my leviathan children!' . Oh yeah definitely me can't blame her humans and anything to do with the seas never seem to mix well . Humans hating mers for destroying our boats and killing our people. And mers the like hate us for destroying there homes and people . A tango of hatred since we all evolved unfortunately. Making my towards the entrance down stairs I bang on the doors entrance way down . Saying to the angry silver haired mer Hey ! Best not do that your wounds will open again ! And also stop being so pissy will ya !? I'm not going to hand you over to anyone I'm simply helping you recover and after that I'm dumping you furthest away from land . The banging once heard stops and she yells back ' why help me ? I'm a mer a creature dangerous to your kind! Especially a black dragonfish mer !.' I reply back towards her Ya no shirt Sherlock ! But you seem like the better option than other and besides both sides hurt each other quite frankly is stupid now then other than that will you let me help you or not ?. It's silent for a moment with occasional flop of the mers tail . Before she Finnally agrees with me and I smirk happy I won't be killed anytime soon .Going down I see her tail in the middle of my door way with some areas bleeding again . And coming closer I see the poor thing wrapped in my sheets looking embarrassed.I not want to embarrass the poor thing attempt to move away from the door give her a moment . But she moves her tail infront of me before coiling it around my mud drift . And I almost panicking bringing me to her face to mine . She with a dark smile asks ' well since you decided to ' help' you wouldn't mind giving your name would you?' I stay silent until she squeezes me ' well?..' . I sigh before saying my name and asking her name and she huffs saying ' it's none of your business now then heal my tail '. I want to refute but then again f*cking with a mer twice my size seems like a stupid death wish. So I decide to do just that I ask to be let down and she does thankfully. And I quickly find the wraps and go to the areas that are bleeding, undress them and and release them and dress them once .I make a noise of satisfaction,satisfied I did pretty decent her wounds. Are cleaned and dressed again and she's satisfied she's treated . But now there's another problem how in the hell am I going to feed a mer ? . Because judging by her eyes dilating at me with a hungry look in them . I'm going to have to feed this one something ...oh wait ! I know !. Moving away from her I tell her I'll be back and she gives me a suspicious look . But let's go and I start racing up through my hallway and up to where I grab three buckets and open up my haul . To the food I'm going to feed should be easy enough .

I grab a few buckets of live lion fish and start bringing them down where a annoyed mer . Is flopping her tail up and down like I did something wrong . Making my way I place the buckets and say to the mer There probably not the most fanciest things but hey it gets rid of these invasive bastards so eat up because I don't have the energy to ... . My words trail off as I see her grab one with an evil smile before opening her mouth wide . And drops the flailing fish into her mouth before going after one after another .

Before looking at me as she finishes the last one with one word. ' More' and I happily do absolutely scared sh*t less of the big mer .

Twenty buckets of fish lion and Finnally she's done she chitters something. Before plopping on my bed mind you and stares at me . And I stare back a raised eyebrow questioning her what ? I say to her . She makes a motion for me to leave and I quickly understand. This f*cker wants my bed and for me to sleep in the hallway.

Aha bitch you think I'm going to sleep in the hallway!? Think again either we share or I'm kicking you to the floor . Saying this she hisses at me and I really done with her crap hiss back . And that shuts her up and her eyes dialet ? Unlike the hunger from before her eyes are more owl like . And its almost cute empihis on ' almost' cute to me .

She and I stare each other before makes a click noise and wraps her tail around me . And puts me on top of her stomach I try to protest but she only says to me ' shut up human and be grateful I'm allowing to sleep with me 'I continue to struggle until i ses lights flashing across her skin . And they look almost hypnotizing actually they are . .. what was I thinking oh yeah pretty lights . The lights are very pretty to me.... I suddenly feel really tired yeah sleeping sounds nice ....

Y/,n boat week later

Y/n pov

I'm diving and I've got two sacks of one being lionfish and the other an invasive sea urchin. And judging how both are bulging I'm satisfied with the amount. Happy with my load I go up and up to boat where I climb up with sacks on my back . And climb where I see a very pleased mer who waits impatient as I dump half of the sacks into my haul . And give the rest to her to happily eats everything before saying to me as if im.a dog . ' well done my little hunter ~'

I huff annoyed at that ridiculous nickname you see after three days with me . I Finnally let her up on my deck after most of her more dangerous wounds crusted over . And when I did she asked me what I was doing as I put on my gear spear gun , wet suit,two large sacks and tongs . I explain to her I catch invasive animals and either sell them to seafood restaurants or pet stores . And she with curiosity she asks ' so that makes you a hunter ? ..a provider of sorts?'. I shrugged my shoulders saying I guess so and jumped into the water . Where later on when I came up I dumped nearly everything in my haul but handed . The rest to her now that she's not in the red anymore I don't need to go down to her instead . She's right there and I can simply hand her ,her food .

And on that day after eating she comes over to me as I'm closing the hauls door . And look back to her asking her what? She only smiles before tapping my head saying to me ' well done little hunter ' . Wich then changed to ' my little hunter ' . Honestly very annoying and just weird but whatever.

Anyways back to the present time I close the door and go to the co*ckpit of my boat . And start looking up the weather to see if it's good or not . And so far it is with only a drizzle at 2 but that's it . All in all a good day just me and myself.... Damm I'm one lonely bitch . ...Eh whatever I like my company anyways . Satisfied I come back out where I see black dragonfish mer looking at the water with sadness. A sadness that I have a feeling is the longing of water her home . But instead she has to stay on a near cramped bout. With the sea just finger tips away and with me a human .

I feel kind of bad actually really bad for her she's away from home and just wants home clearly. Feeling sympathy for the mer I come over and when I do her once longing look hardens . Seeing me she asks me ' and what pray tell does my little hunter want ? Come torment me with your non sense ?' . I shake my head before moving to the rails saying to her look I get you don't like me and I'll admit I'm an asshole some times but even I'm not an ass enough to understand your just a person like me who clearly wants home but until your healed I won't let you so tell me why is it your sad ? Maybe I can help make you feel better ?.

Saying this to her she almost looks angry but it fades seeing I'm being genuine with my words. And her once rigid stance and anger is gone replaced with a more slouched appearance. And solem look on her human like face before speaking ' little hunter what I say will only be said once so listen well , I am Daenerys targaryen the last of my kind to control leviathans and I am a queen, a queen of all seven seas who has broken the wheel as you call it , mers and sirens alike the sea over are united under me or atleast they were , my own council betrayed me , my nephew the cabezon hybrid you shot betrayed me to take the throne I worked for to release an ancient evil siren that thankfully is dead but could've been revived if he was the king and I'll admit I am not a perfect queen but all I wanted was for the sea folk to be happy, tell me little hunter do you think I did something wrong ?'. The mer I know known as Daenerys words poke at my heart abit .

And Is extremely fragile topic but I decide to talk about myself with her . Talking to her I say to her Honestly I can't really compare myself to you as a queen I mean but what I do is betrayal. She asks me before I can continue ' betrayed ?' I nod before continuing saying yep my family mom and dad had me at a young age and know they didn't really want me but had me either way ... anyways when I was seven. My mom's sister lost her life in a drunk car accident when her and her boyfriend died on site leaving my cousin left a ten year old . My cousin Alexandra she was the favorite among everyone including my parents and needless to say adopted her called her " they're pride and joy " meanwhile I was the Black sheep ,and to put it lightly she did awful things to me and my parents allowed it even if they saw me doing absolutely nothing and still harmed me and them defending her with " she's just grieving " or my favorite " honey .. maybe you shouldn't antagonize her " needless to say I went down a nearly bad path in my teens but it seemed lady luck was on my side because a mer a Manatee mer gaved me advice and that day changed me forever, that mer helped me understand I don't need my family to love me only myself so the day I became eight teen I booked it in the middle if the night bought a boat with whatever money I had amd drove that boat here .

Finishing essentially my life story to her she looks to me with a gentleness i didn't expect . She puts her webbed hands on my face softly saying ' is that why you helped me ? '. I nod saying well yeah a mer helped me rather than my own kind and as far as I've been on the sea I've met many mers over the years to dolphin pups and old sea turtle mer get a peice of trash off her back flipper ,mers the like have all ways been welcoming to me if not loving .Daenerys makes a humming noise before coiling her body around mine and pulls me closer and saying softly ' I see I suppose you and I aren't so different after all '. I try to question her but she doesn't let me because she starts doing that light hypnotation . While doing so she's says ' no matter now then my little hunter you and I are going to nap wether if you like it when I hypnotiz you '. I sqaure up that but ... oh look pretty lights , .... why do feel tired .... no matter I'm sleeping. And do dozing off in the coils of a very happy dragonfish ....

Time skip of another week location the reef

Y /,n pov

Another week has passed and I gotta say not bad if not fantastic Daenerys isn't hissy at me . Infact quite often goes to find me or warble if I don't come back after Two hours . From diving and catching atleast it was but not now Daenerys after nearly two weeks out of the water has joined me . Around this time at the sea side I call home's Reef and she's enjoying it to the fullest .Swimming around nearly graceful as a Spanish dancer nudibranch . But it's not perfect really she's slow right now while yes most of the injuries have heal over its best . She doesn't move rapidly or else the stitches I put in will come out of the biggest . And most difficult wound she has wich is the wound on her stomach bitten by yours truly the crazy cabezon mer .

Anyways I continue what I was doing wich collecting lionfish and lobster this time . Not invasive but dies catch a good price and are delicious. I should know I love lobster so yummy ! But unfortunately the one I want for myself. Keeps on somehow evading my sack . When a blur of black catches it and the black blur being Daenerys. Who looks absolutely happy she snatched it in her mouth . Lobster attempting to pinch her checks but she seem to mind . But I do mind when I see some blood coming out and I poke her side . Make the motion follow and she looks sad but understands I'm just trying to help her .

Leasing the way back I get up first put the sacks down and tap the water . Where the white haired mer comes on board my climbing on the side of the rail while doing the boat tilts before swaying before Finnally going still again .I let go of my holding spot and quicklygo down to grab my medkit. Where i unwrap the wound that thankfully is only bleeding lightly all while a happy mer purrs . As i continue dressing the wound

While doing the Finnal cut I feel something wet hit my face amd touching its water ? . That's weird it's not two yet only twelve but then again... I look up to the sky that is quickly turning into a storm I decide not to f*ck with mother nature. And do the finnal touch up hastily before trying to get us down stairs or atleast her . So I can drive the boat back to safety the closer to land the more likely ill be safe .

Or I would if she would move but nope the f*cking mer isn't budging . If anything it's she's in a trance making a noise similar to a cugar call in intervals. One , three , five pause one , three , five pause again and again.

This is what I hear as I rush to make sure everything's tied and locked. And Decide to say f*ck it she can stay there if she wants before bolting in my seat and starting the boat just as the storm hits .

While I start it up I hear something well more like things one is a very angry bellowing noise of a gator, the second a scream of a horse and the third and Finnal a snakes long drawn out hiss .Yep nope f*ck that I drive as fast as possible barely missing a large tail fin coming out the water creating a large massive wave nearly taking my boat

But lucky for me I know a trick or two I may not f*ck with mother nature often . But I've had my fair few a couple years ago , I speed up the boat and jump it on to another wave my by a large black tail . And luckily I go over the first initial one amd this one . And this keeps going onto I'm surrounded.

Three large Bodies of leviathans one a green aligator like one with deadly spikes on where instead of legs are flippers ,with a Ling narrow filled snout of fangs and molten coppery eyes . The next one is a creamy almost white horse leviathan, with instead of a Normal horses mouth is filled with teeth as well , as scaled in like armor with two front hooves and what looks frilled horns on its head with molten gold eyes . And Finnally the last one a sea serpent Leviathan more black the than the void it's self nearly If it didn't have red lines on its body didn't look like lava , this one is the biggest of the three with frilled horns and skin between them with a gaping mouth of snake fangs with eyes as dark and menacing as a ranging fire .All three surround my boat and u can't do anything but go outside with harpoon gun in hand . To atleast to give Daenerys away out and for me to go down as a bad ass . Might be stupid but hey it's better than being a coward hiding .

Stepping out into the rain I'm pelted by the hard rain fall but I don't care . Positioning myself I put myself between Daenerys who looks like she's in a trance . And as best I can shout into the wind , Daenerys I'm going to push you over ,and when I do I'm shoot at them to get there attention to me and you ,you swim your hardest away it was lovely meeting you but if one of us are dying today it's going to be me !.

After that I rush her overboard where sputters something amd I shoot at the gator . Wich pisses it off ,,good I thought and that kicks starts the other to going for me . And I run in my boat and drive it , pressing the gas dodging f*ck even hitting them . Until slowly my dies from no longer having gas and with a final stance . I come out and point last time this time at the biggest one . Where it's seems like its a stand off as the other two stop trying to kill me . Amber eyes meet my e/c eyes and I smirk Happy I did something good one last time . Or atleast tried to fairwell Daenerys targaryen I hope you can find the right people and rein your people with Justice ,Patience and Love .

And I shoot one last time just as the serpent raises its head and crushes my boat . And I get thrown into the cold relentless water that will be my grave ..

Pretty light...Four days later mid morning at the seaside front FaireY/n pov* bee* beep* I hear something it's ...* beep* beeping ? I groan at that . And try to shut off the blasted alarm but it only gets faster . And by now i open my crusted shut eyes only to close them again . As I'm nearly hit with bright fluorescent lights up head . I groaned in annoyance at that when did I ever install those kind of... wait no . I don't have those kind of lights and like the water that pulled me under . I remember everything Daenerys, leviathans sea storm , leviathans , seastorm Daenerys. .. oh Daenerys!. Moving as best I can u open my eyes fully revealing I'm wrapped in banages and IV drips in my arms with heart sensors all over me . Looking around frantically it looks like I'm in a hospital but not ? . It's steril with that steril hospital scent but with a hint sea water. And looking around more it looks like I'm in a hospital wing with six other unoccupied beds . With blue and white checked tiles and a small table side desk on each.Amd a call light next to each bed actually speaking of call light . I find mine easily and with my strong side I press it multiple times . After nothing happened the first time but the seventh press people come in . And I am immediately swarmed with health care workers all questioning me . But I barely get to say anything until a booming voice rings the hospital wing .And o recognize it the chief of the whole place , cheif mark Anderson an old man . Being a 5'11 he used to be 6'1 but old age shrank him abit but the nonetheless. He's still in good shape with combed back gray hair, trimmed beard and razor sharp eyes and near white skin . In his black suite Decorated with medals on his chest proudly .This man oozes power and the look he is giving me I don't like it somethings up . Anyways hearing his booming voice the staff move amd are in a straight line letting through to me . Where with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes he introduces him • please to meet you y/n m/l l/n as you know I am Mark Anderson and you my friend are quite lucky° . I raise an eyebrow saying And how am I lucky ? He chuckles at my blatant give no sh*ts attitude. Before saying to me like my grandfather used to do before sh*t hit the fan more me says ° the unexpected storm of course ! You my friend somehow managed to survive and land safely nearly to shore holding your harpoon gun in hand clench what's left of it as if you fought a beast !°.

Looking him the eyes he seems to be not lying but there is still something underneath them . So I decide to lie for reasons don't understand but I do fabricating a story of me accidentally getting to close to a sirens pup near the reef ,and got into a fight with the parents when the storm hit and fought back. As I regal my story everyone looks star eyed it's not everyday day a siren near by much less a family until . Cheif Anderson makes a humming noise while petting his beard before smirking . And saying to me ° my ! What a fantastic story! Fighting a siren in a storm no less ! You have to be ballsy to do that!°. He and others laugh and I do to thanking whatever God listening to my lie working ....hopefully.

Anyways the laughter dies down before ge becomes stern and explains to me my boat was indeed sunken but considering all the good I do for the reef and town . Has decided to help me personally find home and give shelter along money and food for " good deeds" . Dude you and I both know I did it because no one else was willing to touch the lion fish and get money out of it .

But either way I thank him amd the medical staff get to work as he dismisses himself. Amd I'm swarmed once more to check my health when in the end aside from dehydration and a dislocated leg and arm . I was completely okay and within hours I was given a remote controlled beach wheelchair. The wheel chair of course being white as the metal casing and wheels and seat part bring blue with a logo of the seaside front governments animal . That is a cartoony 90s seagul saying Why did the seagull get promoted? It was always above board! With a website link to copy to look up more info .

Getting outside in the wheel chair I hit for the sand and go to where they said they found me ,when they looked me over going to it looks like it's never been touched . But then again I was found in the water so of course the waves would get rid of any evidence. I thought before using the controller and moving across where I was found. When I hear a tiny "*plink !* . And ilk admit not finest moment get startled and move my wheels to the opposite way. And looking down I almost miss it but thankfully I don't it's a scale a very black scale that I know can only belong to one person. Daenerys f*cking targaryen picking the scale up I clench it in my hands smiling both annoyed but happy she's alive . And but also annoyed in the end my Damm boat was destroyed... oh well atleast she's okay I thought warmth filling me with a old familiar feeling love . What kind of love I don't know but it'd there and I'm content until I can . Maybe one day see her once more and that can be forever if not ever .Holding her scale put it in my outfit of choice before moving the remote control wheel chair back to the facility. I'll be staying at until I'm healed and book it back to the sea ...somehow .One week later facilityY/n povA whole week has passed and since then it's been odd of not creepy. At nights I hear distant screams , staff just standing in certain places that are meant to be completely okay to enter . Amd f*ck on day three I swore I heared Alexandra's voice and cheif marks . Of what I don't know but aside from that I've been going to the beach each day multiple times . And every time without fail I fobd something suspiciously just sitting where I picked up her scale .One item being a shiny purple aboline shell , another being a peice of coral, some glass sand and I a lovely I kid you not Le Vian Natural Sapphire & Freshwater Cultured Pearl Necklace 14K Vanilla Gold. Now that one is expensive but I love it and have been wearing it since . Other than that unfortunately I haven't seen her but I know it's been her simply due to a single scale she drops . And I collect and put in my secret nest of Daenerys gifts !.

Anywho rolling around in the medical wing today is eerily quite to quite in my opinion. But nonetheless I make it my bed and swing myself in and get a book from my bedside desk . The staff gave me after I was getting bored on my second day .

Anyways reading it over time I start to feel tired after reading twenty chapters. And start to doza off for abit when I'm all of the sudden am rudely woken up and see people, people I wished never see again.

My f*cking bio family who look way to happy to see me especially. f*cking Alexandra whose smiling but underneath that disgusting smile is a snake .

I wished the leviathan killed me I thought bitterly as my bio parents and some other family members chat amongst themselves. Bit I look directly cheif mark who smiles and gives Alexandra a hug that she returns back . ... no , no he wouldn't would he !?. I thought frantically this fucjer has been working with her and my snake of a family. For what !? Tho Don't have my boat and I'd rather kill myself than give money to them .

$ so .. how's MY precious daughter?$ I look over to my mother that unfortunately i look like with e/c , s/c ( skin color ) and nose . And from my dad my h/c thankfully anyways

I give her a death Glare before with venom in my voice Don't call me that I am not your daughter. By that mom looks almost shocked !? What the f*ck was she expecting you neglect me and let that bitch of a kid of yours abuse me like seriously!. By my words everyone looks shocked seriously? Anyways my father says to me | now now my dear girl there's no need for me that after all your pur daughter that's coming home |.

Home? Looking over to marl he comes over and says to me as if I'm the insane one says ° indeed you see y/n m/n l/n your lovely sister explained everything and I must say you have a bad background ,so in your amd everyone's best interest we've decided you are not mentally well and have decided to give your family money for you to say home permanently isn't that lovely? Getting to spend tome with your sister again with help ?°.

My hearts racing a mile a minute, panic rushing in my veins home !? Like hell I'm going back !. I thought before I realize I'm shacking both with fear and anger . The anger especially when my necklace slips out and Alexandra points at it saying ☆ oh my what a gorgeous necklace hey sis you wouldn't mind giving it to me ? After all you caused me and everyone so much heartache ~☆. While saying this to me she pouts and my bio family and Mark almost croon. At her apparent cuteness but I shake my head no and my father intervenes saying | now my daughter you know it's the only right thing to after - ACK |.

I leapt at him fost raised into a fist and punched him sqaure in the jaw bleeding the jaw . All while falling actually both of us fall him first then me and when I do I lose my sh*t yelling .HOW f*ckING DARE YOU ! I RAN AWAY FROM YOU PYSCOS FOR A REASON YOU NEGLECTED ME AND ALLOWED HER TO ABUSE ME AND I TOOK CHARGE OF MY LIFE FROM YOU ALL AND I WILL AGAIN !.

Yelling that I use my mostly healed dislocated arm and healthy arm and crawl away like a snake with arms . With my gifts from Daenerys and book it just in time . When the cheif pulls the alarm their prisoner escaped

Anyways alarms blaring I continue when I hear footsteps and I not wanting to be caught find somewhere to go. And that luckily was oddly enough a vent so I quickly drag myself in just in time to hear her voice . ☆ oh y/n ! Come out come out ! Remember how much fun we had !~ I promise to be more gentle ~☆. Jack sh*t I thought bitter as hell I can't turn around and beat her . So I wait as she continues to ramble until she moves away eventually. Wich allows me to sigh in relief.

And continue down the vent that oddly enough allows me to continue through . But only for a little bit because the vent I'm in Breaks open and nearly fall to my death if we're not the crate of Styrofoam. Filled with stuff toys and such of that sragul from earlier.

I tried to get out but I don't just because a door opens that reveals mark who saunters in angry . Before banging on glass? Looking outside the crate I see I'm in dimly blue lit room with large tanks with . I feel like heaving mers , live mers who look hopeless . I don't really pay attention to mark only them these are mers I've helped out and ones I've never met . But are native to the reef long before I came along .

I wait a few moments and look to mark in time for him to shock a pufferfish mer who shakes . And then goes limp and floats upwards with no life in the mers eyes . Oh my f*ck the screams her killing and torturing mers and probably more!.

Many emotions come through sadness, fear ,anger and Justice . Just for the innocent blood spilled putting Daenerys's gifts down . I climb out of the crate thankfully little noise that he doesn't care to look over . Especially as I stand on wobbly legs and look around and find a convenient placed brick . Picking it up I sneak behind him as he laughs as f*cks with a poor dolphin mer I helped.Raising the brick I almost don't want I'm going to have cross the line . And I cross that line I do o hit the brick hard enough that makes hit the glass and I continue beating him to death . Until I see he no longer moving and his brain is on the brick .

I look down to what I've done and I don't feel a Damm thing but pride especially when the mer dolphin recognizes me and makes clicking noises and I click back softly. It doesn't mean anything bit it does sooth dolphin mers . Anyways standing up on wobbly legs one still injured but I nonetheless stand and ask the mer softly. Hey hun it's good to see her as well but by any chance fo you know away for you guys to get out of here and myself.

The mer takes a sec before nodding and afterwards makes a loud whistle noise then clicks . And piunts me to to the stop where thankfully there's a staircase and slowly but surely different mers help me to the right direction. Where at the top I find a control panel amd a very big tempting red button with a note saying " Carl don't touch I swear this to release them not let's celebrate with making face balloons for my birthday "... I decide not to even try with that one amd press the button. Wich maxks a loud alarm noise like an alarm clock waking you up. Buy with distance but getting closer clicks amd I see the tubes all start opening. And one by one many leave and I sigh happy at that before making my way down only to get stopped by Alexandra. Whose standing in my pathway a grin on her face amd in sinh song voice ☆ found you ~☆ . Before taking a step towards me amd I step back remembering what she did to me .

And we'll before I know it I run up the stairs way with her hot on my trail laughing maniacaly . Before eventually I'm back where I was and her taking deliberate steps taunting me. ☆ oh ! Is that all you got ? You truly haven't changed haven't? Well I guess it's for the best my toy now come on let's play ~!☆. I try to run by she grabs my hair and yanks me and I cry in pain . While she laughs especially when she starts kicking me ,reminding me of our fun' games' . I try to fight I do but I can't anymore I just I can't .

By now she's grabbed my necklace or atleast holding it gingerly by the pendant saying. ☆ you know this is actually really beautiful, it's as almost as beautiful as me ~ well I suppose we can stop if you hand it to me willingly ☆. While saying this to me Glare at her saying no . Her once evil smirk turns into a grimace before saying ☆ oh really well I guess I'll just have to continue beating until then pet~☆.

And she does but I don't allow her to take it, it's special and Damm iT I've grown a backbone . And won't give up something that makes me happy. Especially given to me by a very unique person Daenerys.

Twenty minutes later

Y/n pov

Alexandra beared me with no remorse and I've been dragging by leg blood dripping from me . As I'm dragged outside and imfront.of everyone mocks me . In.not in front of the town I've called home ,my bio family and my one an only friend who rushes over ,or atleast tries as they're head back from my family yelling my name . Bur I can't move I don't think I can even if I wanted to .

Alexandra continues laugh especially when she drops me into the water and holds me down. I don't try move instead hold my breath through the pain until I'm dragged up and down .with Finnally through me to the docks ground standing on top of me saying ☆ I thank you for taking care of my toy but after this she'll be coming home after all she was a bad girl !• isn't that right!?☆. I Spit at her my spit filled mY blood saying F f*ck you bitch . And she only smiles before about to stomp on me again .

When we here three sounds ,sounds I've remembered for the past week. Looks like the leviathans are here and are going to complete the job. I inwardly smile before saying a cracked voice to the the town and my friend . Run scale level 7 is coming . And the towns people looked terrified including my friend whose mother drags them away .

And what's like magic men ,women and children a like run , run away from the danger I'm left behind with my ignorant family . Who look utterly stupid just standing there while Alexandra tries to drag me by the hair home . But I don't let myself get dragged atleast not now If I'm going down she and others are as well ate going down with me . As a final f*ck you to them I've gotten everything put of system I've lived a semi normal life at 26 yrs old . I can go happily if it's like that I thought happy .

Amd then it begins the once sunny dky is now storming with rain amd my family gets pelted and scream . f*ck even Alexandra does and it's beautiful almost as beautiful as a Daenerys who's jumped onto the dock and curled her body around me . Yeah beautiful...
Wait a f*cking moment

Daenerys I rasp out her body turns to me and a look of rage , sadness and fear is on her face . But I don't care all I want to do is hug and I try to lifting myself I try to hug her tail atleast. But fail miserably infact she comes to crooning me ' oh my little hunter what have they done to you ?' . I woth shaking hands point and judging by the look of realization and bloodlust .

She looks like she's on the hunt for vengeance but before she does she speaks to me softly ' do not worry precious one I'll take care of the rest you did Fantastic now then rest my little provider ~'.

And I start to especially looking at the lights and I start to doze off into slumber. All while being carried and put on something spongy and soft. And I start to go under fully to the sound of screams and soft almost happy chitters with the rain as background noise.....

How in the seven seas did I end up in this situation? - Chapter 1 - Dragon_queen145 (2024)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.