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God, Tragedy, and the Near-DeathExperience: Evaluating Kushner'sPerspectives on Theodicy

John C. Gibbs, Ph.D.The Ohio State University

ABSTRACT: This article evaluates Harold Kushner's original and reconstruct-ed perspectives on God and the theodicic problem on the basis of research onthe near-death experience (NDE) and related phenomena. In response to a per-sonal tragedy, Kushner reconstructed his thinking about God and tragedy fromhis original Causation-Power perspective to an Inspiration-Love perspective.The Causation-Power perspective posits that God causes human events andthat tragic events do not actually contradict God's purpose or will, althoughtragic events may result from the human freedom to disobey God and sufferpunitive consequences. In the Inspiration-Love perspective, human freedom ex-pands to mean that God does not cause all events: God does not cause tragedy,suffers with the sufferer, and can intervene against tragic events only by in-spiring people to cope with tragedy and care for others. Although the researchfindings are consistent with Kushner's emphasis on love and inspiration, thetheme of divine power and purpose is also evident. Hence, Kushner shouldnot have rejected entirely his early (Causation-Power) perspective. Identifiedin the research are forms of "inspiration" that Kushner did not take into ac-count in his reconstructed (Inspiration-Love) view. The Causation-Power andInspiration-Love perspectives seem incompatible and neither alone solves thetheodicic problem. Nonetheless, they do complement one another; a resolutionwould permit an integrative understanding of God and tragedy.

In 1966, a young rabbi named Harold Kushner learned that his three-year-old son had the terminal disease progeria, or accelerated aging.

John C. Gibbs, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology at The Ohio State University. Theauthor thanks Harold Brooks, Russ Crabtree, Jon Gibbs, Lowell Gibbs, Stephanie Gibbs,Valerie Gibbs, Sophia Gibbs Kim, Peter Kreeft, Harold Kushner, Herb Mirels, ClarkPower, Kenneth Ring, Michael Sabom, John Snarey, Mike Vasey, Peter Viereck, andCharles Wenar for their helpful comments on preliminary versions of this article. The au-thor also thanks Sr. Alena Bernert, Maggie Callanan, Brenda Dunne, Ankur Garg, JudyGuggenheim, Norman Knapp, Ron Mallett, Elena Mustakova-Possardt, Lea Queener,Lew Queener, and Steve Rice for their encouragement. Reprint requests should be ad-dressed to Dr. John C. Gibbs at the Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University,142 Townshend Hall, 1885 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210.

Journal of Near-Death Studies, 17(4) Summer 1999C 1999 Human Sciences Press, Inc. 223

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This tragic news provoked in Kushner pain, suffering, and a profoundcrisis of faith. Rather than abandon his faith in God, Kushner under-took through the subsequent decade a fundamental reconstruction ofhis perspective on God and the problem of theodicy—how to reconcilethe good and loving attributes of God with human tragedy and suffer-ing. (By "tragedy," I mean not the classical definition of the inexorableconsequence of a fatal flaw in a heroic victim, but the popular definitionof an apparently unnecessary, senseless, or unfair event, such as anaccident, victimization, physical handicap, illness, or natural disaster,that results in grievous human suffering or death.) Kushner shared hisreconstructed perspective on tragedy not only with his congregationbut with the world in his 1981 best-seller When Bad Things Happen toGood People.

My aim in this article is to compare and evaluate Kushner's orig-inal and reconstructed perspectives on the basis of the findings andimplications of studies on the near-death experience (NDE) and re-lated phenomena. The first section of the article will describe the de-velopment of Kushner's theological thought, from his original to hisreconstructed perspective on God and tragedy, with a depiction of bothperspectives as positions on the problem of theodicy. The second sectionwill suggest the relevance of the NDE and related phenomena to theo-logical issues such as theodicy. The third section will apply near-deathand related research to an evaluation of Kushner's original and recon-structed perspectives, identifying compatibilities between the researchand both perspectives. I conclude that the perspectives are complemen-tary and heuristic towards an integrative understanding of God andtragedy.

Faith, Crisis, and Reconstruction

In When Bad Things Happen to Good People, Kushner described howthe tragic news of his son's illness provoked him to "rethink" (p. 1) orreconstruct his faith. For a fine-grained grasp of his rethinking, I willquote passages from his book extensively. The key thesis emerging fromhis crisis of faith was that God does not directly cause, will, or arrangeall human events. In the course of his crisis and rethinking, Kushnertransformed his faith from what we will call the "Causation-Power"Perspective to what we will call the "Inspiration-Love" Perspective onGod.


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Kushner's Original Faith: The Causation-Power Perspective

Kushner's original perspective on God could be called "Causation-Power" or "divine determinism," insofar as God is seen as the all-power-ful Creator who purposefully—and supernaturally, if need be—causesand controls events. God is so strongly in charge of human events thatapparent randomness, chaos, or chance ("accident") does not exist. Al-though God is in charge, He has given humans the freedom to chooseeither to love and obey Him or to reject and rebel—but with sanctionsfor disobedience; hence, some human suffering is punishment for thehuman sin of disobedience. Attributions of suffering to disobedienceor moral transgression are evident in many cultures (Shweder, Much,Mahapatra, and Park, 1997). Whatever its explanation, human suffer-ing is seen as consistent with God's just will and purpose. Ostensiblybad things happen, in other words, to those who somehow need or de-serve them.

Kushner described Causation-Power as the faith of his childhood, atraditional view which he found to be "comforting" (p. 44) and reassur-ing:

Like most people, my wife and I had grown up with an image of Godas an all-wise, all-powerful parent figure who would treat us as ourearthly parents did, or even better. If we were obedient and deserving,He would reward us. If we got out of line, He would discipline us, reluc-tantly but firmly. He would protect us from being hurt or from hurtingourselves, and would see to it that we got what we deserved in life. (p. 3)

Of course, Kushner knew of occasional cases of misfortune seeminglyirrelevant or out of proportion to the need for punishment or firm dis-cipline. These cases were anomalies: apparently bad things happeningto apparently good people for no apparent good reason.

Like most people, I was aware of the human tragedies that darkenedthe landscape—the young people who died in car crashes, the cheerful,loving people wasted by crippling diseases, the neighbors and relativeswhose retarded or mentally ill children people spoke of in hushed tones.But that awareness never drove me to wonder about God's justice, or toquestion His fairness. I assumed that He knew more about the worldthan I did. (p. 3)

Kushner's Crisis of Faith

Because Kushner could defer to God's omniscience or infinite wisdom,human tragedies did not provoke any crisis of faith—until one of them


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hit home. Through his son's fatal disease and suffering, Kushner him-self came to be "hurt by life" (p. 5). Kushner's crisis began "that day inthe hospital when the doctor told us about Aaron and explained whatprogeria meant" (p. 3):

How does one handle news like that? ... It didn't make sense. I hadbeen a good person. I had tried to do what was right in the sight of God.More than that, I was living a more religiously committed life thanmost people I knew, people who had large, healthy families. I believedthat I was following God's ways and doing His work. How could thisbe happening to my family? If God existed, if He was minimally fair,let alone loving and forgiving, how could He do this to me?And even if I could persuade myself that I deserved this punishment

for some sin of neglect or pride that I was not aware of, on what groundsdid Aaron have to suffer? He was an innocent child, a happy, outgoingthree-year-old. Why should he have to suffer physical and psychologi-cal pain every day of his life? (p. 2)

After hearing the tragic news concerning his own son, Kushner couldno longer simply defer to God's infinitely superior knowledge. Now, anundeniably bad thing was happening to an undeniably good person;when the fatal illness struck his innocent child, practically at the onsetof life, the event seemed especially senseless and unfair. Other appar-ently pointless, unnecessary, or unfair misfortunes now had to be facedand pondered: what about senseless murders and fatal practical jokes?Not only moral but natural evils, in addition to premature fatal illness,came under question: what about casualties and suffering from naturaldisasters, such as floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes?

In the course of his anguish and reflection, Kushner came to see two"serious limitations" (p. 10) to the Causation-Power perspective: first,its poor fit with actual experience; and second, its generating of de-bilitating and isolating emotions such as misdirected anger. First, andmore fundamentally, it simply did not "fit the facts" (p. 10); hence, thecomfort and reassurance it offered was false. Especially once one hashad a personal tragedy, the facts or anomalies "press upon [one] fromevery side — [in today's] era of mass communication" (pp. 11 and 10).One such colossal "fact" was the Holocaust:

Even if I could accept the death of an innocent individual now and thenwithout having to rethink all of my beliefs, the Holocaust representstoo many deaths, too much evidence against the view that "God is incharge and He has His reasons." (p. 82)

If God is in charge and causes things to happen, what could be His"reasons" for causing so much tragedy and suffering? Kushner argued


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that like the Causation-Power perspective itself, that is, the thesis thatGod is simply in charge and causes or purposes events, the "reasons"proposed in its defense fit poorly with the facts of experience. I have al-ready noted one Causation-Power reason for human suffering: perhapsthe person had been out of line or disobedient and needed to be disci-plined or punished. Kushner related this reason to "blame the victim"beliefs: "If the Jews had behaved differently, Hitler would not have beendriven to murder them. If the young woman had not been so provoca-tively dressed, the man would not have assaulted her" (p. 39).

Such Causation-Power interpretations of tragedy as God's punish-ment fell flat with Kushner, who knew perfectly well that his young sonhad committed no sin of irresponsibility or negligence, certainly none towarrant fatal suffering. Nor did Kushner accept the Causation-PowerOriginal Sin doctrine, that his son deserved punishment because ofAdam's original disobedience. Imputing blame to an innocent victim ismotivated, according to Melvin Lerner (1980), by a human need to seethe world as just, or the relations between actions as balanced, even atthe cost of distorting the facts: something bad should happen to a bad,not a good, person. Insofar as it encourages the gratuitous attribution of"bad-deservingness" to an innocent person, the "just-world hypothesis"is viewed as a source of bias in the interpretation of human events.

The just-world hypothesis or blame-the-victim tendencies are some-times applied to make sense out of the effects of natural evils. Kushnerwrote, however, that one is hard-pressed to find evidence that naturalcalamities such as earthquakes or hurricanes reflect God's purposefuland just will: "I would not venture to predict the path of a hurricane onthe basis of which communities deserve to be lashed and which ones tobe spared" (p. 53).

One hurricane might veer off to sea, sparing the coastal cities, but itwould be a mistake to see any evidence of pattern or purpose to that.Over the course of time, some hurricanes will blow harmlessly out tosea, while others will head into populated areas and cause devastation.The longer you keep track of such things, the less of a pattern you willfind. (p. 54, emphasis added)

Kushner also saw no evidence for a pattern in the consequences of hu-man evil:

I visit a woman in the hospital whose car was run into by a drunkendriver running a red light. Her vehicle was totally demolished, butmiraculously she escaped with only two cracked ribs and a few super-ficial cuts from flying glass. She looks up at me from her hospital bedand says, "Now I know there is a God. If I could come out of that alive


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and in one piece, it must be because He is looking out for me up there."I smile and keep quiet — But my mind goes back to a funeral I con-ducted two weeks earlier, for a young husband and father who died ina similar drunk-driver collision; and I remember another case, a childkilled by a hit-and-run driver while roller-skating; and all the news-paper accounts of lives cut short in automobile accidents. The womanbefore me may believe that she is alive because God wanted her tosurvive, and I am not inclined to talk her out of it, but what wouldshe or I say to those other families? That they were less worthy thanshe, less valuable in God's sight? That God wanted them to die at thatparticular time and manner, and did not choose to spare them? (pp.48-49)

If suffering from natural or human evil is not intended as a punish-ment, or if escape from evil does not reflect divine favor, could God havesome other reason for causing suffering? Other reasons may "bend" notthe nature of the afflicted person, as "not so good after all," that is, de-serving of punishment, but rather the nature of the event, as in onesense or another "not so bad after all." Perhaps the tragedy was not sobad because it might have been (1) an appropriate time for that per-son's life to end; (2) a privileged burden or opportunity for that personto pass a test and grow spiritually; or (3) only a temporary injustice tobe rectified in due time.

Kushner used journalistic investigations to help him evaluate wheth-er the "appropriate time" explanation of accidents or disasters fits thefacts. Is there some factual basis for inferring that the deaths in afatal airplane accident, for example, were not so unfair or senselessor arbitrary after all, that the people's deaths were not so tragic, thatit was for them the "right time" to die? Journalists have on occasioninvestigated such tragedies with such questions in mind (for example,Chua-Eoan, 1996). Consider, Kushner wrote,

two hundred and fifty passengers on an airplane that crashes. It strainsthe imagination to claim that every single one of them had just passeda point of resolution in his life. The human-interest stories in the news-papers after a plane crash seem to indicate the opposite—that manyof the victims were in the middle of important work, that many leftyoung families and unfulfilled plans. (p. 17; emphasis added)

Could the apparently "bad" event actually be a privileged burden orspiritual opportunity? Kushner also considered the Causation-Powerrationale that "God sends . . . tests and afflictions only to people Heknows are capable of handling them, so that they and others can learnthe extent of their spiritual strength" (p. 25). Kushner wrote that hehimself as the parent of a handicapped child did not feel "privileged"and found no comfort in such a notion. Nor did the argument, that God


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only sends what can be endured and learned from, fit the facts of hispastoral experience:

My experience, alas, has been otherwise. I have seen people crack un-der the strain of unbearable tragedy. I have seen marriages break upafter the death of a child, because the parents blamed each other fornot taking proper care or for carrying the defective gene, or simply be-cause the memories they shared were unendurably painful. I have seensome people made noble and sensitive through suffering, but I haveseen many more people grow cynical and bitter. I have seen people be-come jealous of those around them, unable to take part in the routinesof normal living. I have seen cancers and automobile accidents takethe life of one member of a family, and functionally end the lives offive others, who could never again be the normal, cheerful people theywere before the disaster struck. If God is testing us, He must know bynow that many of us will fail the test. If He is only giving us burdenswe can bear, I have seen Him miscalculate far too often. (p. 26)

Also based on his pastoral experience, Kushner attacked the Causa-tion-Power rationale that unjust events are only temporarily so, that indue time—God's time—people do get what they deserve:

I think of an acquaintance of mine who built up a modestly success-ful business through many years of hard work, only to be driven intobankruptcy when he was cheated by a man he had trusted. I can tellhim that the victory of evil over good is only temporary, and that otherperson's evil ways will catch up to him. But in the meantime, my ac-quaintance is a tired, frustrated man, no longer young, and growncynical about the world. Who will send his children to college, who willpay the medical bills that go with advancing age, during the years ittakes for God's justice to catch up with him? (p. 14)

Do people "get what they deserve" after they die, in heaven or hell?Although Kushner could not experientially evaluate such notions, heexpressed concern that such notions can breed complacency, serving as"an excuse for not being troubled or outraged by injustice around us,and not using our God-given intelligence to try to do something aboutit" (p. 29).

Perhaps even worse than complacency is the anger that can be engen-dered by the Causation-Power perspective. Complacency and especiallymisdirected anger represent the second "serious limitation" Kushnersaw with the Causation-Power perspective, namely, that it can lead todebilitating emotion. Although the view that tragedy is deserved maynot be supported by the facts, if it is believed, the detrimental emo-tional impact is nonetheless powerful. Kushner in his pastoral workencountered many Causation-Power believers angry at God for havingcaused their tragedy, and also feeling guilty or fearful because of their


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anger. Some suppressed their anger at God, not daring to express it forfear He would punish them again. As C. S. Lewis (1961) reflected in themidst of his own personal tragedy, the death of his wife, whom he hadonly recently married with great joy late in his life: "Our elders submit-ted and said, 'Thy will be done.' How often had bitter resentment beenstifled through sheer terror and an act of love—yes, in every sense, anact—put on to hide the operation?" (p. 6).

Others with a traditional faith who experience tragedy direct theiranger exclusively at themselves, trying to convince themselves thatthey did after all deserve the tragic event, and experiencing debilitatingguilt and depression to the extent that they succeed. All feel alienatedfrom God, alone, isolated from potential sources of help—all experienc-ing such emotional damage from what Kushner argued are erroneousbeliefs.

The Causation-Power Perspective and Theodicy

Either God cannot abolish evil or he will not; if he cannot, he is notall-powerful; if he will not, he is not all-good.

St. Augustine (cited in Lorimer, 1990, p. 233)

The God of Kushner's childhood faith was a God of love and good-ness, but especially of power and control. In his crisis, Kushner cameto conclude that although it was comforting to believe in God as an all-powerful rewarder of faith and protector of good people against tragedyin life, such a perspective and its associated defenses simply were nottrue. According to Kushner, the facts of life contain too much unfair,senseless suffering to be ignored. Nor do the facts support efforts toattribute all tragedy to the victim's sin, or to an appropriate timingfor death, or to a privileged burden or need to be "tested" for spiritualself-discovery and growth. Injustice is not adequately vindicated in thisworld and may not be in the next; and in any event, the complacencythat can result from a "compensation in the afterlife" belief is unfortu-nate. When tragedy does strike, a belief that God was responsible, thatthe tragedy was God's will, leaves the believer vulnerable to misdirectedanger, depression, and alienation from God and others who could help.

In opting for "will not" over "cannot," for a God who could do oth-erwise but chooses to inflict severe suffering, Causation-Power-basedbeliefs defend God's power even at the expense of compromising someof God's goodness. Kushner's son's fatal illness, for example, was in theCausation-Power perspective consistent with God's will, indeed causedby God, for one reason or another. Kushner simply could not accept


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a God who would cause for any reason the sickness, disfigurement,and death of his innocent three-year-old son ("there was no reasonGod should have wanted that," p. 141). Similarly, Leslie Weatherhead(1944/1972) railed against such a view of God:

What sort of God is this, who of his own intention ... pours misery un-deserved and unhappiness, disappointment and frustration, bereave-ment, calamity, and ill health on his beloved children, and then asksthem to look up through their tears and say, "Thy will be done"? (pp.14-15)

"Cosmic sad*st" was C. S. Lewis's (1961, p. 35) term for such a God.In essence, Kushner's and Weatherhead's complaint is that Causation-Power explanations of suffering compromise too much of God's love andgoodness in the defense of God's omnipotence and fairness. At the least,we can agree with Kushner and other thinkers that the Causation-Power perspective seems hard to reconcile with the facts of experienceand does not solve the theodicic problem.

Kushner's Reconstructed Faith: The Inspiration-Love Perspective

At some point in Kushner's anguished reflection, a fundamental in-sight emerged:

All the responses to tragedy which we have considered have at leastone thing in common. They all assume that God is the cause of oursuffering ....There may be another approach. Maybe God does not cause our suf-

fering. Maybe it happens for some reason other than the will of God.(p. 29)

Kushner's emergent new approach, then, dissociated God from tra-gedy. His new approach augmented the sphere of human freedom andnatural autonomy, thereby reducing the sphere of divine determin-ism. This approach also emphasized God's love and inspiring influence;hence, the reconstructed perspective could be termed "Inspiration-Love." Kushner argued that the Inspiration-Love perspective reme-dies the two serious limitations of the Causation-Power perspective.First, the Inspiration-Love perspective does not seek to minimize or dis-tort the facts of tragedy; and second, it can, as a result, encourage morehealthy emotional expression during tragic suffering. Anger should bedirected not at God, who is on our side and would seek to comfort andconsole us, but instead at the tragedy itself:

Being angry at the situation, recognizing it as something rotten, unfair,and totally undeserved, shouting about it, denouncing it, crying over it,


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permits us to discharge the anger which is part of being hurt, withoutmaking it harder for us to be helped, (p. 109)

Such honest anger against unfair hurt, and related emotions such ascompassion for the afflicted, are in a sense divinely inspired:

"Where do I get my sense of what is fair and what is unfair? Where doI get my sense of outrage and indignation, my instinctive response ofsympathy when I read in the paper about a total stranger who has beenhurt by life? Don't I get these things from God? Doesn't He plant in mea little bit of His own divine outrage at injustice and oppression, justas He did for the prophets of the Bible? Isn't my feeling of compassionfor the afflicted just a reflection of the compassion He feels when Hesees the suffering of His creatures?" Our responding to life's unfairnesswith sympathy and with righteous indignation, God's compassion andGod's anger working through us, may be the surest proof of all of God'sreality. (pp. 142-143)

The Inspiration-Love perspective better fits the "facts," according toKushner, because it does not attempt to impute divine justice or pur-pose to every instance of suffering. God's goodness, love and sense offairness are preserved because such suffering is not attributed to God:"it becomes much easier to take God seriously as the source of moralvalues if we don't hold Him responsible for all the unfair things thathappen in the world" (p. 61).

But if tragedies are not attributable to God, then why do they happen?Kushner gave three reasons, two of them involving the necessity forallowing opportunities: first, for allowing humans the opportunity tomake irresponsible choices as an inherent feature of their free will;and second, for allowing natural laws the "opportunity" to operate inan impartial and reliable manner. Kushner's third "reason" is ratherironic: tragic events may happen to a particular person by chance, forno reason at all.

Human abuse of free will. The clearest "reason other than the willof God" for unfair, senseless suffering is human free will. Whereasthe Causation-Power perspective invoked free will to account for somesuffering as God's punishment for sinful choices, the Inspiration-Loveperspective invokes free will to account for the suffering of innocent per-sons as the result of an abuse of free will, the impact of an irresponsiblechoice by someone else:

God has set Himself the limit that He will not intervene to take awayour freedom, including our freedom to hurt ourselves and others aroundus .... [O]ur being human leaves us free to hurt each other, and Godcan't stop us without taking away the freedom that makes us human.Human beings can cheat each other, rob each other, hurt each other,


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and God can only look down in pity and compassion at how little wehave learned over the ages about how human beings should behave —When people ask, "Where was God in Auschwitz? How could He havepermitted the Nazis to kill so many innocent men, women, and chil-dren?", my response is that it was not God who caused it. It was causedby human beings choosing to be cruel to their fellow men —Christianity introduced to the world the idea of a God who suffers,

... who weeps when He sees what some of His children are doing toothers of His children. (pp. 81 and 85)

Ever since God "had a new kind of creature emerge, a morally freeanimal who could choose to be good or bad ..., the world has seen a lotof nobility and a lot of cruelty" (p. 80).

Impartial laws of nature. Just as God could not renege on free will ifhumanity is to transcend the animal world, God could not infringe onthe reliability and impartiality of natural laws if humanity is to surviveand progress:

One of the things that makes the world livable is the fact that thelaws of nature are precise and reliable, and always work the sameway. There is gravity: heavy objects always fall toward the earth, soa builder can build a house without having his materials float away.There is chemistry: mixing certain elements in certain proportionsalways yields the same result, so a doctor can prescribe medicationand know what will happen . . . .But the unchanging character of these laws, which makes medicine

and astronomy possible, also causes problems. Gravity makes objectsfall. Sometimes they fall on people and hurt them. Sometimes gravitymakes people fall off mountains and out of windows. Sometimes gravitymakes people slip on ice or sink under water. We could not live withoutgravity, but that means we have to live with the dangers it causes.Laws of nature treat everyone alike. They do not make exceptions for

good people or for useful people. If a man enters a house where some-one has a contagious disease, he runs the risk of catching that disease.It makes no difference why he is in the house. He may be a doctor or aburglar; disease germs cannot tell the difference. If Lee Harvey Oswald[abuses his freedom and] fires a bullet at President John Kennedy, lawsof nature take over from the moment that bullet is fired. Neither thecourse of the bullet nor the seriousness of the wound will be affectedby questions of whether or not President Kennedy was a good person,of whether the world would be better off with him alive or dead. (pp.57-58)

Kushner concluded: "A world in which good people suffer from the samenatural dangers that others do causes problems. But a world in whichgood people were immune to those laws would cause even more prob-lems" (p. 59).


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In Kushner's world of unchanging natural laws, the divine deter-minism of punishment is replaced by a natural determinism of lawfulconsequences:

The man who smokes two packs of cigarettes a day for twenty yearsand develops lung cancer, faces problems which deserve our sympathy,but he has no grounds for asking, "How could God do this to me?"... Neither alas, will the doctor, the clergyman, or the politician whoworks long hours, seven-day week after seven-day week, in the noblestof causes, but fails to take care of his own health in the process. (p. 65)

Kushner's reconstructed perspective, then, makes a fundamental dis-tinction between God and nature:

Nature is morally blind, without values. It churns along, following itsown laws, not caring who or what gets in the way. But God is notmorally blind — God stands for justice, for fairness, for compassion,(pp. 59-60)

Random chance. The senselessness of particular tragic events is ad-dressed by Kushner's third factor, random chance. He asks: "Can youaccept the idea that some things happen for no reason, that there israndomness in the universe? ... Why can't we let the universe have afew rough edges?" (pp. 46-47). Interestingly, according to quantum me-chanics the "rough edges" of randomness may be inherent to the natureof the universe's subatomic reality (Davies, 1990). Despite the reliabil-ity of natural laws, including laws of probability, modern physics positsthat the universe is partially indeterminate or stochastic at the levelof individual events; for example, there is a genuine element of chanceor unpredictability in whether a particular tossed coin will land headsor tails (Davies, 1990; Herbert, 1993). For Kushner, the role of chancemeans that we must accept that particular things may happen to par-ticular people for no inherently meaningful or purposeful reason at all.

Random chance applies to both natural and human events. In theoperations of the laws of nature, for example,

a random shift in weather patterns causes too much or too little rainover a farming area, and a year's harvest is destroyed.... An enginebolt breaks in Flight 205 instead of Flight 209, inflicting tragedy onone random group of families rather than another. There is no messagein all of that. (p. 53)

There are also fluky events in the realm of human behavior:

To grab a gun and shoot at innocent people is irrational, unreasonablebehavior, but I can understand it [as an abuse of free will]. What I


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cannot understand [as having a purpose or reason] is why Mrs. Smithshould be walking on that street at that moment, while Mrs. Brownchooses to step into a shop on a whim and saves her life... The lives ofdozens of people will be affected by such trivial, unplanned decisions.(p. 47)

Kushner acknowledged that acceptance of the "whim" element or theabsence of an Inherent meaning or purpose in tragic events is a liabilityof the Inspiration-Love perspective, to which he offers an existentialistresponse:

"Does that mean that my suffering has no meaning?" That is the sin-gle most significant challenge that can be offered to the point of viewI have been advocating in this book. We could bear nearly any painor disappointment if we thought there was a reason behind it, a pur-pose to it. But even a lesser burden becomes too much for us if wefeel it makes no sense. Patients in a veterans' hospital who have beenseriously wounded in combat have an easier time adjusting to theirinjuries than do patients with exactly the same injury sustained whilefooling around on a basketball court or a swimming pool, because theycan tell themselves that their suffering at least was in a good cause.Parents who can convince themselves that there is some purpose some-where served by their child's handicap can accept it better for the samereason —Let me suggest that the bad things that happen to us in our lives do

not have a meaning when they happen to us —... We, by our responses, give suffering a positive or a negative mean-

ing. Illnesses, accidents, human tragedies kill people. But they do notnecessarily kill life or faith. (pp. 134-138)

Kushner cautioned that we may be left with randomness in perpetuity,suggesting a deistic position (Herbert, 1624/1937; Tindal, 1730/1978;Toland, 1696/1964):

[I]t may be that God finished His work of creating eons ago, and left therest to us. Residual chaos, chance and mischance, things happening forno reason, will continue to be with us — In that case, we will simplyhave to learn to live with it, sustained and comforted by the knowledgethat the earthquake and the accident, like the murder and the robbery,are not the will of God, but represent that aspect of reality which standsindependent of His will, and which angers and saddens God even as itangers and saddens us. (p. 55)

On the other hand, the sphere of indeterminacy may be diminished:"our world may not be a system left to itself. There may, in fact, be acreative impulse acting on it, ... operating over the course of millenniato bring order out of the chaos. It may yet come to pass that ... theimpact of random evil will be diminished" (p. 55). This melioristic view


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is consistent with process theology (Griffin, 1976; Whitehead, 1929),a modern rendition (Davies, 1990) of which is quite compatible withKushner's Inspiration-Love perspective on God:

God is responsible for ordering the world, not through direct action,but by providing the various potentialities which the physical uni-verse is then free to actualize. In this way, God does not compromisethe essential openness and indeterminism of the universe, but is nev-ertheless in a position to encourage a trend toward good. Traces ofthis subtle and indirect influence may be discerned in the progressivenature of biological evolution, for example, and the tendency for theuniverse to self-organize into a richer variety of ever more complexforms. Whitehead thus replaces the monarchical image of God as om-nipotent creator and ruler [cf. Causation-Power perspective] to that ofa participator in the creative process [cf. Inspiration-Love perspective],(p. 183)

The Inspiration-Love Perspective and Theodicy

I believe in God. But I do not believe the same things about Him thatI did years ago, when I was growing up or when I was a theologicalstudent. I recognize His limitations. He is limited in what He can doby laws of nature and by.. . human nature and human moral freedom.(Kushner, 1981, p. 134)

If the Causation-Power perspective compromised some of God's lovein defense of His power, perhaps the opposite can be said of the Inspira-tion-Love perspective. Is not a God who is "limited in what He can do,"and who therefore cannot abolish evil, less than all-powerful? Perhapsno less troubling than a sad*stic God is a weak one who suffers with usbut cannot intervene.

Cannot intervene, in any sense? An important caveat is that Godis not inherently limited in Kushner's argument. Rather, God has setHimself certain limits as a result of a kind of cost-benefit analysis inwhich the benefits of allowing free will, reliable natural laws, and opensystems justify the costs. Furthermore, this benevolent non-interven-tion policy applies only to direct causal intervention. In the Inspiration-Love perspective, God does seek to "encourage a trend toward the good,"in Paul Davies' phrase. As noted earlier, Kushner attributed our righ-teous indignation and compassion for the afflicted to divine inspiration.Generally,

God inspires people to help other people who have been hurt by life —God makes some people want to become doctors and nurses, to spenddays and nights of self-sacrificing concern with an intensity for whichno money can compensate — God moves people to want to be medical


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researchers, to focus their intelligence and energy on the causes andpossible cures for some of life's tragedies —God, who neither causes nor prevents tragedies, helps by inspiring

people to help .... God shows His opposition to cancer and birth defects,not by eliminating them or making them happen only to bad people(He can't do that), but by summoning forth friends and neighbors toease the burden and to fill the emptiness —In the same way, I firmly believe that Aaron served God's purposes,

not by being sick or strange-looking (there was no reason why Godshould have wanted that), but by facing up so bravely to his illnessand to the problems caused by his appearance. I know that his friendsand schoolmates were affected by his courage and by the way hemanaged to live a full life despite his limitations. And I know thatpeople who knew our family were moved to handle the difficult timesof their own lives with more hope and courage when they saw our ex-ample. I take these as instances of God moving people here on earthto help other people in need. (pp. 139-141)

In distinction to both a deistic positing of total non-intervention anda Causation-Power positing of direct causation, then, Kushner positedsome intervention through inspiration or other indirect processes of in-fluence. Similarly, David Lorimer (1990) suggested that the alternativesof either "the personal intervention of God or the total absence of suchintervention" are rendered "less stark" by "arguments for intermedi-ary forms of discarnate influence, as it were, on behalf of God" (p. 238).Once inspirational influences are posited, need they be restricted to thetypes described by Kushner? Could not one receive "inspiration" fromsome "discarnate influence," even to prevent tragedy? By expandingInspiration-Love in the direction of Causation-Power, such a possibilitycan to some extent defend the Inspiration-Love perspective against thecriticism that it merely trades a sad*stic God for a weak one.

Kushner clearly regarded the Inspiration-Love perspective as a de-velopmental advance, perhaps even a paradigmatic one (Kuhn, 1962),beyond the faith of his childhood, the Causation-Power perspective. Butdoes the Inspiration-Love perspective succeed where the Causation-Power perspective failed? Does it resolve the theodicic problem? Per-haps the Inspiration-Love perspective is more properly construed as analternative position on the theodicic problem. In general, is there somebasis for evaluating the relative adequacy of these two perspectives?

Relevance of Near-Death and Related Research

People who have been close to death and recovered tell of seeing abright light and being greeted by someone they had loved, now de-ceased .... Needless to say, we have no way of knowing whether these


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visions are intimations of reality or products of our own wishful think-ing. (Kushner, 1981, pp. 28-29)

I don't know what to make of NDE's, but people's testimonies are soheartfelt and so consistent that I am inclined to believe them. What Iam least sure of is the verbal content of the experience. I am open tothe possibility that they encountered the Divine (whatever that means)and tried to put that encounter into words — It is possible then thatthey experienced love and reassurance... (H. Kushner, personal com-munication, August 10, 1996)

In the remainder of this article, I will provide an empirically basedevaluation of the respective validity of Kushner's original (Causation-Power) and reconstructed (Inspiration-Love) perspectives on God andthe theodicic problem. In a previous article, I evaluated similarpositions on theodicy, respectively termed "Theistic-Sovereign" and"Theistic-Consoling" perspectives, on the basis of research concerningthe near-death experience (NDE) (Gibbs, 1988). In the present article,I expand the empirical basis to include not only the NDE but also arelated phenomenon, "after-death communication" (Guggenheim andGuggenheim, 1995/1997).

By far the greater amount of available ontologically relevant researchpertains to the NDE, a set of extraordinary perceptions of both earthlyand transcendental environments. The NDE is most likely to be ex-perienced during clinical death or a comatose state. Although a com-prehensive critique of near-death research is beyond the scope of thisarticle, I suggest that NDE reports may entail genuine discoveries asto the ultimate nature of reality (Gibbs, 1985, 1997). This suggestion isconsistent with the conclusions of investigators most familiar with theresearch data and findings (Ring, 1980, 1995; Ring and Lawrence, 1993;Ring and Valarino, 1998; Sabom, 1982, 1998). Kushner's observation,cited above, that the "testimonies are so heartfelt and so consistent" wassupplemented by Kenneth Ring and Evelyn Elsaesser Valarino (1998):

Given both the consistent and insistent character of these avowals,it would be foolish and certainly cavalier to disregard this kind oftestimony .... Furthermore ... think about the data ... the fantas-tic detail in panoramic visions while out of body, the sightings, whileelevated, of dust, cobwebs, and other normally disregarded minutiaeof our everyday environments; the miraculously acute perceptions ofthe nearly blind, and the "impossible" vision of the fully blind.... Howdoes one ... explain the verified perception of those unlikely objectsin improbable locations when no physical vision was possible at all,or, similarly, those overheard conversations that could not have beenwitnessed, or instances where NDErs have other information theycould not conceivably have acquired by normal means?... Children...


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report essentially similar experiences to those of adult NDErs .... Justas the NDE itself comprises a distinctive pattern of elements, so, too,were the changes that tended to develop in an NDEr's life afterward.In the realm of beliefs, values, behavior, and outlook on life generally,NDErs, however different they may have been before their experience,showed astonishing similarities, (pp. 55, 94—95, 99, and 123)

Certain researchers of both NDEs (Moody, 1975, 1977) and after-death communications (Guggenheim and Guggenheim, 1995/1997),have distilled a core prototype of generic elements or features froma large number of carefully studied cases. NDEs entail features thatMichael Sabom (1982) termed autoscopic (especially, seeing one's phys-ical body) and transcendental (especially, traveling toward a light, com-municating with the light or deceased loved ones, and reviewing eventsof one's life). The relevance of the NDE to the theodicic problem is espe-cially apparent in cases of NDErs who report having sought explana-tions for tragedy during their NDEs (see cases in the following section).Bill and Judy Guggenheim (1995/1997) defined the after-death com-munication as a spiritual experience, typically auditory and/or visual,"that occurs when someone is contacted directly and spontaneously bya deceased family member or friend" (p. 15). Careful study and descrip-tion have been especially important with reference to the after-deathcommunication, whose history has been rife with wishful thinking andfraud (Wilson, 1987).

In contrast to the NDE, in the after-death communication the expe-riencer is not near death. Nonetheless, findings suggest that the after-death communication, too, should be taken seriously, at least in somecases. First, some after-death communications were reported to havebeen simultaneously shared by independent witnesses. Second, someafter-death communications conveyed information that the recipientcould scarcely have known otherwise. Third, the prescience or timingof some after-death communications is remarkable. A nurse recountedthis experience:

I was working in an extended care facility. Some of the patients wereup and about, and Roland was one of those. We developed a specialrapport. I realized he needed to feel needed, so I gave him little jobs todo, and he always seemed thrilled to do them.One morning between 6:00 and 6:15, I was getting ready to go to work.

I sat on the edge of my bed to put my shoes on. I turned my head andsaw a faint vision of Roland standing at the foot of the bed, smiling! Irecognized his face instantly. He looked happy and relaxed.I thought I was going off the deep end! I smiled back at him, and then

he was gone. I sort of laughed and said to my husband, "I'm reallycracking up now. I'm not even at work yet, but I saw one of my patientsstanding here!"


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I went to work, and when I walked in, they told me that Roland haddied of a heart attack during the night. I had the feeling he had cometo let me know that he was all right. (Guggenheim and Guggenheim,1995/1997, p. 217)

In other cases, the death and visit are documented to have been contem-poraneous. A physician, who had experienced an after-death commu-nication from his grandmother, noticed the time and was able to gaincorroboration that his grandmother had contemporaneously died:

I realized that... she was saying, "Good-bye. Don't worry. Everythingis fine." ...When I went home that day, my mother was waiting for me. She said,

"Your grandmother has taken a turn for the worse." I told her, "Don'tworry. I know what happened. She died at 10:10 this morning." Thenmy mother confirmed that my grandmother had died at exactly thattime. (Guggenheim and Guggenheim, 1995/1997, p. 222)

Another subject even offered a correction as to the time of death basedon the timing of an after-death communication:

The following morning my sister knocked on my front door. I knewwhy she had come and said, "You came to tell me that Grandpa died,didn't you?" She looked puzzled and said, "Mom called to tell us that hedied of a heart attack at about 2:30 a.m." I said, "No, it was 2:17 a.m.,"and I told her what had happened. (Guggenheim and Guggenheim,1995/1997, p. 220)

Although anecdotal, such cases must be taken seriously not only be-cause of the uncanny synchrony and other findings but also because thesynchrony belies the usual interpretation of the after-death communi-cation as a grief-induced hallucination. As the Guggenheims point out,after-death communications that take place prior to the experiencer'sknowledge of the death can scarcely be attributed to grief-generatedwishful fantasy. Like the NDE, the after-death communication is rele-vant to questions of God and tragedy.

God, Tragedy, and the NDE: A Research-BasedEvaluation of Kushner's Perspectives

If the NDE and related phenomena entail some spiritual authentic-ity and are relevant to theological questions such as how to reconcileapparently unfair, senseless human suffering with an omnipotent, all-good and loving God, then these phenomena can provide an empirical


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basis for evaluating Kushner's Causation-Power and Inspiration-Loveperspectives.

As noted earlier, the key issue for Kushner was whether tragedy andsuffering reflect God's will. In the Causation-Power perspective, God issimply in charge, and tragic events do reflect God's will. Life may seemto be unfair and God may seem harsh; however, God does cause events,whether tragedies or miracles, and does see to it that we get what wedeserve in life. Persons who are good are protected, and the perpetra-tors of evil ultimately will be punished. Apparently unfair or senselesssuffering actually has some reason or purpose. For example, a personmay need to suffer in order to be disciplined or to grow, or an apparentlyuntimely death may have been that person's appropriate "time to go."

In the Inspiration-Love perspective, not every event reflects God'swill; divine sovereignty is more complicated. If humans are to exerciseconscious, free will and to live in the material world—a world that oper-ates reliably but that is also an open system with room for chance andmischance—then bad things must be allowed to happen to good people.Rather than directly causing events, God works through people, inspir-ing them to care and to work against the unfair, senseless suffering thatis all too evident in the world.

We will see that the relevant research provides some support forboth perspectives. The most relevant NDEs for evaluating Kushner'sperspectives are those of experiencers who had endured much unfairsuffering—of good persons to whom bad things had happened—and whothen sought an explanation during their NDEs. The overall impressionimparted by two typical cases representing such NDEs is suggestiveof the Causation-Power view. However, scrutiny of this impression inthe context of a broader literature review suggests the prominence ofa divine love that works through inspiration and human freedom, theInspiration-Love perspective.

Two Cases

Like everyone else, NDErs have been touched by tragedy. As noted,particularly relevant to the present concern with Kushner's perspec-tives on tragedy are cases of NDErs who during their NDEs asked thelight, identified as God, to explain hurts in life. Two such cases are thoseof women named Beverly Brodsky (Ring, 1991) and Lynn (Atwater,1996).

Brodsky was "hurt" mainly by three tragic events or conditions. Thefirst was the Holocaust. Raised in a Conservative Jewish family, she


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learned, at age 8, of the Holocaust: "I ... turned angrily against anyearly belief in God. How could God exist and permit such a thing tooccur?" (Ring, 1991, p. 14). Brodsky's anger may have been promptedby the violation of what Kushner characterized as a childhood faith orwhat we have termed the Causation-Power perspective. Second, feeling"painfully shy and... unworthy of being loved," she experienced seriousdepression during childhood and adolescence. The depression "reacheda desperate phase" at the end of high school, rendering her "too upsetto go to college ... [or face] the future" (p. 14). Third, shortly thereafter,her father died suddenly from a heart attack ("He had been my rock,my strength, in this world," p. 14).

Brodsky's near-death experience occurred several years after her fa-ther's death, when she was in her early 20s. She had moved from home,and was in severe pain and depression from injuries from a seriousmotorcycle accident. She was lying in bed and, despite her atheism,praying "fervently" for death when:

Somehow an unexpected peace descended upon me. I found myselffloating on the ceiling over the bed looking down at my unconsciousbody — I then remember traveling a long distance upward toward thelight — There, before me, was the living presence of the Light. Withinit I sensed an all-pervading intelligence, wisdom, compassion, love, andtruth — I immediately lashed out at Him ["Him" although there wasneither form nor sex to this perfect Being] with all the questions I hadever wondered about; all the injustices I had seen in the physical world... [especially] the question that had plagued me since childhood aboutthe sufferings of my people [in the Holocaust]. (Ring, 1991, pp. 15-16)

Unfortunately, Brodsky stated, "in the process of return [to my brokenbody] the insights that came so clearly and fully in Heaven were notbrought back with me" (p. 16). However, she did remember the insightthat "there was a reason for everything that happened, no matter howawful it appeared in the physical realm — All that happens is for apurpose" (p. 16).

The NDEr in the second case, Lynn, gained a similar impression dur-ing her NDE. Indeed, Lynn was given a particular "reason." AlthoughLynn did not report anger at God for the hurt in her life, she did con-sider the theodicic question to be "very important" and in her NDE didnot wish to return to her body until after she asked the light for anexplanation. Lynn's "hurt" included a physical handicap, a heart con-dition she had had since infancy. The heart problem made her some-times "turn blue" and rendered her unable to "run and play like theother kids." Then, at the age of thirteen, her condition became critical.


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She was hospitalized and prepared for surgery, during which her NDEoccurred:

[I was moving] towards the light — It was a warm, living thing —The light spoke, and it said, "Lynn, it is not time for you yet. Go back,child."....[The voice] was soft, yet there was strength in it. The voice made me

feel secure, loved, wanted, protected — Again the light said, "Lynn,go back. It is not time yet for you. You have work to do for me. Go back.".... The light... then told me there were people who wanted to see

me before I left. From out of the light came my maternal grandparents.I ran to them and embraced them. They were going to walk me part ofthe way back —My grandparents told me if I stayed longer I might not make it back.

But I wanted to talk to Jesus. I grew up in parochial schools and Ibelieved in Jesus. I had a very important question to ask him. A beamof light covered me, different from the first beam of light, yet similarin a way. I knew this light was Christ.[T]hen I asked my question: "Dear Jesus, is it true that you gave me

this heart condition so that I would have a cross to carry like you did?"(Sister Agnes, my sixth-grade teacher, told me that my heart conditionwas my cross to bear for Christ. That is why I asked this question.) Iheard the voice of Christ vibrate through me as it said, "No, this heartcondition is not a cross from me for you to bear. This heart conditionof yours is a challenge to help you grow and stay compassionate. Nowgo back."As I walked back to the tunnel with my grandparents ..., my grand-

mother told me my father was going to leave my mother and that Iwould be my mother's strength. (Atwater, 1996, pp. 9-10).

The "feel" of Brodsky's and Lynn's accounts is reminiscent of theCausation-Power perspective. Lynn described the light as "a warm, liv-ing thing" whose soft but strong voice made her feel secure and pro-tected. Similarly, Brodsky felt she was in "the living presence" of anall-pervading, loving intelligence in whose realm even tragedies had aprofound reason, meaning, or purpose. Lynn even returned with somerecollection of those reasons: Her heart condition, although not a priv-ileged burden, was a challenge to help her to "grow" and remain com-passionate.

Research Review

The significance of Brodsky's and Lynn's accounts will be consid-ered further through a review of other relevant research literature.Although Causation-Power themes continue to be evident, Inspiration-Love themes emerge prominently in the review. The review is structured


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around seven Causation-Power versus Inspiration-Love questions: (1)Do impressions that tragedy has some reason, purpose, or meaning im-ply that God causes tragedy? (2) Is one reason for tragedy an accident ormistake? Can death be truly untimely? (3) Are other reasons for tragedy(including suicide and murder) the neglect of divine warnings and, forthat matter, the abuse of free will? (4) Does God punish those who abusefree will and who thereby cause tragedy? (5) Does God ever intervenedirectly in this world to reduce tragedy? (6) So is God primarily poweror love?

1. Do impressions that tragedy has some reason, meaning, or purposeimply that God causes tragedy? It is probably unwise to treat the im-pressions of Brodsky, Lynn, or other NDE survivors as infallible (seeGibbs, in press; Zaleski, 1987); indeed, Kushner was skeptical of the ver-bal content of NDEs, as indicated in his quoted communication at thebeginning of Section Two. Nonetheless, one aspect of Lynn's recollectiveimpression does seem to relate to Kushner's question of whether Godcauses tragedy. Lynn did not represent the light as following the formatof His previous statement (This heart condition is not a cross from mefor you to bear") by stating, This heart condition is a challenge fromme to help you ...," but instead represented the light as stating: Thisheart condition of yours is a challenge ..." (emphasis added). Was thelight implying that He did not cause the heart condition, did not wantor intend for it to happen for the purpose of effecting the "challenge"?Consistent with the self 's possible part-ownership of tragedy in somesense ("this heart condition of yours") is the suggestion that we may"choose from a world beyond this one" to enter a life that involves ahandicap or traumas in order to "grow" through the "adversity," as oneNDEr reported having learned (Durham, 1998). Kushner might pointout, however, that such growth does not always take place.

The thesis that God does not cause tragedy is also consistent withthe recollection of another experiencer who, during his life review,

got to see some good things I had done and some mistakes I had made,you know, and try to understand them. It was like: "O.K., here's whyyou had this accident, here's why this happened. Because so and soand so ...." It all had meaning. Definitely. (Ring, 1980, p. 73)

If God is in charge to the extent that randomness or chance does not ex-ist, then why would this experiencer not have been told something moreradical, such as "You did not really make a mistake," or "Here's whyyou had this apparent so-called accident"? The distinction is critical:"Saying that God can [inspire us to] find a purpose in an accident


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[Inspiration-Love perspective] is not the same as saying that God hada purpose for the accident" (Murphree, 1981, p. 46) and for that pur-pose caused the "accident," physical handicap, or other adverse eventto happen (Causation-Power perspective).

Divine purpose as divine causation by a loving, good God would im-ply that genuine tragedies do not happen; in other words, that althoughbad things may appear to be happening to good people, this is not re-ally the case. The data appear to be equivocal on this point. On theone hand, Brodsky gained the impression that even events as tragic asthe Holocaust only "appear" to be "awful." On the other hand, anotherquestioning experiencer reported being told by the light that "this timearound you didn't get a benevolent and loving family" (note the hintof reincarnation), that "life was unfair," and that "there is evil in theworld" (Cox-Chapman, 1995, p. 43). Furthermore, freak accidents anduntimely death do take place, as discussed below.

Again, we do not know whether it follows from "reasons" for eventsthat the light directly intends for tragic events, even challenging ones,to happen. At the least, we can state that whatever reason, meaning, orpurpose there is in tragedy does not necessarily imply that God wantedthe tragedy to happen and therefore caused it.

2. Is one reason for tragedy a random accident or mistake? Can deathbe truly untimely? That a tragic event may be a "fluky" accident ormistake finds some support in the research. In other words, there mayindeed be a random or chance element to the universe. The accidentalquality of at least some near-death occasions is implied by NDE mes-sages such as Lynn's that the near-death occasion was "not the righttime" for her to die, that she "might not make it back" if she stayed anylonger, that her death at that time would be a mistake or premature;and therefore that she should go back (sometimes near-death experi-encers are allowed to make the decision) because there is more for herto do on earth. The "more to do" typically involves spiritual growth andhelping others. The particular near-death occasion, then, may be anaccident or mistake, although this characterization may be simplistic.One experiencer who almost died during a bungled medical operationwas told during her NDE:

What I understood at the time, how it was [telepathically] communi-cated to me was, "It is not your time yet. Go back. There has been amistake." I look a lot differently at mistakes now, but at that point inmy life it seemed simple: there's been a mistake and you have to goback. (Cox-Chapman, 1995, p. 47)


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Although NDErs are told that there will be an appropriate time forthe end of their life, could another accident or mistake occur beforethen? Indeed, could not the next accident be so severe, for example,involving bodily obliteration or decapitation, as to preclude a return tothe body? Perhaps the true tragedy is when one loses the opportunityto complete one's earthly purpose, as in Kushner's example of untimelyand irretrievable deaths in an airplane crash. Indeed, one NDEr re-ferred to "not accomplishing our work in this life" as "the only real fear"(Morse and Perry, 1990, p. 123).

Consistent with this possibility of untimely death and lost opportu-nity are some after-death communications, as well as the intuitionsand conciliatory efforts of dying persons. A woman named Claire re-ported an after-death communication from her friend Hugh, noticingthat:

his mood and expression were really sad, as though he had lost it all.Hugh said, "I'm sorry, Claire, I didn't make it." He added, "good-bye"as if forever. Then he just vanished. (Guggenheim and Guggenheim,1995/1997, p. 219)

Subsequently, Claire learned that Hugh had drowned while trying toreach shore in a tragic boating accident. Guggenheim and Guggenheimspeculated that those "who have died suddenly may initially feel bewil-dered, angry, sad, or cheated when their physical life is over" (p. 219).Dying persons often seem to have an intuitive sense of an "appropri-ate time" or occasion to die, and strive to live until the occasion orcirc*mstances, often involving reconciliation or a "final gift" to a lovedone, can be accomplished (Callanan and Kelley, 1992). Maggie Callananand Patricia Kelley suggested the importance of helping the dying inthis regard, and noted that appropriate deaths are not always achieved.Hence, the "appropriate time" defense of the Causation-Power perspec-tive is not consistently supported. Accidents, mishaps, or mistakes dosometimes happen, and may constitute one reason for tragedy.

3. Are other reasons for tragedy (including suicide and murder) theneglect of divine warnings, and, for that matter, the abuse of free will?The research suggests that other reasons for tragedy may be the neglectof a prior divine warning and, for that matter, the abuse of free will. Im-minent victims of tragedy may sometimes experience divine warningsthat, if followed, could prevent a tragic crime, accident, or illness. Lynnrecollected that the light's voice made her feel "secure" and "protected."Mitchell Liester (1998) reported in three cases of NDErs that two of thethree continued to feel protected after their NDE, and all three reported


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post-NDE transcendent inner communications that included warningsof danger.

Such warnings relate to research on after-death communications,which exemplify what Lorimer called "intermediary forms of discarnateinfluence as it were on behalf of God" (1990, p. 238). Although many ofthe over 2000 after-death communications studied by Guggenheim andGuggenheim involved simple reassurances to grieving survivors thatthe visitors are all right and the survivors should get on with theirlives, some survivors "received warnings that protected them from mo-tor vehicle or other accidents, harm from criminals, house fires, indus-trial injuries, undiagnosed health problems, and emergencies involvinginfants and young children" (1995/1997, p. 257; see also Moody, 1977,pp. 23-28).

Such communications suggest that the "inspirational influence" ofKushner's Inspiration-Love perspective could be expanded beyondpromptings to cope with tragedy and care for others, to include prompt-ings to prevent tragedy. A focus on whether such promptings are heededbrings us perilously close to blaming the victim; nonetheless, the possi-bility of such a phenomenon is important to consider. Recall Kushner'shypothetical "random evil" example cited earlier: Could Mrs. Brown,who stepped "into a shop on a whim" and thereby avoided a fatal bul-let, have felt an intuition instead of a whim? Could Mrs. Smith, whokept walking and was killed by the gunman's bullet, have neglected awarning intuition?

Successful warning communications would certainly seem consis-tent with the Causation-Power thesis that God protects good peoplefrom harm. A closer inspection, however, suggests an Inspiration-Lovecaveat: the protection is only potential; all that is provided is a warn-ing communication that respects human free will ("since you alwaysretain your free will, you can choose to accept or reject [this] guidance";Guggenheim and Guggenheim, 1995/1997, p. 243) as well as the auton-omy and reliability of nature's laws (the warning is necessary preciselybecause natural laws remain in full force). Although NDE survivorsand Causation-Power believers may feel protected, actual protectionmay require both attention and response to warning intuitions andinspirations. Needless to say, the researchers advised the responsibleexercise of free will:

How many... tragedies might be prevented if more people were openand receptive to having ADC [after-death communication] experiencesand trusted them? In the course of our research, we spoke with severalpeople who unfortunately failed to act upon the guidance they were


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given and later came to bitterly regret it. We urge everyone, especiallyparents of young children, to immediately respond to their intuitivefeelings and [after-death communications] whenever they have them.(Guggenheim and Guggenheim, 1995/1997, p. 260)

The researchers prescribed meditation as one way to promote greaterdiscernment of and receptivity to intuitive inspirations and after-deathcommunications. Liester (1998) speculated that NDEs may tend to ren-der individual human consciousness more sensitive to intuitions of di-vine guidance. Identifying appropriate criteria for discernment is, ofcourse, crucial. Perhaps one criterion is brevity or simplicity. Since theinspirations of NDEs and after-death communications—at least thosethat are remembered—tend to be fairly brief, elaborate and exten-sive teachings—such as those claimed in the 1997 "Heaven's Gate"tragedy—can be identified as suspect. In a study of 160 adults in theSoutheastern United States, Sabom (1998) distinguished between NDEsurvivors' spiritual faith and their religious orientation. He concludedthat the NDE deepened their spiritual faith and simply communicatedlove (an example of "general revelation"), but did not specifically informor change their religious orientation; in most cases, religious orientationinstead remained consistent with prior religious background. The mes-sage of love is simple but sublime, suggestive of what William James(1903/1958) called "immediate luminousness" (p. 32). Love also passesJames' other criteria for spiritual authenticity: "philosophical reason-ableness" (its "relations to the rest of what we hold as true") and "moralhelpfulness" (its benefits for "conduct and character"; pp. 32 and 34).Ring and Valarino (1998) suggested that love and related themes of theNDE are "akin to Type O blood in transfusions: They are the 'univer-sal donor' to spirituality and religion in that they fit easily and wellinto a great variety of well-established spiritual traditions and worldreligions" (p. 302).

After-death communications or NDEs have also dissuaded some indi-viduals from choosing to commit suicide or murder. Selfishly motivatedmurder and suicide are tragic actions that would certainly seem to beinconsistent with God's will and hence to reflect irresponsible choices.One man during his NDE

got the feeling that two things it was completely forbidden for me todo would be to kill myself or to kill another person — If I were tocommit suicide, I would be throwing God's gift back in his face —Killing somebody else would be interfering with God's purpose for thatindividual. (Moody, 1975, p. 144)


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Messages against suicide are prominent in NDEs (Greyson, 1992-1993) as well as in after-death communication reports. Guggenheimand Guggenheim described "anti-suicide interventions" as "a special-ized form of ADCs for protection that occur at the critical momentsomeone truly needs encouragement" (1995/1997, p. 271). For exam-ple, a woman who was depressed and seriously contemplating suicidesaw a light and heard the voice of her boyfriend Terry's deceased grand-mother:

She said that my family and Terry's family would not understand whyI had terminated my life. And that life was too precious to give up. Shereassured me that I was loved and would truly be missed. She told methat suicide was not the answer. She had made that mistake herself,but I should not make that mistake, too.It was like she encompassed me and surrounded me. I felt a warmth

inside of me that I had never felt before. She gave me an inner strength,and I felt that I could do anything that I wanted to do at that point.Then the light was gone. (p. 277)

Interestingly, warning after-death communications may also be ex-perienced by chronic violent offenders. Samuel Yochelson and StantonSamenow (1976) found that approximately 50 percent of the violentadult male felons they studied reported that they

hear a voice speaking to them at critical times — The voice emergesfor only a moment when the criminal is about to violate but is still hes-itant. With increasing violation, many criminals hear the voice morefrequently and intensely — The voice urges him to refrain from com-mitting the crime — They consider the voice as ordinary as havingeyes and ears and are astonished to discover that most people do nothear one.The criminal does not have control over whether the voice makes

its presence known. But he can decide whether to heed its message— While considering whether to molest a child sexually, C heard thevoice of his deceased father saying, "Don't." When he wanted to proceedwith the crime, he could break the communication with his father andsimply ignore the voice, (pp. 424-426)

Although Yochelson and Samenow described these incidents in psy-chological terms as "nonpsychotic auditory hallucinations" from re-pressed consciences, we can suspect that at least some of the "halluci-nations" may be after-death communications. Note that like the suicidecontemplators, the criminals heard the voice "at critical times" prior tothe act.

We can sympathize with the victims of a human evil more readily thanwe can with its perpetrators; put differently, the victimizer deserves


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more blame than the victim. Those who do not merely neglect or dismissan intuition but instead willfully defy a divine warning and proceed toharm another person or themselves illustrate another reason for humantragedy: the abuse of human free will.

Free will would appear to qualify the thesis of divine determinismemphasized in the Causation-Power perspective. In positive terms rem-iniscent of the Inspiration-Love perspective, one experiencer explicitlyaffirmed "free will [as] the most powerful characteristic that God gave[to humans]. [Choosing] love is a way of expressing the divinity of thehuman condition" (Farr, 1993, p. 134). This experiencer had the im-pression that although his NDE was predestined, the particular near-death occasion for the NDE was not: "If the truck did not fall on me,I would have been hit by a car crossing the street [or something elsewould have happened]" (Farr, 1993, p. 53); hence, the specifics were"partially" (p. 145) a matter of his free-will decisions or choices. Simi-larly, the "work" in the typical NDE message "There is more work foryou to do" may be unspecified because the particular path has not beenfully predetermined. Despite forecasts and flashforwards that may sub-sequently materialize, as in the case of Lynn, whose father did in factsubsequently abandon the family, destiny may be partially contingenton human choices. Choices ranging from neglect to willful defiance mayconstitute additional reasons for tragedy.

4. Does God punish those who abuse free will and who thereby causetragedy? There is some encouragement for the Causation-Power notionthat persons at least ultimately "get what they deserve," albeit againwith Inspiration-Love caveats: the just desserts are administered bythe self, not by God, and their purpose may extend beyond retribution.The research suggests that God remains loving and at most providesthe conditions for self-judgment and spiritual consequences.

For example, during the life review element of the NDE, the lightserves as a source of acceptance and encouragement to choose love,while the locus for the judgment or evaluation of the events reviewedis the self. The self may feel "ashamed," "very repentant" (Moody, 1975,p. 69), "awful, [cringing] with remorse" (Mesa, 1998), or even "devas-tated" (Farr, 1993, p. 34), especially in the so-called "empathic life re-view" in which one directly experiences the emotional effects of one'sactions on others (Ellwood, 1996). Gracia Fay Ellwood called the em-pathic life review experience "an exact sort of recompense" or "perfectjustice," although she also pointed out that its purpose appears to bebroader than that of retribution. Throughout this self-judgment, the


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light's love, understanding, and acceptance continues. Mally Cox-Chapman (1995) inferred from her cases that the purpose of such lifereviews is "not to arrive at a fair punishment but to attain the clarityneeded to move closer to God's love" (p. 68), or to grasp more clearlyone's "true purpose" (p. 73). Nonetheless, the prospect of the empathiclife review enriches the notion that when we cheat or harm others, weare ultimately cheating or harming ourselves.

The afterlife consequences of selfish suicide, of "throwing God's giftback in His face," would appear to be a kind of limbo, separate fromboth earthly life and God (except perhaps if one prays for forgiveness;Rogers, 1998). NDE survivors from suicide attempts report that theirproblems were still present: "In their disembodied state they were un-able to do anything about their problems, and they also had to view theunfortunate consequences which resulted from their acts" (Moody, 1975,p. 143). The boyfriend's deceased grandmother quoted above told thesuicide attempter that her own decision to commit suicide was a "mis-take." Guggenheim and Guggenheim suggest that deceased individualswho had committed suicide perhaps are "making amends" (1995/1997,p. 260) and are especially appropriate candidates to "come back to mo-tivate others to make wiser choices" (p. 276).

Would-be suicide attempters are sometimes accordingly warned notonly in after-death communications, but during an NDE as well. Onesuch warning was experienced by a man who was accidentally knockedunconscious as he was about to commit suicide. While unconscious, heexperienced himself

going... to an emptiness. And then, all of a sudden, I heard this voice... like someone talking to me as a real close friend — The first thinghe said was, "Do you really want to die?" and I said, "Yes. Nothing hasbeen going right all my life and at this point I really don't care if Ilive or die." And he says, "What about your mother? She cares aboutyou. What about your girl friend?" And then it got kind of hazy andhe said something about a daughter but-I don't have a daughter! SoI think it's sort of like, some time in the future I'm going to have adaughter and she's going to be something important, because if Godwants me to live, there must be some purpose to my life — And hegoes, "You're breaking my laws to commit suicide. You'll not be withme in heaven—if you die." (Ring, 1980, p. 76)

If suicide has the consequence of excluding the perpetrator fromheaven, then perhaps perpetrators of the injustices associated withother tragedies such as murder are similarly excluded. In some cases,even self-judgment can be tantamount to an experience of hell:


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Those who engineered the Nazi atrocities seem to have been peo-ple whose lack of love was so complete that they willed the deathsof millions of innocent persons. This resulted in countless individualtragedies of separation of parent from child, of husband from wife, offriend from friend. It resulted in innumerable long, lingering deathsand fast brutal ones. It resulted in awful degradations, in years ofhunger, tears, and torment for their victims. If what happened to mysubjects happened to these men, they would see all these things andmany others come alive, vividly portrayed before them. In my wildestfantasies, I am totally unable to imagine a hell more horrible, moreultimately unbearable than this. (Moody, 1977, p. 171)

In general, hell may be the afterlife separation from the light, engen-dered by human ego, pride, or vanity, and other self-centered attitudes,choices, or actions (Berman, 1996). In C. S. Lewis's memorable asser-tion, perhaps "the doors of hell are locked from the inside" (1944/1966,p. 127).

5. Does God ever intervene directly against tragedy? Consistent withthe Inspiration-Love emphasis on the autonomy of nature, post-NDEphysical recoveries are typically "normal," that is, painful and slow.Consistent with the Causation-Power idea of direct causal divine inter-vention, however, are occasional reports of a sudden, miraculous recov-ery from a near-death condition or of miraculous healings effected byNDErs (Liester, 1998; Moody, 1975, pp. 105-107; Ring, 1998; Ring andValarino, 1998, pp. 222-227; Sabom, 1998). Kushner may give someground here, since he seems less than completely confident that Godnever goes beyond inspiration to causation: "Sometimes miracles dohappen. Malignancies mysteriously disappear; incurable patients re-cover, and baffled doctors credit it to an act of God. All we can do in acase like that is echo the doctor's bewildered gratitude" (p. 116). Kush-ner would appear to be suggesting that even the Inspiration-Love per-spective may not completely fit the facts of his pastoral experience.

One interesting suggestion from Ring (1991) is that the NDE itselfmay sometimes be a kind of intervention. He speculated, as did Cox-Chapman subsequently (1995, p. 43), that

the NDE may sometimes be almost like a compensatory gift vouch-safed to those who have had to endure the terrible wounds of [abusiveor stressful] childhoods .... [NDE revelations and inspirations thatimpart the healing clarity of deep compassion and self-understanding]help the individual gain a compensatory edge in coping with and un-derstanding life's difficulties. (Ring, 1991, p. 12)

Similarly, Barbara Rommer (1998) found that violence victims whohave NDEs or out-of-body experiences during the violence are more


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likely subsequently to forgive (but not condone) the assault and torecover emotionally; Rommer attributed these effects to the NDE's re-sponsiveness to each experiencer's particular needs and its stimulat-ing "astounding spiritual growth." Post-NDE benefits were evident inBrodsky's and Lynn's cases. Following her experience with the light'slove, Lynn became "openly confident and trusting" (Atwater, 1996, p. 10).Similarly, Brodsky "drew" from the light's acceptance and love a senseof "life and joy beyond imagining." Following her return, she found thatthis new love and joy had eradicated her previous "painful" shyness andfeeling of being "unworthy of being loved," and gave her the courage tolive life to the fullest. She initiated new relationships, reconciled withher mother, achieved in college, married, and launched a career. How-ever, other research has shown that post-NDE life is not always easy(Atwater, 1988; 1996; Sutherland, 1992/1995, pp. 205-237).

6. So is God primarily power or love? NDErs' descriptions of the light,taken at face value as informative of the nature of God, suggest that Godis both sovereignty or power, as emphasized in Causation-Power, andlove or compassion, as emphasized in Inspiration-Love. Both are "pri-mary." For example, Brodsky sensed "an all-pervading intelligence, wis-dom, compassion, love, and truth." Medieval NDE accounts, too, referto "a light that is at once all-knowing and all-loving" (Zaleski, 1987,p. 125). Lynn described the light as "a warm, living thing .... [Thevoice] was soft, yet there was strength in it. The voice made me feel se-cure, loved, wanted, protected." Another respondent reflected: There'ssuch love and great warmth and [pause] and security and strength inthat ... that ... All-Being, that All-Presence that is there. Whateverit is that's out there, that's the presence. There's great comfort" (Ring,1980, p. 72). One respondent explicitly referred to "a very powerful,completely loving being" (p. 70).

It should be noted, however, that experiences are more impressedwith divine love than divine power. One experiencer reported:

Far more even than power, what emanated from this Presence was un-conditional love. An astonishing love. A love beyond my wildest imag-ining. This love knew every unlovable thing about me ... every mean,selfish thought and action since the time I was born ... and acceptedand loved me just the same. (Ritchie and Sherrill, 1978, p. 49; see alsoCox-Chapman, 1995, p. 24)

Furthermore, the teaching in the life review typically emphasizeslove:

Through all this [life review], he kept stressing the importance of love.The places where he showed it best involved my sister. I have always


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been close to her. He showed me some instances where I had beenselfish to my sister, then just as many times where I had really shownlove to her and had shared with her. He pointed out to me that I shouldtry to do things for other people, to try my best. There wasn't anyaccusation in any of this, though. When I came across times when Ihad been selfish, his attitude was that I had been learning from them,too. (Moody, 1975, p. 67)

Similarly, another experiencer reported:

I knew beyond any doubts that whatever he would see in me, he wouldunderstand and accept. His love encouraged me to go through my lifeup to that point. I saw, relived, remembered things that had happenedin my life [especially with my younger brother]: not only what actu-ally took place but also the emotions involved ... and because of thelove and understanding radiating from the being of light, I found thecourage to see for myself, with open eyes and without defenses [such as"who started" the incident], what in my actions and feelings made mybrother happy, and what caused him pain. And for most of the episodeswe went through the being offered me an alternative way to act —[He offered] an open invitation — I felt totally free and respected.Needless to say, his suggestions were all for a more loving and under-standing attitude. (Ring, 1991, p. 37; see also Cox-Chapman, 1995, pp.66-69)

Especially noteworthy for the Inspiration-Love emphasis on inspira-tion and free will is how being accepted, understood, and loved, enabledthe subject to gain the courage to see life non-defensively and to con-sider freely the light's "open invitation" and "suggestions" for living amore loving life. Although NDErs experience both power and love asemanating from the light, love is more salient.


Was Kushner's Inspiration-Love perspective, then, a theological ad-vance beyond his earlier Causation-Power perspective? Despite the ini-tial impression imparted by case studies, the NDE and related researchliterature do suggest a "tilt" toward love, inspiration, and encourage-ment versus power, causation, and control. Controlling power is scarcelysuggested when NDE survivors are told in the experience that life isunfair or that the precipitating event, such as a botched medical op-eration, was a mistake, or receive an answer implying that God didnot cause one's unfair suffering, such as a debilitating heart condi-tion in childhood. After-death communications may warn, sometimes


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unsuccessfully, against imminent tragedy, and untimely or inappropri-ate deaths do seem to occur.

As Kushner emphasized, love over control means that persons aregranted the free will to choose to be self-centered or unloving, even toignore the warning voice of a deceased loved one in order to commit mur-der, sexual molestation, or other violent crime. More than controllingpower, inspiring love is suggested when NDE survivors report havingexperienced an overwhelming, unconditional acceptance; when caringand understanding attitudes are encouraged through the life review;when selfish suicide and murder are understood to transgress againstGod's love; and when the "more work" for the self to do after returninginvolves helping others. The theme of inspiration and love is pervasive,then, across aspects of the NDE, its after-effects, and related phenom-ena. This theme is also evident but less pervasive in NDE accounts frommedieval times, perhaps because those accounts were often re-workedto support the then-prevalent punishment-oriented religious ideology(Zaleski, 1987).

Before we follow Kushner and reject the Causation-Power perspec-tive entirely, however, we must note that the power theme is far fromabsent in the NDE and related literature. NDE survivors report havingexperienced feelings of comfort and security not only from the light'slove, but also from its "strength." Although they are not told that Godcauses tragedy, they do gain a sense that there is a reason or mean-ing or purpose for all that happens. Indeed, some NDEs themselvesmay have been intended to happen in one way or another, as an in-tervention against a self-destructive life or as a compensatory gift fora hitherto tragic one. Sometimes, medically miraculous physical heal-ings may take place. And perhaps, as the Causation-Power perspectiveclaims, we do at least ultimately "get what we deserve": we noted the"perfect justice" (and benefit) of the empathic life review in which oneexperiences the sufferings of one's victims (or the joys of one's beneficia-ries), and the possibility that those who committed selfish suicide must"make amends."

Hence, the Inspiration-Love approach to faith represents an advance,but not in the strong sense, such as a resolution of the theodicic problemor the construction of a new paradigm that renders entirely obsolete itspredecessor. Rather, the advance is more like a needed shift in empha-sis, a reversal of figure and ground, a tilt toward love and inspiration.The Inspiration-Love perspective does indeed remedy the serious limi-tations of the Causation-Power perspective, limitations that distort ourunderstanding of God and tragedy in harmful ways. For example, those


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angry at God for having caused their tragedy may dissolve their angeras they understand that God did not inflict their tragedy, did not will itas a privileged burden, and is "on their side" in life.

Could not, however, Inspiration-Love also potentially engender cer-tain distortions that in turn need a corrective? For example, in the focuson divine love, might we lose sight of divine strength? In the focus onhuman and natural autonomy, might we miss the potential for divineguidance? It is almost as if a kind of Heisenberg uncertainty principleoperates in metaphysics, dictating the impossibility of capturing bothlove and power attributes of God; as if the best we can do is to oscil-late between one attribute and its complement, attempting through theoscillation to approach a full understanding of God. Power and love, cau-sation and inspiration, justice and acceptance: each attribute, then, cor-rects its complement, and, though we may tilt toward Inspiration-Love,both are indispensable for understanding God. Without love, Causation-Power reduces to the sad*stic infliction of suffering; and without power,Inspiration-Love reduces to a passive hand-wringing useless againstevil and chaos.

The theoretical physicist Neils Bohr deeply believed in complemen-tarity as a widely applicable "conceptual framework" (Folse, 1985, p. 10),the most famous example being light's behavior as both a particle anda wave; each attribute by itself "seems irreconcilably different" fromthe other (Herbert, 1985). Neither is reducible to the other, and bothare needed for a complete understanding of light: "the nature of light[and the light?] is such that it is able to combine these contradictory at-tributes in a harmonious way" (Herbert, 1985, p. 38; parenthetical com-ment added). Bohr argued that our greatest understanding of reality isachieved through "the exhaustive overlay of different descriptions thatincorporate apparently contradictory notions" (Holton, 1970, p. 1018).

Gerald Holton noted that Bohr's (1963) complementarity frameworkhas never become a prominent philosophy, perhaps because it goesagainst the natural resistance to accepting "basic dualities withoutstraining for their mutual dissolution or reduction" (1970, p. 1049).James (1903/1958) noted incompatible doctrines pertaining to the va-rieties of religious experience, lamenting that "they neutralize one an-other and leave no fixed result" (p. 387), but sought to identify thatwhich was "common and generic" (p. 388) among the doctrines. Work-ing with incompatible ideas is even more difficult when the ideas affordno common ground. Albert Einstein attempted for decades and failedto find "the logical connection" that would permit a resolution of thewave-particle paradox (Einstein, 1924, cited in Holton, 1970, p. 1017).


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In Hegelian terms, the natural tendency is to seek to resolve the tensionof thesis and antithesis through the achievement of some synthesis orintegration.

Perhaps a resolution of the theodicic paradox can be achieved. To-wards that end, Kushner's perspectives are heuristic. Furthermore, the"tilt" in the research can be interpreted as supporting Kushner's essen-tial message, namely, that love and inspiration are more central thanpower and direct causation to the relevance of God for humanity. Duringthe life review, the self judges and learns in the context of the continuedlove and guidance of the light. The self-centered self can even abuse freewill to create its own hell, essentially a willful separation from God'slove. The self who returns from the NDE is typically rather selfless,devoted to helping and caring for others in one way or another.

An integrative understanding of God and tragedy perhaps lies beyondthis realm and need not be complicated. The grieving Lewis (1961) wrotein his diary:

Heaven will solve our problems, but not, I think, by showing us subtlereconciliations between all our apparently contradictory notions. Thenotions will all be knocked from under our feet. We shall see that therenever was any problem.

And, more than once, [I sense] that impression which I can't describeexcept by saying that it's like the sound of a chuckle in the darkness.The sense that some shattering and disarming simplicity is the realanswer. (p. 83)

The questioning experiencer Brodsky gained a similar impression:

And within myself, as I was given the answer [to the problem of tragedyand suffering], my own awakening mind now responded .... "Of course,"I would think, "I already know that. How could I ever have forgotten!"(Ring, 1991, p. 16)


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(PDF) God, Tragedy, and the Near-Death Experience: Evaluating Kushner's Perspectives on Theodicy - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)


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