The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)

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-o 10- THE KENTUCKY POST SUNDAY NOVEMBER 20 1925 Dean Denial of Existence Arouses Storm in Church of England Lehigh Loses AT THE TRACKS BEAUTIES PLAY IN NEW FILMS Old Romances Scanned I for Music Material NOT CHRISTIAN HECTOR SAYS to Carnegie JEFFERSON PARK RESULTS Hal FOURTH Pur 1500: 8rr-oul and up: Mortni Handicap: 1 1-10 ivmwn vApv i Charcoal Briar Cliff Tall UfiUi 1HI Dr Clwk Moon 5EPSHS 108 AH 0v" loB' On 'lr Purse S1000: Sweet-jmSI r1" Hendieup: all am: furtonr: Headline Mr Biddy JobO By Frank Aaton bacon time lias come to put music to the favorite old romantic the dramatic men of the newspapers agreed the Frank Approval -and Bitter Condemnation Are Voiced Columbia Granddad Belay Finn FIFTH RACE: SEVENTH RACE: Worthluttuu Main Spring other afternoon as they gatlrcred around the candy jar back-stage at the Shubcrt In that jar was taffy very sweet very persistent taffy Student Prince' has shown DARWINISM IS GIVEN 0 FIRST BACK 814 furlong: 1: THE JANITOR 115 Chidretts) 8840 S8IMI S3SU 3: BLUE TORCH 115 (W Pool) 300 838(1 OOIZKKO BABB A 113 (J Mann) By Wid JJOLLYWOOD Nov William S7MO Doubt Expressed by Churchman as to Miracles Mnnri Ihi 8hale Kmr llsrSunnjrlNnil 100 Deep Thought 103 KiiiiiiUUm 104 Sn ceiling Away 107 Jack Falrmaa 108 xDoniliikiua 114 sFlagataff 135 (a)lrwin-Sawrcr entry SIXTH Puma 8700: claiming all age: '614 furlnng: Friend Jne M4 xllllarity 103 CunicW 105 xWlilg 105 Parnell Lad 105 The Curwir 105 Duck Pend 116 SEVENTH Punic 8700: claiming all axea: furlimm: Baby Doll 87 Belly O'Brien 1)3 xllnppy 03 Queen Anna Marin 03 xLloyd Brawn 103 xOur Box 103 Irvington 107 Pepper Tea 107 xLittle Shanta 107 xMary Dear 107 Serena 100 Nnrfleld llo Bill MeCloy 113 Baquan 113 xEndman 115 EIGHTH Puma 700: chiming 3-year-olda and up: 5- furlong: xLit-tie Reb "OS xAggie A 103 xClro 0 Rocheeter 105 xForidilden 107 Hard Dealer 108 Lola Montes 108 Buncrva 107 Hector' Alley 10S xlrtah Be 111 xFlaxaaed 111 Chlopa 118 Rob Boy 118 xApprentice allowance claimed company owns about 15 i koattciT shcw! 1 uotstoele) 5800 big theaters most of (hem In New York made about $15000000 S4HO: S3M) 3: SETTEE 107 (J Dilles) OO 3: GEE 107 (A' Surleke) S340 By United Prent PITTSBURGH Nov Bewildering Lehigh by tho speed and deception of Its running attack Carnc-gla Tech today gava the Brown and White machine one of -its wort defeats of the season 86 to 0 The victory Is the first' the Tartans ever scored against tho Bethlehem griil-dcrs Sweeping end runs were Carnegie- principal ground gainers Beede scored shortly after the start of tho -game when he plunged thru center and getting a clear" field ran CO yards for a touchdowh Ho scored iwioa more before the game ended both on plunges thru the line Dona-hoe Carnegie half scored two touch- downs both on end runs one of which was from the 25-yard line Bastian quarterback scored the remaining one on an end fun Tech Slight Favorite Tech a slight favorite before tho game was so superior that Its rivals 1 gave up though of victory and seemed Intent only on making at least ono tally Its runing game balked at every turn Lehigh resorted to the -air but with no success- Beebe with hla 69-yard run 'and Bastian with one of similar length following the opening kickoff of tho second half when he took the ball from his own 11-yard line to the Lehigh 25-yard line featured The lineup: I the way" Mid the dean of dramatic clothed In dress suits and evening knuckora wadding hla mouth frith ffowgs next Sunday That Welsh taffy The dean wears store teeth Choir singing there last week put said another Student vaudeville on level with concert shows what can be done work with a romantic ploy If sympathetic music Is arranged: Wonder what else could bo adapted for musical 1 aU WE solidly and candidly wish that All ears are turned expectantly might he bald and scholarly toward the dean But the dean sal JT 1feJ mum Ills Jawa worked furiously wh-Jnu" vnumr and but Internally They refused to hstlmnd wfn and open "Mmmumum" he went It looked like apoplexy A youthful critic reached significantly for a bottle of Ice water moderately active Wo are only 13 yrara old but despite our youth we were fascinated lust season by that tent scene where the Duke and the French Bishop exchange views When we are 97 We shall attend THIKn fuilnnir: 1: CALIGULA 113 (StutU) 5040 S3HO S3 HO 3: ELIZABETH 07 (Steelo) S1400 8400 3: JUDGE PRTOB 100 (Xortenienl 0300 1 FOURTH furlomn: 1: BOYS BELIEVE ME vllO (Blade) S3S0 03HO 0300 8: ROYAL DICK HO (J Dillc) 8880 8440 3: THEO 113 (MonUroinei-y) 8480 FIFTH 64 furlong: 1: ARCADY 114 S4H0 8350 8330 3: THE VINTNER 117 8360 8830 3: BANTER IIS) 8880 SIXTH 1 mile 70 jrerda: 1: WASHINGTON 114 (Mortnueu) 85 8840 8880 3: TANGABA 111 (Hilrman) 8340 S2M0 BOWIE RESULTS Berateha THIRD RACE: Cudgel tor Prime Min- liter FOURTH RARE: Flechlta Enono Devlner Blnckumoor Forh Fmd Dubner FIFTH RACE: Senator NurrU Cloud- land SEVENTH RACE: Tall Gran Miimum" the dean went his eyes again Jut to hear this spreading In- terror Violently he repartee for we are convinced the shook his crimson face He made again Just to hear ehis motions of protest against the water eern In those lines fine shadings and The old boy has been too close to Innuendoes that isms right over Anita Stewart film favorite for a 1 decade returns to' her first love Bluebeard's said one of tho heavily haired heads Shaw to this alleged department Vita graph in Son of Kaian" Is the final nnd Irrefutable argument at the Liberty Covingtsik Sunday against the noise that the theater la Monday and Tuesday going to bunk His trial scene in OLD STARS PLAY WATCHFUL 113 (W Pool) 8300 SKVKNTH 1 miin: YOOHOO 105 (lioaviond) 81300 480 8880 HKAD COVER 103 (Bcnliam) 500 3: L1ERRE 104 fStm-Ir) 8840 "The and the tent Inquisitorial and palace scenes In strike us ns being about the most subtle 'pieces of writing recited today wiser critics evidently referring tu had liquor But the dean shook hla head and pointed wildly toward the candy "He wants somebody suggested But stilly the old gentleman shook In the negative He clawed at his chin attempting to pull It down Then It dawned on the audience The taffy had pasted the ld boy's tailored teeth together He could not speak until It melted So the dlscuraion went on 1 JEFFERSON PARK ENTRIES Buckeyes of Bygone Days Meet Foe Monday Nov SO FIRST Pur 8700: maiikn all furlmun: Torchcr 10H Wratah 103 xBrUr Damn 1(M Plain Dealrr 10H No! fJP COURSE you have to wear a dress suit to A mod- Royal Kim 100 Hanky Rice 110 Mark Altai Aurele 110 xDr Adam 111 Nereid In about 15 years That's the kind I of a business this la when you your business William Fox Is a groat "showman" A theater doesn't succeed automatically It requires Intelligent management That's what William Fox's organisation has provided That's the why of tho millions of profit Reports indicate fhaf sums like three or four hundred thousand have boon offered for the movie rights to Irish Rose" that astounding play success which hus swept the country The Irish-Ylddlsh sensation go on the screen for some time yet because Annie Nichols who owns It still has many' companies out bringing her a fortune every Week' That one sure has proved the wallop of a simple sympathetic yarn Almost every week an Insurance Investigator comes to me to check up on some movie personality To you who have heard that Hollywood Is a den of Iniquity It Should astound you to know bow rarely It Is necessary to give anything except an en-thusiaetis approval of these important folks as "moral Tho really worth-while Individuals In the movie business have much time or Inclination- for this sort of thing Hollywood Is supposed to wallow In Greta Nlssen looked a bit more human ln "Tho King on Main Street" Possibly with the right direction that flgfire of hers may yet win her a spot worth while King Vidor is a name you want to look for In the next year Following The Big Parade" King has "La coming with Jack Gllliert and Lillian Gish I see how that can miss Then King gets another story that shows great promise Incidentally Lea trice Joy and Jack Gilbert are both east Just now on va-cations It is reported there is to be a reconciliation I hope so They re a great pair of kids I like both I'll never forget tho days before they were married Neither wm famous Leatrlco lived next door to mo and many a night woke me up talking to Jack ln New York lover the long distance phone est little (13598 dinner Jacket beside1 a quiet mink wrap will do The Welsh Choir Is not there this week can think of two romances that would make rmcklng good I'ltlVBlIIg HUUU 118 Ah Beckon 111 xRoae 100 SECOND RACE Pune 8700: claiming: for 8 -year-old and iui: 0 furlong: Little Bettjr 07 xStar of Eve 100 xlleodline 100 -X Remnant 110 Merry 107 xll Biddy 107 xFoxmure 105 xWhl Oil 101 Boovler 106 xEl Roble 103 xBpate lOil xJohn Kelly 113 AIho eligible: Lamp aniliAm musical said the learned Mr Charles Zuber of Newport FIRST 7 fnrlomn: FADDIST 108 Field) 8850 8470 S4J0 3: SUN RAJAH 130 (J Butwell) 8340 8300 3: T1IEO FAT 108 (J Judy) 81180 KKUOMt 7 furlongs: 1: PRATTLE 100 (D Ftahar) 8050 SVH0 8440 3: COMPROMISE 113 (G Hudgins) 8480 340 1 3: BARRACKS 07 (W Mundrn) 8530 TfllRI) RACE 8 furlonrs: STORM KING 116 (J Shanks) 8770 8370 S3S0 GLISTER 107 (J MeTomrt) 8430 8300 3: SENATOR NORRIS 117 (H Thurber) 8380 FOURTH 1 mitae: 1: HIGH STAB Ill (E Barnes) 837 A0 81170 8030 INGRID 118 (B Bruenlng) 8400 8370 3: TIMARA 117 (J Butwell) 8300 FIFTH 1 mile and TO yards: CUDGELLER 103 Field) 81130 8420 250 -3: ROCKMIN8TEB 114 (C Lang) 330 833(1 8: GOLD BEATEB 107 (R Fisher) 82 A0 SIXTH 1 1-10 mile: 1: CLIQUE Ill (E Borne) 83300 1500 070 2: FOREST FLOWER 103 (B Thompson) 2100 1120 3: OPPERMAK 118 (Thurber) 320 SEVENTH 1 3-10 mile: DENIER SOU 110 (G Field) 81070 8730 8510 2: HERUL1NA 100 (C Huiuinger) 811 8730 3: HARRIS II 105 Lcytand) 8(1 By Pott State Wire COLUMBUS Nov Chic Harley of Buckeye football fame ran 15 yards for one touchdown and Howard Yerges some-time dll-wrest-ern quarterback traveled 76 yards for another when Ohio State alumni bucked up against the "Downtown Eleven" at Ohio Stadium today Shifty Bolen Ioiae Huffman Fete Stinchcomb and Graf were on the alumni lineup while Lewi Byrer sporting editor of the Colum- bus Citizen Walter Essman line coach and Mike Fanning of the Ohio Stnte Journal appeared on the coaches' team They are 'A Gentleman of Post StOFV Oil Screen and tile lied Robe' which Stanley Weyman wrote some 20 Kentucky Tost readers who read years "Bara Hoi of Jn these col- In Gentleman of France" two umns when the Janies OHver Cur- ward 1118 Brn Wood ION xUia 100 Out of Sirht 103 Antonia 110 Lady Oxford 105 men fight up and down a stairway wood novel was published serially A m- Ana IkAaka A jkE jLia JA Aw Can you Just see and hear an ensemble dancing and singing downstage while this duel rages? Then Mr Zuber recalls that the curtain descends in the midst of this scrap But at the opening performance in a small town the local stage manager failed to ring down at tho proper time The duelists continued to swerfT and swat won- decoration was pinned to Ms collar at the 8trand Theater Coy didn't go by Marshal Ferdinand Fodh hhnself appears in the current at- Slits Quintet To Open Season THIRD RACE Purse 8700: I'lalmtnx: 4-yenr-oltta umLup: 114 mllns: Zanzibar 108 xTnle 108 xMnin Spring loti Dob-100 Tfektar 110 Sltax II 100 xXanthos 107 FOURTH T-Pu roe 8700: the Kenner: allowaneee: 8-year-old and up: II lurlonn: Puredt-o 100 Brilliant 100 Law-103 Bed Pennant 100 Jack Bauer 100 Junt David 11 fi FIFTH Purse 8700: allowance: the Frailer: for 3-jear-okta: BV4 furlonx Butler 100 Nurmi 100 Buaon Reberra 104 Bride the Wind 105 Ritter IffO Nettie Sweep 105 Mary Klnkead KIO Golden Mac 108 SIXTH RACE Pnmn 8700 claiming: 4-year-oidi and up: 1U mile: Barrister 100 Johnny Overton 110 Velo 100 Tutane 100 xXlsa Claire 104 Purity 105 Llewellyn 100 SEVENTH RACE Pune 8700: S-year-old and Vi: 11-10 mile: Elizabeth 110 Marjorie 103 xStar Falcon 111 Yoo Hoo 103 xLiason 110 Irish Lace 104 Bncko 108 xSincere 108 xBvlprc 107 Pondoolo 113 xApprentice allowance claimed I I '( A one that occasion being the only one on you 1m down renllefr0" whtoh a wa" evcr c- jruu rillff oown lie replied I VMfih nwcaknl orated by French marshal IN CRASH Covington Slit quintet will open the season with Christ Church A Tryon Is Consistent Eddie Tryon Colgate halfback has been one of the most consistent is banking on NelmAn Schmidt and of Ft Thomas-at the Highlands HI gym Dec 13 The Covington outfit i Si kj o' want to th n4 want fto see tho end of this here AmtH Stewart the star in the pie- tore wishes she might have Baree tinri 1 always so attached to him did she yyELiL anyhow If these news pa- become when the filming of outdoor per oracles are any good we scenes for "Bara Son of may have a crop of old-timers wa ln progress near Donner Lake performers on the gridiron during his three years of play the rest of-the squad to 'give the A men a good battle Any 100-pound team wishing games Is asked to call Cov 4882R between 6 and 7 p- and ask for By Keith Jonet United Press Staff Correspondent LONDON Nov Echoes of the theological bomhshell exploded by Dean Inge of St Paul's Cathedral with his assertion that there lano place In tho astronomical uni-verm for a physical heaven or hell and that Chrlat in consequence could not have physically ascended Into heaven am atlll reverberating England Criticism ranges from frank approval to bitter condemnation Dean Inge had promulgated some of these doctrines 500 yenrs ego" declared one London clergy-hian would have been burned at the stake for heresy I don't set myself up to he of the Intellectual caliber of the dean but if I believed what he believes I would take myself put of the Church of Rev Basil Matthews of Holy Trinity Church: average Church of England priest does not look to Dean Inge for guidance" "Not Christian In Fact" the dean believes these Said Rev Stevens of St Matthews may be a Christian in mind but ho cannot call himself a Christian lu On the other hand the bishop of Manchester views Dean declarations as "merely a repetition of familiar and says that there la a steady tendency toward complete harmony between scientific and theological thought Chief of the points raised by Dean Inge in Ms essay in the book Religion and Reality around which tho storm of controversy swilrs are summed up in Ms phrase that "mum milled customs that have long outlasted their usefulness and dogmas that have lost their must go Into "The discovery that the earth instead of being the center of a finite 'universe like a dish with a dish-cover on It is a planet revolving around the sun which is itself only one- of a million stars tore into' shreds the Christian map of the he said that time the ordinary man Whether educated or uneducated had pictured the sum of things as a dhreewtorted buiKHng consisting of HeaVen the abode of God the angels 'knd the beautiful spirits an earth and tho infernal regions certainly Heaven and Hell were geological expressions articles of the creeds of the descent of Christ Into Hades and tils ascent Into Heaven affirm no less: and It is obvious that the bodily resurrection of Christ Is Intimately cuaneoted with the bodily ascension the new cosmography of Copernicus and Galileo thus touched the faith of (tie creeds very closely New astronomical knowledge leaves no room for a geological heaven" Miracles Denied By implication tho dead would deny tho miracles He says: the whole of nature la purposive It is not Jikely that we can discern special purposes operating particular cases i If te laws of nature arc jaws of an omnipotent and lmnlsclent Being we should expect them to act Regularly and Other points raised by the Dean and which are now the subject of al-' most unparalleled controversy are truth is that the great rrii- gions Buddhism Christianity and Islam date from tho millennium whtoh end with the careei' of Ilo-banmfed and all of them were at their beat when they were fresh drain the mint Darwinism Touciied waa a shock to many to hoar that tho human race has developed out of non-human ancestors but the question is only about the methods of creation Darwinism has Indicted jio Injury on the Christian faith future of Christianity aa an Institution la not a matter of supreme importance It is even possible to speculate tho I would not go so far myself) as to whether the religion of Christ might not be a creator power in- the world it its professional custodians were removed" Three Occupants of Two Autos Are Arrested Best Fullback Coast critics say Nevers of Is the best fullback In that Wolf took a deep liking to her "Kinetnm? atso- an to show hi affection acted KKinners Kismet snd some of the VIUiiLn os her special escort and guardian TIA JUANA RESULTS Scratches SECOND RACE: Ml Vlora THIRD RACE: Rapid Traveler George Starr Polo Star Good Time Weak on Passes Inability to develop a'defenad for the forward pass la Coach greatest weakness In other respects his Cornell teams are always mighty proficient HOLLYWOOD HIGHLIGHTS Champion Team No one seems to dispute the right of Dartmouth to he classed as the champion team of the universe Crash of two autos caused three men to be arrested Saturday night at Third and Elm streets Cincinnati One man registered as Virgil Leisure 28 of 213 Front-st Newport Ky Is charged 'with having a pint of moonshine and a quart of wine Patrolman Joseph Ahern and Raymond McVey say ho broke two other bottles In auto whs an' when the company wa trudging thru deep snowdrifts In the California mountains lie was more at home in that severe oMmate than wa the star When the end of the production work was approaching Mias Stewart took step which she hoped would make It possible for Wolf to remain with her for a long time to come She tried to buy the dog actor What her original offer was has jvit been made public but Miss Stewart raised the bids repeatedly until $5000 was reached The owner refused to be 1 tempted even by this sum however much to the disappointment Shakespearian comedies have been suggested for genius The Shakespearean thought Is not such a shock Just now when is being played In rolled stockings and plus fours Prisoner of has been made into -a music show called and Road to has become Dream Girl" having bee played here by Fay Bain ter AS the critical taffy elub scattered the old dean sat gloomily silent Ho was still waiting for the taffy to release his teeth He'll have a mouthful to say once he thaws out Corridor Gossip Official Organ of Ludlow High School Students VOL 2 NO 8 LUDLOW NOV 29 1925 PRICE: A BMILE other man registered as Ivan Hayaq KyS 26 of 72 Grandvlew-av Clifton Ludlow Loses to Four Horsem*n of hie toplcat This excellent speech consumed the rent of the lime given to the exercises When the speaker concluded his talk the students gave -him well merited applause Hayes Is charged with disorderly conduct The driver of the other auto Leroy Pavey 28 salesman 210 Race-st who Is charged with loitering had some corks and 24 empty cans according to police No? Bv United Preu HOLLYWOOD Nov 28 The elite of Hollywood are now distinguished by tho membership ln the new Club" The $1000000 Bernhelmer residence one of Southern greatest show places ha been converted into a super-select clubhouse for tho more exclusive stars of the cinema cosmos It is of Japanese design with beautiful sunken gardens and exotic atmosphere and is proving a popular rendezvous for Its members on week-end parties and between film-ings It la conservatively estimated that more than 100 winners of national and sectional beauty contests in recent months are in Hollywood seeking parts in film plays Less than a dosen are given regular employment as extras None has received an actual starring role AT BARBADOS in the West Indies 117 pounds of chlorine from sea air fall every year upon each acre of bind U7E should not be surprised to find tho orchestra pit at Keitl's The (Alumni of Ludlow Hi far famed aa the Horsem*n" defeated Ludlow Friday evening by a score of 30 to 15 The firat quarter the game started with a snap Meae- Faculty Travels During the Thanksgiving vacation many of the faculty returned to their old homes Mlss Bell visited Cynthl-Mias Wiggle worth returned to FIRST mils: 1: CLAYMORE 110 (Baker) 81380 S7N0 8480 8: ROBE ROBERTS 108 (Monte) 8640 1380 3: KREKZUNAS 108 (Wallis) 8330 SECOND mils: 1: LIGHT CARBINE 100 (Shafer) 88800 8040 8780 3: ROSE DOYLE 100 (Sylvia) 81080 8000 3: BOOZE BEYER 109 (Jones) 8060 THIRD 5 14 furlonx: 1: GOOD HOPE 100 (Neal) 8440 8380 8840 3: SUBTLE 106 (Obee) 8400 320 3: HANDS UP 100 (Bark) 8300 FOURTH 1 mile: 1: NEBRASKA LAD 108 (Wallto) 8380 8320 8340 8: KEALA 100 (Hamilton) 81360 440 3: BOBBY ALLEN 108 (Neal) 8300 FIFTH 1 mils and 70 yard: 1: LIZETTE 117 (Martinos) 8460 8330 S3AO 3: FANNIE DE COURSEY 104 (Sylvia) 8020 8340 3: CHIVA 107 (Wallta) 8320 SIXTH 514 lurlonv: 1--MI88 EMMEBTt 104 (Sylvia) 1020 380 280 2: EDMON 113 (Marti nn) 800 300 LAKE CHAPALA 113 (Zmvlli) 500 SEVENTH BACK 1 mile and 70 yard: 1: WEDDING PRINCE 113 (Baker) 1380 880 8430 2: ST MARTINS 113 (Erickson) £20 440 3: SPEAR SHOT 113 (Schaefer) 440 EIGHTH RACK (4 furlonx: 1: HEADACHE 108 (L Schaefer) 81400 8480 8340 3: JUNE GRASS 110 (J Roberta) 8320 800 3: EGE 107 (V Wallta) 8840 NEWSPAPER OWNER TURNS DRAMA CRITIC TO REVERSE VERDICT OF OWN REVIEWERS er Ludlow guard did good worklgomerset Mias Hanyston went back The Charleston dance crazs has taken Hollywood by storm Nearly all the feminine stars including those who dance have been photographed doing the dizzy steps The photos show both the latest steps and step-ins and given wide distribution by the press-agents The fox-trot is passe at Hollywood and the score at the end of this period waa 4 to 2 ln favor of Ludlow The second quarter was a game- of thrills with tho score tied twlcp 7 to 7 and 9 to 9 In the second half the "Four and Parsons came bade refreshed and ran wild with Ludlow Hi scoring 10 points in eight minutes This left the score 19 to 12 In the laBt quartey both teams put much fight and spirit into the battle so this left the concluding score 30 to 15 The old teanv had triumphed over the new In a ond team game Ludlow Hi victors over the Ludlow 'Skyrockets 28 to 25 Ludlow will play two games next week Bellevue here Friday and at Mt Healthy Saturday to Hinton The remainder of the faculty will stay ln the vicinity of Greater Cincinnati over the holidays All members reported a very happy holiday Coming Chapel The students of Ludlow High School will be entertained next Wednesday by Miss Stella Mae Adamson who was obtained by- Miss Baker She is a senior at and will speak on her extensive travels ln Europe Chapel will start at 'll o'clock and all visitors will be welcomed Coming Christmas Holidays Friday Deo 4 Bellevur game Saturday Dee 5 Mt Healthy s-- Basketball Nov 20 Ludlow 25 Crescent Springs 19 Nov 27 Ludlow 15 Four Horsem*n SO New Writer Arthur Reinhart will fill the position of associate editor of the 8 Corridor Gossip in the future He will cover the sports thus relieving the remainder of the staff of TIA JUANA ENTRIES Many fashion foibles have their origin in Hollywood The latest trick fad is the maahle walking-stick Actors and directors are sqsn on Hollywood-blvd sporting a gold stick instead of a cane Bn United New JONDON Nov When one man owns three newspapers and his theatrical critics for the three papers all violently disagree as to the merits of a play who's to decide which ono Is right? The owner of the papers This at any rate is the conclusion reached by Lord Beaver" 'brook owner of the Daily Express the Sunday Express and the Evening Standard whose critics wrote three euch widely different criticisms of the American comedy that Lord Bvaverbrook was dizzy when he got thru reading them One wrote that Mary" was A second wrote that it was A third know what to think So IiOrd Beayerbrook took the job of dramatic critic Into his own hands for one evening and went to see the play Result: A complete sweeping first-page vindication for Mary In fact the London theatrical world Is beginning to think It lost a flrstclass press agent when Lord Reaverbrook went into the publishing business For in a letter to the editor which appeared on the first page of the Sunday Express Lord Reaverbrook writes: "Sir: I went on Friday night to' see the comedy Mary" I thought one of the most wholesome nnd delightful entertainments I have ever seen- It is conspicuous for the prettl-ness of the stage setting charm of the music and the real wit and humor of the Peggy shows a diversity of talent of which I never realised she was capable Mr A Backcomb proved himself In this production at least a real rival as a comedian to Joe Coyne" (An American comedian) "For my own part I could not conceive of higher praise for I consider Joe Coyne the greatest comedian of our And now comes laird Beaver-brook's slap at his own papers: "I went to see Mary' his letter continues "because of the marked difference of opinion on the play exhibited by the dramatic critics of the Dally Express the Sunday Express and the Evening Standard ln appraising the first performance of the play distinguished novelist who writes on plays for the Daily Express If not absolutely-unfavorable was distinctly critical The comment in the Evening Standard on the other hand gave as high and glowing praise as I have given in his letter Now comes Mr Hannon Swaffer in Sunday Express with what I interpret as a complete condemnation of the performance "In my opinion he Is mistaken and I claim the right to spy so while on the one hand I would not think as the principal shareholder of a newspaper of trammeling the right of distinguished critics to give their true and unbiased opinions of plays they see I claim on the other hand equal freedom to record my own Impressions I would not attempt to curtail their liberty but I reserve for myself a single liberty too that of dissent Falh-fully yours For Snndoy Nov 20 FIRST RACE 5)4 furlonx claimlnr: S-year-old and np: Borilna 00 Kitaan 108 Gold Crump 104 Olympian Kino 105 zSmilinr 118 Mias Caltba 109 Ells Waldo 199 Gvorie Starr 100 Due da Gulie 100 CandoroM 100 xLaura Gaffney 109 Chief Arche 114 Good Time 114 SECOND Five and a half fur-ion: puma 700: claimlnr: 3-yeor-old and up: xMiaa Omonde 102 Xuhata 104 Mldntoht Belle 105 Cote da Ore 105 Motto Co tie 108 Rapid Traveler 105 Tom Address Mr Martin Baptist evangelist entertained the student body last Wednesday morning Superintendent Dl Reynolds obtained the services of this lecturer The exercises 1 were opened with a Bible reading and songs Afterl these preliminaries Estelle Taylor wife of Jack Dempsey the prise fighter and movie actor has hired a press agent and plans to return to picture-making She Instructed the publicist to exploit her as Tiylor" not Mrs Jack Dempsey Craven 107 xPrftrato Peat 109 Sknkl 100 Rev Daugherty the local Baptist pastor arose and Introduced Mr Martin the speaker of the day Mr Martin then gave the students a fine talk on morals which was filled FLAMES DESTROY CHAPEL MAYFIELD KY: Sparks from chimney are believed to have caused the fire which destroyed Methodist Chapel Charlie Chaplin has determined on Suicide Club" for hla next picture It is to be completed ln six months It took Chaplin two years to film "The Gold Rush" Pullen tl 105 Sly Fox 110 Little Lez 114 Jaek Lcdi 114 THIRD RACE Pur 700: claimlnr: 3-year-old and up: 1 mite and 70 yard: Jblly Bonita 88 OGaenuri Boy 103 Bobbie Alton 103 Brian Kent 103 xLawrenoe with apt but humorous illustrations those weighty duties NEWS JOTTINGS AND PERSONAL NOTES ABOUT FOLK IN TOWNS OF NORTHERN KENTUCKY Cynthii ana I Mrs William Nighe both of Iron-: ton visited friends here during the week Miss Mary Dauglierty had as her guests her brother-in-law and sister Charles Long and wife of Covington Walter Henderson Shropshire and surprise dinner by their daughters last Sunday Guests were: IV Brittenhelm wife and children of Walton Brown wife and family Bracht Robert Caldwell and whip Collins wife and daughter Nannie Fling Mollle Spalding Cincinnati: Mra IV McGregor and son Cincinnati Tenn visiting Dr and wife Kev 1L McWhtrter spent Thanksgiving with his family at Bowling Green Ky Arkman has returned from a business trip to Covington Mrs Bedford Brown and son of Lexington were visitors ln Willia ms-town last week Miss UBian Bailey and Owens Renaker motored to Willlamstown Nor 7 and were married by Rev Felix 8truve at his horn The young couple will make their home ln tine Fla Mira Coons ia a native of Cynlhlana Benefit bridge given at the Harrison 'Hotel for the benefit of the Health and 'Welfare League netted $5250 Committee in charge consisted of Mesdamea Ayers Harold Poindexter 8 Owen Jr Lebus Perm McDaniel Jr and Miss Mary Peterson Mrs John I and rum returned home After visiting tier daughter Mrs Rose Jackson of Covington Following people from Cyntliiana attended the Ohio State-lllinoie foct returned from Cincinnati where they ware the guests for several days of Dr Eric Twachtman and wife Friends of Cass Gillespie wiilbe sorry 'to learn that he is ill St 'his home Miss Christina Scott of Hnn ting-ton Va spent with her sisters Mrs Russell Carrier and Mrs King Meek Mrs Warren Wright of South-gate Is visiting her daughter Mra Barton Frank Carpenter wife and son James are the guests of friends In Mason-co Thanksgiving Delos Xooe was initialed into wife entertained at their home Delta Sigma a Journalistic ley Forge" with a four-course din-fraternity at the University of Ken- ner in honor of Henry May and tuckv I wife who recently returned from their honeymoon The host and wife spent Persimmon Grove visit with her parents Hugh Race and wife William Howe and wife of Summerville have returned home after a visit with George Howe and Mrs Wilson and niece Rnby Jano Clair have returned from a visit with Mra Moore at Colc-mansville Elmon Yelton and wife entertained with a 8 o'clock dinner in honor of their daughter Miss Mildred Coven were laid for Misses Annls Beckett Lois and Leah Ducker Mildred Yelton and Messrs James Doyle Louis Searcy of Richmond Ky: Ralph Hampton and Curry Teltop McHatton and wife enter-talned it dinner the following: Gus Stephens and wife of Newport Floyd Gillespie and wife of Morgan Ky George Risen of Cincinnati Everett McHatton wife and children Margaret and James Everett Carthage days with families of Robert Wolfe and Lewis Mockbee Mrs Prince Honor of New Hope visited Mrs 8 I Bonar II- Morrison and wYe are passing the winter in Miami Fla Mrs Fossett has returned from a visit with relatives In Detroit Mich Mrs George Barnett entertained the following recently: Mrs Clara Bell Mrs Stella Flynn Mrs Anna Belle Sharp Mrs Emma Cummins Mrs Ida Parker Mra Dimmle Hodge Mrs Elizabeth Miller Miss Lou Daugherty Miss Melissa Parker Miss Iirola Brandfnrd of Cincinnati la visiting her parents Luther Bradford and wife Mrs Janies Wright and daughter Margaret of Rockport Ind passed Thanksgiving and the week-end with Dr Crecelius and wife Ernest Mix and wife of Milwaa- A Renaker and Thanksgiving with- their daughter laid toTlZ following: 1Z Watkins wife and baby1 3 jV-ifeof ColuuAus CUtr- 1 c*ntonviile Stuart Shropshire -nd enjoyed Thanksgiving with RMnon Mira MaV Morgansville Mis Gladys Tsrvin has returned from a visit with her brother Robert Tarvln and his wife at Brent Rev Ernest Tsrvin wife snd children spent a few days as the guests of Elva Grizzell and wife at Aspen Grove Sirs Thomas McDaniel is visiting her son in Latonla Madison McArthrr and wife were guests of Herndon and wife at Carthago for several daya Henry Klfry Shro i relatives In Carlisle and wife (roetown James Charles Smith Clifford Rees Jewett wife and daughter1 shro 'h 'ld Garnett Kfcrto visiting his parents John iMndrom and Raymond In Ft Thomas with Atwell Jewett ghrohlre and wife: TzKrd I Landrum -of Cynthiana FYed Land- a a aG i VIamIi wife Rector and wife have returned from Cincinnati when they visited relatives for several daya Eugene I Mann and wife and Herman JBlrd and wife are enjoying a stay in Miami Fla and iiropehire and Miss Anna Wallace rum of RoMnson and Newt Hardy and Gus Sauter of Cincinnati who hunted a week near Ibex kee Wla are visiting Mrs G- Burlington a motor car Crittenden Miss Jane Garnett of llarrison-co a graduate of the Good Samaritan Hospital Lexington and Miss Ethel Forty-ninth birthday anniversary Vaughn of Mississippi a sister of Rev M-Ammerman Cynthi-Mrx Jameson Jr of Hazard waa celebrated at the brautlful were among those that passed the country home of Alex Doyle and returned home with filled with game Williamstown 8 Rainey and wife had ao guests for several days Yerner Rainey and wife of Cold Spring Miss Katherine Goeti of Alexandria who visited Mary Reiley for a few days has returned home Mra Frank Turner and son were the guests of Mra Turner's mother Mrs Walter Kiser Mra A Rarhe entertained at dinner Wednesday Mrs Vardin and daughter Margaret and Hazel Mrs Ida Washington and Miss Bessie Rardin Rainey and wife entertained recently at dinner the following: Mra Earl Wetster Miss Velma Gray and Clarence Courtney Mra Ada Nelson of Bellevue Is visiting Knox Carmack and wife and William Reily and wife Louis Clark wife and children have moved to Alexandria and are living in the home purchased from Dr Shaw Chester Burns and wife will occupy the home vacated by the Clarks Edna and Edith Kiser are spending a few days with their sister Mrs Frank Turrer and Mrs Fred Rittirgcr Smith and family moved to their farm near Limaburg days ocol-I)r Criskr has returned Falmouth jnta nurses examination at Louis-1 nar Ylton Flemlngoo with ja sumptuous dinner The guests A --S 1 his hom*o in North Bend after paee- Mrs Nannie Lee Jones of nerWCT: Rev Ammerman and wife and Oddvllle'had as hey guest over the daughter Elizabeth Reed of Cyn-Thanksglvlng holidays her son Rev thlana and Mrs Charles Land of Joel Lee Jones of Unlontown and Mrs Miles Cox and Mrs and Mrs Perkinsand son Mrs Van Deren were Joint hostesses to the Country Club at the home i JU Ci Mrs- Cox last week An interesting 1 As token of Rev Am Freyer After their visit here they will motor to Florida for the winter Britton and wife of ryoch Grove had as guests at dinner recently Chester A Bernard wife and son George Ikirnard' wife and chib dren laul Lehr and A1 Nagenliser have returned to Covington after passing several days with George lure and wife Mra Cynthia Kinney of Mentor visited her sister Mrs Fhnnie "Bradbury Mioses Maude and Grace passe! Thanksgiving in Covington as the guests of Judge Twilit T- Applegate and wile Mrs Shearer of Winchester is visiting her daughter Mrs Owea Sherwood and Mr Sherwood IV CroceHus and wife have Ira Bird and wife have gone to Fi Worth Fla to spend the winter Crutcher and wife who are among the oldest inhabitants of this community are preparing to move to India napolla Ind soon much to the regret of their numerous frienda Monthly -party at the Welfare House Saturday night draw a large crowd of young people from Crittenden and neosby towns Miss Olivia Clark Chandler and Clifton Roy co Wills were married Nov IS The bride is the daughter of Mra Oscar Chandler of Ifaiten snd the groom Is the son of Will and wife of Crittenden After a brief wedding tour they win he home fn Dry Ridge where the groom is manager of a grocery Fling and wife were given a Harry Arnold wife and family of Mkldlcsboro Ky are visiting parents hers Carter wife and family of Erlangec' spent Thanksgiving with relatives here Mrs Emms Jnrker of Cincinnati risked her parents Dahling and wife over tho week-end Mrs Elam had as dinner guests Thursday Dr Abernathy and wife Mra Breland and daughter Elsie and son Buster Miss I celine A nimbus of Erlanger visited whh Mira Mary Jo Ell 1st on during the week-end MV ion ary Society of the Church will give an oyster supper at the Wigglnton Building next Saturday night Mr (lark is in Oneida Mrs David Powell of Seattle Wash is visiting her father IT Clark' and aunt Miss Sarah Clark A McMiliin of Grassy Crock motoorod to New Rk-hmond Harry Gulirk and wife entertained with a six dinner' in honor of Thomas Gnlick an' wife cf Covington who passed ivrt of i heir honeymoon with relatives hero Harry Wood who vfeited friepd hr fr scvril days has returned to Dayton John Zaph of North Bend 0 ha returned hom*o after passing a ing a few days ln Burlington Mrs IV Hall has returned from a visit with her son Walter Hall and hla wife ln A McMullen and wife and Bert Sullivan are new resident pf Bu linrton Professor Ryle wife and children spent several days with relatives here Mrs Jordan Beall of Hebron has returned home after parsing a fe-v days as the guest of her law Cneler Miss Myrtle Conner of Marion Ind is visiting Miss Aba Mathew the Highway MeJk-al OvI'-s their esteem merman was presented with a very liberal check in return for hi services as pastor Cyntbianians were much interested in' the announcement of the wedding of Mary Della Coons daughter of John Coons and wlfs to program was given by Mrs Jones Mrs Lark Garnett aqd Mrs ii Chinn Mrs Charles Land and daughter Mary Frances have returned to home in Covington after a visit wfh her parents Rev and Mri Osorge Ammerman WWftV AIIIIUXIMMU Butler Mira Annabel Race has returned to college at Lexington after a brtrf Mrs 3L WaU and her sister Jack Arret Nov It at St Angus-.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.